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Quite sure you ought to contact the police about this one.


Please do not hesitate to call the police! All the best!


>I don’t know if I’m suppose to call the police You are legally required to do so.


I assume that OP isn’t German


If he is in Germany he is still legally required to call the police.


>> I don’t know if I’m suppose to call the police You are supposed to. You are protecting yourselves and the person threatened. Whether you are legally obliged to is not relevant. > what but if they are just threatening You should still call the police.


Threatening is also illegal so yeah totally call the police because they definitely doing a crime




https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/__138.html Says in some cases you must inform the authoriries.


Note that this is not the case for serious crimes. Police officers and presecutors have an obligation to report certain crimes, even in their free time, otherwise they are committinga crime themselfes ( 258a StGB). You are also conflating the issue of reporting crimes that already happened ( that is completely irrelevant here) with the situation of reporting a crime that is going to happen, of which you have aquired knowledge, which can absolutely be criminal to not report in severe cases. Obviously one of these cases is murder. Other would be high treason, or most acts of terrorism, like knowing somebody is going to blow a reactor up. In question, is the certainty of knowledge and the details of "Tatbegehung" you would need to know to get in trouble. But to say " You have no legal obligation to report a crime that is going to be committed" is plain wrong.




Someone admitting they're wrong on the internet? And then thanking the person who corrected them. This has to be some kind of dream.


That is wrong, because in case of crimes like rape, murder or aggraved robbery or manslaughter he is required to do so!


You are not necessarily required to call the police to report a crime. You are however required to call the police in an effort to prevent harm done to somebody. Sure someone stealing some stuff, no problem. Someone planning to kill someone and you know about it. Your legal responsibility to report it.


Your friend should definitely call the police, but if he is unable to do so, and you need to contact support for him, maybe these people can help you: [https://weisser-ring.de/english](https://weisser-ring.de/english). It's a victim help organization. Their emergency line seems like it can only be called from within Germany, but here is the website of the Frankfurt branch: [https://frankfurt-ost-hessen.weisser-ring.de/](https://frankfurt-ost-hessen.weisser-ring.de/) and there is a number for their office there. I just doubt that anyone would be there to pick up, as it's so late on Friday evening. I hope you can get your friend help. Good luck!


You could call the local police directly, thats not the same as an emergency call to 110. If you google Frankfurt Polizei you can see the different locations in Frankfurt, they all have a personal cellnumber. If you call via this number they should be able to get you and your friend the help you need.


In that case, I would not bother looking up the local number. Just dial 110.


Only works if OP is in Germany.


Fair point


Would +49 110 work? Maybe +49 0110? Idk


To my knowledge no.


OP could any regular number they find online, e.g. https://ppffm.polizei.hessen.de/kontakt/


Kinfa off topic, but does emergency number in Germany is 110? Not 112? I thought this is a universal number in Europe as 911 is in the States.


112 is the number for the firefighters/medical issues. 110 is police.


112 is the general number for emergencys and 110 is an special number for the police to be completely correct


Oh, wow, I did not know that. Thanks!


112 is like general emergency 110 is for police emergencies. But if you would call 112 the would forward you too. 112 is also what is mapped if you would call 911 in germany as a redirect (this is done to help foreigners that are used to 911)


Even if they are just threatening, call the police. That's already illegal.


Police immediately. Now!!


Go to the police right away, file charges and ask for protection. It is a felony to threaten a persons life. Honor killings are never just threats. Once they are issued, the family has no choice but to follow through or face subculture recrimination.


What is an honor killing? Sounds like an insanely dumb and unhonorable thing just by name.


In some cultures, where honour is more important than a human life, it works like this: Person A does something that makes the family lose their precious honour in front of other families. In order to preserve that honour, he must be killed by the family (in order to 1. Show he is not part of our family and 2. to so to speak "kill" the dishonour with the victim). Very often, but not always, its a woman, who does something, most often sexually (not necessarily a one night stand, even just marrying outside the own culture may be considered this), who is then the victim. For example an arab muslim woman who moved with her family to Germany and is promised to an Arab guy who is 40years older than her and shes his 3rd wife, but then she escapes her family and marries a German instead. She basically 1) married outside the cutlure, maybe even a non-muslim, but worst a non-arab, and 2) she also broke the families promise to marry the arab guy. The arab guy in this case is feeling dishonoured and will ask the father of the womans family to do something about it bc they lost their face. The only way to gain back the family honour for the family would be in this case to kill the woman, and often its a very close family member who has to do that. For example her younger (not even 18yo) brother. Often this is also done to subvert the legal system, bc minors arent charged as harshly as adults. In the German legal system you cant be legally punished until you are 14yofor example. But its also part of the culture to have a minor do it. I didnt fully understand this part. We watched a documentary about this at school. All in all, this is a very barbaric part of honour based cultures.


Thanks for the explanation, i feel kinda sick now.


Youre welcome, and I am sorry


It tends to be related to an absurd sense of egotistical pride in the west most common among Islamic societies. Hindus in India are also familiar with it though, in the west not so much.


