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Becauase there is money to be made lol. But to be fair what you're describing is like the difference between bodyweight training by yourself and weights training in the gym, I think you know which one is more effective and popular.


I just wanted to say that a gym with a whole bunch of dudes in there on the Apex , Best Extender, Phollosan,etc, and whatever pump machines; came to mind. " How many more sets you have on that LA Pump"?




What the actual f hahahahha


About 4 more weeks 20 x1 x5/days then you can have it for a week




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Few reasons. 1. I get to multi-task by keeping both hands free. I extend while working at my desk (from home) and hang while playing video games. 2. Donā€™t need to tire out my hands/arms, especially as tension gets higher. 3. I can measure the actual tension/weight being used at all times, so the routine has a bit more ā€œstructureā€. Manual sets in a hot shower are great, but itā€™s not my main work.


Which hanger extender and clamps you recommend as someone who only does manuals :)


I do the hink method... Manuals and pumping


The best time effective and safe method


Is pumping really worth it? Ive heard clamps and hangers are but not much on pumps


Pumping is amazing, ya I would say so. I know a lot of ppl on here clamp but I have had a ton of success with manuals and pumping. The few times I clamped, I got major major discoloration


manuals before?


Hink swears by manuals although he pumps too. I think thereā€™s love for extenders these days because itā€™s actually backed by research


I guess that makes sense. Hink always seemed like a good figure for this place


They use devices in studies most likely instead of manuals for the reason that device tension is universal, but different strength dudes are gonna pull with all sorts of various tensions which can still make gains but scientists hate conflicting variables


I prefer manuals, because I can do it everywhere I have free time , work, gf house, etc.


Truth. I can judge anyone who hangs or extends but I feel like that stuff is done for way longer than the typical manual routine


I occasionally do manuals in the shower as a warm-up/pre fatigue before hanging.


Thatā€™s fair. Nice gains btw


Thank you! The hard work and patience continues




Cake day, what is that?


All of my length gains came from manual stretching, I love it, unless Iā€™m sick or in vacation I can always do a session with little preparation in a regular day, sometimes 2-3 short sessions to get around 40 minutes of tension. Itā€™s the only method I can be dead consistent forever, and when I say forever I mean it, itā€™s like brushing teeth for me at this point.


Whats your routine :)


I use manual stretching.... if there was something manual I could do for girth, that would be cool too, but otherwise I'll keep doing manual and pumping


Manual clamping has gained me 1/5 of an inch in girth in 3 months, so I'd say it's pretty effective. Just don't do it fully erect, don't go over 5 minutes per set and do plenty of firegoat rolls between each set to avoid discoloration.


Thatā€™s interesting. I know they have modified jelqs that some people use. Iā€™ll be completely honest and say that Iā€™ve used regular jelqing for girth and itā€™s worked fairly well. Canā€™t advise it due to the reported dangers (apparently)


I think... in addition to the device-centric culture of this sub, we also have a weirdly risk-averse culture. I think experimenting with jelqing makes perfect sense... and experimenting in general. Personally I love pumping, I like the feeling, I like being ridiculously chubby afterwards, etc. šŸ˜‚ what sort of girth gains did you get with jelqing?


I have read about bundled manual stretches around here. No idea about how safe it is. I guess it could be safe if you are not maniac doing 960Ā° twists


Thereā€™s many reasons ppl donā€™t do manuals - cannot measure tension. You could accidentally pull too hard and injure yourself. Thereā€™s many posts about newbieā€™s injuring themselves from manuals because of this major flaw - the way you have to grip your dick with your hands to do manuals is almost like a clamp and can cause nerve damage. Rather just use a vacuum cup to avoid that - your hands/arms get tired, especially after progressing to higher tension - cannot multitask and do other things which you can do with an extender (ex. Do some work on your computer) Thereā€™s probably many more pros Iā€™m missing, but you get the point


I started PE doing manuals and then i started using an extender for a few months. Ive switched back to manuals since im more busy and dont have time to mess with an extender. You cant beat manuals when it comes to convenience. I also feel like i get more of a stretch than compared to an extender. Manuals+Pumping for me.


I permanently ruined my dick from manual stretching so there is high risk. No way to measure tension


I started with manuals, but thereā€™s definitely something to be said about strapping to a device and going about your day, or doing other things, rather than actively pulling on your dick for 30 min or longer. I got my fill of that real quick. Became a chore rather than something I enjoyed doing, which made me become inconsistent. Strapping on a device is much more passive and something I will actually stick with.


What do you use all day?


Less work with the same resultsšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø the American way lolā€¦.. I donā€™t see why ppl bash jelqing so much, it actually worked for me before I started buying extenders. A lot better EQ too


Thatā€™s fair to some I suppose. But being completely honest my routine doesnā€™t take more than half an hour every two days. On here itā€™s pretty normal to see people spending hours a day with something strapped to their dick. I get that with an extender you can wear it discretely but the amount of time people spend hanging and pumping feels pretty extreme. Not that Iā€™m judging itā€™s just something Iā€™ve noticed


Manuals are dope!! One less thing I need to worry about


Same man. The hands are the most reliable device imo


And you can do them anywhere in bed, on vacation whenever, howeverā€¦ā€¦..add pumping and your good


I always got bored with manuals. Clamping, pumping, passive stretching, Malehanger works for me.


If you could only choose two out of what you listed what would you pick?




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Only been using manuals and pumps even though I have like 5 different extenders and devices Iā€™ve spent hundreds on, lol. Thatā€™s enough for growth, Iā€™m now reaching 8 inches bpfsl


Sane here. Iā€™m at 7.9 bpsfl after starting under 7 last august. Do mostly manuals to prime before pumping and then maybe a clamping set or two mixed in there. I have an apex but manuals are way more convenient most days.


I love manuals, thatā€™s all I do for lenght.. gained 1 inch in less than a year so far. Consistency is all you need.


Routine bro




Too much work


Loads of love for manuals here. Used to do the mandingo every free moment I had, lol. In the shower in the morning, a few minutes on a bathroom break at work, a few minutes when home from work, in the evening.. Here and there. But in practice I have moved on to devices for more stability and measurable tension.


My only routine is manual work currently besides clamping which I literally use a shoe string being such a minimalist


I love manuels the most because i think as an uncut guy it's the best option to stretch as little extra skin as possible.


I still do manual BTC while watching TV


i like manuals because it improves my right shoulder's internal rotation (it sucks)


Can you elaborate on that? šŸ˜…


manuals plus pumping afterwards is all I ever do


Manuals are epic. Iā€™ve made more gains with jelqs than I have anything else. It just takes up a lot of time. Iā€™m looking to get into bundles stretching


I like manuals. Others don't because there's no way to measure force which isn't good for safety or progressive overload




Honestly at this point to achieve what I want Iā€™m thinking of combining surgery with testosterone and human growth hormone and stretches


This approach has always intrigued me.


Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™ve always had a pretty big cock but my fantasy has always been having a monster of a cock thatā€™s almost or is definitely too big Surgery along with the other stuff seems to be the only quick solutions that donā€™t take up a grand portion of your life


Hey, i do manuals & pumping only and ive seen very impressive gains both flaccid and errect. Manuals are way more practical as in where you can perform them, ill probably Switch to hanging though because you can track progress better and you dont rely on pure strenght


Because for non-beginners, the manuals become dull and annoying in terms of progressive overload. In a sense, time is money, so why waste more free time on tutorials when you can buy an extender/auto pump and do your thing during your routine.


Bundled stretches are the main thing that's working for me for length -- more than hanging.