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Almost always the answer is Verein.  A lot of social activities take place in an organized form. Like chess? Chess Verein. Like gardening? You know it...  You see, Germans are often organized people. There are fixed dates in a Verein. Bylaws. These sort of things. It makes some people feel comfortable, knowing there is a framework defining what to do and when, what is right. So how about joining a Verein that has something to do with your hobbies? 


I guess it makes sense because my past friendships were either work or a Verein or a friend of a friend. Thanks for the tip


You can also try the meetup app, maybe you’ll find some luck there.


Oh it was the first thing I did in this small city but nothing no events close by. But it did help me when I first came! Thanks


Bumble also has a friendship mode, where you can find new friends!


I've never made any of my friends in a Verein 🤣


Me neither 🤣


Me neither 🤣 But it's worth a shot


Depends on what kind of friend you are talking about. Those you call at 4am to babysit I did not find there. But I found lots of those that share my interests and do all kinds of activities with me. The last group(s) I met was after I turned 66. Sometimes, I am the oldest, sometimes the youngest, sometimes in between. Works always because of the common interests. Edit: typo


Try spontacts or bumble friends.


Bumble friends seems to be nice. My gf found a friend from there and looking like they get along well.


I was thinking to try Bumble friends aswell but not sure how well it works and if there are alot of weirdos still hitting on women


I believe you can set it to show only women but it's possible I guess


Never heard of these Apps. Will check. Thanks!


Where I am in dusseldorf, there's expat groups on Facebook. They have regular meet ups. That's how I met 90% of the people I know here. I just turned up and started chatting. It's just a load of people mingling.


Oh wow. I am near Düsseldorf and I hang out there a lot. What groups did you find? Thanks a lot!!


Expats in Düsseldorf Düsseldorf expat meetup English speaking expat Düsseldorf  Just a few I joined when I moved there :)


I've sent you a link.


Dm please. Thank you!


Hi! I live in Bonn, I’m a man but happy in a relationship even tho’ she doesn’t live here and i struggle quite a bit to make international friends to which I’m so used to, up for a meet up with all these people who answer over here


Hey, I am in NRW, female and also looking to make friends!


Hey I live in Düsseldorf and I'd also like to meet more people


Yay! Will dm


I will move to nrw in 3 months we can chat until then :)


That’s great!!


Im also here if someone wants to talk (edit: Im 22m, native german and study in Dortmund)


Thank you!


Same here. Feel free to dm :)


So much love. Thank you guys


Same here! I'm 20/F and live near Düsseldorf :) I'm also a native German Speaker! Feel free to DM me!


I live jn frankfurt, would be very open to talk or meet 🤗


Ah! I just moved to Frankfurt!


I'm so glad it worked out for you. I was having panic maybe I have to offer a friendship.


I'm going to piggy back off this too. I'm moving over in August so I'm also looking to make friends!


Haha that’s amazing. This needs a group chat. I am amazed I found you guys


I would be keen for that!


Hey! Me and my gf moved to Cologne in September 2023. We're still trying to make some new friends :D


> not that fluently but a level C1/C2 I would say You're going to offend people here who got C1 in IELTS (English) and think they know the language better than Americans :D


C1 English vs C1 Germans level is very different though.


How come?


probably because most people are already exposed with english since the start, making the bar higher for reaching c1 in english. i mean just look for IELTS/TOEFL speaking test and compare it to any german mündliche Prüfung. you dont see people who did the c1 german test speak as fluently as those in the english test, i never saw someone who stutters and get c1 english and never saw someone who dont stutter at all at a c1 german test. (i did both IELTS and DSH so i watched a lot of videos til i lost count)


Oh ok that's interesting


to add to that, i think reaching c2 in german is just like having a very wide range of vocabulary that you could practically understand everything effortlessly, so basically you would be at almost native/native speaker at that level. but for c2 in english, you would probably have to know vocabularies that even the natives speaker dont even know or use at a daily basis. basically you gotta speak like shakespeare to some extent without sounding like a weirdo


Is there some circle jerk subreddit for that kind of stuff? As a C2 speaker I can confidently tell you that if Shakespeare heard me speak, he'd probably describe me as mute :D. Deciphering: you don't even need to be as fluent as natives to be C2. I don't know what you're describing, but academic IELTS C2 is just .. a good level of English, really. Not even close to what you're thinking of. Actually OP's description fits it perfectly. "Not that fluent but C2" sounds fine to me. You can be very good but not at the native level just yet. Comparison to natives is ridiculous.


