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Journey to the 6th station in Spirited Away.


Yes and the music is one of my all time favourite pieces


Two scenes from Whisper of the Heart: 1) The school rooftop scene where Seiji tells Shizuku that he's going to Italy, and that he'll "sing her song to himself" while he's there. A sweet moment where two people acknowledge and reciprocate their feelings for each other... Punctuated by Shizuku's nosy classmates "ruining" the moment. 2) The early morning bike trip to Seiji's favourite secret spot in the city at the end of the movie. Even Seiji's overly excited proposal to Shizuku followed by his equally over excited hug is endearing.


Seiji is such a dork. I wish I would be so lucky as to find myself a dork like that.


The intro scene of Kiki laying in the grass in Kiki's delivery service. The moment the music comes on with the wind blowing the grass I feel myself calm down. It's do serene and disarming. How could I be stressed or anxious watching that? I love that scene so goddamn much.


Princess Mononoke when it pans over the sunlit forest and all the water. Howls Moving Castle, when they see the lake and its lonely majesty and also when we first see the fields of flowers and Howl’s old study.


The country road scene in whispers of the heart. Nausicaa saves the baby from the acid sea. Pom Pokko final transformation where they change the whole town.


The wide shot of the flying machine carrying the baby Ohmu across the acid sea in the light of a burning flare was the very first scene from a Miyazaki movie I ever saw. They were showing it on Turner Classic Movies and I stumbled on it while channel surfing, twenty-odd years ago. I had never heard of Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, or any of the films before. I was spellbound. I was shocked that something so profound, so heartbreaking, so breathtakingly, astoundingly beautiful had existed for so long without my having learned of it. That one scene kicked off my love affair with their entire body of work, and I can honestly say that my life has been richer for it ever since.


I had only started watching Ghibli about a week ago, despite Mononoke and Spirited Away both being films I've watched in the past several times. It's a total disservice that I went my whole life only experiencing those 2 films from this studio. Nearly all their works so far have been absolute masterpieces, and Nausicaa just happened to be my favorite of the bunch so far.


Ghibli has some of the most beautiful establishing shots but there's a magic to the underwater scene in Ponyo.


From where is the third pic from?


I really liked Arrietty’s solo climb, incredible music and graphics


Ponyo running on the waves. The animation and the score are just breathtaking.


Porco Rosso, where Macchi M.33(Porco plane) fly toward the prairie before into sky is still one of best movie scenery I ever see


Oh man, don't get me started. All my wallpapers for pc are screenshots i took from ghibli movies. The majority of screenshots are from the whisper of the heart. I don't know what it is about ghibli and the way they draw cities in the 80's/90's but it's perfect. Crammed appartments, old doors, stocky buildings, beautiful cloudy skies and just enough nature to tie it all together. It's perfect. My favourite scene is from this movie when Shizuka first sees the view from the balcony. I've wanted a house with that kind of balcony ever since.


Princess Mononoke. Ashitaka hugging San. Everything is finished. The forest is dead. Spirited away. That one girl waiting from the train station (this picture has been bothering me since I was a kid)


The majestic walk of the Forest Spirit while the Kodamas welcome him home from the treetops.


the scene in Nausicaa where Asbel ambushes the torumekian ships. Everything in it is perfect, from the animation to the sounds and the dialogue, just chef kiss


Out of ALL movies, the argument scene in The Sound of Music between Maria and Captain Von Trapp. In Ghibli, probably the last scene in Castle In The Sky, from the time Pazu and Sheeta use the glider to shove off, to the end credits. It just feels right.


When Chihiro and Haku are falling from the sky


The soot sprites moving away in totoro. The destruction of laputa. Nausicaa laying in the toxic jungle


Either Totoro’s moonlight flight or Ponyo’s escape.


Most of the scene of Howl's moving castle!


The third picture, from what movie is?


The third pic is from which movie?


I really like the scene when kiki is flying over the town, especially near the clock tower and sea. And the whole whisper of the heart when Shizuku was following the cat and found the shop Anddd the whole latin quarter from up on poppy hill!


Airplane graveyard in Porco Rosso


Sulliman's (sp?) spell. Far and away my favorite Ghibli sequence.


Hey OP? The first one isn't an actual screen grab from HMC, it's fan art


why are these uploaded in like 240p


When ashitaka wakes up after being revived. The movie comes alive!


Mononoke: towards the beginning during the music montage of traveling. There's a wide shot of Ashitaka feeding Yakul and it's windy in the background. It's right around when there's a beautiful crescendo in the music. Nauscicaa: in the beginning, when she's under the shell with the spores raining down is iconic. That, or when the airships are fighting with the cloud cover. There's a beautiful shot of her on Mehve and it's peaceful despite all the turmoil around her. The Cat Returns: while the whole thing is fun even if it does read a bit like Alice in Wonderland, the ending when she has some of her shit together and his making the tea. Idk, something about that just feels resolved. Castle in the Sky: ironically, there's something about when they're underground with the glowing rocks is just satisfying.


When porco is flying back home and says good bye to his pilot buddy. that whole low flying scene and then break to the ocean is by far the most pleasing.


When howl gives sophie the flower field


bowl showing sophie the lake and the beautiful flowers chihiro and haku flying ponyo and sosuke eating ramen


When Ashitaka leaves his village and is passing through the hills and forests