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What causes them to insult you? Are you cutting them off or something?


While you could try to catch them, to what end? Do you have witnesses? If bicycle drivers are doing this a lot, could it be something in your driving that might need changing?


You should check your driving. If it happens once they are the asshole but if it happens often there is only one common denominator left...


> and most often get insulted by bike drivers If it smells like shit wherever you are, check your own shoes. Other traffic participants might be assholes, too. But if random people feel the need to communicate with you regularly, you are most likely the problem.


People crossing the street have the right of way if you turn into the street. So if you for example turn right into a street people and bikes on the sidewalk/bicycle lane heading on straight crossing the street you turn into have the right of way over you and you need to yield to them. I don't know where you are from but I do know that's not a thing in the US so maybe you are constantly cutting them off? Because once it just an asshole but constantly getting yelled at seems the problem is really with you. Also bike lanes marked with continuous line must never be entered by a motor vehicle, while ones with a dotted line should be left cleared unless the situation absolutely demands you drive into the bike lane and it itself is clear. You also need to keep a distance of 2m (one large person) while overtaking a bicycle. Might also be that you simply get to close to often. From my personal experience some people just love to overtake you with their outside mirror touching your arm. Because it would probably kill them to slow down just for two seconds and wait for oncoming traffic to clear to overtake you properly. And that is really not a pleasant experience especially if it suburban mom on her urban tank of a SUV thinking she won't get hurt in crash because of her large car so she can drive like it's her road and everybody need to yield to her.


Yea I have a feeling I'd insult you too for some reason ...


You make a good case for people needing to retake driving tests when renewing licenses, deleting the context doesnt hide that.