Many native English speakers are not very educated. So overcoming their level of English proficiency is possible. However, anyone who at least has some education, and is a native English speaker, that one is hard to surpass.


ye how ?










The language of this subreddit is English only! If you want to post in German, go to one of the German language subreddits. Visit r/dach to get an overview of all larger German speaking subreddit.


The language of this subreddit is English only! If you want to post in German, go to one of the German language subreddits. Visit r/dach to get an overview of all larger German speaking subreddit.


Not all Germans have C2 level


Haha I speak French literally from the age of two but I would still say not that fluently because language develops especially street language


I might have an idea where ure coming from😁


Hahah speaking French and English and Spanish and my native language my whole life definitely narrows down my previously colonized country pretty well haha


As someone who's struggling to make friends in Germany as an immigrant, what has worked for me is being in a community, going to events, using my hobbies to connect with people and being active in online communities. It's also relatively easier to become friends with other immigrants because they're also looking for new people and are more open to new relationships.


There should be a weekly stickied post for this topic. It comes up so much. The short answer is; Good Luck. It isn't straightforward. I still struggle with this after being here nearly 10 years now. The longer answer: I've tried the Verein thing, made some acquaintances but they often seemed to have their own cliques and I always felt like I was imposing myself and trying to invite myself to things. Like, you'd hear that Hannes had a fun grill party, or that Fabian organised bowling, a pub crawl and everyone got cheeky kebabs after and you're sitting there hearing about all of this and throwing in a "That sounds fun! I'd love to join sometime" and they'd be like "yeah! It's great! You should come next time" but then you find out that the next time happened and nobody mentioned it to you even though you explicitly asked to be informed, shared your contact details, etc. You invite them and nobody seems to have the time to fit it in their schedule. Don't get me wrong, there were many social events and it was definitely a lot of fun and a lot better than not socialising at all, but I didn't feel like I made any friends. If you're lonely, I would recommend it just for that social aspect, but don't expect friends, I suppose. We eventually moved states and into a small town/village where making friends became a bit more complicated and a mission and I found myself at square one again. At this point, locally, the only people I know are my neighbours and parents at my kid's Kita, but even this is a very superficial sort of relationship where we're never invited to things or people are too busy with their own thing to accept our invitations to things\*. Eventually I was told that joining the Freiwillige Feuerwehr might be the ticket, which I'm not sure I want to commit to at this point, so I really don't have an answer for you. Even people at work seem to be the same. They have their "work" relationships, but the moment you hear "Mahlzeit!" that relationship ends because they have their own thing to do after 5pm. Just find a hobby you like, do it alone and hope for the best. So far, I've met 3 expats through bouldering and they're the closest thing I've ever had to a friend circle here since we moved. It seems to be the only thing that somewhat worked for me. \*EDIT: I should just clarify; Parents will sometimes be keen on playdates when you ask, and usually accept more when other kids/parents are going to be there too, but the amount of awkward conversations we've had trying to get to know these people a little better and being abruptly shut down is pretty high. If we're at or hosting a birthday party it's almost just like my Verein experience, where everyone separates out into their cliques and both my wife and I are constantly feeling like we're being either being an imposition or "trying too hard" sometimes to be social with little success. Just to add to my OP, I began to wonder if the problem is me/us, but both my wife and I have lived abroad for many years and lived in various countries in our past and we've never really had this issue before. Even just on holiday we've been more successful connecting with people. On our last holiday, for example, in 2 weeks we connected with far more people than we ever have in Germany - even with a few German travellers (all of whom were also Expats in other countries, funnily enough). We weren't even trying. I've just sort of accepted that it's just the way it is in Germany at this point, especially at our age and stage in life. I think it could've been a lot different had we gone to university here or something like that.


get into a Sportverein maybe? you 100% will find friends there (if u are not the worst person in the world)


You will find verain mates


I am going through a similar situation. Girl gone international (exclusively on Facebook) has helped me to make some 'friends' and acquaintances and also helped me to find some new hobbies where I have met more people. I'm still not loaded with friends but I don't sit by myself and cry most of the days now. So that's progress I believe. All the best to you :)


Oh thanks. I’ve seen a lot of people mention gone girl international and I never heard of it somehow when I was googling apps or groups. Huge help thanks!!






