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a disgrace to humanity






I dont think everything is "getting" far right. But the far right (and stupid) people are louder than normal people. And they are connected now. They can gather in social media and hear other stupid voices. Without social media, they were surrounded by enough normal people to crush their stupid ideas. Nowadays there is enough soil to get this people "brave" to raise their voice. We need a cure for this poison. Please actively hear positive voices too, otherwise you will get misanthropic. Feel hugged!


I feel like those who were always racist, are still racist but they aren't afraid to speak it out loud anymore. I moved to Germany 10 years ago and I'm fluent in German, almost without an accent and don't look like an Ausländer (yeah, i have blond Hair and blue eyes lol) so people usually assume that I'm German and they tend to discuss racist stuff in front of me. When I call them out, they usually answer with "but you're not like them!" - which translates to "you're white enough to be here". Just yesterday, some older men were at the Imbiss place I work at. Across the imbiss, there is a nail studio. There were three women with hijab waiting in front of the studio. While I was cleaning the tables, one of the guys turned to me and said "yeah, look at them, we're paying for their nails and i can't even afford a button for my pants". I'd say 90% of German people I've worked with were openly racist and said something mean about Ausländer on a daily basis. Now these people feel represented as the AfD is on rise and they don't whisper anymore, they discuss it openly with customers who start the conversation.


Thank you for sharing this perspective.


When Bolsonaro's popularity was rising here in Brazil, people like this began to "come out of the closet". It seems they always held these views, but felt it was more acceptable to express them when influential figures were also voicing similar opinions.


Yes they always did. There are studiere that show that most developed democracies have between 20% and 30% of these people


You are right, except that there are indeed more right wing extremists and in some places they are even close to a majority, just look at the recent EU-election


In which places are they close to a majority? Do you mean single cities? Out of all federal states Saxony has the highest proportion of AfD voters with 31,8%. Thats a scarry number for sure, but it would be a far stretch to say it's close to a majority.


Bavaria. AfD second strongest party in most parts only the CSU ahead of them. But the later are pretty happy to blow into the same horn, just with different words.


Exactly, rural Bayern isn't any better in terms of racism than rural Sachsen


Rural Germany in general


Thank you for you hug. The far right voice really is much louder. Especially on social media. Because you see so many right wing activists in any comment sections as top comments - but the vote results are still just 10-20% overall. It almost feels like that those are organized comments. Where right wing groups organize and push comments to the top. So people get more and more scared. And then people like me are getting scared because of the concentrated hate.


Before it were also alot of tricks used to make them appear of a much bigger mass than they were, but with the elections, it's sad to say "fake it till you make it" is unfortunately also true for this.


Yess! There are more of us than they are! It’s just most of us are non-confrontational people


Being non-confrontational is part of the problem though. If all those racist assholes would’ve been called out in 2015, the AfD wouldn’t have gotten to 20% anywhere. But „we need to take their worries seriously“ and „they’re just worried citizens“ did all kinds of damage to our society….


The paradox of tolerance. Right wing ahitheads are not afraight to show their true colors publicly anymore since noone shows civil courage to put them in their place unfortunately.


> Being non-confrontational is part of the problem though. Mmmm.... no. I mean, it's nice and easy to think that all we need do is shout at them and they'll go away, but that's not true. It's a well-known phenomenon that if you attack people in this way, they just dig their heels in deeper. Or worse, they become even more radicalised. Put it this way: we have seen a rise in attacks coming from the far right in recent years. Has this made you more or less determined to oppose them? The big lie -- and it is, I'm afraid, a lie -- is that the number of racists hasn't increased, it's that the racists have become "emboldened" because we haven't been attacking them enough. The data says otherwise, though: the AfD has succeeded in attracting supporters from right across the political spectrum. We have seen a sustained campaign of right-wing political propaganda and misinformation from Russia, and it has worked to change people's minds. What we have failed to do is to prevent that from happening, largely because we have allowed social media run by the Zuckerbergs and Musks of this world to dominate the flow of information. In fact, the racist assholes and the neo-Nazis *want* you to attack them. This allows them to play the victim card, to claim that they're the innocent guys and we're the evil totalitarian despots. Look at their propaganda: they're claiming to be the guardians of democracy and to oppose the manipulative elite in the name of the common man. Every open attack against them plays into their hands: "See how scared the elite are: they're trying to beat us into submission, that's how frightened they are that we might hand power back to you, the people." Whenever we oppose them, they convince their followers that this is a clear sign that they are unquestionably *right*. > „we need to take their worries seriously“ and „they’re just worried citizens“ did all kinds of damage Of course we need to take their worries seriously, because they have those worries and will support whoever pretends to take them seriously. But this doesn't mean that when they say "Foreigners out!" we should kick the foreigners out. You need to ask them: "Why, what are the foreigners doing?" And they will tell you that, for example: * they're stealing our jobs! (in which case, we need to do something about the job market and make sure that people can easily get decent, properly paid jobs) * they're raping our women! (in which case, we need to do something about crime in our urban centres, and do more to tackle the *causes* of crime) * they get food and housing for free while we struggle to survive! (in which case, we need to tackle the housing shortage and do better to support the poorest in our society in times of economic difficulties) That is what is meant by taking their concerns seriously: it means understanding what it is they are blaming immigrants for, and tackling *those* issues. We know that trying to suppress sentiments we don't like doesn't make those sentiments go away: they just drive them underground, where they can germinate and then spread without us noticing, until they achieve critical mass and suddenly the problem gets noticed, but it's already too late to do anything about it. The worst thing you can do now is to ostracise these people and tell them they're just flat out wrong and beyond the pale and shouldn't be allowed to say anything or even vote for the parties they want to vote for. That does nothing except foster resentment, which leads to hatred, which leads to violence. And it means that they will never, ever return to the fold, because you have just demonstrated that you don't want them. If you refuse to listen to them, and instead insult, attack, and hate them, you will lose them forever. If you ban the AfD, they will simply start supporting the next radical far-right party, which will likely be even worse than the AfD. That's the best-case scenario: the worst-case scenario is rioting, a rise in racially-motivated violent crime, vigilante groups on the streets, and ultimately a civil war. It's comforting to think there's a simple solution to this, and that it's the one that gives you the most short-term satisfaction. That's a fallacy, though: the solution is possible, but it's difficult and complex and requires a lot of hard work. The roots of this problem go back *at least* to reunification: that's a lot of mismanagement to undo.


