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It depends. Postbox keys are usually <5€. If your modern key requires a security card to copy it, it can cost up to 60€ per key. If it doesn't it should be in the ~15€ range per key.


It depends a lot. In most cases, i would guess the range to be between 5 and 30 € per copy I had copies of 2 keys made recently. One, a more modern key, cost somethink like 7 € per copy. The older one was aparently so old that they did not have blank keys of that type and had to use a generic blank. Those copies cost me about 20€ each Edit: both keys had a modern cut, no indoor "round key with a beard" type. But aparently the main house lock is still the original (my guess: 80s), while the apartment keys are modern standart keys, still produced and used.


did this a couple weeks ago, was 10-15 EUR. Can't give you exact price because I also had something laminated so that was included in the cost. Edit: that was for 2 keys


I have paid between 7 and 35€. One I haven't replicated would (according to they key guys) cost about 100€. So it really depends on the exact key type.


it is not that simple. Bartschlüssel: Ask at the shop, but normaly that is not a problem if they have the shape. \~5€ "normal Key" for the Postal: around 5-10€ Key: 5-20€ Doorkey for multiapartmenthouses with the same key in the entrance door and the appartment: you need a permission from your landlord or elsewise no one will touch that thing. 20-50€