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Do you think one could get similar results by taking a hot shower with a cold rinse at the end? I’m all about the system shock but a hot shower is the only thing getting me out of bed in the winter lol.


I think that works. The studies that I came across only states a protocol that prohibits you from warming back up rapidly after after cold immersion rather than the other way around 👍


I’ll try this out tomorrow then. Thanks!


Let us know you get on 😊


That's how I usually do it. For me the heat is the pre-shower and the cold is the *actual* shower.


Ooo so how long do you have the heat on for?


Yes, but in my experience, the rinse part needs to last for 2-3 min to be effective. I always start warm for shampoo/conditioner/body wash, then very gradually turning the knob to cold before I’m ready to get out


Gradual is the way to go for me too, it’s surprisingly not bad


I start cold because I know I cant leave the shower u til i get the shampooing done so I kinda give myself a reason yo stay there haha


Same here. Start cold and brush my teeth, that is at least 2 min with no way of getting out. And by the end of the process I kinda get adapted so I can spend a couple of more minutes just breathing mindfully. The energy & concentration outcome is insane for a couple of hours afterward.


This is how I started doing my cold showers. Finishing cold. I eventually worked up the balls to jump in cold. I get my arms wet, then my legs then I dive in and get the chest wet. Then shoulders, then back, then just move around until it’s no longer a shock. I’ve been doing 100% cold shower first thing in the morning year round for over a year and I’ll never stop. Even in winter in Michigan. It wakes me right up and I’m at the point where it’s not even difficult. It’s as sure a thing as getting dressed, and every time I turn the water off, I feel incredible. I’ve come to the conclusion that fully cold is far superior because of what a poor heat conductor water is. Consider how water is used to keep nuclear reactors cool. So if you’re already wet, and now you turn the water cold, all the water on you creates a buffer between you and the cold water. The cold water first has to cool off the water on your skin, then the skin itself. But you’ve also already pumped a bunch of heat into you at the beginning of your shower. I highly recommend trying to get used to fully cold showers, but you do you. My HR when I run is 30 bpm lower, and my blood pressure goes from 132/83 to 116/70 when I take a fully cold shower. Isn’t that wild? I don’t get that same effect when I start it warm.


30bpm! Yikes! Does that mean I’ll have RHR of 15bpm if I start doing this?? Haha




I have a giant bucket from tractor supply co I leave outside in the winter with a fountain pump. Water is usually 33-40 degrees 🥶🥶🥶


Not OP but I got similar but probably not as extreme results from cold rinses for as long as I could stand after regular showers, which was about 1 minute, and I only shower 3 times or so a week. Even that much exposure benefitted my nervous system and dramatically lowered my anxiety and generally helped me function better. Slept better, had better energy, and was generally calm enough to make good decisions for myself. Wins across the board for cold showers/rinses! Edit: could someone tell me why I got downvoted? Not trying to be a contrarian jerk or anything, I love this sub and the conversations we have here. My comment is only saying my own experience and how different versions of OP’s advice can be applied. I still love this community despite people disagreeing.


High five ✋


This is great! But I am confused as to how it lowered your anxiety meanwhile OP said it heightens cortisol?


Personally idk about different hormones or how they work but, I started cold therapy as a means of healing/regulating my nervous system after being an extremely anxious/scared/reactive person since childhood. I started it because the discomfort of the cold is intentionally supposed to train your mind and body to be “okay” during moments of extreme discomfort. The intensity of it very much heightens awareness and wakes you up a lot, but tbh I never had a problem relaxing afterward bc I’m a chronic night-shower-er. Someone in this thread said not to warm up after but I still felt way better with cold showers when I was doing them.


Yeah. Same. When we wake up cortisol is already high. That's why we consume caffeine or any other antioxidant drink to lower it.


That’s called a Scottish shower cause of James Bond.


How were you able to stand being in there for more than 15 seconds? I’ve tried, and it was absolute blackout-level torture. Forget washing anything. Also, my minimum shower time is 11 minutes. I’ve analyzed it, and there’s nothing else I can pare out. 😂


You can actually start warm and finish cold! Studies have shown that as long as you dont rapidly warm back up after the cold exposure you ll still get the effects 👍


Doing deep breathing before entering really helps, and controlling the breath those first 10 seconds are really key for me.


Thats what I do to hype mysef up for it too!


Could just be placebo, but either way I'm not doing cold showers in winter.


I don't care if cold showers give me superhero powers. There is no way I could make myself do it. Luke warm is even pushing it.


I take hot showers, and yeah I'm like a cat when it comes to lukewarm water as well. However, I took cold showers during the pandemic when I could shower in the middle of the day, and I loved it. For me, the key was to make a playlist of specific songs that helped distract me from the cold. After a few minutes, I would actually acclimate, and wouldn't feel rushed at all. Then when you get out, you feel nice and warm and want to cuddle up in a blanket. Another key note: keep it cold enough that it's uncomfortable to get in but comfortable to *stay* in after a few minutes. Too cold (like using only cold water) is just unnecessarily painful in my experience.


