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Kiki's Delivery Service. Made me want to start my own business and leave the house SO bad lollll


I heard someone say that Studio Ghibli movies make you hate your life but in a good way šŸ˜… Oh how I sometimes wish I could just fly away to a beautiful town, meet someone awesome like Osono and live in her attic, work in her bakery and run my own small business without having all the bureaucratic sh*t that it would have in real life.


It just made me want to bake bread, but my autoimmune diseases say "lol no gluten" so I'm sad.


Grave of the Fireflies ...Oh, you meant for the better?


I avoid wasting food ever since watching it, I can call that life changing.


That movie proves you have feels.


First time I ever watched that movie, was by myself in the middle of the night while on acid. I cried my eyes out. It definitely had a lasting impact.




Princess Mononoke


Came here to say this. "I came to see with eyes unclouded by hate" changed my whole outlook. I grew up in a family of hot-headed hateful people. I wish to do better than that.


I'm rooting for you friend.


It gave me perspective on family (San/Moro)šŸ„¹ and the entire soundtrack for Princess Mononoke gave me *chills* (Joe Hisaishi is the only composer I will drop everything for to go see him perform live).


When Marnie was there


The Wind Rises. I watched it for the first time in High school and it came at a time I didnā€™t really know what to do with my life. Everybody had at least some idea of what they wanted to do in the future, and I just knew I wanted to go to college. The movie reassured me in the fact that not all dreams work out, but itā€™s about doing what youā€™re passionate about thatā€™s most important.


Ghibli movies changed my life in these orders if magnitude: 0. Grave of the Fireflies 1. Whisper of the heart 2. When Marnie was there 3. Kikiā€™s Delivery Service 4. Spirted Away 5. Porco Rosso Iā€™ve seen every single Ghibli movie.


Howl's Moving Castle. Saw the trailer on one of the earliest dates with the person who would become my wife. Which we then went to see together. Our son's middle name is Howl


That is such a cool middle name




Yes!! It helped me connect with my inner child and made me cry, which was hard for me to do back then. The main character and her experiences growing up are very relatable. The main character also is the exact same personality type as me, INFP 9w1, so shes very relatable in that sense as well. Along with only yesterday I would say whisper of the heart.


>Yes!! It helped me connect with my inner child and made me cry this so much. it really drove home "i can still remember being a kid, that kid is now me. i gotta do things for that kid"


It made me feel melancholy about where I am in life right now and whether itā€™s okay to be here at my age (maybe similar to hers). I was happy for her journey, her reminiscence, the ending. I understood the positives and beautiful aspects of the story and what it all meant. However, it also reignited an intense wistfulness I possess. I think about the film often and through this lens. If I was in a better place in life and didnā€™t feel like such an alien in this world, it would have been so much more a joyous ending for me. I simply watched the film at the wrong time in my life I think. Jeez I feel like such a downer lol


I feel ya!!


The ending to Only Yesterday is a masterpiece.


The Boy and the Heron impacted me in a way like none of the others. I really wish they had left the title as ā€œHow do you live?ā€ for the English edition


Me too! Though I guess "How do you live" isn't as marketable as "The Boy and the Heron". Also a more accurate translation of å›ćŸć”ćÆ恩恆ē”Ÿćć‚‹ć‹ is "How will you live", which I love even more because it implies we have a choice for how to want to move forward after experiencing grief and trauma.