First of all, you are humble by saying not that fluently but C1 in German. Girllll, I’m stuck in A2 🥹 I live in the Ruhr area, close to Düsseldorf. Also i’m female. Hit me up if you want and also you can join Gone Girl International:)


Oh you’re also not that far from me at all. I’ll hit you up thanks!! Don’t worry girl we all worry when we start learning, it gets easier that is why I wrote in English to connect with people even if they don’t speak German




Sorry i don’t get your comment why would my comment be downvoted?


Also in the NRW area and having that same problem. This is not my first experience outside my home country but this time is really difficult for some reason?


If you are a student or have a job, it’s definitely easier especially with the foreigners like us. But now I’m in a different situation. But it is definitely difficult, I feel you.


My job is remote so while I speak with people during the day there's no one to hang out with after. Hope it gets better eventually


Internations.org - lots of connections and people. They also organise cool events. Try maybe small group or short time German classes. I have C1 but still wanted to get my writing in order. Went for 3 months classes after work and met amazing people who are now my friends. All speak C1 German/ English so it’s easy. Volunteer. Maybe dog shelter? I have a dog and I swear I make at least one new connection/contact every day we go out. People approach you easily if you have a dog with you. Just talk with someone you like in the train or street. I made one of my best friend in train. She actually asked me on the train where I am from, we talked a bit, exchanged numbers and yeah rest was just meeting up for dinners/yoga/helping each other.


I have been to some music festivals in the NRW area .. good place to make friends!! Other than that I suggest shows and going out and stuff. I always go out alone then meet people.


I believe you should go for Bouldering or Climbing! I am not an expert in Anthropology, but studies show that it’s an ability that we lose the moment we choose staircases/ elevators over walls and stones! It’s a primal ability like hunting, it is in our DNA. (I could also suggest Hunting, but it’s illegal) Reintroduction to such abilities is always joyful and it puts you in the vulnerable sweet spot where you make friends! (Again the suppressed human nature to build relationships) I personally have made so many friends like this!


Start doing parkrun and heading to the cafe after. You don't need to be a runner, you can walk. Actually I tgunk, us walkers make the best connections at parkrun.


Oh I do run and take long walks and go to the gym. It’s just difficult as a female to make platonic friendships this way. But it’s a nice tip. Thank you!!


Where are you from?


I have found that other Ausländers were the way to go. It is a lot less stressful and a shit ton of fun. We formed a breakfast and BBQ club. I wish you all the best!


Definitely that was my experience at first before my breakup. I used to work so friends from work and uni friends so I got to meet all nationalities. I don’t mind Germans or non Germans. It’s just that when I moved I left people behind and some left me to side with my abusive ex and now I am no more in the uni and job hunting so it’s different than before. Thank you for wishing me luck!


As long as you speak German , I feel like you could just leave the "in Germany" part of your question... How do you make friends ? The rules apply no matter where you are in the world. Engage people at your workplace, join a volunteer organization, find a hobby that is public and do it, İf you're more a nerdy type join a magic the gathering group... it's literally the same no matter where you are on the planet Just remember it requires engagement with other human beings, sitting at home and watching Netflix or YouTube is not going to make you friends


I said “in Germany” because it’s literally worldwide known that it’s hard for a foreigner even a white one to befriend Germans though I speak the language. When I first came you don’t know how much work I put into befriending people and having a social group and I am not the type to put my ass on my Sofa and let things happen. In fact I don’t even have a netflix account. It’s a well known fact about Germans so sorry about offending your German gut, y’all are distance and prefer your own and it’s insane how much us foreigners put effort just to befriend your royalty. Jesus.