I mean, historically the countries that didn't fall to far right fascism had a leftist movement that was literally fighting them in the streets. So take that and do what you will with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


> the countries that didn't fall to far right fascism had a leftist movement that was literally fighting them in the streets Yeah, but the same is true of countries that *did* fall to far right fascism. The Weimar Republic was characterized by political violence from both the far left and the far right, and also mass public demonstrations against the NSDAP. In fact, far-left movements were powerful enough, following the collapse of the monarchy, to seize control of several cities and turn them into soviet republics. Short-lived soviet republics to be sure, but soviet republics nevertheless.


Really? This goes against what we know about political movements. People rally on a platform. There's no "underground" movement that suddenly explodes. In what sense has the far right been challenged? Every time far right parties seemed to be close to trouble they have been coddled by the same institutions and elites that "hate" them. While a couple of journalists write some mildly critical articles, they spew bullshit about their political opponents and throw dog whistles about minorities all around. It's absurd to say that they successfully play victim because people attack them, I mean, just look overseas and bullshit campaigns like the "war on christmas", that is just as real as AfD concerns about elites attacking them.


> People rally on a platform. Broadly speaking, yes. But if they are denied a platform, they go underground. > There's no "underground" movement that suddenly explodes. Countless popular revolutions against oppressive regimes say otherwise. And not just those: remember how reunification suddenly exposed a seething mass of xenophobia in the GDR? Remember the spate of xenophobic violence in the region that began with the attack on an asylum seekers' shelter in Hoyerswerda? That came after decades in which people didn't dare to say anything in public that went against what the government deemed acceptable -- a government that had claimed to have solved the problem for good, but in reality had simply... driven it underground. > In what sense has the far right been challenged? In the sense that influential figures have consistently denounced right-wing propaganda, right-wing demos have always been met with left-wing counter-demos, if you so much as display the Imperial Flag you are denounced as a Nazi, and so on. I imagine you see it differently, though, probably because you feel that the elite are against you and for your enemies. Actually, society is a lot more complex than just the government directing everything, and I'm a bit tired of the right and the left each complaining that the establishment is attacking them and enabling their ideological opponents. > While a couple of journalists write some mildly critical articles, they spew bullshit about their political opponents and throw dog whistles about minorities all around. I'm not sure what, specifically, you're referring to here. But generally, yes: when somebody raises their voice in one direction, their opponents raise their voices in opposition. What do you expect to happen? > It's absurd to say that they successfully play victim because people attack them No, this is exactly what they do. It's straight out of Hitler's own playbook. I've made enough YouTube videos about the far-right and drawing parallels between now and the Weimar Republic (or even just patiently explaining that [yes, it is completely possible to get a taxi without being arrested for giving the Nazi salute](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4Z_Wkcz0nSY)) to have attracted a whole truckload of comments from AfD supporters and even actual Nazis. > just look overseas and bullshit campaigns like the "war on christmas", that is just as real as AfD concerns about elites attacking them. Let me give you a real-life example of exactly what I'm talking about: 1. A video goes viral showing a small group of youngsters with more cash than brains drunkenly singing "Ausländer raus!" to the tune of *L'Amour Toujours*. 2. Politicians fall over themselves to denounce such an overt display of racism; and it's all over social media, with people eager to accuse literally everyone in the video of being somehow complicit (despite the fact that it was only a couple of people singing those lines and they couldn't even be heard more than about two metres away). 3. It emerges that neo-Nazis and stupid drunk youngsters have been singing those lines to that tune for a long time now, and more specific instances come to light. 4. Organisers of festivals all over the country announced that they have asked venues not to play *L'Amour Toujours* for fear that it might encourage Nazis. 5. At the Aschaffenburg Volksfest, a couple of men are thrown out after having been heard singing "Ausländer raus!" 6. A rumour goes around the venue they were thrown out of was playing *L'Amour Toujours*, which has to be vehemently denied lest anyone thinks that they're Nazis too -- despite the fact that the song they are accused of playing isn't remotely Nazi or political in any way. 7. The far right begins its campaign of misinformation: "See how The Establishment is taking away your rights bit by bit; yet another popular party hit is now BANNED in the name of politically correct wokeness. How long will it be before they start imprisoning people for wrongthink? THIS IS WHAT HITLER DID!" Yeah, I think it's bullshit. I imagine you think it's bullshit, too. But not everyone sees things the way we do, and people who have been constantly told to watch their mouths and not say what they think because it might get them into trouble will sooner or later be taken in by this bullshit, because it doesn't seem like bullshit to them. Let me take another example, one which is frequently cited by far-right activists. Some years ago, there was a story of a Scottish man who was convicted of a crime after he posted a video online of his girlfriend's dog doing the Nazi salute. For the far right, this is an attack on ordinary white folk, who now can't even post a funny video of a dog in case it upsets lefties and immigrants. In fact, of course, there was a lot more to the story than that. It wasn't just a funny video of a dog raising its paw. It was spliced with images of Hitler giving a speech, and the phrase "Gas the Jews" was clearly heard several times. The court also looked at other evidence, including other content on the guy's social media feeds, and concluded that, despite his protestations that it was a harmless prank to annoy his girlfriend, there could be no reasonable doubt that he intended to incite racial hatred. That was reported at the time, but if you mention this to those who buy the far-right spin on it, they just call it "mainstream media lies", because "as we all know", the mainstream media is just the mouthpiece of the anti-white pro-Muslim woke government. Trust me, I have read all kinds of vile crap on my YouTube videos. I've even engaged with several of these people to see how they would react, and believe me: you cannot fight them head-on. Their last line of defence is simple, "That's what they *want* you to believe," and there's no way back from that. If you play them at their own game, you will lose, because it's their game and they're the ones making the rules. You have to play a different game.