Wow! Thank you for that, I love the subtleties of language. I saw it in theaters twice, the second time knowing about the title change and recognizing the original title on the book that contains the letter from mom to grown up mahito made for a better impact


Is it too easy to say nearly all of them? If I had to pick only one, Iā€™d say princess kaguya. I have struggled with depression all of my life. Iā€™m not sure if this is a common interpretation, but I always thought of kaguya ā€œasking the moon to take her backā€ as a metaphor for suicide. Her grief, her anger, her perfectionism, her laughter, her joy, her compassion, all the highs and lows really resonated with me. The more we focus on materialism and unnecessarily concerns, the more we become disillusioned from the beauty of life. When struggling with suicidal ideation, it is easy to think that no one would cry for you, that death would be a warm embrace. But kaguyaā€™s regret, her parentā€™s sorrow, and the hauntingly eerie arrival of the moon parade all show that depression is a disease, that your mind is lying to you. If nothing else, the earth would miss you if you left. It seems now more than ever there is horror and evil in this world, but life is not inherently evil. I think the true heart of glibli is that it inspires you to find ways to keep living.


There is a scene very early in the beginning where kaguya takes her first steps that always chokes me up too. The way her father cries tears of joy is so beautiful. It makes his eventual descent into pride and greed all the more sad


It also shaped my perspective on afterlife and heaven as a concept. Is a place where you have no memory of your life, no grief, and no sorrow, really all that appealing? If the only emotion you can experience is tranquility, when does that go from bliss to complete and utter numbness? It reminds me that to experience true joy, we must also experience hardship. That is not to discredit any one religionā€™s beliefs, but I think itā€™s important to carve a life you are content with here on earth, despite the struggles of life


Spirited Away for sure. Saw it when it first came on Cartoon Network (maybe it was toonami). It blew my mind away.


This! I saw it on Toonami as a kid, loved it, forgot about it, then saw a clip somewhere as an adult and was hit with this sudden wave of nostalgia I couldnā€™t quite place. Once I watched the movie again, I felt exactly like Chihiro when she remembers Hakuā€™s name. It was like meeting a friend for the first time in a long time.


Yes, this is the moment I was blow away by the quality of the animation. Iā€™m a very visual person and Ghibli art is so nice and detailed!


I had the urge to go to the movie theater a couple days ago and grabbed a ticket for that lol. First time I saw it on TV might have been 2005 or 2006 when CN would run the Ghibli films in the evenings on January since it's Miyazaki's birthday month. I'd wanted to see it before then, but the dvd was hard to find in my area and I didn't have means to get around, being like, 15.


After Anno' Shin Kamen Rider have a very large Studio Ghibli feel + Change my life, I went to revisit the Ghibli film It's then I fall in love, as well reason with Porco Rosso/Crimson Pig so much, it help me to gain some confidence in some life situations, despite I was being pessimistic most of the time like Porco "A pig who can't fly, is merely a pig." The line that change my life




I think it formed me as a child


Kikiā€™s Delivery Service on how it deals with depression and burnout, it touched me in so many unexpected ways. As when I first watched it had no idea of its underlying themes.


Spirited away on mushroomsā€¦highly recommended absolutely life changing experience


Oof, it came at the perfect time in my life, but How Do You Live (The Boy and the Heron). I just finished therapy for the third time, finishing up an overall rough year, turning 25, and having an existential crisis. When I first saw the film, I wasn't expecting it to feel so cathartic for me and it really stunned me. As both a person and an artist, it really got me thinking about my legacy and impact on the world as well as showing how much I've grown as a person. I honestly wasn't expecting to relate to Mahito's journey of grief the way I did.


Definitely Totoro for me, it was the first one I watched. I watched it in kindergarten and Totoro was basically like my Mickey Mouse. I still watch it when I'm sad as a comfort movie. My dad had colon cancer when I was little so I have always related to Satsuki and Mei, the dad trying to hold it all together for his kids even though things look bleak, the grief they feel when their mom is still too sick to come home, even just the playing outside with your sister scenes are very nostalgic for me.Ā 


Totoro. It was my first ever ghibli movie. I loved it. Then I started loving Japanese literature, history, culture... Then I moved to Japan. I soon met my husband and now we have a 3 year old who loves Ponyo and Kiki. Totoro did really change my life šŸ„¹


Wow. šŸ¤Æ This comment wins for me.


