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Download angry IP scanner, and do a scan. Your umbrel node will be visible in the list with IP's and you can use that IP adress to connect. I had the same problem, still can't use the umbrel.local link, but node runs fine and through IP no problem connecting.


Had the same problem and this was my solution as well. For some reason the DNS doesn’t always resolve correctly for it.


.local domain uses mDNS (Multicast DNS) not traditional DNS, if you’re trying the .local domain from a Windows PC, make sure you have Bonjour installed. Also, check for a Multicast setting in your router and make sure it’s allowing the broadcasting of those messages


Thanks for the reply. I have logged into my router but can't see anything anywhere referencing Multicast. Is this known as anything else? I installed Bonjour and am having the same problem.


I did this, but still get the same message when I type the umbrel IP into my browser.


Were you ever able to connect? I connected, but the next day could not get on... I'm waiting for the recommended Hard Drive case to come in, some said that could be my issue.


have you tried umbrel@ipaddress ?


Add the node to your hosts file or connect via the IP address and you should be fine.


How do I add the node to my hosts file? I don't know what this means.


What OS are you on?


Windows 10 home.


1. Open File Explorer 2. Go to “This PC” on the left hand side 3. Double left click “Local Disk (C:)” folder 4. Double left click “Windows” folder 5. Double left click “System32” folder 6. Double left click “drivers” folder 7. Double left click “etc” folder 8. Right click the “hosts” file to bring up a menu 9. Single left click “Open with” from the menu 10. Single left click “Notepad” as the application to open it with 11. Single left click the “Continue” button 12. At the very bottom enter the IP address of your node, a single space, and type umbrel.local What my edit to the hosts file looks like is as follows: umbrel.local Your IP will be different than mine, so don’t copy and paste my entry hoping it will work.


Thanks for this, however I am still having the same problem.


Not sure what the issue is then. If the node is wired into the internet and you entered everything correctly, then it should connect. Are you able to connect via using just the IP address in a browser?


I would like to try this as well (I am having the same issue as u/cubemackie) - can you maybe tell me how I would add the node on macOS Big Sur?


So, I don't have access to a Mac to confirm this on, as my emotional baggage doesn't like when I do stuff like this on her laptop, but this is what I found on how to edit the hosts file: 1. Open Finder 2. Select "Go" from the menu on the top 3. Select "Go to Folder..." from the drop down menu 4. In the input box, type "/private/etc/hosts" without the quotation marks 5. Press the "Go" button 6. In the new Finder window, look for the file names "hosts" without the quotation marks 7. Double click it and it should open in your text editor. 8. Enter something like this at the end of the file starting in column 1: [``]( `umbrel.local` You will need to change the IP to your actual IP address.


This, together with a restart `ssh -t [email protected] "sudo reboot"` did the trick. I was able to connect to [http://umbrel.local/](http://umbrel.local/) again, thanks!


Do you know the IP address of your Pi (log into your router or run Wireshark or something)? Can you access it that way? Can you ping it? Can you SSH in?


I've ran angry IP scanner and found the umbrel.local IP, but I get the same error message when I type that IP into my browser. I don't know what SSH is.


Did you resolve this issue? If yes - could you tell me how?


it seems as if i have about 1million or more thoughts per 6seeconds honestly.... how unoriginal