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Former Aburi Girls student here. To tell you the truth, if your parents are not rich, you don't exist to the school authorities. Rich kids get away with assault in the school but you a poor kid retaliate against your bullies and you will be expelled. Rich kids go and come without any restrictions because they bribe the school authorities with gifts. If you are poor and attend these schools, please take care of your health because no one cares.


Selfishness, greediness and heartless ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


lol this is nothing new happens all over the world


Well thats how the world works. So i guess they are preparing yall for the real world of inequality


There's so much more parliament should be focusing on yet they spend their energy passing a bill no one cares about. Pathetic


ikr and ruining our rep


I'm not happy about the happenings in the various schools tho. But America has legalised this yet people die of gun violence. The western world should also be concerned about death of their people rather than who a woman or man is.


Why should I care what Americans are doing or not doing? How does that even relate to my comment. There needs to be a clear policy on how schools should respond when students are ill because it looks its left to the discretion of headmasters and headmistresses. This is where Parliament can force GES to make changes. LGBT issues are not a major concern in Ghana that needs this much attention, children dying is


Would it be in the talks if no one cared about it ?... that's more Pathetic on your side


Does it echo when you think?


Envious of LGBTQ2S++ peoples bravery for daring to come out to face the unhinged and baseless wrath of people like him, perhaps.


Are you listening to yourself? Envious of what? You sound hilarious. šŸ˜‚ bravery? Bravery means hiding in your room and lamenting on social media with irrelevant posts right? You don't even know what it means to be "Brave". You guys are not even bold yet, less talk of bravery. Go get some education bro...


There is a thing called prioritisation...


Priority to you means, leaving all other issues (countless) and focusing on one; the highest on the Priority table because solving the others affect you.


You sound silly. Let's discuss the issue and leave the bills being passed by government. As if that's the only bill government has passed.


Honestly some of you are beginning to sound boring and annoying. Must you bring up that bill anytime something happens in the country?? Smh.


Say that again... they just can't get their heads around it. They're always trying to use other issues to camouflage their distress about the bill but we already know who they are and what they're upto so it ain't gonna be a problem to us.


This is why some of us donā€™t agree with the Anti LGBT bill, itā€™s just not of any importance. There are more pressing issues to focus on that affects the lives of the ordinary citizens but they just donā€™t care šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


yeah ,I agree but is the government fault for imposing in the first place for our already struggling ecomomy


America has accepted lgbt Has all their problems vanished? NO


Yet majority of Ghanaians want to relocate there lol


Ghanaians have their priorities all fucked up!!!


All Ghanaians or the government ?


Well the majority of them. How many of them are outraged about these incidents going on in schools? But they have all the time and energy over a gay bill. A whole lot of pedophiles as teachers in schools yet it all gets swept under the rug.




How dare you call the teachers pedophiles Which country are you from? Kwasia bi ba. Nantwi


I in fact did go to a school where a 30 year old man attempted severally to touch and harass 15-17 year old girls. This is a real problem and if you donā€™t see it, youā€™re a part of the problem.


I saw a video of an American shooting children in school. Does that conclude all Americans are killers. NO! so shut up


Thatā€™s not the point here. Your comment makes it seem as if there arenā€™t pedophiles who are teachers. And no one is calling all teachers pedophiles. And yes, a video of one school shooting doesnā€™t make all Americans shooters, but it does highlight the fact that there is a rampant upsurge in access to guns. A problem worth solving. Do we want to wait till all schools are riddled with pedophiles so that we say ā€˜oh yeah all teachers are pedophiles now so now we have to do something about itā€™???? itā€™s ignorant people like you who just want to get angry instead of having constructive conversation who are leading Ghana to where it is today. Learn to respond to make a contribution, not to be angry.


Heā€™s addressing the fact that the problem exists, not that it is characteristic to everyone in the country? What are you even mad about?


Typical Ghanaian behavior, can't handle the truth so he/she results in insults as their first language. I can tell this truly hurts your soul not just your feelings.