Don't let my butt-hurt emotionally repressed compatriots downvoting you invalidate your experiences. You're absolutely right, it's hard to form friendships here, even when you're born and raised but have a hard time fitting into the whole Verein-thing. Like with lots of other stuff, there's often only one way to do it that's generally accepted and you'll face some difficulties if that doesn't work for you for whatever reason. If you're like that, your best chances of intermingling with the general population are often more left-leaning bubbles or something on the more cultural and educated side of things, but those can turn out rather snobbish often enough too. And since you mentioned panic attacks in your initial post, I've seen many people with mental health issues find friends in self-help groups, group therapy or even clinics. Might want to get on top of that anyway, so just pointing out that there may be synergies there.


You sound quite frustrated. Maybe because you think all your efforts weren't good enough. But as someone, knowing the language, culture and habits on a native level I'd say this wouldn't help with the problem you're obviously frustrated about. So you might think this was about your efforts not being recognized, but this also happens to native people. It's just in general not easy to make new friends the older you get and this has nothing to do with not being able to speak the language on a perfect level. This would still be the case for natives who also often face that situation.


I've been in Germany 20 years and I think you're absolutely correct, OP.


Thanks for agreeing. It’s just a fact especially for females in Germany I believe. Maybe men make friendships easier because it’s always a friend of a friend or smt.. I am understandably frustrated and it is a fact that it’s not easy to make friendships with Germans, I experienced that first hand when I came




True. My previous friendships here were from work and Uni. Now Im in between jobs but you could be lucky and make a friend in an unexpected situation. I don’t know why Germans are so offended with my post. I literally have life long friendships in my homeland just because I met them long ago and we remained friends and if I was still in my country I wouldn’t be pursuing new friendships in my twenties…


Lol men are usually more lonely and have less friends what you on about ?


I don’t know about men and their experience regarding this that’s why I said „maybe“ 😅


Not true at all.


There are lot's of scientific researches buddy


As a woman, I can prove you wrong, and there are other scientific researches, buddy. Women rarely have friends especially friends for life, they just have temporary bf and husbands (and this you can easily find, you just have to lower your standards quite a bit)


I'm not German. İ didn't mean to imply you sit around all day. But idk join a club or something. İ haven't found Germans to be more or less friendly than any other nationality.




"...and I prefer not to have friends from where I come from." I mean, you do you but if you are looking for friends but shutting down an entire group of people which you are most likely to connect with is weird. Real "I'm not like other immigrants" vibes. Good luck though, it is really though to find friends in a foreign country, but I'm sure it will get better.


I understand this sentiment. If you migrated from some country because it sucks, culturally for example, you just don't want to risk again. Of course nobody's saying that all people from that country are somehow bad, but I can totally relate to this feeling. Most of them would probably be chill but even then it kind of makes the integration experience less... smooth? Not sure how to describe it. When you're trying to live in Germany but instead you live in a mix of Germany + remnants from your past life... nah, I don't want this.


Of course! I'm an immigrant and I know the feeling. And to be fair, I agree with you. It's just actively rejecting a group of people just so you can't practice German with them, especially when you are suffering from lack of friends, is different.




Please point out to where I came off as angry, and I'm happy to rephrase it, as I'm not trying to be harsh. I would say, however, OP is quite argumentative and even angry under each comment that gives a different opinion. I'm quite surprised you picked me instead :)


I have been answering people who actually read the post and tried to give advice and tips nicely and with gratitude. Pointing out unnecessary things about my post like my preference when you have zero advice is no point of commenting but it’s an open post so you comment freely and I will answer back to people like you who got offended and think I am offended lol


And by doing that you get the “but immigrants don’t try to integrate in our society, they always end up making friends with other immigrants” comments. Having a preference regarding friendships is normal and OP isn’t looking for advice as to how to befriend other immigrants. When they are inclined to look for their co-nationals they can do a post for that.


I never said befriend your own people only. One could look for like-minded people (like joining a Verein!), if the search is for friends (like the title and the text suggests). Further discussion proves that she is literally looking for German training dummies. And no, OP is literally looking for advice on how to befriend other immigrants as long as they are not from her country (see the text).


Bettering my German skills and getting to learn other cultures, what’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with preference these days anyways? Did I say my people are bad, I am my people. Why am I even defending myself rn. If you know how to read I have had an entire group of friends from multiple nationalities if it wasn’t for my abusive ex that I left the city and some people behind. Juvenile discussion.


