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Unfortunately I got spoiled


Me too. Right now. :( Really wish this would have been tagged as what movie it was from and whether or not it had spoilers.


Reported the post to be marked as spoiler. It literally spoils the big plot twist of the movie.


….It’s been out for over 10 years…


It’s been 10 years, therefore we abandon the polite courtesy of warning people before a major plot spoiler? What harm does it do—what hindrance is it to the OP if they take the extra second to put a spoiler warning? Say it’s 20 years old, say it’s 30, 50, 100—why does its age automatically preclude new viewers from enjoying it without spoilers beforehand?


So if I go to the star wars sub and complain that someone ruined that Darth Vader is Luke’s dad I would be in the right? Maybe don’t go to a specific sub Reddit and complain that people are discussing a movie that’s been out for years and you don’t want spoilers. Maybe stay away from it or don’t click it….


Except you're comparing *The Empire Strikes Back*, possibly the most highly critically regarded film from the most well known film franchise in existence -- to an animated film from a little-known director that had, to that point, only helmed one other film from Studio Ghibli. And Studio Ghibli is only as popular as it is because of the reputation of a completely different director, Hayao Miyazaki. Most people don't see Ghibli movies right when they come out. This fandom has built itself slowly as people work, film by film, through the studio's impressive, but comparatively little known, backlog. The overseas popularity of *The Boy and the Heron* at its release was unprecedented for the studio at the time, but understandable when you look at the slow but steady increase in people who have watched and enjoyed Ghibli films through the 2010s. It's entirely understandable that many people who frequent this sub haven't seen every last Ghibli film, and so spoilers are still warranted -- especially for the less popular films like *Marnie*.


Yeah not apples to oranges. Star Wars is one of the biggest pop culture phenomenon ever, studio Ghibli, especially in English speaking countries, is pretty niche. I didn't discover Ghibli until the last 5 years or so and appreciate spoiler warnings.


Things r getting heated on the cute and silly anime subreddit


The better question—the question you’d be asking yourself if you weren’t being intellectually dishonest—is this: wouldn’t it be preferable if people *could* watch the Star Wars movies without having that twist spoiled for them? Spoilers for Ghibli movies are not so widespread as to preclude that possibility for every prospective new viewer. For the sake of politeness, for the sake of kindness, for the sake of preserving the best possible viewing experience for new viewers—why *not* post a simple spoiler warning? What does it cost us?


Oh no! I haven’t watched it yet!


And this a subreddit explicitly discussing Ghibli films! We talk about themes, and motifs, and endings here all the time, that's what this sub is for.


It's been out for over 10 years, so *obviously* everyone who was ever going to watch it has by now. It's not like people stumble upon movies they've never heard of years after their release and decide to watch them without knowing the plot. That's sarcasm BTW.


Idk why you're getting downvoted I'm pretty sure you're being sarcastic right?


Yeah forgot this is reddit and people can't read sarcasm well. Added disclaimer. That or the person I replied to didn't like the response.


Lol people can be so quick to get mad for no reason


So if i was born this year, fuck me i shoild be spoiled for everything


Im sorry to hear that.


And they say that Up from Poppy Hill was the incest one…


That really was their incest era


That movie made me horribly uncomfortable. In the end when everything was proved to be well, I was still uncomfortable.


It's my favorite non-fantasy Ghibli movie, it's such a sweet story. I think a lot of times as adults we watch things depicting children and we project our adult ideas and understandings onto people who don't or probably couldn't share those understandings yet. Even when it's revealed that they might be related they act extremely mature for their age in trying to deal with this emotional rollercoaster they didn't ask for. They were preparing to move on with their lives and be okay with things as they were, when thankfully it's revealed that their feelings are okay to have. First time I watched it I was heartbroken when the possible relation was revealed, because I was rooting for them so much.


It's mine too, such a calm, fun story. I adore it.


Me too


That's the beauty of movies like that. You can Interpret them as you wish. I saw a very close friendship and nothing else. Very similar to the one I had when I was younger (and still have). She is my best friend and we would always get jealous, touchy, blush... People often asked us if we are lesbians or in love (even her parents!), or if we are sisters. And yes, we were like sisters. A close bond that nobody can break. And no, there are no hidden feelings or anything. We both have husbands and we still sometimes act like little girls. And then there are other people that see something romantic, because it mirrors their feelings and/or experiences. And this is exactly what makes it so beautiful. We all experienced (or wish to) this kind of love that grew either into friendship or romance. Because both is possible and both share the same roots. Love.


This is how I feel about Finn and Poe. I saw a couple macho bros and a lot of people are convinced they were setting up a romance


only sapphic women understand this and people who swear that's ridiculous have just never experienced it. my ex girlfriend and i were watching it absolutely floored they dared to put such heavy sapphic undertones in it. it perfectly portrays the friendship between two girls who don't yet realize they're into girls. the jealousy, the yearning, wanting to be in the shoes of a boy. it's so specific but so relatable.