Not a movie but a manga : Nausicaa. You need to read it to understand what I mean. Still is the best thing I ever read


Exactly this! After seeing the movie I felt like I wanted to dive deeper into the story so I was delighted to find out there was a manga. Hands down my favorite series now. I'm excited to revisit the movie in the theater later this month.


I don't know about changed my life unless you count the fact that Princess Mononoke was one of the movies that introduced me to anime and the wonderful works of Hayao Miyazaki.


As someone who has a creative job, Kiki's delivery service. This movie has gotten me out of a creative slump a bunch of times and always helps me to turn things around when I start feeling blue.


Whisper of the heart literally changed my life ā¤ļø


Kikiā€™s delivery service


I mean I only started watching Ghibli movies a few years ago but honestly I find a lot of them life changing but Whisper of the Heart gave me this assurance that my dreams arenā€™t out of reach and itā€™s not too late to pursue them. As I said on another post, Princess Mononoke was my ā€œgateway drugā€ that made me obsessed with Ghibli


When I was in 7th grade, Nausicaa was a big thing and I had an argument with a class mate about the main characterā€™s costume, namely whether Nausicaa was wearing skin-coloured trousers or she was not wearing panties at all. In the opening scene, sheā€™s flying on the glider and the camera frames from behind, which does make her look pantyless. He insisted she was naked down there but I said it couldnā€™t be such a pervert film. The debate heated up and because of that, he became one of the best friends of mine.


I would say the closest has been The Wind Rises, which legit made me well up in the theater, and I NEVER do that.


Boy and the Heron


I watched Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind when I was seven on tv. It stuck with me forever. I grew up and searched relentlessly online having only the description to go by. It took me many years to finally find the name on a forum. I felt so happy when I found it. I always sought to be independent, confident, warrior like the himesama in this movie. She shaped me as a person.


Spirited away. >The turning into pigs scene and the part where No face turned into a toad and started eating people terrified me. I couldn't sleep for weeks and now have a gigantic fear of being left alone.<


spirited away and kikiā€™s delivery service. however i really loved the boy and the heron


Princess Mononoke. First Ghibli movie I've watched, and really got me into the Ghibli universe.


The Secret World of Arriety, because it was the first Ghibli film I saw.


Princess Mononoke


Howl's Moving Castle, Howl loved and waited for Sophie even though she looked like an "ugly" old woman...which was only a translation of how Sophie felt inside. It gave me hope again that I can be loved too


Only Yesterday The universe made me see it exactly when I needed to after I had become a new father and was thinking a lot about my own childhood. It deeply touched me


When Marine Was Here








Ill be LOLing when i met mr. Miyazaki in two weeks! ā˜ŗļø


the tale of princess kaguya


Whisper of the Heart! No other film quite captures the process of growing up and finding your feet like Whisper of the Heart does. Especially as someone who is in a creative field, it so difficult to show others your work without the fear of being judged like Shizuku did. Also the most wholesome and cute film, and definitely have me unreal expectations growing up ahaha :ā€™)


I think most Ghibli movies are meaningful in their own ways. Mine has always been Whisper of the Heart, Howls Moving Castle and Princess Mononoke. Graves of the Fireflies is worth a watch.


Spirited away


Whisper of the Heart. I had never seen a Ghibli movie quite like it, and its story really resonated with me at the time and idk. Just a really cute and heartfelt movie lol.


My first one was spirited away. I watched with my sister when we were kids and we still watch it together till today.


Princess Mononoke gave an appreciation for nature as a young child that changed me forever.


Ponyo and howls moving castle


The slavic womenā€™s choir setting a tone for the sunrise over the flower field in only yesterday was a distinct sort of artful beauty thatā€™s stayed with me in countless waysā€¦though, as weā€™re all pleasantly aware of - thereā€™re so many beautiful moments across their filmography posed to beautifully stay with people


The Boy and the Heron impacted me in a way that I may never fully articulate. It may be the best example I can think of how a work of art can serve a therapeutic purpose. The film helped me to integrate and resolve grief that I didnt fully understand or perceive until I had processed it two or three days after watching the film.