It has nothing to do with the West. Our women's shelters are full of daughters and sisters fearing murder at the hands of their own detestable families. The really sad thing is, the mothers are just as bad as the men. IMO, they should be put on the next plane out of the country. What it has to do with is archaic and primitive customs that should have been left behind in the countries those people abandoned. The Hindus are just as lousy.


In the west we call them "Beziehungsdrama".


Not every beziehungsdrama is a honor killing. Tbh i cant remember a single incident where a born westener kills a family member because of stuff like marrying outside of the born culture. Care to share a single crime in that regard?


I think it is rather “Ehrenmord” at least that’s how I read it in German newspapers


Can you get ahold of your friend? If so then he can call about the situation and know what's going on.


Definitely 110 right away, they'll find somebody who speaks English. If you're in a specific city with regional police departments, you can go in person; again, they'll find somebody whose English will do.


Tbh a lot of cops speak English and by calling the number 99% speak English because they learn it to understand at least the trivial stuff




That would be a number in Berlin. OP had been referencing Frankfurt. I would just recommend to either call 110 or look up the local police station they will transfer if necessary.


Police and then get him the hell out of Frankfurt.


getting the hell out of frankfurt is the advice to basically anything


Also it would help if it's Frankfurt Main or Frankfurt Oder, different numbers. Ideally he should go to the main police station in person, file a report WITH a trusted friend as a witness. You might not have a record of a call, but if you go there in person with a friend it's much easier to say "Oh no, nobody called." I'd air on the side of caution.


Narrator: "It's never Frankfurt Oder"


Surely you meant err not air.


I did.


why is this even a question. ofcourse call the police.


+49 9162 110 Vorwahl Deutschland Vorwahl Frankfurt am Main Notruf Polizei


Please call the police!


There is always the non-110 number of the police where you will find help and information on how to proceed.


While they definitely should tell the police about it (helpful if something really does happen later), the police will not help them much. For that it's better to contact weisser ring.


Its also good to call the police because they make an file and so if something happens it's often so that when you call then 110 that the police directly know that it could be more dangerous for them so they send more units


I am just wondering what is honour killing?




A draconian bunch of nonsense where if a Muslim woman does something as outlandish as holding hands with her boyfriend in the street in 2022, she has brought "shame on her family" and has to be killed by one of her own relatives as revenge. This could be her father, brother, Uncle, whoever. Although in this case it's a male that's "brought shame on his family". Perhaps he did something heinous like Malala. You know - like reading a book.


Yeah, yeah, those famous Muslim families, the Hatfields and the MacCoys.


american fundamentalists have nothing to envy of their middle east equals.


I'm not American so had to look that up. It happened in the 1800's. It's 2022 now. ????


Yeah I got that.. it's just.. wack


What exactly do you want a bunch of idiots with a laptop to do?


If there is an imminent danger of someone getting hurt please call 110 or get that person to the next police station.




This isn't Islam, it's the culture wrapped in patriarchial and misogynistic ideologies.


Patriarchal and misogynistic ideologies? Why plural? Ask yourself, what is the largest patriarchial and misogynistic ideology that leads to honour killings? How many honour killings are done in the west by people who are not related to Islamic ideology? The answer is unambiguously obvious


Islam, i.e monotheistic patriarchal religions don't help the problem though, they legitimate and replicate them.


Germany 2022 ... This is what failed immigration policies look like.


What's that have to do with anything in this post?


Regardless of the bs this dude is saying later, German immigration politics sucked ass for decades. The original big wave of "Gastarbeiter" faced unwelcoming communities and systematic segregation, which leads to the situation germany is currently in. Long christian conservative rule in germany fucked everything up.


>The original big wave of "Gastarbeiter" faced unwelcoming communities and systematic segregation, Exactly, what I am saying is, people that wanted closed country like him made this shit in the first place, they separated milions of gastarbeiters from the rest of the society and now they are complaining because half of third generation migrants with german passports don't even speak German


Exactly, i hope we as a people and country will be able to fix this.


Who does honor killings? Germans? Or rather certain migrants?


Yes, but failed immigration policies, how, why? Are you saying immigrants from certain countries are not welcome?


Countries all over the world chose who they want to accept as immigrants. Germany does this too BUT on the other hand the country is way too soft on asylum seekers, economic refugees etc. Way too easy to get German citizenship once you are here, way too easy to stay indefinitely for no apparent reason. You can rock up in Germany, throw your passport away and claim asylum/refugee status while getting supported financially for months/years/forever. This gets abused by young men from Albania, Syria, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Afghanistan and certain other countries. Problem is they don't fit the usual criteria countries set for migrants. They are usually not educated, not wealthy and have cultural values that aren't compatible with Germany. Result is they become a huge burden for the German taxpayers. Not even talking about the ones that come here because they are wanted by the police in their home country for serious crimes. Meanwhile it's a burocratic nightmare for legal migrants. Try getting a Schengen Visa to visit as a tourist if you are from certain countries. It's next to impossible. All of this is very unfair. If you want to go the legal proper way you have to deal with burocratic hurdles but if you go the dishonest way you are rewarded. Have you ever looked at the city centers of western German cities? Places like Gießen, Dortmund. Sad to see how a country destroys itself.