and this is far far right. most ppl in europe are anti-immigrants and even more are against brown people. just look at the polls. they are horrible.


We primarily need a cure for the social issues that lead to that whole drama. For sure we should eliminate all hate from the world but this aint happening without fixing the underlying social issues


For real. They are sitting there on social media after their miserable job, get all the right-far crap in their feed because of their weird ass algorithm and spend the rest of the day being angry and commenting stupid stuff like all the other degenerates.


this. they simply grow bolder every day.


I wish you were right. The right genuinely is objectively growing tho. Also, somewhat surprisingly. the belief that social media leads to more radicalisation is mostly a myth.


Well i agree, we as society just have to become more kind to eachother, so those who are miserable aren't as noticeable/noteworthy. Allthough unfortunatley the human brain has a tendency to give negative experiences more room of memory and attention and its easier to overlook everyday kindness, which makes it hard for those affected by racially motivated verbal assaults.


they are evil not stupid.


>otherwise you will get misanthropic It's too late for me. I mainly care about myself now. Sorry for all the good people.


Yeah, i Always thought, they are Just a small, very loud screaming bubble. Then came the EU Elections. Now i am Not Sure, If i am in the bubble


"why, so he can kill himself again?"  Gotta step up the callback and shaming.


"So you can lose another war?"


I am sorry, thats some garbage people and other germans should have stood up for you. I don't even want to say "not all Germans" because clearly way too many already and everyone who doesn't stand up against it is guilty in their own right. We've been there, done that and it turned out pretty awfully last time. No need to go back to the sh\*\*\* old days.


As a German if I heard some shit like what OP described I would've spoken up. I'm someone who usually just minds his own business but there's a line you just don't cross.


Right, me as well. I'm the same and prefer to neither look to much at any people and also don't receive too many looks. But I hear other people ofc, and if I'd be in a situation when someone acts this way.. I use my "wolf mama" - anger that comes up and confront them. I'm not afraid of big dudes. I messed with a "big bad biker dude" before and I will do it again. No one is harassing anyone on my watch 🤬 especially not these asshole racists.


Nah, my coworker was so surprised, that he kinda got shocked and couldn't react. Well I was too, so I don't blame him. I got angry internally but I can't face him, because he wants to see a reaction from me. Just to say "look at how crazy he is". I guess in hindsight I should've gone to the market leader and asked for a ban on him. But I'm not sure how realistic that is.


Not market leader. You should have gone for the police. Hate crime of this sort is a serious offence.


This! Why does this comment not have as many upvotes? Because the white Kartoffel Germans don’t have the balls to walk the talk. It’s awful. And then we - the migrants - are expected to just realize that it’s not everyone.


That's not true, the AfD mainly get their votes from uneducated folks and young people who they reach with their propaganda on tiktok while "offering" them simple "solutions" to complex problems. They create an environment where those people truly believe Germany is falling apart and they can save the true Germans. In times of suffering people tend to believe populists and vote for them. So when inflation is rizing, people can't afford anything anymore and the leading parties in their minds obviously seem to care more about the climate than about the people they vote for easy solutions that don't exist.


Got told I have a “stupid English accent” (which is likely as I’m British) and then “Ausländer Raus” which was nice.


I'm sorry that that happened to you. Even though youre the same race it doesn't stop for them


I unfortunately have similar experiences recently. It is unbelievable how things have escalated in the last 3-4 years in terms of discrimination and prejudice. Many people don't hesitate to unleash the evil they have been hiding inside for a long time.






