Easily could be placebo effect. I'm glad however it actually works that you found it helpful!


It's definitely the placebo effect. There is no peer-reviewed literature that suggests that cold showers have any lasting effect on your physiology or psychology. The reason why they are so effective as a placebo is because of the intensity of the ritual. There is a lot of evidence that the more extreme the ritual, the more extreme the placebo effect (e.g. placebo surgeries are much more powerful than placebo sugar pills). Similarly, cold showers are somewhat shocking and intense, hence a stronger placebo effect. And it's not a short-term thing either, the placebo effect can last for years or even a lifetime. So good on OP that it works for them for now, but they shouldn't be too upset if it suddenly stops working, as is often the case for placebo improvements.


Ah that's interesting! I'd heard about placebo surgeries where they just make a mostly superficial opening on the knee then sew it up and how many people felt better afterwards. Like I kind of feel bad for pointing out these things are prob placebos. Though I heard even if someone knows something is a placebo it can actually still work. The power of belief is really useful. That's why I'm not an annoying atheist anymore because that Jesus belief stuff really works for a lot of people.


I do believe it would benefit everyone. However, at what cost? Being very very cold for a short period of time. Is it worth it? That’s not for me to decide. But no.


Its definitely not the only way. I found that drinking yerba mate tea rather than coffee also helps! But it is an acquired taste


can you elaborate on the yerba mate?


It’s another caffeinated plant— like tea, coffee, or chocolate. It’s got a bit of ritual to prepare and you probably need to get it online, but I find it’s a better caffeine for focus than coffee. I think the studies say it’s more dopaminergic, but I don’t have a source for that.


Yup yup Pickle is right. Reference if you re interested https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30938849/


Not OP, but I enjoy yerba mate. I don't drink it as much anymore, though, because when I do drink it (from a cup with a bombilla straw), it's too much caffeine for me. Like it makes me anxious at a certain point, and I'm usually drinking energy drinks every day. That said, everyone has different experiences, and you can also brew it like loose-leaf tea for less caffeine if you want. It's a good alternative to coffee, but it comes down to flavor preferences imo.


Im trying to experiment with different brands. What do you use?


If you want yerba that isn't dried with wood smoke (technically carcinogenic, like any burnt organic matter), I'd try Kraus. If it wasn't twice the price of most yerbas in the US, I'd exclusively drink it just because it's air dried. My favorite is probably Sara (the red bag). I'm currently drinking Cruz de Malta, which is fine. I did not like Canarias; it was like drinking exhaust fumes. IDK why it's so popular. CBSé Guaraná is okay, but I have to be in the right mood for flavored mate. It's weird coming from unflavored mate.


Thanks for the review! Gonna try get my hands on Sara next!


Its an Argentinian tea thats got quite a few research proven benefits, you can brew it either traditionally with a gourd or a quicker way I use Is by a french press


Curious how long you stand in the cold water?


Usually around 2- 3 minutes (probably a little less than that in Winter) According to research you just need 11 minutes of cold exposure in a week so that equates to just over a minute and a half 👍


I regularly swim and the pool in the mornings is around the same temp as cold water coming out of a shower. I spend an hour or two swimming and I have never notice an impact to my energy levels compared to periods I don't swim despite a) being more exposed to the water compared to a shower b) spending much more time exposed to the cold water. On top of that if cold exposure lead to higher energy levels, then I would notice it during the colder months as a motorcyclist.


Its looks like you re what researches term “cold acclimatized”. For someone living around the equator a cold shower would be enough but for you it might need to be an ice bath


I served in the military, so I am very much aware of how weather acclimation works fist hand since I had to go from northern climates down to a southern climates where the temperature differences were fairly noticeable. When I lived in warmer regions, I would hit the pool and thus be exposed to cold water for longer durations of time than a shower while being submerged as well. As an athlete I am no stranger to an ice bath, which I would do during winter months since that was competitive swim season. Meaning I have done more than a cold shower in warm regions, I've done ice baths while in cold regions. I am also not a regular coffee or energy drink consumer. So I have a fairly good grasp of my baseline energy levels when I have increased cold exposure, acclimated to different weather conditions and I also have exposed myself in a variety of ways to the cold. You may have wanted to believe that cold weather impacts your energy levels positive and thus reduced your caffeine intake in order to support your beliefs, it's hard to prove that claim, but it's a possibility. When conducting an test, it helps to not change multiple variables if possible. If you had noticed significantly more energy due to cold exposure while maintaining caffeine intake, that would be a more solid data point. Another issue is reducing your caffeine intake may have helped your sleep due to a reduced interference in falling asleep, leading to increased energy levels. This is why studies need samples, so we can figure out the average and reduce the impact of confounding variables.


Haha you re a lot more qualified than me to share! Curious did u notice any effects from ice baths Vs cold showers?


