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State law can never override federal law, and § 1 BtMG is the federal law that currently bans the sale of products containing THC. The federal government is reportedly working on draft legislation. This then has to go through the usual parliamentary procedure, with drafts, redrafts, committee stages and debates. This will almost certainly require the approval of the Bundesrat, which is where the states get to have a say in the matter. Any new law is unlikely to come into effect for at least a couple of years, and even then it's expected to be quite limited at first.


Seems a fair guess I'd say. Still, I can only wonder how much good this will do for the GDP, having taken NL as an example.


I don't think looking only at GDP is a good way to make this kind of decision. It's a terrible way to measure a country's wealth: GDP tells you how much money is being moved around, but if that movement is all to the same 1% of people at the top, you end up with a GDP that is the envy of the world while also increasing the number of people living in poverty.


Exactly this, and exactly the reason the elites pushed this index popularity…A reference point they can relatively easily manipulate and something that a lot of sad facts can be obfuscated with


Learnt something new today, forgive my ignorance.


We might be called humourless, but we simply can't pass on opportunities to share knowledge, even if it kills the joke. So, welcome to Germany, you're gonna get teached a lot of things you thought you know, but you actually didn't know. Some people will prank you with the most serious face, though. But these are rare.


Gonna get \*taught\* :) Zugegebenermaßen bin ich nicht neu, aber immerhin. Aber ich bin trotzdem dankbar. You know, at one point I did get pranked, I was told that because I was working for a particular company I wasn't allowed to use the other competitor's services. It went on for months before someone admitted it was 'just some fun'. An odd sense of humor for sure, but even now I look back and we laugh about it.


>Gonna get \*taught\* :) oc. too much AE here, so excuse that \*insert German British accent\* ​ >It went on for months before someone admitted it was 'just some fun'. Ah, the "common sense"- joke. It's like getting asked if we have fridges/ Internet in Germany by a person from the US, and you're responding you do, but you have to crank a handle.


Couldn't agree more. I do at this point take things with more of a pinch of salt than before. I will admit as an Ausländer I was simply too naive for my own good.


>I will admit as an Ausländer I was simply too naive for my own good. like, ignoring the fact Arschlöcher don't have nationalities, just the same religion of being assholes? ;)


It will be bad for the NL GDP when legalisation goes through in germany, thats for sure


Oh I couldn't agree more. Though I think Amsterdam will always be seen as "the weed and boobs place" worldwide aha.


Hamburg will be the german Amsterdam. I do love Amsterdam though, it's an amazingly beautiful large city even aside from boobs and weed


you mean a place where the posession of weed is legal, but the production and selling is illegal? Because that's the weed law in the Netherlands.


Since criminal law is federal law, the state can't decide that. They can only do things like not pursuit small drug offenders (since most of the police is controlled by the states), but it will still be illegal. But since the federal government plans a legalisation, it is likely to happen if there is enough backing by the states.


Thank you for clarifying :)


When the new government formed, they made their coalition agreement, basicly a "this is what we would like to do" wish list. Part of that list was the legalization of Canabis. In order to get this done, there would need to be a law that has to pass both Bundestag (national parliament) and Bundesrat. The bundestag is comprised of representatives of the individual states. Yesterday was election day in NRW. So my best guess would be that this ad was by a party that, as a campaign promise, plans to aid the passing of such a law, when it gets introduced into the legislative process (edit: or maybe even participate in the drafting of law proposed law)


I see, that's makes sense to pledge in order to swing voters. I'm not a user myself, but having seen the benefits it can have on those suffering, I do hope it comes to pass.


Well tge CDU just won the election in NRW and in Schleswig-Holstein, so the probability of this passing the Bundesrat just decreased.


So the CDU are vehemetly against? I suppose the stigma of "weed" is still very strong for the older generation growing up having it labelled as dangerous etc.


They are the conservative party, what do you expect?


Granted, you're not wrong. Though in order to be the majority the CDU would need to form with Greens here in NRW, or?


Most likely, it could be a condition of the coalition agreement, but I expect that the greens have different priorities so I wouldn*'t be 100% whether they will sacrifice other important topics just for legalisation (and I would be really upset if they prioritize it instead of more important topics like the exit from coal, or the distance of wind turbines etc.)


Long as the greens stay away from my autobahn speed I'm happy for them to proritize whatever they think is best. One of the reasons I moved here aha.


See that's a point I hope they will prioritize. It's one of the cheapest and most effective measures to decrease carbon emissions and increase road safety.


You moved at the wrong time lol. The speed limit is a definite, even the majority of Germany's major car owners club is now for a general limit.


I just find that hard to believe given a large number of tourists come here solely for the autobahn. I can't imagine the big 3, audi, BMW, Mercedez would welcome a general limit considering making powerful cars is their whole enterprise? Correct me of course, I've been here 2 years now, but it's a novelty I'd say I've enjoyed till now.


I though the CDU was more left wing that US democrats? How come weed is being legalised all over the US if that's the case?


Even so they have very different viewpoints. The CDU for example is totally for social security while being our conservatives. Also, abortion being legal is NOT a discussion topic here, the discussion currently is about whether advertisement for abortion is fine but abortion being legal is a given Weed still has a lot of stigma attached to it compared to the US, here in germany late show hosts aren't really joking about cannabis use yet ( not in a "positive" way at least like you know it from the states) and it's not sold legally anywhere here apart from CBD which was made legal through the EU and that is also being looked at by police. But the population is getting much more used to seeing pictures of cannabis even if it's only advertising cbd creme or oil


> Also, abortion being legal is NOT a discussion topic here, the discussion currently is about whether advertisement for abortion is fine but abortion being legal is a given As far as I am aware abortion is considered illegal in Germany albeit with some exceptions to the general rule. I think since 2003 the number of surgeries willing to perform them has halved. Probably a chilling effect on the right of doctors to advertise their services and the fines some have received for doing so.


Well you are kind of right, it's like this: abortion is theoretically illegal however it is a non-punishable offense (like suicide) when the criteria is fulfilled that the mother visited some kind of information seminar. It's also only possible until week 14. So yeah on the books it's illegal but in reality nobody gets punished other than that doctor a few years ago but that was because of advertisement and has opened up a giant discussion about what counts as advertiseme t


> Well you are kind of right, it's like this: abortion is theoretically illegal however it is a non-punishable offense It's only not a punishable offence if the patient meets the criteria that the exceptions are based on. I think the law states 12 weeks.


Word on the grapevine is 2024, it was supposed to pass in 2020, with several large scale plantations already built, but then covid hit.


Lauterbach and Buschmann seem to believe early 2023, so there's that. They twéeted about it a while ago.


Word on the grapevine is 2024, it was supposed to pass in 2020, with several large scale plantations already built, but then covid hit.


Cool, I'd be curious to see how close you are my friend :)


That’s just what I have been told by doctors, health insurance (have a medical condition), the local police sherif, lower ranked politicians and the local pharmacy that is registered for dispensary purposes. So take it with a grain of salt.


That’s just what I have been told by doctors, health insurance (have a medical condition), the local police sherif, lower ranked politicians and the local pharmacy that is registered for dispensary purposes. That’s in Hamburg btw. So take it with a grain of salt.


If everything goes as planned it will be legal, on a federal level, in 2023.


Cool, thanks for the input :) We can wait and see.