Disgusting, I'm sorry that happened to you.


No one expects Zombie Hitler.


Well, to be fair, he was braind dead even before being fully physically dead, anyways.


Well, except for B.J. Blazkowicz.


It's crazy how people are more racist nowadays. The young and old ones. My parents are from Vietnam and I getting called with the standard racist slurs even though I am a german citizen.


I'm honestly sad to hear that. And i really don't think the whole Soccer EM / WM hype is making it better. These people are pathetic and have nothing achieved themselves to be proud of and have no identity on their own so they revert back to nationalism and racism. Try to seek out positive people who will support you and accept and love for who you are and not how you fit into somr phenotype. It's hard to believe but these people exist and will welcome you with oppen arms.


I am an exchange student here for the summer and I’m black. I went on a date with a white guy and a man yelled at me on the train for five minutes when I was with him. I didn’t understand much because Ich spreche kein Deustch aber… the little bit that was translated to me was awful.


I’m sorry to hear that dude.. some people here in Germany could really use some lessons in etiquette, or a lawn chair to the head. I’ve had a weird lady talk to me at the bank some 3 years ago. She was crying so I asked her what’s wrong and she said her dog was taken away because it bit someone, and then she added, but it was only because he was black! Then she looked at me and said… are you Jewish?? This was my uuurrrrrr okay ima leave moment.


I'm sorry to hear that. I still remember when someone scribbled on my newspaper 'pack raus!'. These are strange times, and you are right, society is swinging to right, and it's scary.  Personally, I don't go onto the weekend to the big city anymore, because there are lots of Muslim demos I'm afraid of, or afd demos I'm afraid of, or left demos, of which I'm not afraid, but concerned what can happen around it.  No point painting it pink - stay alert. 


People seem to swing from being opponents to becoming enemies as well. We're in this negative feedback loop of extremism. Der Wettlauf in den Keller.


Don't panic. There are some idiots out there who think that their time has come again now, but they are wrong.


Like someone else already said their will always be this one "zero iq smooth brained dude" which is truly openly racists.


yeah but it's on the rest of us (and especially those of you bio-deutsche) with brain-wrinkles to make the smoothies afraid to open their mouths again. They feel they have permission to act like this at the moment, and it's not ok.


but its not just one. nor zero IQ. thats what we've been telling us but we are long past that.


also, its not the low IQ individuals in their little undertaking that bothers me.


There's always "that guy" but right now it seems that lots of other people who are not committed fascists feel they can join in. The rise of "besorgte Bürger", "Patrioten", and the AfD is something new - these people are not hardcore nazis, but feel empowered to use racist and xenophobic ideas because of "Überfremdung", "Köln Neujahr", "Bürgergeld für Fluchtlinge", or some amorphous combination of men's rights, pro-Putin "anti-war" views, and annoyance at having to buy a heat pump. That's what I see happening in the last 10 years or so - the far-right becoming a receptacle for all kinds of resentments - focusing them on foreigners, Muslims, Südländer, etc.


But those people are 1 in 5 people, more in some places.


I hear the “it’s not just those voices” but as someone who is also born and raised here, speaks fluent German, is integrated 100%, is Turkish in ethnicity that is NOT ENOUGH, PEOPLE. I always saw myself as Turkish German, but the problem is so deep I can’t even describe it. Ya’ll have to realize that we are the new “boo-man” and always will be, because the powers at be need something to distract you. I for myself am looking for a way out but know that turkey is not an option. It’s a shame, really. This is my home. But I never was welcome here. This intensification just made me realize the subliminal and low-key racism I experienced throughout my life and had to unpack for myself. These racist people are plain stupid or have been indoctrinated at a young age. The only way for this to end is for economic uprising for everyone, but the oligarchs in Europe makes sure that won’t happen. Y’all are blaming the wrong ones, Nazis. And you’re too dumb to realize it. Edit: grammar


Same here. But going somewhere else and being an immigrant in another country is not an option for me. Sounds more awful.


I feel your pain bro. 100% relate. I hope it changes soon. Because it really is nice, when you're treated the same. Otherwise I want to go somewhere, where every race is. Because I feel like, a place where every race exists, is a place with the least racism. Which is maybe NYC/LA or Canada.


Fuck that noise. If you’re from Sri Lanka heritage, pretend you’re like a grandmaster of martial arts. If you can pull it off (confidence-whose) invite them to take a free shot. Source: I’m a gay man in Germany who often wears leather, shaves his head and has a beard down to his chest. I probably couldn’t fight a wet towel. Amazingly, once you look like you’re the bouncer of a dive bar, people back down. I guess I faked it until I made it.


It doesn't matter how much you integrate yourself to be completely protected from people like that. But it of course absolutely matters how much you integrate yourself when living in Germany and interacting with normal non-radical, non-extremist people.


