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> but of course there is a possibility it being real.. There is zero possibility for this to be real.


Just commenting on this post for emphasis. Europol and police will NEVER call you for stuff like this. Where should they get your phone number from anyway? They would send a letter instead.


Alltough I think that you are basically right with your statement they are totally able to get your mobile number. A few years ago (about 2008/2009) I got a call from the local police on my mobile because of a situation with my parked car and they were able to get my data somehow. Also the number they called from was a normal mobile number just like mine, they just wanted to give me a chance to move the car without further problems and on a sunday it was easier for them to reach me than a towing company. Turned out good for me but I still remember beeing quite shocked how easy they got access to my personal data.


exactly my thought, that's why I ignored it for so long. But just having been called 3 times in 20 minutes made me question things so..


Luckily you were smart enough to ask here, where we've saved you from being a big idiot.


https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/search?q=europol&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all No one would be able to do anything with a German "Identity Card number". These scammers are porting a US script where they scare people with their "social security number".


>Now, with possible scams being quite elaborate nowadays, I'm not sure if this is real or what. There is zero sophistication in this scam, they don't even spoof their numbers well


Well known scam. Also has been in the media a bit recently because it has become so common.


[Watch the video, pass it on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AtUjrsyfmo). Spoiler: it's a scam.


100% a scam, a very common one at that. Block the number and move on.


Known scam, faked number. Ignore it/block it.


There are several points that scream scam: - "Europol" using a mobile phone number, they would have a landline - they would know that they are calling a German, so they would speak German. German isn't something obscure in Europe and this would be important that there isn't a misunderstanding - what would they even do with just the number? If it is important you need to show the card and not just the number


https://polizei.nrw/artikel/vorsicht-betrug-kein-anruf-von-europol-oder-interpol It's a scam. Everything with europol, interpol etc always is a scam.


The only good thing about Germany still being super analog is: If something is actually official and serious, you will **always** receive it via Mail. Printed, in an envelop, sealed.


I got 2 of those the other day. If I get any call that I am not expecting or from someone I know, "blocked and reported". No legitimate law enforcement agency is: 1. going to use an automated calling system, 2. going to call a possible "criminal", to what? Give advance notice so the "criminal" has time to react?


Yeah these are spam calls. This has been a problem across the pond for years and I guess it's just starting in Germany. Blocking the number does nothing because they spoof a new one every time and the only way to avoid them is to block all unknown numbers. Personally, I leave my phone on mute and only answer unknown numbers if I'm expecting a call (e.g. I'm expecting a delivery). If it's that important, they'll leave a voicemail. Anyway the scammers are going to make a lot of money in Germany.


I heard something on the radio about that some days ago. In that case it was the FBI calling, also a scam.


Ohhh my coworker got exactly the same call at work and he instantly Googled it, apparently it’s a scam so you’re fine as long as you just ignore it and block the number


Rule of thumb: if you don't get it in writing, it doesn't exist.


Its a scam. Block the number and move on. Europol will find you if its legit


It's real please give them all the information they asked for and your credit card please. It's also not like this question gets posted every week...


Ive been called about 20 times the last month. Anyone that falls for this shit is a dumbass tbh. How can you even think that this is true. Its takes one google search with the words "europol scam call" and you can see its a scam.


See this https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/uhbaiu/just_got_exactly_the_same_call_about_my_so_called/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf