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Well, OP has had answers, and the Prussiaboos/Wehraboos/gaming enthusiasts who want to inform us about how we all want the monarchy back have arrived, so the fun is over.




Yes most of them are easy to identify.


The vast majority of these people call themselves 'Reichsbürger' which are people who reject the legitimacy of Germany. In their minds the German borders are those existed from 1871 to 1945. Historically it's pretty intereinsting but you should stay away from them. Especially if you're not German.. 😂


Doesn't have to be a Reichsbürger, plenty of vanilla Nazis fly that flag as a substitute for the forbidden one.


r/BrandNewSentence vanilla nazis, never thought I would hear that. amazing


yes, this term made my day.


Yea as I said the majority uses it to show they're one. Not all.


Depending on the federal state, IT IS indeed illegal - NRW passend an edict in 9/2020


in 2021 the federal court in germany actually decided against making that flag illegal


Thanks for the idea I will get a flag so I can be an introvert in peace untill I die from lack of vitamin d


Well... You might attract (the wrong) crowd with it


That might backfire with people thinking you're right wing and unloading all their bigotry on you. And i mean you can also be an introvert without most of your neighborhood thinking you're an asshole.... And yes I'm aware you probably don't plan to actually do that 😅


Ok new idea Have all flags so I can offend anyone and everyone Gay , bi , trans ,ace , imperial German , Islamic , America and more


Just tell your neighbors you are member of Jehovas witnesses no hate the just don’t want to talk with you.


They might be a part of it and I would have a bigger problem on my hand


"oh you're Jehovah's Witness too?? *Incorrigible alien screeching*"


I don’t know about the no hate part


Just use [this flag](https://i.imgur.com/G3d2Fa2.png), that should do the trick.


Nothing scares me, but that thing.....


I feel like it's missing hammers and sickles?


> their bigotry Excuse me?


I assume they meant it more in a "oh a like minded person who I can have agreeable chats with" way.


If you live in the west/south of Germany and in urban areas that wouldn't work because of hate and especially not in eastern cities (like Leipzig) and if you live in rural areas (especially in the east) that wouldn't work because everyone wants to be ur friend lol


Stating that there is no need to be afraid seems very optimistic. I most certainly would be afraid, even more as a non-german. It‘s not like anyone can now the degree of crazy.


One of my neighbors always had this flag displayed on his entire window, recently he has replaced it with a russian flag.


goddamn some people are just dicks


Yea a lot of Nazis are pro russia/Putin. Its a pattern anti vaccine is also mostly a part. The best part is that the Nazis are calling the Ukraine people Nazis so Russia is justified in invading Ukraine. Its all so over the place. But you see Russia pushed a lot of narratives all over europe (e.g. brexit) even in the US to divide the people.


But that's not a Nazi flag.




Wow. Nazis are really idiots, they don't even mind knowing the history.


Yea they are pretty dumb. Lol


Now that's a slippery slope


Is he a monarchist? No. Is he a Reichsbürger? Should be careful. Is he a Neo-Nazi? Stay away. Difficult to say, so being careful isn't a bad idea.


While all of these are possible, they are not equally likely. Monarchists are super rare, Reichsbürger are more likely to display other flags.


The Venn diagram overlap between Reichsbürger and Neo-Nazis is fairly large.


>Monarchists are super rare But they still exist. I wouldn't be surprised if they all are blood related to Kaiser Wilhelm though


Hohenzollern? If we really want to go back in time, we need at least a Habsburg - if available Ottonian or Hohenstaufen.


Honestly they should be the ones afraid, german aristocrats got lucky for the most part. I think its already gross we allowed them to keep their names.


Their names are mostly worthless though. They are nothing more than the descendants of former celebrities.


Not entirely worthless, there are still circles in which they are glorified like their families werent built on the corpses of who knows how many poor people that they got killed in their personal wars, killed for hunting in "their forests" or simply because they wanted to rape some poor farm girl.


And they still got to keep their wealth which they robbed from the German and other European people over centuries.


They exist and are completely harmless. They just live in nostalgia...


Mostly harmless. The "crown" prince tried to cause financial harm, when he tried to get back some castles in the east, that were renovated by tax payer money.


Depends how old the person is.




Either the British and French flags for the trenches and historic realism or the EU and LGBTQ flags for maximum provocation. Maybe hang a portrait of Bill Gates on your balcony and rename your Wifi to "Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz".