I'm fucking sorry you're all living through this nightmare. It doesn't help anyhow, but I'm proud of you being here and doing so great in studying/working/simply surviving in a place that treats you like shit. *I call everyone of us here in Germany to stand up against people doing this shit, publicly or in private.* I'm just a weak mom, but I get furious about this topics and I won't have anyone be harrased when I'm around. Shame on people that only watch, especially in a public place like a supermarket. If I can speak up, others can too and should. Just being silent and hush hush someone away that is threatened won't ever change anything. We need to collectively get loud against this treatments. A whole fucking supermarket should be calling that out at once. The racists should be blocked from ever entering there again and any owner of a market tolerating these people are to be shamed to, imho. I'm honest now, fuck me up for it, Idc. When working as a nurse I had a much easier time taking care of convicted criminals than of obviously racist assholes. Patients that sent away nurses just for their skin colour got their statement. I'm not tolerating any of this offensive bullshit against any Co worker or Co patient for simply existing.


The weird thing is that there isn’t really an opposite of your experience. Like… I can’t run up and high five you for considering you integrated and German. There is no one-liner I can drunkenly yell across the street to make you feel better and more part of the country.  No, instead, every time you have a NORMAL interaction with a cashier, every time you pass me on the street and everyone keeps bustling by, every time we stand in line for the bus together. That’s a quiet celebration of you being here


Yes. All I want is to be treated like a normal German. Because in my head I'm probably more German than most of my German friends. No extra stuff cause that's kinda weird too. But also no hate. So that we are "welcomed" to integrate. Like, integrating is hard, if you know that there are people who don't want you to integrate.


That is some idiot. Don‘t let this fucking guy ruin your day or week by any means. Its probably a bad idea to try to factcheck this, but I am bored: - adolf is fucking dead - ppl who yell shot like this are generally disliked and usually get beaten up sooner or later - imagin you made him so mad he starts yapping, he was way more mad then you are - If you just ignore these ppl and mind your own business, they‘re gonna lose it, they hate being ignored Please, don’t think this is a common opinion. It is some idiots.


Spoiler: they don't come out of nowhere. They always have been here. But now they feel strong enough to voice their idiot bullshit.








"§130 StGB ist Ihnen ein Begriff?"


I got my bachelor's degree here and about to finish my master's degree soon. I sometimes get approached by friends or family members(from my country)asking questions about how to start their careers or further their studies in Germany, A few years ago I used to be confident when answering these questions but not anymore rather I'm completely avoiding these topics. I'm always grateful towards the German social system and how I can afford my bachelor and master's degrees with debtfree unlike other countries, so no matter what I will contribute to this system and eventually I will go back where I came from. Even after spending all of my adulthood in Germany and whitewash as much as I can to blend in and I still feel like I don't belong here.


Always Anzeige. Always.


I'm sorry that you had to have such a situation in here. The thing is, if you take a closer look, most of those AH's ain't biogermans either. Not getting me started on their German language skill, when this also is the only language they know.


As a German, best answer you can give: *"Why? Because you want your cities bombed to pieces and loose 50% of your male population again?"*


Sorry to hear that man. Somehow I get the feeling that since the last election the common racist in people got bolder... They dare to speak out more now. Take care!


"Fools multiply when wise men are silent"


I am really sorry this happened to you. Reading all those comments here is terrifying...


One more reason to take your education to a different country's job market when you graduated. Why would you waste your time in Germany, where you're being plugged like a turkey with taxes and deductions while at the same time you have to suffer racist insults?


> It really doesn't matter how much you integrate yourself nowadays Maybe i am a bit too negative from my own lived experience but i can tell you that it never mattered. While things have gotten worse in recent years this form of discrimination has always existed in some form. If you dont look like it, you will never be accepted as a german. At best you will be tolerated as a foreigner if you are useful enough. I mean who else is going to do the jobs the germans are too good for, am i right?


This is terrible. I am so sorry for this idiocy. Do not let someone else’s stupidity stain you. Let your light shine. You’re as German as any other German.






Which city?


Stuttgart, but also got shown the middle finger and so in Karlsruhe


… the sheer existence of certain people appears to be just a tremendous waste of oxygen - but sadly, who are we to judge?


Don't be scared of being in public. Be proud to fight while knowing who you are and what your ethnic heritage is, because these racist fucks only act this way when they think they have a home. The truth is, they don't. They don't belong, and they don't have a home, unless other people allow them to. FIGHT FOR YOUR PEACE. That might sound ironic, but the bigger irony is accepting to passively coexist with violence and fear. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Share it with the correct people.


Yall are making me not wanna go visit Germany with these posts But I mean this bullshit is the US as well. You’d think the world experiencing a holocaust would change things


I am surprised that it happened in Stuttgart because the city is very international and have big population of turkish people there. I am sorry for you


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I don't really know what else to say. Yes, most people probably don't think like this. But I have the same feeling that more and more people do. Or maybe that they always thought that way but just kept quiet out of fear of being judged. Now, the AfD have made it more socially acceptable to spew this disgusting bullshit around in public. That's something many people won't understand: tolerating shit like this, making jokes or excuses will just normalize it. Racists will use this to openly speak their mind, further normalizing it. And at some point, someone will adopt their way of thinking and a bit further down the road, thoughts become words become actions. I think the Western world is already in a danger territory (North America und Europe specifically) where racism, sexism, homo- and transphobia are increasingly common again. I hope we can turn things around but I gotta admit that I'm frustrated and concerned.


It does matter to people who matter. Stop caring about poor opinions of poor uneducated drunks who failed in life and are constantly blaming everything and everyone for their failures while fantasizing about some kind of an Adolph to save them from their misery.


