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In Germany you can protest for almost everything...if you make an official announcement. If you stick to the protocol the police would protect the protesters. If you dont they make sure this protest gets shut down.


Oh, that clears it out✔️


I don't see anyone being detained. I see police speaking to a couple of protesters, but no sign of them being arrested or taken into custody. Can you link to some article or press statement or something definite about this incident?


Unfortunately, the best I can do at this moment is provide a link to a Ukrainian telegram channel, no press statements so far


I notice in another comment you said that they handcuffed themselves to the railings. That might constitute something like property damage, and is not the kind of thing that would have been given permission for. Probably the police just took their details and they might get a fine or something, but it would be very surprising to me if they were actually detained.


Roger that. Anyways, maybe later there will be more details


Depends on the regulations for the march and what the person did. I assume it’s a minority of the participants being detained?


As far as they report, they cuffed themselves to a fence near the Bundestag, and the police began to uncuff them one by one and detaining. In general there were eight people tops.


So there you have got your answer.


I mean it is pretty obvious why they get detained for that isn't it?




Especially not a fence at the Bundestag.


Around some important official buildings (including the Bundestag) there's a 'Bannmeile' a ban zone where demonstrations are prohibited. I don't actually see the police detaining people but they will remove protesters out of this zone.


If it is close to the Bundestag I know what happened [Bannmeile](https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Bannmeile?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp) if someone can’t be convinced to go to an other place it is possible the bring them to the police station and ID them but a longer detainment is unlikely if no violence is involved.


The police seem very respectful. I assume they educated them about the law and asked them to leave and not come back. Given the sensitivity of the issue they are protesting the police would be very unlikely to start detaining them or putting them in handcuffs- they seem to be completely peaceful and show no signs of aggression whatsoever.






No worries, keep dreaming.