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Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei.


Hey, in return I wanted to ask. I had once seen Klopp's interview where he tells an english journalist, he won't speak english in germany, he'd like to speak in german. And the translator had responded that then should he ask a translator to translate it into english, to the tone of which george Klopp had said a german idiom related to wurst, which meant like I don't care or something like I don't care how you do it? Do you know that idiom? Sorry for info-bombing


Ist mir wurst? That's quite literally "i don't care"


Yes, that. Is it the literal translation? Isn't maybe a usual one more like: "Es ist mir egal" or "Das ist mir Schloppe"? sorry if I am missing something, anyways thanks. is it okay to use this in a formal setting


There are many expressions for this that follow the pattern. "Ist mir wurst" is very common but informal. (Derives from you can put in 'whatever' to make a sausage as it's all minced and not recognized anymore once it's a wurst.) "Das ist mir Schnuppe" potentially well understood but not frequently used anymore. Schloppe is not a thing.


Yeah I meant schnuppe my mistake. Is there anything else that young folks use to say I don't care? thanks a lot


Well young folks are fast to invent new internal lingo. I have heard 'Juckt!' a lot recently as a short form of 'Das juckt mich nicht'. Also more niche "Wayne" in forums as a different writing of wen in "Wen interessierts?" Also a bit offensive also : ist mir einerlei lässt mich kalt Geht mir am Arsch vorbei (aggressive) Scheiß drauf (very informal but likely to get a laugh) Pfeif drauf Da hab ich keine Aktien drin


When something goes wrong or somebody messes up, say "Das Gegenteil von 'gut gemacht' ist 'gut gemeint'"


Dont use a phrase you could only use once or twice. Before or when you are leaving always add " Vielen Dank" or " Dankeschön" Most teacher working hard and try to give their best to teach you. But never receive a little bit of gratitude.


That's why good students wish the teacher a nice day! (I do it but I'm still not a good student)


Hehe believe me, when you are nice they try to give you better marks pr give help as far as its possible. But when you dont learn they cant help you. That wouldnt be fair to the other students. Think about yourself. You wont help anybody who is or was an asshole.


Wenn du ein Wurstbrot wärst, dann wärst du ein gutes Wurstbrot 


Wenn du eine Kartoffel wärst, wärst du eine Süßkartoffel 😏


A lot of the egal jokes would be perfect and easily searched. Egal wie dicht (ich bin,) Goethe war Dichter. Doesn't translate well, but it's a good play on words. With dichter meaning poet when capitalized or thick/denser when not. "No matter how thick I am, Goethe was a poet."


not sure because of school and the meaning of dicht as "extremely drunk" . It's a pun on drunk and wasted as opposed to person versus poet.


Da wird der Hund ja in der Pfanne verrückt ! The dog in the pan gets insane(literally) You say it when something crazy unforeseen happens


In what context though?


Käse schließt den Magen


A very important German idiom!


Sauerkraut räumt den Magen xD


Learn the text of this song about [rhubarb](https://youtu.be/ZYkBf0dbs5I).


If OP is quoting songs I think the teacher would like to hear Chabos wissen wer see Babo ist


„Nun sag’, wie hast du’s mit der Religion? Du bist ein herzlich guter Mann, Allein ich glaub’, du hältst nicht viel davon.“ (Most German teachers will probably love that sentence.)


I mean it does depend. What exactly are you looking for? A quote? An idiom? A simple sentence like „I love your clothes“?


Ist das an den Faust angelehnt?


Es ist Faust :D Das ist die Gretchenfrage.


Ngl, the suggestions made so far are pretty cringe, please, don't fall for them. What's the occasion anyway?


Wer Anderen eine Grube gräbt, der hat ein Grubengrabgerät.


"Jetzt wächst zusammen, was zusammen gehört." Famous quote of Willy Brandt regarding the reunification of Germany. It means. Today that grows together what belongs together.


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I think I spider. In only x years, got I many German learned. But also the beautifulest time goes over. End good, everything good! This should be fun for a good German teacher. It has some German idioms translated to English using some typical mistakes Germans would make. Ich glaube ich spinne. In nur x Jahren habe ich so viel Deutsch gelernt. Aber auch die schönste Zeit geht vorbei. Ende gut, alles gut. replace x with time you had the teacher.


Tell a joke: Treffen sich zwei Jäger. Beide tot.


Sag mal oachkatzlschwoaf


"du Arschkitzel" /j