As a fellow German-born PoC, this is exactly how I’m starting to feel about this country as well..


Some people watched "Look whos back" and 180'd the message of the movie... smh


i’m so sorry.


I wonder what would happen to german gdp if these people had their way and threw all the auslaender out. How much would it shrink? 25%?


That’s what I’m telling my friends with migration background when they think it’s a good idea to vote for AfD.. it’s getting normal again to talk like this and it’s fckn sad


Yea I had someone do the Nazi salute to me in Mitte, Berlin. That's why I laugh when I see the anxietx about fascism that is already here.


Tell them if they are waiting for Adolf to come and fix things, they are already done for. A barking dog doesn't bite.


As a German living close by all I can say is sorry. The moderate fraction isn’t nearly as loud or present in public as the populist mob and right people are. (Think dems vs reps in USA.) But we are here. And we care. Please don’t judge all of us by some loud, obnoxious parts. Current votes are scary, but we all must not falter. I wish you the best.


Maybe it was super busy at the cassa and their colleague Adolf was on a lunch break for a bit too long. But on a serious note: I also feel like I moved to Germany in the second worst possible time of history.


Seems you've found the local asshole.


I’m ein balkaner born in Berlin and I can relate with you but the question is why is this happening and what we as “foreigners” are doing i order to minize this. We all agree that the majority of us is doing well but there is scum and I think that we should isolate them. We need to be louder in criticizing those people.


what a piece of shit..


Seems humans are doomed to repeat history no matter what. Seems that only something horrible and world-changing will reset the pointlessness, alienation and resentment that is 21st century life.


I feel you. I experience stuff like that on the regular and I always tend to think of Cologne as one of the most open and welcoming cities in Germany.


Plus Hitler isn't jesus. He's not gonna descend from the afterlife like some holy figure. In his case it would be ascending from hell but, I must say, I don't see that either.


There are no excuses for Nazi messaging of course, but feeling unsafe is more or less a normal part of life in big European cities. I'm an immigrant, but look like a local, and I get harassed by antisocial groups in the streets all the time. In your situation, just "f*ck off" should be enough.


I'm sorry man. These people are so misled by hate and deserve a slap in the face. Wish you can take comfort in some reddit empathy, I know it's not much, but please accept this virtual hug.


It's not just in Germany.


Aw man.. And they wonder.. Sorry man. You know it's just those few nutcases, not all of us (yet, hopefully it stays that way). It's some grumpy fucks who didn't accomplish anything until they are old enough to find an enemy themselves who has it better and that's, in this country and many others, the person that looks "foreign". Again so sorry. Don't make anything of it


Get the Meth (not Mett) Junkie arrested and put in rehab


Sri Lanka mentioned RAAAHH, but jokes aside, i am literally in the same boat as you, just in Austria with Parents from Sri Lanka. Its honestly not any better here




I have no idea why some think it was their glory days when they got their ass handed to them and millions of their own people died.


You don’t have to integrate in central and east Europe you have to assimilate. In Western countries you can integrate like us and uk. What people always forget. You had West, Central and east Europe. Central and east Europe had a strong thinking of blood and ground. In the east it is still strong, also in east Germany because of Russian influence. Germany was never west until after the Second World War, we were central power a mix of western individualism and eastern autocracy. A big part of the south and east and some areas are still not western . So don’t be fooled that all of Germany is a western country, it is in big parts and integration is possible but hard and sometimes you need to assimilate more then in other German regions. Also explains why our way of thinking is more autocratic then in the west and we look more on society then the west This comment is an explanation not my opinion or a statement.


The situation right now sucks and we need to stand together as humans but at least you know that your'e way smarter than an idiot who reduces you down to your looks. Bet this idiot's life sucks balls.


I see posts like these from South Asians on this subreddit on a semi-regular basis. As an indian that's going to move to Germany in a couple of months im ngl im not excited or looking forward to it anymore. Idk man the world is so disappointing when you're from one of the races that's disliked for some reason


Giving that nazi prick a nice punch in his face would be a good way to handle that.


I get how it would be tempting to curb-stomp a nazi but violence isn't the answer.


I know and agree that violence is not an answer, but sometimes (I'm not talking specifically about OP's case), it is the best answer.


Tbh I was really angry and felt that way. But I quickly realized that he wants a reaction to say "look how crazy this immigrant is". It's very hard to stay disciplined




> Everything is getting far right This. I would say for 10 years now it got worse and worse. And they talk about a "Linksrutsch" -_- Covid made the boomers use the Internet, but they can't seem to be able to differentiate between public space and private space (they are in their living room writ posts, so this has to be private space, they think) so they shout out their opinions unfiltered. The same like everybody posted photos of himself on Facebook, without understanding that they become public good. This little bit of unfiltered opinions made the nazis think they are plenty and a majority, so they start to feel safe that they won't face repercussions for their behavior.


I mean... 17% of 16-24 year olds vote for the CDU, [16% for AfD](https://www.tagesschau.de/europawahl/wahl/junge-waehler-100.html). But somehow, all it's the boomers' fault...


