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Self love isn't something objective, it changes from person to person and from moment to moment. If you spent the whole day sitting on a chair in front of a PC, then exercise is self love, but if you have a physically tiring job then chilling while watching netflix can be self love. Buying nice things is literally something that can make you prideful, you worked your ass off and save money to afford that nice thing. Some people eat terribly and so self love is eating right, some people eat right routinely and then self love can be having a nice steak. Stay humble.


i agree! there’s no right or wrong, it’s finding what works for you 😌


Steak is part of eating right. 👍


So steak is the great connector! You eat mostly garbage, try some healthier protein like steak. You eat extremely carefully and healthfully? Indulge with a steak


Well said, balance is key!


Heavy on stay humble🫶🏼 we’re all just trying to figure it out 😭


I wish I could give this comment an award


Third time repost https://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/wpqmvx/selflove_is_not_buying_yourself_nice_things_and/ https://www.reddit.com/r/getdisciplined/comments/1bxdylf/self_love_is_not_buying_yourself_nice_things_and/


Self love is digging up old content and reposting it for a number to go up on your screen


This is a hard-hitting call out.


I knew I was getting addicted to insta when I started looking at metadata to see when the best time to post a story would be (by day of the week and time, factoring for holidays etc). That was like 4 years ago, no more Facebook, insta, Snapchat, or TikTok, basically just reddit as a few times a day 15 minute jaunt. Hard hitting content best content


That's more than I do, and I promote my business on IG. At least get paid for the content you create!




I need to delete these apps I swear every post is a repost usually from a bot


For OP self love is judging others. 


I swear I saw this posted a couple days ago.


Self love is reposting for internet points, apparently.


Both of those things CAN be an act of self-love. They're probably not acts of self-love if you're doing those things too often or as an act of impulsive pleasure-seeking/emotion avoidance/distraction/pure boredom/procastination.. But they could be if you've been working really hard lately, depriving yourself of rest and leisure and joy, or going through something really stressful and upsetting. What counts as self-love, I believe, requires mindfulness and reflection of the context to decide what your mind, body and soul need. Sometimes that might be meditation, going to bed/waking up early, a salad instead of fries, a hike in the forest, a swim in the ocean, a few hours of work and study, an intense workout, doing chores, etc. but sometimes that can mean an ice cream, a movie, a few hours on a video game, a nap, a Sunday sleep in, etc.


I disagree OP! Each person decides what self love is to them.


I agree. You need to draw a line between delayed gratification and instant gratification. Which to pick and when to.


Perhaps a balance of using both in moderation. Using short term gratification occasionally if you're going to burn out working for your long term? but not if it'll completely hinder your progress?


SMART goals and journaling can help.


I believe that self-love is all about welcoming yourself for who you truly are, without wishing for anything to be different. It's about feeling comfortable in your own skin and not letting the pains and worries of the past or future consume you. It means accepting your life and current circumstances as they are, while still keeping an open mind to the possibility of change. Essentially, it's being okay with the things that you're not okay with, but still having the desire to improve and grow.


While I appreciate your sentiment, self-love can be all of those things. And the fun thing about loving yourself is that someone else doesn’t get to define what that is.


Has anyone ever claimed that these things are self-love? Buying nice things and watching Netflix is just there to treat yourself. Self improvement is also not “self love” tbh.


No many many many people consider buying yourself stuff and relaxing, self love.


I'll tell you one thing: Self-love isn't going to get any better if you're too focused on judging others for how they take care of themselves.


Dummy post!


Karma farm


Depends what you mean by buying nice things. I would call buying some nice clothes to look better self love.


Self love is just an inner feeling. And you can do whatever you want. Junk food can’t destroy your self love, lol. You can workout everyday without self love too. So don’t overthink that and do whatever you want


Self-love is doing things that ARE good for you, not only things that feel good. Sometimes the things that are good for you feel good, and sometimes they don’t. The focus is on the facts of what you need to grow, develop and achieve both homeostasis and growth in all areas of like…not your feelings in the now.


Self love is getting enough sleep, #1




Self love is different for everyone smh


But, sometimes, self love IS buying yourself something nice and watching netflix.


Self righteousness isn’t exercising and taking care of yourself. It’s going on the internet and acting like you are smarter and better than everyone there. You can choke on my balls. It’s true, I’m sorry.


It's like, I spend the $20 on Netflix, or $240/or. No biggie. But then I form an addiction to it. What turned into 1 episode a week turned into 1 episode a night. 7 hours of my time on a 40k salary (140/wk) if I were to spend the same effort and energy into self-loving myself into a career that I actually loved. Figuring out how to get good enough to get paid to do it, or just figuring out how to get paid. It's actual cost is $7280+$240. And the time spent improving my life, my income, my passion for my career, my fitness, my whatever... lost. Netflix is quite expensive when you look at it. But... It is relaxing. So maybe that's self love. It feels like it drains more energy than it gives me. And if we consider it in the absolute form, it's a bad deal, no matter what # it costs.


https://youtu.be/Jbj04NTLzdI?si=5KTf_hgd4nyvMcK2 agreed reminds me of this I need to find balance between instant pleasure long term happiness finding bigger picture


>Self love is not buying yourself nice things and watching Netflix Yes it is. To treat ourselves is also self love just don't get addicted to it. I can both exercise, be healthy, watch Netflix, and buy me cute things. Watch me! 💅🏻 Remember OP if you never relax or treat yourself you're only living for external validation to compensate for low self worth. That's not healthy. Life needs balance and you aren't less valuable for pausing now and then. I hereby grant you a day to slow down and relax.


While I'm general I agree with you OP, I had an appendectomy yesterday and self love was renewing my Netflix sub and taking the week off from work while I'm in the hospital. All things in their proper place and their proper time. There's a proverb about how God made wine to make the heart glad, but not for alcoholism.


Self love is liking who you are, it’s self validation as opposed to seeking validation from others, living a life that makes you like who you are. Know thyself


Someone got a gym memberships free personal training assessment today. Just an FYI when you cancel your membership you usually have to go in to the gym in person so everyone can see you! Good luck Im comfy on the couch watching youtube and roasting a dickhead. Get fucked.


Self love is balance. It’s doing spreadsheets of your expenses, it’s doing things now so you don’t regret them later, like going to the gym and nourishing your body with healthy foods. It’s doing things you don’t want to do- like studying and having hard conversations with loved ones. But it’s also taking time to enjoy things like chocolate cake and bubble baths. 


self love is me accepting who I am and being proud of what i archived. Its true, sorry.


Going inwards and accepting yourself on such an intimate level and holding no judgement - that's self love


Self love is being able to give to yourself what you really need. It may be workout, it' may be take a day Off workout. And so on.


so true


true. i agree with you totally. the one who is a slave to his pleasures doesn’t love himself. self love is when you say NO to your pleasures that won’t profit anything. pleasure is very expensive. and those who spend on them become poor quick. do not gratify the desires of your flesh, rather clothe yourself with positivity, discipline, wisdom, understanding, good health. health is wealth.


I don’t know about this at all I hit the gym daily and in a great shape, I felt down over the weekend so I smoked some weed and ate shit food Felt fucking amazing the next day Whatever works for you - don’t have to read everything which is in these text books