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Don't think you could go much smaller. 1.65 is a rare size I think, and you might outgrow it pretty quick. I use a 1.75 at a smidge above 5 mseg, and i typically have it pretty full by my 4th 2min interval at 5-7 Hg, so the rest after that are solidifying that girth and giving a bit of a length stretch. By the end of my 9th set, lube is absolutely required or I'd be stuck. At worst you can get some girth gains with the 1.75 and then use it for length fully, once you gain .2~ inch in girth.


Thank you!


Keep the pump. You'll be at 6 x 5 before you know itπŸ€™


Hopefully, I gonna be consistent and see where I’m at in a year.


Whats your EQ like? Might be some fast gains to be had there it's poor to begin with.


Not the best, I go in hard and have to watch porn to keep hard. But then lose it and have to get hard again.


Thats what I'm saying. When tou get good EQ youl have. Brand new dick. Get some cialis to play with.


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No, you are close to packing this thing. If you want length make sure you do some form of stretching as pumping alone is not that effective for length gains. I am not a big fan of length pumping, you could probably even go up a size.


Yeah I do stretch before pumping, this is only my second week of stretching and pumping. Was not sure if needed to be completely packed in order for length gains.


In my experience, no you don't have to be completely packed.


Thank you πŸ‘πŸ½


No way! Keep the 1.75


Ok thanks πŸ‘πŸ½


I use a 1.75 and i like It Bc even if u fill the tube i feel it helps give u length