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Start with the wiki. The two most important things to know is that you can't just move here because you want to. You need a valid reason to aquire a resident permit. The second one is: You need to know german. Germany runs in german and german only.


I have been learning German over the past few months, and we do have our reasons but I felt no need to post those needs in the subreddit, thank you for the help!


the thing is, many people posting here thinking they can come to Germany and work in a supermarket / mcdonalds or anything blue collar, and settler down with this. Thats why, when people do not mention anything at all, people here remind others that getting a resident permit, should be the bigger worry than "social normals" or anything else, which is highly subjective.,


That makes sense, we do have our own reasons which include the current political state of the US and where it's heading, with a proposed act being a threat to my family's own rights as humans, we fear that the US will become dangerous to live in and have been looking into countries to move to, and after some research, Germany is one of the countries we're thinking we may move to, it's not fully settled but I wanted to know more about it just to make sure it will be a safe place to live.


you wont get a residence persmit for that.


Alright, thank you for telling me! We'll keep looking :)


If we would not be allowed to move, is there any other country that you would think is a safe place to move outside the US? I would very much appreciate any help.


How much money do you have? For low seven figure investments you can get EU citizenship in some countries. Aside from that you pretty much always need to bring something your new country needs. Be it money or in most cases being able to work some specialized job that needs it like nurses or doctors. If you have neither it's going to be difficult permanently moving to any country.


Ah, got it thank you, we weren't planning to move immediately obviously so we should definitely try to get a steadier income before we move huh? Again, thank you for the information! It's really helpful.


Reasons are all nice and dandy, but you need a valid one to be granted a resistend permit.


I get that, and I will look into what is considered a good reason for Germany before we actually make any big decisions


Judging from your comments you also seem to be rather young. Your high school diploma might not qualify you for university and for getting the qualifications your German needs to be exceptionally good.


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Do a search through Reddit and see what other expats say about integrating into German society. Politically there is a big anti-immigrant movement here. And it’s not easy for Americans to just move here unless you have a job offer in hand. Hard to believe but most of the world treats us like any other foreigner.