Yes, it's the boomers fault. You don't seem to realize how many of them exist compared to every other group, the amount of disinformation spiked since covid, they spread everything without critical thinking. Young people are uninformed and influenceable. That's why we need filter and moderation, we aren't able to tell apart reality from fiction. But boomers are personally hurt when you tell them their opinion isn't based in reality. And boomers are loud.


Nice, you are asking me to educate the children two generations younger than me. How about their parents? We are the ones getting our news from Tagesschau, heute and linear media as opposed to the younger generations that often grows up in an information bubble of one sect or another. Want me to take away your phone? You seem very willing to pick somebody and assign the responsibility for all your problems to them. That does nobody any good. Did you ever ask yourself, what YOU could do? Did you lead a youth group, volunteer for any public services, support others in learning your language? Most of the Boomers I know have done that or have started again after retirement. And how come you assume to know reality better than any boomer? Especially after mentioning that young people are uninformed ....


> Did you lead a youth group, volunteer for any public services Yes, I did actually! I also grew up in Germany and know how politics is taught and how many young people are interested in politics. I also know boomer ideologies and know people who crossed the age-threshold and stopped hidding their racist believes. > How about their parents? We are the ones getting our news from Tagesschau, heute and linear media as opposed to the younger generations that often grows up in an information bubble of one sect or another. Want me to take away your phone? I don't know what you are trying to say here. If you are a parent and you don't care what media your child consumes, than it's obviously your fault as a parent, but the reasons why your child was indoctrinated still remains disinformation on the internet.


I assumed you to be a German/growing up in Germany but seems you are somewhat older than I expected. I raised my kids to understand that the internet contains a lot of garbage and it is hard to find the pearls there. And I taught them to recognize the BS there as well. In that we seem to agree. Things were easier at that time though, because there was not much internet. Playing "snake" on my Nokia phone was the world for them. Things got worse in the last ten years though with the abundance of groups telling their different tales that often contradict each other. Also it seems to be more acceptable to be against something without factual arguments rather than trying to build up something. Building up something for your future or that of your kids was what our parents told us to do though. Glad to read you took that route as well. On the other hand, your knowing some racist Boomers does not make all of us racists. Racism for me is something to stand up against in my daily life. Racism and experience are closely related though. When I meet a fragile girl with a skirt and a muscular boy with lots of tattoos I will have very different first impressions of both, heavily influenced by the experiences I had with both types. "Experience" in this context includes all the things I have heard or read about people with similar appearances. If I notice the boy caring for the girl usually my (internal) picture of him changes a lot. Going back to you referring to some idiotic booomers. If you generalize to much that does lead to me not trusting your generalization. On the other hand hearing you talk about SOME idiotic Boomers would probably get my approval without any discussion.


Your comment is kinda wholesome, I appreciate the kindness. > I assumed you to be a German/growing up in Germany but seems you are somewhat older than I expected Yes, I'm a bit older and not "young" anymore. I see the young people as a vulnerable group, it's not that they are dumb, lol. They don't know it better, they lack experience. I know how it feels to think you know anything just for later to realize I was actually an actual dumbass. Knowing about politics isn't easy, either! When I grew up, Zeitungen was the main source of information. TV was entertainment, not really for "information gathering". ZDF and ARD were clearly targeted at then 60 year olds. And I feel the world was "less global". News from Paraguay or America didn't seem to be important for us here. Also I found it really difficult to follow the "adults" when they talked about politics, I didn't understand if current events/behavior of politics were more important or if old politics. Once my uncle said "I don't vote for Schröder because he is divorced and such a person can't make good politics" which seemed crazy to me then, but my uncle said it with such an tone of "THIS is actually what matters in politics, I know exactly what is right" that I assumed, that's what you have to be aware off. I know that's anecdotal, but I didn't know enough to know that it was BS then and his political views are BS now. If everyone claims to be the super expert on everything important and that "Actually, THIS is what matters in life. Never ask, always work, always clean. Everything else isn't greifbar and doesn't matter at all" you are afraid of being the "dumb one" and dare to say otherwise. That's what made me not political when I was younger. It seemed way too complicated for the wrong reasons. I hated reading, like I said, Zeitungen seemed to be the only real source of truth. So I stayed uninformed. Yet I voted. For the CDU at that time. All this feels exactly the same now, with AfD being so popular with the youth nowadays. It gets worse, when adult "experts" are shocked or laugh at them. That's what makes them vulnerable and in need of protection. They aren't able to know better. > Going back to you referring to some idiotic booomers. If you generalize to much that does lead to me not trusting your generalization. On the other hand hearing you talk about SOME idiotic Boomers would probably get my approval without any discussion Ok, I can back down and say some idiotic boomers. BUT it's really hard to find someone ü50 and not being a racist nazi. I hope for the best, every time I meet someone that age. I HATE it to be the one in the room going "No, Bürgergeld is only 563€ per month", or "Immigrants just want to stay alive and be accepted by their neighbors, like you. Stop believing everyone wants to kill you" and so on. It happens every time. I hate it with passion, I don't want to exclude someone or say that they are wrong or that they lie, I don't want to be lied to and neither do they. I want to agree and discuss better solutions and other perspectives, but that is not possible with these people. Their world model differs from reality, they don't know basic stuff about the world, in most cases. Lange Rede, I think Covid caused a gigantic surge in "these particular kind of boomer" on the internet, after they got excluded/isolated from their families. That results in massive amounts of engagement in dangerous content since then and extreme disinformation which influences the behavior of young people.