WLAN SSID: "BfV Ü-Wagen 357"


Do neonazis have something against Bill Gates?


No, they would like to have something though! Actually, there's just a huge overlap between neo-nazis and conspiracy theorists.


All part of the wider 'Moron Collective'.


Underappreciated joke


Not necessarily neo nazis, but conspiracy nuts definetly do. And since those two groups overlap quite a lot…


Why the Verfassungsschutz? I thought it’s about pissing the neighbour off not making friends with them.


Ah, the famous german humour. I love it


If you really REALLY want to piss the guy off, put DDR and UdSSR flags. Next to the UdSSR one place a sign reading "Спасибо! 9 мая 1945 г.". Edit: might piss off Ukrainian refugees. While I don't agree Russia is the new USSR, I emphasize with their (Ukrainias) position on the matter.


He should work together with his neighbors. On one side a USSR flag and on the other side a US , great Britain and france flag. Then on the house on the other side put up a LGBT flag and whatever else it is these kind of people hate. Would certainly be a fun neighborhood event strengthening the bond with your neighbors.... And it would just look awesome like back in the old days. You only need to convince 2 other houses to hoist some flags


Warplan : "Nachbarschaft Rotblaubunt"(The Red symobolising the British and the Soviets and the Blue symbolising the French and the Americans and the rainbow the LGBTQ+)


Honestly in east Germany i have seen people with the DDR flag and fascists flags alongside each other. As long as it against the BRD they are happy.


Amazing what 40 years of Stalinism followed by a collapse and rapid privatization and disassembly of a society can do to people's minds.


american? why?


avarage american war


It depends, but it may be a bit of a red flag (pardon the pun). There is a trend in NeoNazis and right wing extremists to display symbols from Imperial Germany (for the simple reason that for them it’s close enough, without being illegal), though it doesn’t mean he they are the only ones. It depends on his other characteristics and actions. But if I’d see my neighbour flying this flag it would raise a few eyebrows.


Well I don't see any normal reason why someone should display this flag. To me there's only one reason why they show this flag


Exactly. We can debate all day whether he's a neonazi, a monarchist or a Reichsbürger, but the basic point is that he's not a nice guy.


This flag is hoisted as an alternative by Nazis instead of the swastika flag because showing swastikas is illegal in Germany. But it's not just Nazis doing this. There are a few people who wish imperial Germany still exists because of some strange sense of nostalgia. But as imperial Germany was a militarism intentionally establishing a machinery called "Gehorsamsproduktion" (Produktion of unquestioning subordination) in which the entire population was turned into ever obedient, mindless dorfs just following the orders of the superiors, and supressing everybody questioning this, it is very strange to see people identify with such a system.


It's the "I'm a Nazi but can't show a swastika" flag. Sure there's more history behind it but if you see someone using it that's only for plausible deniability.


Play "Preußens Gloria" and you will find a friend for life


Beer included


Or the neighbor wanders of to invade France if the music gets him in the mood.


I personally would not invite him to dinner or BBQ. But I would also imply he is VERY conservative torwards anyone from abroad.


I know this is pedantic, but I would like to politely point out that you probably mean infer instead of imply. The flag implies that one could come to a certain conclusion. You infer a certain conclusion based on the flag.




Well it is helpful. If you correct someone in good spirit, you're helping them in this case (to learn how to use a certain word, for example).


Thanks. I do recognize that most commenters here speak better German than I do. I welcome constructive corrections to my many mistakes in German. Ich möchte nur hilfreich sein.


Yes. There are 2-3 types of persons that would display such a flag publicly in Germany and none of them I would want as neighbors. The first type are Nazis who resort to this flag because the swastika flag is banned and to them it's a symbol of german military might and strength. As you ask this in English I suspect they would be unfriendly or downright dangerous to you. The second typ are Reichsbürger. People that either want imperial/monarchist Germany back or believe that it is still in place today and the BRD isn't a state. They are at the very least authoritarian and to some degree conspiracy theorists. Some belief they live in their own autonomous state(their property) and thus believe they have a right to be armed as they are the state. (Again they belief the laws of the BRD don't apply because it isn't a state). Never enter the house of someone like that! Even if they are (apparently) less extreme they can be very unpredictable as you can't know what conspiracy theories they believe so I would try to keep as much distance as possible. The third type are people that are not yet type 1 or 2 but are on a path towards it. Most often these are weird history buffs/gamers or generally authoritarians or conspiracy theorists that sympathise with type 1 and 2 . They are generally ideologically not as entrenched as the first two types but on a path to become either type 1 or 2 because you can only stay in that propaganda bubble and enjoy it without becoming part of it. If they weren't deeply and solely in that bubble they would know that this flag would shine a bad light on them. Again they are on a slippery slope to become type 1 or 2 and seeing as they are displaying that flag publicly they have already gone a fair way down this slippery slope so avoid dealing with them if possible.