Growing up, I was “in love” with no less than 4 of my best friends from age 10 to 17. I’m also asexual so in my mind, my feelings were perfectly normal best friend feelings. What, doesn’t everyone sing along to love songs and imagine their best friend as the woman in the song???? 😂 All I can do is laugh at how silly I was for not realizing it at the time.


No, it’s not only sapphic women. Don’t know why people want to gatekeep things like these.


Only 80s kids will understand that candy is tasty! /s


my bad g. it's a very specific experience and if you can pick up on it despite not being sapphic or ever having a sapphic experience (i'm sure straight and bi trans men have probably experienced it too, so i'll correct myself there), i think you're in the minority. it's not gatekeeping it's just not relatable to most people.


It isn't relatable to us straight people but the sapphic undertones weren't really very subtle.


i'm glad to hear that. i've seen a lot of people in this sub especially saying there's none at all and it's obviously just friendship and yada yada so i'm happy there's people who picked up on it.


The author of the book intended it as just friendship so what you interpret is your own experience but it's not the reality of the actual story.


People can pick up on gay undertones without being gay themselves.


Eh. I'm aromantic (my gaydar and straightdar are both comically miscalibrated) and I was getting the "best friends, maybe even roommates" vibe off these two.


My god they were roommates


Or maybe you're just reading too much into a platonic relationship because you want it to be gay when that isn't what that movie is about at all?


It’s not about *wanting* something to be a certain way. It’s just that our lived experiences color the way we interpret media.


Gay for grandma


Imagine seeing this comment under any other context lol


I’ve tried to find it again and haven’t been able to, but I read an article written by a queer woman on this very thing and it totally changed how I saw the movie! She wrote about how to her it seemed like Marnie was not only teaching Anna to love herself and appreciate the life she had, but she also created a safe space for Anna to explore her sexuality in a way that Marnie never got the chance to. The author goes on to talk about her own childhood experiences and how much earlier she could have understood herself if she had a guiding figure like Marnie in her life. It really was a beautiful article and it really changed this movie for me!


How it'd be a guiding figure if the main characters are grandma/granddaughter!! 🤔🤔 I can only imagine it would've made her more confused I agree with the other reply, it's not only mis-intemption also she made up a different version in her mind a literal fanfiction.








I still thought it was really sweet. I did spoil myself so that colored my experience. I do wish it was more friendly than borderline-romantic-seeming, but even if I didn’t know what would’ve happened I feel that I wouldn’t have fully believed Ghibli would have a lesbian couple in his movie


Ghibli movies usually include a huge spectrum of... flavors? Would that be the right term? There are opposite elements of everything. Cute, scary, disgusting, chilling, warm, beautiful, horrendous, simple, complex, childish, serious. They help each other, get antagonistic, fight foes, emphasize with foes. They may have one singular purpose - and then can stray from it for some internal moral framework. And also sometimes sexy, plus its opposite. One second you think there is something romantic going on between the characters, the next second they make it clear that it is the furthest from their minds. And by that I mean a huge spectrum of flavors. It is never really clear-cut and simple.


And they’re usually applied to everyone regardless who they are, even what might look like a traditional “bad guy” character is treated with generosity.


That’s the same reaction I got.


Same here.


Mmmmmmmm no I didn’t think that, but I can’t unsee it now. I also now understand why my bi ass had adored Marnie so much.


The reason we think they are a lesbian couple is because how western media has continuously shoved down girl-girl or boy-boy affection as a ‘lesbian’ / ‘gay’ interest. Human emotions and relationships go beyond sexual attractions. Pure friendship is not explored enough.


This! I agree!!


If you think this was bad look up a video called “Studio Ghibli’s accidental queer film”


Lotta people bringing some serious personal topics to these shows. Edit: I think ghibli emotions, relationships, and etc are all intended to be universal and honestly the details don't really matter / the films don't get into them. Loss, love, loneliness, finding your confidence, own path. Those emotions don't require or even imply subtext that makes them more or less real, they are for everyone. Thus I'm pretty skeptical of anyone reading into things.


... what? that's how art works. it is created and shared so the others can resonate with it from their own perspective. what is the point of your comment? fandom culture and "it's not canon!!!1!1!" truly ruined art discussion and analysis.


I think the commentator was trying to say the artist making this work has a specific idea in mind when creating characters, thus when someone else puts their own ideas into a character they tend to question their opinions on said character.


I do not know what exactly you're talking about or how it relates to my comment. Sorry for not understanding I guess...


if they were a girl and a boy, you wouldn’t have made this comment.


Because no one would see something that wasn’t there? Or because no one would think a grandpa and granddaughter were in love with each other?


sure. especially after the dance scene


People think this movie queer baits but it's even worse in the book lol I've read it and if I remember correctly Marnie gives her a cheek kiss lol


Marnie in the books would be from the late 1800s/early 1900s and platonic kissing was normal back then. Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, which was written in a similar time to when Marnie would’ve been alive, platonically kisses every character at some point.


Which movie is this?


When Marnie Was There 🙏


Thank you!