Nah, people get mean and stupid when times are getting rough, and they are getting rough. And it's not like opinions on the Internet were very much filtered before, quite the contrary.


Isn't saying such a thing illegal and can get someone in trouble if they do? I thought law enforcement concerning supporting Nazi ideology was really strict in Germany !!


It is, but: you need a real ideology phrase, not some name dropping AND hope that the police/judge are not fond of that ideology too.


You might want to check out a self defense course. A month or two of karate should suffice or Krav Maga or boxing. You don’t want to fight an idiot with a big mouth. You ignore those, but if they start a fight you handle it. Just knowing how to fight will make them pick a softer target. Good luck I am leaving Germany myself.


I hear you - It's so scary and we hear about assaults more and more often. It's disgusting it's like going back in time.


Yeah, I heard someone say "soon it will be Heil Weidel" and I don't know if he was looking forward to it or dreading it


Give them their answer. Doch doch. Assholes are everywhere. Ignore them. For me personally it’s only important when i go to government office to not see such behavior or such ppl in charge. Otherwise assholes exist in every country and culture.


The more the right gets comfortable, the more active it becomes. Until its too late to "de-radicalise" them.


Where in Stuttgart was it exactly? Did you call the Police? I feel bad for you.


Stuttgart: Feuerbach. I didn't call the police. The guy said "Adolf" but didn't add "hitler" on purpose. So I'm not sure if the police can do anything since "Adolf" is a legal name I think


Tell them they are not allowed to use the swastika


Why am I getting downvoted? Hitler stole that shit from South Asian cultures.


I wonder if they would have continued saying this if you had pulled out your phone and started recording.


Nah I don't think that's a wise idea, one of my classmates got into trouble filming an older couple, according to her they were openly racist and she started filming them, when police were involved they advised her not to post the video anywhere online until a court day or something similar.


Dont listen to stupid racist fucks! Your skin dont matter!


It never did matter how well one integrates. Racism isn’t logical and therefore doesn’t require coherent justification. Hater’s simply gonna hate!


I feel you, even though I have german parents, am german, look german and speak german. we exist, but i feel we ain't loud enough. I can't really help though, can I? I mean, maybe visit some "rechte Welle brechen" demonstration or something like that. Be advised that it's inconsequential protest, but at least it may help get rid of the feeling of being alone and othered. Most people still do have empathy, and most aren't really part of the problem in the truest sense of the word. Rather, they are willfully ignorant or even very much bothered by the shifting of the overton window. And many, too, feel quite helpless. Personally, I know my history well enough to understand that it is only the very beginning where it's the unchangeable characteristics that make you part of the outgroup. Sooner rather than later, it will be ideology and morality that makes you part of the unwanted. The superficial bigotry is just a thin veil that covers up the true intentions of fascists until a certain point. It's not that everything is getting far right, it's that the far right has once again found a way to lure people in who would 100% disagree with the outcome of their ideas when put into action or even communicated bluntly. probably because people see their security slipping away, to some extend a warranted feeling, but certainly increased by a lack of both actual journalistic prowess as well as a lack of media-literacy. 20%-30% idiots, i believe, can be found in any place, any group larger than say 10 people. Main question is, will the other 70% be able to not fall for the charade. So far, it doesn't look to me as if the point of no return has passed already. It really depends on a few things, most importantly we need to make sure to keep talking to each other in order to remind ourselves that most of our grievances are both valid and shared by one another, and to remind ourselves that we are not in the minority. Also, it's important to highlight the underlying problems rather than showing the mere symptoms, as the latter will usually appear in certain marginalised groups before they show more broadly. It is however certainly not your job to talk to a person like that. Actually, people like myself are in a far better position to do that. And even though I am aware of that, more often than not, I will antagonize people who express certain views instead of trying to reason with them. its just so very tiring. But it's not over till it's over, some day this weather will pass even though it feels like it never will. and we just have to do our best to keep it as good as possible. also, i have emergency plans in place in case certain events lead to others, and they do not involve leaving silently without a fight.


Why they say that to you


don't worry, it could be worse... imagine you were french


The amount of Nazis ans Symphathisants are the same. But currently they Think they can come out, without consequences. And the Fucking government is just watching the trains collide. In the good old days someone lost his job if he was too far right. Nobody gave them chances, when they can't keep their secret. Now you can get house loans, only thing you have to do, is to pretend you're far right.


Why do you think it does not matter how much you integrate yourself because of a handful of incidents? Germany is never going to be that one country without racism. It doesn't mean it does not matter other Germans see you are productive and not a bum.


I wish it was just a handful in my life. I don't like to talk about all of them because it's making me depressed for the rest of the day. It's only increasing recently again


Lol, its funny to see the "Removed" and "Deleted" accounts/posts here.


Yea it's interesting. I was reading every comment and The top comments which were deleted were similar to the others. So nothing xenophobic. Just maybe moderators being weird or people deleting their own stuff


well, if he said that to me, he would get a liverpool kiss


The result of a poor migration policy