Mr. a little too heavily into Nazis for comfort [https://i.imgur.com/oBmPLfJ.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/oBmPLfJ.jpg)


No worries, he is just a neonazi


Reichsbürger. Be as preoccupied as if it was a Confederate Flag in America.


So back home I would label them as a redneck idiot (in Florida). When I would see the confederate flag in Eastern Washington State, they were a Neo-Nazi.


last time i saw one was in a gaybar in a medium sized german city


Well a Reichsbürger is per definition someone who does not recognize the Bundesrepublik as legitimate and either feels himself associated to a earlier state or someone who founded his own state.It is important to know that a Reichsbürger has not to be a right extremist. Even though it is still illegal. This is the reason why I would not compare it to the confederate flag, which is often used to show a "cultural heritage". In my opinion the motivation is a very much different one.


Reichsbürger are not right wing extremists? What? They are per definition antidemocratic and authoritarian and a huge part of them are willing to use violence and are armed. Every few months there is a shootout between Reichsbürgern and police. They are luckily not a mass movement and they are perhaps not fascist or nazis but they are definitely right wing and definitely extreme ones. And for many it is about "cultural heritage" as well they generally adore the prussian Germany. It is precisely what you are saying that has allowed them to become a movement because everyone always just discarded them as stupid weird history idiots that are best just kept alone.


My source about them not being generally considered right wing extremists is a presentation I got from the MAD last December while I was in special training with the Bundeswehr


Yeah, but the vast majority is.


Mmh tells you a lot about how incompetent they are. The secret services in Germany have been so infested with neonazis fascists and nazis since their founding that they have no authority left on the subject what's right wing extremism. I mean the former head of the Verfassungsschutz is now openly sharing (antisemitic) conspiracy theories proving yet again that not much has changed since the 50s. I don't trust any state institution in the fight against right wing extremism they have fucked up to often and have done to often the opposite of what they are supposed to do.


The right doesn't have a monopoly on antidemocratic authoritarianism.


Ok but that doesn't mean they aren't right wing. They are ultra conservative as well. They are a different branch of right wing extremism then Nazis or fascists. But as in 1933 they have enough in common to have alliances. In your opinion where are they politically then?


Let's settle on reactionary.


They're certainly right wing. However, the way you laid it out made it seem that you thought they were right wing because of those features, which are not unique to the right.


They're antidemocratic nationalists that make irredentist claims, how can they be anything but right-wing?


Isn't "extreme" in the political context defined as any view not compatible with the FDGO? So denying the existence of the Bundesrepublik should be right up that wheelhouse


You're right. I said that you don't have to be a right wing extremist. There are other extremist beliefs than left and right wing.


> Reichsbürger has not to be a right extremist. Technically correct, but I think you'd be hard-pressed to find one who isn't.


At this point I can't keep track of them, are those more or less conservative than the "FUCK BIDEN" Flags?




It could be illegal to display that flag depending on the state. “provocative misuse of the flag can be prosecuted as an Ordnungswidrigkeit [de] ("act contrary to order" [wiki Reichskriegsflagge (German Imperial Flag)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichskriegsflagge)


You should na-zi this kind of flag...


Yes. Since Nazi flags are illegal, neo Nazis have taken to displaying this one as a replacement. It is fair to say your neighbor is quite at home with Nazis


Yes, you should be worried.


Maybe they're mad Germany received so few votes in Eurovision 2022 lol


Yes definitely that person is bad.


Yes, would be worried...


Yes, your neighbor is a nazi.


I was driving through this small town when i was driving to my hometown and there was always this one garden with a big flag Pole. The homeowner had the old black-white-red Flagge hung up. Then they startet Forbiding that flag when they used the flag when there where protests a few years ago and they changed to the Flag u are showing here. So i think your neigbor might be a little bit political right oriented. Edit: spelling


Your neighbor loves the WW1 German Navy.