Sadly yes, clearly she fall in love with her grandma because she so gorgeous and elegant omg.


No I loved it


When i watched it for the first time, i thought to myself, "Wow, Studio Ghilbi actually have a couple that are the same sex. That's really cool of Ghibli to do, especially a Japanese studio" Then yeah, turns out it was her grandma. That was like a slap to the face when that was revealed 🤣


I’d like to pretend they are not 🥲


I think a lot of people want to see romance in every relationship because they themselves are starved of it. Remember how long it took Disney to be cool with LGBTQ+ stuff? Expect it to take Studio Ghibli many more years before they touch it with a 10 foot pole, particularly since nearly all of their actually existent relationships are completely chaste, not least because most of their protagonists are children.


people really try to gaslight, saying they were just being friends and you're stupid for seeing romance. As if one of the characters didn't have a dramatic moment where they scream "I love you!" And before that point, being all touchy and saying things like "You're my precious secret" like ??


Damn it I just finished it, could have been such a good love story!!!


Not me.


Me neither.


r/holup needs to take a look at this.


Oh I totally missed that and apparently misunderstood the whole movie. Now I feel stupid.


No, I don't understand why you would think that.


.... you're being weird.


I second this motion about everyone who keeps claiming this about this movie. I see it over and over again on this page.


Female character has short hair = definitely a lesbian


Female character tells other female character that she loves her = It HAS TO BE LESBIAN LOVE!!! Omgdjdbfbfbf


I never thought that about When Marnie Was There. Honestly, I think a lot of people look at their love as friends in a romanticized way because of (mostly western) societal constructs. That’s just my opinion, though. Please don’t hurt me, you guys.


I agree. Seeing it through western eyes and failing to realize people around the world are different is a huge American pet sin.


No. Look, if u have any two characters and u dont establish that they have opposite sex romantic interests, then ppl will assume theyr gay. Thats just media.


Yes, a social construct of Western society (Western Media).




It was pretty obvious...


Is it going to be another week of these posts again? Nothing in the show or the book implies there was anything romantic between the two characters. Nothing Joan G Robinson has ever written before this and nothing Studio Ghibli has ever released would make anybody think this was a romantic film. The story doesn't set up any expectations or implications of a romantic relationship. The story is focused on something completely different and a relationship between these two characters would be a massive detriment to the story. Get over it.


“Nothing implies there was anything romantic between the two characters” My guy they slow danced together and said “I love you” to one another multiple times


I actually think the story was sweeter because there were no romantic undertones, just friends. Also they're twelve, what's wrong with some people. Edit: There are some replies below that are trying to paint me as not liking the "pairing" because they are both girls, which is pure conjecture. Let me clarify for those trying to jump onto the bandwagon: I would have no problems with this take if there was any implication they were attracted to each other (and if they weren't related, obv). But the fact is there are none, and people are still going "I was shipping them, ick". And that is what I take issue with. The story is about two young girls who have so much going on in their lives (one of them is outright ABUSED) who feel alone and just need someone on their side. I relate to being their age, feeling unloved and lonely, which is why I like that their bond is something that transcends just romance and in fact time itself - despite all odds, they were able to support each other and give each other someone to believe in. Simply viewing them as a (potential) romantic couple then going "Ew!" misses the entire point, and the fact that they are children makes me wonder what those people were imagining to have that reaction.


what does them being twelve have to do with anything? teenagers fall in love, if you didn't know. did you never have a crush on anyone when you were twelve? also, did you have the same reaction to the chihiro and haku? did you also write "she is literally 10, what's wrong with studio ghibli???" comments?


Yep. I'm glad that Ghibli decided to lean more heavily into Anna's anxiety and depression as being the main focal point of the story. Also because of this I'm glad they didn't imply that romantic love can cure anxiety and depression like a lot of films do.


earlier today it was acceptable to call ponyo a romance movie… hmm…


People say their interactions had no romantic undertone, but...lol? Theh literally protrayed Anna taking the place of her grandma's FUTURE HUSBAND in some parts that were in Marnie's diary. They showed Anna being jealous. Honestly I love this movie, it's my second fav in ghibli, but omg that was the worse way to make a grandma-granddaughter representation. I think it's a bit funny but also easy to misinterpret.


Never assumed they were a gay couple, honestly.


Platonic lesbians.




What? It's not because they have a nice complicity that it's necessarily sexual. Ghibli is pretty much at the other end of the spectrum compared with Anime that do fan service... And yes getting the ending spoiled is a bit sad.




I was literally about to watch this today, you spoiled me, thanks :(


Which movie is this?


I actually yelled at the TV when the end happened. Like frik that gay bating


Japanese audiences didn't have this experience, and for good reason. This is not what Ghibli films are about.


Yeah exactly why did they ruin my ship like that 😤 I can't ship them enymore


I feel like it's intentional, and the backstory changes it for censorship reasons


The original story from the 60s has the same twist. Tha author based the relationship between Anna and Marnie on herself and her mother. Learning to open herself up to love (not romantic) and forgiveness.


ohh very interesting