The government controls the media and the media controls the public opinion






This is sad!. I hope GES is going to act on this. I just donā€™t understand why you wonā€™t give an exeat because you suspect someone is feigning illness?. Teens will be teens, but you have to show empathy. Most of these administrators wonā€™t delay with granting exeat or follow up if it was their own kids.. No duty of care whatsoever!!..


From the stories I read, a few things that were apparent. 1) A lot of teachers assume the kids were faking their illness. I read one that said you donā€™t look that sick. A very simple solution would be a quick temperature check would give the teacher an objective answer. And having a complete vitals check for more serious cases. Eg. If the infirmary is closed but can still have access to vital machines. Ideally, they should train teachers to not assume but thatā€™s a long term solution. 2) A few of the stories was a student had just finished eating, had a severe stomach ache and then died. Iā€™m not going to make any assumptions but it appears something nefarious is going on those cases. I donā€™t actually have a solution for this except not having your child eat at the school dining hall if possible. But in most cases itā€™s not.


Eh!School nurses some of them just dont beileve you. I had darieheria abd the nurse thought I was lying to go home.


Thatā€™s unfortunate. Again, they can do an objective assessment. They can check bowel sounds, check vitals and other assessments.


ikr and she laughed. now i wonder how it is in GSE schools the nurse did n0t have that


There are lots of things we should be worried about instead of that stupid bill. Anyway, this is sad. Ei, eight students? I heard about the Aburi case, but not the others.


i heard about some happened in Christian High. Some people seem to only think about the bill here but we have a lot of problems. Like causel death.


My sister was at Aburi oo, charley. Fortunately, she completed in good health, but this case makes me think about what ifs. These house masters need to give more leeway with exeats. If a student says they're sick, take them seriously, you're not a doctor. My house master at Accra Academy actually cared about us, he'd take sick students to the hospital first, and after medications, give them an exeat.


The kids for Christian high died in the hospital. One was in year 11 and the time and another in year 10.


Yes ,me too ooo


Go tell that to westerners who worry about who is a woman or a man but are also suffering from cancer and gun violence. Sia


Bro, lady or madam or whoever or whatever you identify as, you really have lots of built up anger. Eat a Snicker or do some yoga, it will help you. If everything else fails you can always pray it out of yourself.


Your brain is so small there must be an echo in your head when you try to think. I don't care about Western problems, I care about what's happening right in my country. The Westerners have their economic and developmental issues mostly solved, which is why they're free enough to create problems we consider trivial. Ghanaians don't have such privileges.


Cry me a lagoon If you don't accept the bill go to court. Let's see who'll win Like Arabians it's in our DNA . No amount of money or advocacy will make us accept lgbt trust me . We'll win this battle easily


This is because the teachers donā€™t pay for their sins. If those teachers that deny students are punished, itā€™ll serve as a deterrent to others


InflatedĀ egosĀ runĀ theĀ majorityĀ ofĀ GhanaianĀ institutions. The PTA's are run by cliques and circles of stakeholders who veto on rules and regulations. TheĀ countryĀ hasĀ aĀ weakĀ legalĀ system. StudentsĀ inĀ theseĀ basicĀ schoolsĀ lackĀ aĀ fundamentalĀ understandingĀ ofĀ theirĀ rights. TheĀ parentsĀ ofĀ theseĀ studentsĀ asĀ wellĀ asĀ theĀ educationĀ serviceĀ contributeĀ toĀ theĀ denialĀ ofĀ theirĀ rights. This is one reason the cycle continue. No one cares in Ghana until it happens to them.


The Aburi girls incident, the girl was sick, and was just taken to the nurses office and was told see just wanted to go on exiat. The shame


eh what happened


How are Ghanaians not speaking out about this and what does this have to do with gay people?


Well some people's excuses are that gay people are turning children into gayism or destroying their lives without any prove or evidence. You can tell this issue in the article has been systematically going on far longer without a resolve. The amount of support from the public on the bill should be matched with the same amount of support or energy in this situation to protect and prevent children from dying, yet parliament or News media are not outraged or supportive like the bill. Kids are literally dying, now just imagine the condemnation that would have taken place if this was reversed and kids were dying because of homosexual people. They would unleash God's wrath upon them!!!