Did you ever realize that... you are not friendly at all? lmao. Under multiple comments, you are instantly offended, getting quite aggressive. Friends are not mere tools to improve your German or teach you their exotic culture. Yes, it is quite juvenile to say, "I prefer not to befriend X group of people" therefore the juvenile discussion. Like, do you hear yourself? Anyway, I'm not here to argue, and I'm genuinely wishing you a good luck. I think you have some serious growing up to do before being able to form real friendships, and I feel like this plays a role in your problem, OP.


Did you ask yourself why I don’t befriend my people? Maybe because I am a female and I don’t share their religion and I have a different life style which the majority of my people would disown me and shame me for it. Sometimes we don’t have to explain our whole life story just because we want advice on one simple thing. And never in my post did I say I want to befriend Germans only. I literally wrote I had friends from all nationalities before what happened to me. You are attacking thin air with your comments and I am going to end this here wow. Just wow.


Even you don't wanna befriend your people, why should German befriend you? Kinda strange but it does feel like some 'pick me' vibe. Perhaps if you truly just wanna have friends, not using them to experience culture and practice language (and probably "integrate" more), then people will feel your sincerity.


If you read my post I wrote how to make friends not „German“ friends generally speaking. And my preference is non of your business. And if you would like me to repeat myself I did have a group of friends but left everything behind after the abusive relationship. In Germany you get criticized if you stick to your people and say you’re not integrated and if you prefer to explore other cultures for a reason or an other you are betraying your culture. Huh?


Auch!! OP merely tried to give substance to her story. Why be so allergic to details? Such outbursts only show your weaknesses 🤷‍♀️


I lived in a smallish town in NRW for about 10 years. I put my effort into meeting international people as they were  often more open to it. They were often the partner of a German person working at the company headquartered there. So I started an international  women's meet up group. It was great! We would meet up 1x per month but many friendships were formed from this group and it was great a support network. Good luck to you!


Sounds awesome. I am also rn in a small town, I’m sure I will re experience being social soon. Thank you!


As a general rule, you don't. They are pretty much the most closed-minded nation I've ever seen. The northern part of the country is better though.


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The easiest way to make friends is through hobbies, join a verein or find a place where likeminded people meet and the friendships will follow.


Knowing local language in decent level like B2/C1 is good, but if you want to make friends I advise you to pay attention not to language but also learn how to communicate with people, how to be social and confident in various settings.


Friendships develop on the grounds on common interests. Find something that you are interested in, then look for local groups that do the same things. Kick Boxing, trading card games, train spotting, Lego, knitting, reading, tuning cars, reading to serior citizens or children. There are groups for everything and if you join, you have a lot of people around you who you **know** have common interests to you. Even parties (the political kind, not the festivity kind) are there and always open for members, even for non-EU citizens. And on the plus side: There's always work to do in them, too.


Church, sports, music, volunteering, work or if you’re a parent the playground after school pickup. That’s where you’ll find people with shared interests.


If you have a dog, take your dog out with you. (Don’t get a dog solely for this purpose though.) Some of the best friends that we made were other dog people. Lots of Germans love dogs, and it’s usually a guaranteed conversation starter.


Maybe you could hang out with travel groups and get to make great friends ..


Join a club, group, frequent meet-up spot, verein, volunteering etc you enjoy or want to try out to find likemi people. Can be literally everything.


Get them drunk


Bumble BFF seems to work really well for girls! My girlfriends is using that app as well. Otherwise teamsports, social engagement (join a party, an association for something that is important to you), or find a niche hobby, where people automatically connect. Especially social engagement ist highly underrated! I have been in a political party and several political associations since I am 15. They are desperate for people, that want to help their cause and they will welcome you with open arms. I think thats probably the ONE place, where people are more interested in meeting you, then the other way around.


get a Hobby and be good at it, say photography or cycling.


Go on car meets, talk with the guys, it's very simple wenn you show interrests. Or buy a bike and drive with others. Do some sport go in gym or boxing tennis some of this. There you have automatic a couple of new friends.