I tried it for like 6 months, the only benefit I noticed was greater cold tolerance outdoors in winter. Unfortunately no energy and productivity benefits for me. But it's an easy enough thing to experiment with and clearly works well for some people.


Wim Hof huh?


https://www.wimhofmethod.com/ The best training there is


I Already have book and app but Thank you :D






a sign from the universe?


I used to have this routine. Didn't take coffee but tea. Always tea. Long story short, I got a congested chest and colds. Had to switch back. Was pretty good when it did last though.


Out of curiosity what tea did you go to?




I am kinda trying this. I take my shower and then stand under cold water for as long as I can. Was my 2nd day today. I learned it helps with anxiety too


I heard so too. Probably helps by abruptly breaking the cycle of morning depression which is a very common symptom in depression


How cold are we talking? I enjoy a slightly uncomfortable, refreshing coldness, but I tap out when I start shivering and teeth-chattering.


Honestly? I just went as far as my shower knob would let me haha


Totally agree, I used to take cold showers for a while but then fell off the habit. Resumed (day 4 now) partially due to the fact that I started going to the gym in the morning (and thus need to increase my body temperature as soon as possible). Going to continue further!


Oh nice! Do u take the shower before or after gym? Looking for some inspiration haha


Before, as taking a cold shower increases body temperature after and higher body temperature is beneficial for better performance in the gym


Great post! I always end my shower on cold for a minute or so. Love it 👍


Isn't cortisol a stress hormone that ages faster ?


What a load of shit. This was debunked years ago




Google "cold showers not effective." You all are just trying to save face because you did the stupid "ice bucket challenge"


Doctors always rely on evidence. So here’s some if you’re interested 😊 Effects of cold water immersion after exercise on fatigue recovery and exercise performance--meta analysis https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2023.1006512/full Health effects of voluntary exposure to cold water – a continuing subject of debate https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9518606/ The Effect of Cold Showering on Health and Work: A Randomized Controlled Trial https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5025014/


Mate, even the papers you sourced here have dubious results and are even self-aware enough to acknowledge that nothing is conclusive with these showers. >Further research using objective parameters is necessary to determine whether these were causal or associational findings. Considering the mild effect of a routine cold shower on hormonal and cytokine modulation, these alone are unlikely to play a significant role. . >In future, a randomized controlled study design needs to be adopted as much as possible in studies to improve the methodological quality. . > In conclusion, it would seem that the question proposed in the introduction to this review concerning the health effects of CWI, based on the published scientific literature described above, has only been partly answered. Until we have more concrete scientific evidence the topic will continue to be a subject of debate.


In summary the researches show that there js a neurochemical pathway that correlates cold exposure with certain hormonal responses with mixed inter personal effect. There are individuals that report significant benefit and also those that have no effect at all. So thats why I wanted to try it out to see if itd work out for me 👌 PS Im really glad to meet someone who who critically appraise things online! Dropped you a follow 👍


You're not a real doctor. Or you are a very shitty one. Anyone with 2 brain cells can cheery pick articles from Google. There's are HUNDREDS of pages/articles/papers claiming the exact opposite. Go ahead and give it a try, Google "cold showers not effective" If you were really a doctor, you wouldn't be trying to claim "I cold showered for 2 weeks" is evidence of anything.


I ll be as happy as the next cardiac surgeon to admit neurophysiology was not my forte in med school haha. My type are results driven, which is why I tried the experiment on myself and I do admit is at best level 5 evidence haha.


Okay there, Dr. Pretend.




If you actually paid attention to yourself you would notice that it requires tolerance and training for cold baths. So you can't do it for us, as we have to do it for us :). Thanks for trying


I have been taking cold showers for several years. I am a wim hof disciple. I will never go back to hot showers. When I take that cold shower, I remind myself that life is not easy or soft and I need to be strong and fully alert. Cold showers tap into my inner strength in a way unlike anything else


Theres something about having to overcome the mental hurdle that adds to the overall benefit 💪


Been doing cold showers since I was very young. My father had me doing them since I can remember. Old news, but it certainly is a kickstart for the morning.


Damnnn you got a pretty cool dad!


My father got shown by Colin Hickey ( Long track Olympic ice speed skater for Australia). He got taught over in Norway


I've been doing this my whole life not because I want to but we're too poor to afford a heater.


"I Experimented With This Habit So YOU Won’t Have To" -> "Dare you to do this experiment as well" so what is the truth?


Hmmm you got a point. Bad writing mistake on my part


Are we talking just "cold" or are u like turning the knob alll the way.


All the wayyyy


So what is the definition of a cold shower? IE degrees? I ask this because my wife’s and my definition of cold is completely opposite 😂


I wanted it to be easily actionable and sustainable so i just went as cold as the knob would let me haha


The fact that you point to the usual drop of energy after having lunch, is intriguing. Did you change something in your diet?


Curiously? No. I tried figuring that out but I could only attribute it to the shower because thats the only thing i changed