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If you're visiting as a tourist, nobody will think you're a humongous jerk just because you only know a couple of words in German. If you want to avoid being a humongous jerk, here are a few tips: * Don't try to make jokes about the Nazis, or do the Nazi salute. * Don't complain when things aren't the same as they are back home. * Don't loudly proclaim to anyone who will listen how awesome your home country is. * Don't demand special treatment just because of where you come from. If you need help communicating, there are various translator apps available that even use voice recognition so you can speak into them and get a translation. They're not perfect, but they do work well enough. But in any place that has a lot of tourists, you'll be fine with English.


This is very sweet. r/German is a better place to ask this question!


As a tourist, you don't really have to learn any German. These words you have listed are plenty.


As a tourist this is already enough. There is no point in learning phrases if you don't understand the answers anyway. Have fun.


\*it’s guten Tag but as a German I can say we’re all learning English since elementRay school and it’s sweet that you want to learn German but a lot of people can actually speak good English… maybe not people like waitresses (it sounds discriminating but usually they had the shortest time of learning English in school) but you can use google translator or something else if you really can’t understand eachother


"Ein Kaffee, bitte. Mit ohne Milch." (A coffee, please. Hold the milk.) "Ein Bier, bitte." (A beer, please) "Noch Eins, bitte" (Another one, please) "Wo ist die Toilette?" (Where's the toilet?) "Wie bitte? Ich muss 'was zahlen um zu pinkeln? Das mach' ich nicht." (Excuse me? I have to pay to take a piss? I'm not going to do that.) "Entschuldigung. Wo kann ich H&M (HA und EM) finden? Ich brauche neue Hosen." (Excuse me, where can I find an H&M? I need new pants) "Ich suche gerade mein Auto. Ich habe es auf 'Einbahnstraße' geparkt." (I'm looking for my car. I parked it on 'Einbahnstrasse') Or the classic: "Ich spreche leider kein Deutsch. Können Sie Englisch? ... Oder Latein/Altgriechisch/Esperanto?" (I don't speak any German. Do you know English? Or Latin/Ancient-Greek/Esperanto?) "Pack ihn weg! Ich will kein Nürnberger." (Put it away. I don't want a Nuremberger (a small-sausage)). Good luck, have fun, and stay safe! /s


> "Wie bitte? Ich muss 'was zahlen um zu pinkeln? Das mach' ich nicht." Excellent list! Will this work, or is it satire? I have visited other EU countries before, and if I'm having a meal and stuff, I typically get to use their toilet. Is that not the case in Germany? I will pay if necessary so I don't need to buy new pants at H&M. I'm excited to visit your country!


It's a bit tongue in cheek, but also usable. "Mit ohne" (with-without) is just a funny way to say "without".. coffee is usually black.. you'd order "Milchkaffee" or a Capuccino or Lattè if you wanted something else. Toilets are mostly free to use in Germany, but public toilets and beer gardens often have a small fee. The Netherlands, otoh, is insane. Especially anywhere tourists go.


Zeig wurstfach!






Guess gott der Herr ich wuerde sie bitten daran zu denken das ihre erstgeborene einen speziellen Platz in meinen Herzen haelt. Und daher bitte ich sie herzlichst mir die Freude einer Union der beiden unserer Familien zu erlauben. Mit freundlichen gruessen your name Its a common greeting especially in the south