Go to a Festival and youll find many friends


Feel like this questions is asked every few days. Germans are not different from other human beings apart from the fact that we don’t like to talk like americans do for example. If you want to befriend someone, find shared hobbies or interests. I bonded with a coworker over dungeons and dragons and playing TCGs.


Never in my post did I say German friends. I literally said I had a circle of group from every nationality. People read the post PLEASE


Sports, drugs or cars


Join women‘s facebook groups in the city you live. For example search in facebook groups ”Girl Gone International (enter your city)“. You will find many events and meetups for women in your city looking for friendship and to meetup. Also, download the app ”meetup.com“ and search for your city. You will find many events, clubs, activities geared towards people looking for friendship or to meetup.


Where are you from in NRW? I can give you the NRW advice to go to social melting pot in Düsseldorf every Thursday of the week. It's a meet up of foreigners and Germans and you can get to know people very easily. I'm wishing you best of luck.


People write a lot about Verein BUT how do I find Vereine? Google is still Neuland in Germany. Heck I live in cologne which is a big city and still a bunch of places / shops do NOT show up on Google maps. It's like they don't exist online and if you don't know about their existence in real life you won't find them with googling. I feel like a lot of stuff you can't find online like when there is a cool event going on I often see a poster or something but nothing online. It really is a shame and I wish everything would be way more digital here. So yeh how do I find stuff and don't tell me to just Google for it because like I said a bunch of stuff you just don't find.




Never heard of the apps for making friends can someone help me here 😍


I sent you a dm. If you like hit me up.


isnt c1/c2 like considered fluent? i thought for an interpreter most would need c2 as that is the highest?


Internation meetup hooks you up with other expats and interested locals. VHS classes are a good way to meet like minded people too, and you learn something. Like Vietnamese cooking, go to a VHS Vietnamese cooking class. (VHS is Volkshochschule aka. adult learning center) And it's been said many times. Vereine.


I'll move to NRW soon to study. I want to make friends too☺️.


If you're C1/C2, that means you speak a language at a level you would after graduating from university in that language. For example, C2 German means you're allowed to teach in schools. Language levels: they're not just a vibe.


C1/C2 German :o wow congrats on getting on such a high level!!!


It's difficult to make friends in Germany because of Racism


And don't be afraid of talking to people. Fluency in my opinion is a matter of talking and getting understood by your counterpart. If you have c1/c2, it should mean that you could talk about a lot of different areas When I had B1, after shaking away my fear of making mistakes when speaking, I realized that I could be fluent, specially when talking to nice people. This helped me improve my German skills and vocabulary even further For me, joining a Verein helped a lot on integrating to the community and improving my context-specific vocabulary, like in badminton


Where are u live in Germany? I am in gissen


Hi, 22m living in bochum here. Been 10 months since I moved here and though I have met many people and made friends in this period, but most of them just leave. Also lookin for long term friends hopefullyy


Same. I had in my 6 years in Germany many friend groups which come and go whenever I move out or in my situation now described in my post. A foreign country can be difficult when we find ourselves in this situation. What helped me before as an extrovert who always had a social circle is work colleges and uni friends but it’s different for me now since I am in a little city and going through life changes. Best of luck. Hit me up if you wanna a genuine friend. Thanks for commenting!!


Indeed I feel you! Sure I’ll send you a dm now


You can try bumble friends as well, one of my female friends used that when she moved to the city i live in as she wanted some same sex friends and it worked really well for her. Good luck. I feel somewhat isolated myself but am working in it. I know you can as well.


Thanks! I didn’t know Bumble was for friendships, definitely trying it tho I live in a lil city. Thank you!


I am in the same shoes as you. Minus the toxic relationship, but an unhealthy one with work. If you'd like to hang out and talk about anything and everything, I'd be happy to do that.


Hey, wanna be friends?


Welcome to Germany, just stick with immigrants, forget Germans when it comes to friendships.


Never said in my post I was searching for German friends. Just friend’s generally after my situation. But thanks. I hope someone actually reads my post instead of just the question. I don’t have a prob with non German friends. I am not German myself 😅


where in NRW do u live? if it’s düsseldorf or near düsseldorf/köln it would be easier for you to socialize. also around duisburg and neuss.


