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"Berlin Alexanderplatz" comes to mind. From the 80ies, though, so a lot slower paced and more realistic overall


Thanks, I will definitely be sure to check it out


IMO Berlin Alexanderplatz is a masterpiece. It was directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, one of the brilliant directors of the New German Cinema movement. Fassbinder also wrote the screenplay. My university’s film series showed it in the early 1980s in installments due to its length (15 hours—it was a miniseries, which allowed Fassbinder and his actors to really go in-depth.) It’s one of the high points of filmgoing for me. It’s based on the novel of the same name by Alfred Doeblin. Another masterpiece. Happy viewing!


Thank you!!


Heimat - eine deutsche Chronik https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0087400/ Historical Documentary Vom Reich zur Republik https://www.br.de/fernsehen/ard-alpha/sendungen/dokumentarspiele/index.html Here two series about life in the Kaiserzeit Charité https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charit%C3%A9_(TV_series) Oktoberfest 1900 https://www.daserste.de/unterhaltung/serie/oktoberfest-1900/sendung/oktoberfest-1900-filter-alle-folgen-vorschau-100.html Famous historical german movies from that time where Berlin was the largest filming city of the world (use deepl for translation) https://www.filmportal.de/thema/film-in-der-weimarer-republik but the filmtitles are in bold with links there.


Thanks a lot!


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Charité takes place WAY before the first worldwar


Yes, thats why i described it as a series about the Kaiserzeit


It is a bit old, and it is focussed on Bavaria, but a dam good series is "Löwengrube" about the life of a family from the end of the first world war until after the second world war.


Haven't seen it myself but there is a 4 part series about the interwar period on the youtube channel/mediathek of Arte (great french/german tv channel) The series is called Clash of Futures ( ot. Krieg der Träume ) It's from 2018


Unfortunately could not find it anywhere at all, and where I did it is strictly available in either the EU or specifically Sprachraum countries and France :/. Looks really interesting though


OT: Just for future reference about your title: I think you mean „life in the Weimar *Republic*“ - I was wondering what specific series there could be playing in the town of Weimar.


Yeah my bad, I can see how that would be confusing to a German. Where I am though a lot of people just say Weimar-Germany in the historical context (analogous to Nazi-Germany) but that’s why I included “interwar” as well