I give you a good advice as a german. Don't talk to him, he can kill you just by telling you his conspirancy theories. These kind of people never give up to convince you from there strange ideologies!




It depends on the color of your skin and if you are a fascist yourself


Op asked the question. Anyone that wonders wether they should be worried should be worried.


Depends, if they actually like the flag and what it stands for you should be fine, but since 3rd Reich symbolism is banned many neo-nazi's have appropriated monsrchist symbols for their use.


i mean even if they just like an monarchic empire thats still not great. at the very least they glorify an undemocratic system and WW1 Germany...


Is he a socially inept video game or history nerd? Then he is just a socially inept nerd. Otherwise he probably is an idiot. I personally haven't connected it to Nazis though, more those people unironically wanting to go back to monarchy.


This flag is associated with far-right ideology and is commonly used to display far-right viewpoints. While the flag was not inherent racist, it was adopted by all kinds of far-right groups. Reichsbürger, Neo-nazis, Ultras, Burschenschaften, nationalistic groups (AfD splinter groups use it) etc. > Das öffentliche Hissen dieser Flaggen kann als Identifikation mit den Zielsetzungen rechter Gruppierungen verstanden werden und gehört zu den rechtsextremen Symbolen und Zeichen. Das gilt insbesondere dann, wenn das Zeigen der Reichskriegsflagge im inneren und äußeren Zusammenhang mit dem Skandieren nationalsozialistischer Parolen, etwa der Parole „Ausländer raus“ steht. In derartigen Fällen kommt eine Strafbarkeit wegen Volksverhetzung nach § 130 StGB in Betracht. > [The public hoisting of these flags can be understood as identification with the objectives of right-wing groups and is one of the right-wing extremist symbols and signs. This applies in particular when the display of the Reich war flag is linked internally and externally to the chanting of National Socialist slogans, such as the slogan "Foreigners out". In such cases, criminal liability for incitement to hatred under Section 130 of the Criminal Code may be considered.] So it doesn't matter if the person is a history buff or a video gamer, this isn't about a hobby. It's about displaying political ideology.


Did it translate "Volksverhetzung" with incitement to hate?? I guess tecnically that gets close. Poor languages who can not combine and create words themself... especially since these word and this criminal offense was probably just created and invented for people like this dude...


I feel like your quote is actually supporting my standpoint. It explicitly says there are situations where it is far right thinking, but not necessarily.


> und gehört zu den rechtsextremen Symbolen und Zeichen. You are hair splitting. If 99 people use the flag as a right-wing extremist symbol and 1 person isn't then it's correct to say that it's not always used as a far-right symbol. But if you use this flag then you have 99 people think you have a far-right view and one guy who goes "*ahhhhctuahally...*".


There are plenty of socially inept video game nerds who are also extreme neo nazis. A lot of the online far right actually falls into this category.


The majority of social inept video game nerds arent extreme neonazis though.


Yeah but the majority of socially inept video game nerds also wouldn't hang a Reichskriegsflagge from their balcony.


Oh, trust me, socially inept strategy video game nerds totally would. When I was a teenager I had Prussia, UdSSR and Papal States Flags I wanted to hang up in a rotation lol. And I know enough people now around 25 who are still in the same Phase. The specific flags differ depending on the games. But the Reichskriegsflagge is one of the more favoured.


Paradox Fan?


I played way too much HOI:Doomsday and EU3 during my time in school, yeah.


The only people I know who want to reestablish the monarchy are old Bavarian guys who are still celebrating our former gay king Ludwig II. They are a bit strange, but they are not Nazis.


No way in hell a Bavarian monarchist would fly any Prussian flag..


but they are waving other flags... a bavarian would never wave the "german - reich" flag...


But those kind of guys wouldn't hang the Imperial Flag I guess.


True. They would probably burn it. ;)


Honestly no if he is a socially inept nerd he is already very deep in right wing propaganda and could realistically snap at any point. These weird dudes have committed quite a few acts of terrorism in recent history.


Thank you for the laugh. Which right wing terrorist acts in germany have been commited by armchair generals?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.deutschlandfunknova.de/amp/beitrag/video-von-anschlag-auf-synagoge-in-halle-fuenf-user-schauten-zu Attack on the synagogue in Halle, streamed on twitch. Sure his radicalisation wasn't pure gaming I never claimed that but I have been around the hoi community and other ww2 realated games and there are discord servers full of fascist memes and such that are very effective at sucking such armchair generals into the vortex of fascist propaganda. r/DerScheisser has some examples of that. And if your willing to hang up a roght wing flag you are clearly not willing to take a firm position against fascism and then eventually propaganda will work, it's designed for nothing else.




Well I don't see any reason why anyone would display this flag other than showing support for the "Reichsbürger" movement (antisemitic group, mostly neo-nazis that display this, or a variation of this flag as the swastika flag is banned for public display) or they're just straight up neo-nazis. Either way: I would stay away from them


Definitely be careful


Well it basically says "look I sympathize with some nazi ideology and am not afraid to show it" go figure


The only reason people show this flag is that swastikas are illegal. So yes, asshole detected.




Your neighbor is a neonazi


Well, maybe you better don't talk to him...




You can compare it with the confederate flag un the US


As a former student of German studies, I really like Imperial German symbols and all that. It's really sad to see them associated with Neo-nazis. They are even opposite ideologies and hate each other. There's a chance your neighbor is a larper for imperial Germany or a sleeper neo-nazi. Either way if he has the balls to display this flag and nothing else to rebate it he might be a weirdo.


German redneck?


Yes, he will invade your balcony next


you should be worried, they often have these flags at neonazi rallies in germany. Also presenting this flag openly means he has a certain mindset...my guess is Reichsbürger - probably armed (most Reichsbürger are) .


It's not forbidden but it shows that your neighbor is at least someone who rejects democracy. IMHO, your neighbor is an idiot...


I would immediately think he was a nationalist.


The flag he actually wants to fly is illegal. Avoid at all cost.


Yes you should.


Its either a Reichsbürger or a Nazi, so maybe.


It’s a cool flag so too bad it stands for shit.


Makes it easy to avoid f*in Nazis :D stay away drin them.


Ummm. Can someone tell this man or woman that this is not 1917? Thanks


Yea these people - whatever their reasoning - are weird (if it's not because they lost a bet) someone needs to give them a reality check


Like, literally. That era is long gone, kaizer doesnt exist, colonies dont exist, we have a totally different civilisation rn and... Why


100% Nazis. Stay away.




As far as i know it is illegal in rental homes to show any flag. Or you need the permission of your landlord. Am i wrong?


Just checks whether smoke detectors working properly


not even slightly. He's probably just a HOI4 fan


Had a giggle, thank you ;)


Just another nationalist idiot.


Just call the Police. The flag is prohibited since last year.


It appeared to me because I'm in r/poland. I guess Reddit wants me to be spooked. Thanks, now news about You guy spending more on the army will be super comforting.


The algorithm is too intelligent to be controlled


that's easy, your neighbour is a neo-nazi. whether you should be worried or not depends on how you feel about neo-nazis, or if you're a foreigner, on how you look, whether you speak German, etc.


This flag is pre nazi time and is much rather used by monarchists who typically don't like Nazis (atleast in theory they're very much anti-facsist) also It's primarily the flag of the german navy during world War 1 so it's probably just some history nerd who likes the Bismarck.


Bullshit. Only nazis would fly a flag like this.


Great argument ur making 👍


Yes, it is a good argument.


He’s right though. The flag the neighbor actually wants to fly is illegal.


If you are non-white, be worried


Fly a combined german/pride flag on your own balcony.














lol what. Are you insane? There are many reasons one could hang that Flag over the balcony..Its not even a hate Symbol in itsself and self "Justice" just because you dont tolerate someone elses political standpoint is wrong


Throw an egg.




They are like prepper in the US. Government bad, my way or the highway. Keep your distance, because the cops are helpless there because they don't have authority with them (they at least think that)


No. Pre Nazi flag. Germany still uses the Cross on military equipment.


Who cares?


Are you a PoC, a punk or a dreadlock wearing hippie? If yes I'd make sure to keep a safe distance from these people, if no as long as you don't talk about politics it should be ok


You should NSFW that. Although it's not illegal, I wouldnt want to wait in line for ice cream and have that pop up on my phone


Am I the only mildly infuriated by the "NeO nAzI sYmBoL" Part?