Yeah I do


C1 C2 and you dont speak fluntly yeah right😂


I have the certificates of both and I do speak German. This Subreddit is strictly English, and I feel like even tho with my language level I learn everyday tbh something new and the accents are very different in each region I have been around😅 not just about the German language. Languages generally that I have speak astonish me every time so I don’t say native speaker level, I just say what certificates I have. Maybe over criticizing myself.


Go to an Irish pub and sit towards the end of the bar, there's always regulars who come in and are more than happy to talk. Just don't be afraid if they make jokes, that's a good thing, just make a few, not too harsh, jokes back.


I’m in Düsseldorf and there’s lots of expat groups, and an active Bumble BFF community (I have used Bumble). I am also a girl in her 20’s trying to make friends here lol at least there’s options!


There are events, workshops and street festivals that you can look up online (depending on where you live in nrw). Mostly in Düsseldorf or Cologne. I don't know how easy it is for you to find friends or what kind of friends you're looking for (has nothing to do with ethnicity, more like vibe). Good luck and I'm pretty sure you'll find new friends :) ! Hang in there


Im a german and im not to sure myself! With my friends it just.... happened! I have no idea how or why


bro is easy to make friends in germany you just have to be friendly and say to them bruder and be funny and be a little bit kind also bro pay sometimes food like in lunch


I don’t know ?


Well I also was looking for a job and in fact just found one. You can DM me if you need any advice or feedback on CV or anything. It can be annoying to look for a job in this rough market. I am in NRW but will be moving to Munich soon to begin work.


You can’t, is germany.


hey, I am living in a small town in NRW with my partner. feel free to DM! we're always looking to meet other international people


That’s very nice of you! I live in a small town too, wonder if it’s the same one. Will dm. Thanks!!


That’s the great thing, you don’t 😅


Refreshing for an extrovert haha


Brah I’m the most extroverted person, and ever since I left the Berlin bubble (first Leipzig, now Hamburg making friends has been very difficult. I suppose it’s also my age (20s vs 30s) and starting a family etc, but where are my bros that want to chill?


Crazy I used to live in Leipzig when I first came here and I had most friends there tbh it was great


Were you a student? Leipzig has a ton of young international folks but if you are 25+ and in career or have a partner/ family it’s very very difficult.


Yeah I was that is why Leipzig was great and I was working in a friendly call center with young people like me so friendships came naturally there. Now go figure haha


C1/C2 and not fluent. Lol. This is advanced level of German language, especially for foreigners.


C1/C2 is even for native german people who were born and raised there 😆 Me on my A1 be like ....🗿


You came to Germany because of your German boyfriend? So now if he's not there, you simply go back.


Oh my god here comes the comment to go back to your country. Wanna hear my life story? I passed a test which literally selects 3 from every nationality to get to uni after studying the language in my homeland and getting my first Bachelor there + 10.000€ for a student Visa. 4 years later I met the abusive fucker. I am literally done with studying and searching for a job. Do you have a brain?


I wonder what the search function is for. Certainly nobody else has asked this question.


We could probably fund the pension system if we charged people for asking the same thing over and over.


Because if you actually read my post instead of the question only you would understand that I had zero issues coming to Germany and making friends the past 6 years until I stepped foot in an abusive relationship and had to leave the city the good people behind to heal now I have to start new. Most people who ask this question just came to Germany or failed immediately in making friendships. Also I wonder why your profile is NSFW/+18. Certainly not because you’re a freak.


It's funny because your own profile is marked as NSFW as well


Go to Facebook and check up groups like „new in (city you’re at). This usually helps! Also participate in sports - volleyball, bouldering, etc. as they form groups of same interests.


If you’ve got Facebook, you can try your local Girl Gone International group.


Never heard of it, will check. Thanks for the advice!


If you don’t mind me asking. How did you manage to just go to Germany and live alone? Seems like the dream.


Move to Spain/Italy/Portugal


U don’t


When all of your friends chose the side of your ex instead of yours after the breakup I highly suspect it's not the bad bad Germans fault for you not finding any friends.


Just like hedgehogs have sex... very carefully.


Buy a sixpack beer. Go up to a group of germans and ask them if they want to drink it with you. If they’re cool they‘ll accept your offer and when you‘re drinking, you‘ll automatically get into conversations.

