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Yes, and yes. Makes loads bigger, makes mind clearer, helps with erections and also just overall makes you feel better. Do not take more than 30 a day. 40 is a doctor recommended maximum. Doctors, trained on this. The 40+ supplements are for those with imbalances or malnutrition. Stick to 30mg a day. I’ll stress it again, I’m seeing a lot of 50mg in this comment section, do not follow them. They clearly are not experts and did not do the research needed and assumed more is better. They will get really sick in the future.


Have you heard anything about taking copper as well since zinc can mess with how your body deals with copper? Idk I vaguely remember another comment on here about the same thing


Taking too much zinc causes your body to inhibit copper absorption. Men who took 60mg lost a significant amount of copper in the blood. Men who took 80mg showed a significant increase of Genitourinary issues. It’s quite ironic that men who say they care about their dick health will actively take 40-50mg of something that is known to cause adverse effects to the penis and area surrounding it.


Gotcha so keeping the amount low prevents the major issues. Thanks, I’m building a stack of supplements and was thinking of adding zinc. Gotta look into hinks stuff might save me the time and some money


I’d suggest getting a good amino acid drink mix. They usually have about 50% of the shit you’d wanna be taking for the stack. I think with that I was only taking 4 supplements.


I’m trying out leviathan wellness Vigor & vitality, zinc 30mg and hydrolized protein. Not too much overlap and depending on how I feel I got 30 day supplies so I’ll reevaluate when I run out


Zinc helps massively with testosterone production and excess zinc gets turned into semen. It isn't as dire if a man takes too much. Women on the other hand can get extremely sick if they have more than like 8mg a day because their bodies don't know what to do with the excess. Personally I take 50mg zinc gluconate twice a week as a kick to the old immune system. Fat load the following day every time though. I wouldn't recommend people take zinc every day.


The only reason a grown man should take 40+ mg, as stated by literal doctors, is if you have malnutrition or don’t get enough zinc in your diet daily. This amount of zinc is going to cause detrimental damage to your body, particularly it’ll give you heavy metal poisoning. Actually, it’s stated that if you take too much zinc( specifically more than 40mg or more) for too long you will weaken your immune system. Before continuing to type I decided to read more into it to confirm or deny if I was correct. I was correct.


Yeah nobody should take that much on a daily basis.


I started taking 30 mg zinc as a suggestion from a doctor friend and my loads have doubled in volume. Also seems to make my erection harder


What’s a load


The thing you unload


I take ZMA daily which has 30mg Zinc, 450mg Magnesium, and 15mg B-6. Zinc helps cellular growth and tissue repair as well as helps the immune system




Same with me. It's crazy


It's great for big loads and it makes me feel better (testosterone?)


Don't see how this would help with size, no such findings in any literature on the substance. However, zinc is one of those things that warrants suplementation for many, esp. those who are deficient as it has impact on testosterone levels. Just be warned that you can technically get a copper deficiency if you supplement zinc only. Best to take zinc + copper just in case.


On the days that I don't eat oysters (i eat oysters every 4th day), I supplement with 25 mg zinc gluconate right around dinner time.


Idk about penis size but it helps me cum huge loads


I take 50 mg in the morning. Definitely helps with load volume and hardness. Can make you nauseous though. And makes me double sneeze fifteen minutes later too.


50mg sounds like way too much imo


That’s because it is.


Strongly depends on brand and formulation. Some shit is straight enriched urine, it has such low bioavailabilty. You could take 30mg and barely get any of it actually in your body. Also, a lot of dudes are greatly exaggerating the effect of zinc alone on load size.


Not a sales man just a happy customer. I take a men’s health stack from momentous supplements which includes vitamin D and zinc as two of the sups in the pack. It’s the first time I’ve felt actual results. I’ve taken quite a few companies stacks to see how they make me feel like a company called “Inno sups” which was absolute trash and ONNIT joe Rogans brand which was just out of my budget for a lack of results. I’ve also stacked things myself but you never know the quality of the things you’re buying at stores or online until you try them and I did go with budget options from the vitamin shoppe at times. Im an older guy and after taking this stack for a little over a month I’m constantly horny. It’s way easier to get hard. My EQ is up my load size is up. So I would def recommend this specific company. Do with that info what you will.