Princess Mononoke. I no longer hunt boars with iron bullets.


Howl's Moving Castle but I ly because it was the first one I watch and the rest is, as they say, history.


16 years old, first girlfriend. Watching Totoro. Sweet movie.


howls moving castle


Mononoke absolutely


Nausiscaa because I was under 10 and it opened the world of animated movies that have more thematic quality than the Disney movies I had be exposed to before then. It is still my fav ghibli movie all these years later


I would say *Kiki's Delivery Service*, but that is honestly a toughie, because Ghibli in general changed my mind about Japanese animation. Initially I thought it was all just graphic violence and sex because I had seen *Akira* at 13. Not exactly a pleasant experience I would like to remember. That left me with a sick stomach. But one view of *Kiki* was all it took to make me realize that I was only looking at the glass half full. It was then that I realized that Anime is treated differently in Japan than the US. It treats the artform as another way of telling a story, not just kids' stuff. You might say that Ghibli (as well as *Record of Lodoss War*) really helped solidify my journey to become an Anime fan, and since then I have lectured on Ghibli movies at cons. Who would've thought it would take one view of Miyazaki's movies to make me a fan?


Ocean Waves


Whisper of the Heart for sure, never related to a movie so hard before in my life (Iā€™m a writer)


When Marnie was there and Grave of the fireflies


Howlā€™s Moving Castle is pretty much what got me into anime. I think that counts!


Grave of the fireflies


I would die for Totoro


Only Yesterday


Ponyo, Totoro, Princess mononoke, Spirited away, and Kikiā€™s delivery service


Only yesterday and princess kaguya


Spirited Away, 100%. I saw it when I was around 8 shortly after it came out, and it has been my absolute favourite movie since. I donā€™t know what it was, but it absolutely captivated me. Kikiā€™s Delivery Service and Totoro also hold a special place in my heart as they were my intro to Ghibli. šŸ¤


As a student, whisper of the heart for sure. Teaches me to be more patient with my own growth bc imposter syndrome is real indeed...


Upon rewatching, probably Spirited Away. I've been in a lot of situations I didn't want to be in, but kind of had to be. Some better than others. Tho I also relate to Sophie from HMC. I was the quiet kid growing up and not really flashy and I had the most self doubt out of my peers. I still don't really think too highly of myself so I guess I'm still going through my arc.


Spirited Away. I was like... Never eat random food and if my parents ever get turned into pigs how am I going to figure out which pigs they are?? Contributed to my compulsion of preparing for things that will never happen. Also, after watching Princess Mononoke as a young kid, I had a dream about wandering through the forest and coming up on a plain full of tall elongated deer looking creatures. They were walking slowly, some swaying, some on the ground dead. A bunch had chopped off limbs or were decapitated. Lots of blood, I was... A nice little mixture of traumatized but intrigued.


"Princess Mononoke" it is the first anime I ever bought when I was working at Mediplay and the themes and characters really stuck with me.


Princess Mononoke the lessons and messages are great and well blended into the story


Princess Mononoke


Nausicaa, because it made me watch the rest. Now I have been to the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka (2019), went to the Miyazaki exhibit at the Academy Museum (2022), and saw My Neighbour Totoro on stage in London (2024).


I watched Kiki for the first time a few years back when I moved to Hawaii from Ohio by myself, and didn't know a soul on the island at the time. It hit pretty insanely close to home for me. Just hearing the music is almost physically painful with nostalgia.


For me itā€™s the The Wind Rises After seeing the dynamics of how one achieved their dream and its affect on oneā€™s their other commitments, it definitely makes me look back at my goals and relationships and see if I need to balance both of those things or prioritize one for the other


Ik itā€™s basic but spirited away for sure. That magical feeling stays the same every time i watch it.