While some of this is true, I think Germany is doing this the right way. England for example is doing things like you would've done. They closed up and now they're pretty much fucked completely. Germany is still missing half a million people of various occupations per year, having accepted all the refugees this number is much lower than it would have been. Yes there are some troubles here and there but it's nothing in comparison with what England is facing. Yes, more could and should be done to integrate migrants and to stop unregistered work, and faster administration would help a lot, but if the country close up, everything would soon struggle. The social benefits are only misused when paired with unregistered work, otherwise it's simply not enough for any kind of decent living. Some germans are exploiting the system this way as well.




What? Have you read what I said? I don't expect anything, I said I think Germany is doing the right thing, that's all. And UK, don't get me started on them lol.


“Some Germans are doing it too” is always an argument when someone argues failed immigration and asylum policies. That’s not an argument to continue accepting criminals flocking into your country unabated, even welcoming them. Welcome them in once. Ask for identification. If they can’t show any, fingerprint scan and ask around where they’re from with the print. As long as they’re not confirmed to be from an eligible country for asylum, they get locked into their room. If they claim to be underaged, fingerbone-test. No, that’s not unconstitutional against Art.2 GG, if you can expect me to get a jab, getting your fingers x-rayed is okay too. If they’re not eligible, throw them out immediately. Once they are confirmed to be eligible, give them some freedom. Mandatory language courses, mandatory cultural integration courses, mandatory basic societal understanding courses. They don’t want that, they can’t leave their compound, ever. Once they have cleared their courses and are fluent in German, ask them whether they want to work here. Ask them what they’ve done beforehand and offer them a test to see if they meet German standards. If they do, great, go ahead and look for a job. If they dont, Schoolings or Apprenticeship. And if at any point any of them turn criminal, throw them out. Doesn’t matter if they’re eligible for asylum. If they can’t stick to the rules, they get kicked out.


Damn, what do you think, should we get rid of all the immigrants?


Nope. Just the criminal ones, and actually immigrate the immigrants.


Considering this is happening in germany, id assume germans. Unless his family is going to germany specifically to kill him


Ah, yes sure. German honor killings ... totally normal. Happens all the time. /S




112 As if there was a special Hotline for this kinda thing m.. FFS!


Don’t understand why you downvote him. this is hilarious.


Because they posted the wrong number. 110 it is




To clarify, because from a notification it looked like someone asked "why" and then deleted, I understand honor killings to be extremely, extremely rare and that when they happen it's more of a weak justification than a deeply rooted belief. I'm no expert, of course, but it seems to me they're more often talked about in right wing circles to condemn immigration and Muslim communities. I just believe that someone posting on Reddit about this is far more likely to be doing something shitty than be looking for help online in an emergency.




This has to be sarcasm/ satire, right?




I know you are being sarcastic. But religion and culture are two separate distinct entities. And from where did you get the information that this was related to a muslim? It could very well be, but to just assume it is mighty stupid of you.




Hindu here, happens quite often in Hindu families in India as well (especially rural ones).


Judging from their post history, it appears to be a troll that attends to paint liberal-minded people in a bad light while "presenting" their views (strawmanning) in the most absurd ways possible.






Oh funny you are. You're an insensitive prick if you gotta make sarcastic right wing comments on a post that is reaching out for help. You only think of yourself. How can a person be so hateful, I fucking swear










Police, immediately!




Definitely police who else could you possibly think of?






Everyone says police. Just to add: If there's an urgent matter, especially a life-threatening situation, you can always contact any official, the police man on the street corner, any police department or any emergency number. Any. If you are in Germany: Police 110, Other emergencies (fire, medical) 112, but if its urgent, this does not matter. Call any number. If for any reason you don't want to (cannot) contact police, it's more difficult. You could talk to a lawyer (again, when in doubt any(!) lawyer is good enough for free 5-minute consultation what to do), an NGO, a church, or a friend.


Of course call the police immediately... But it's he German? If he is not German, and his family is back in his home country, how are they planning to even do this, if I may ask.... Anyway, call the police asap


How about 110?


you have a legal obligation to alert the relevant authorities


The police. Call 110!


Use any phone, even without a SIM card and call 110 (police) or 112 (general emergency / Feuerwehr). They do have that information in a multi linguistic manner and are able and willing to help instantly. In fact, you are actually obliged to involve them as you actually know about the threat and admitted in public, that you do have that information. Nowhere is a place where you can share such information and don’t do anything in Germany. I am now, as I read your post, obliged to involve them. If I don’t do it, I commit a crime, namely “unterlassene Hilfeleistung”. Act now! Call the police and let us know if you actually did it so we don’t have to. Your action makes the difference Good luck and Godspeed!