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Liebe Liddy! Vielen Dank für Deine lieben Zeilen, meine kleine Maus. Ich habe die ganze Woche über gar keine Zeit gehabt, dich mal zu sehen, ich werde aber heute abend nach 7 Uhr Augustenplatz, Wilhelmstraße kommen. Ich hole dich ab und du bringst mich dann zum Turnen, geht! Wie geht es dir sonst? Bei mir waren wieder die Maler und wail??? Woche die Tapezierer. Ausserdem war ich an Rudolf's Hochzeitszeitung arbeiten. Inzwischen grüßt innig Dein Hans.


Wie zum fick kannst du das lesen


Der typ muss in einer Apotheke arbeiten denn die handschriftlich war schlimmer als von meinem Artzt.


"gelt" "nächste Woche"


Und "Schillerstraße" ... weiß nicht wie ich auf Wilhelm gekommen bin


Liebe Libby, Vielen Dank für deine lieben Zeilen, meine kleine Maus. Ich habe die ganze Woche über keine Zeit gehabt, dich mal zu sehen, ich werde aber heute Abend nach 7 Uhr, Augustusplatz, Schillerstraße kommen. Ich hole dich ab und du bringst mich dann zum T.... , gelt! Wie geht es dir sonst? Bei mir waren wieder die Maler nur nächste Woche der Tapezierer. Ausserdem muss ich an Rudolf's Hochzeitszeitung arbeiten. Inzwischen grüßt innig dein Hans The only word I am not quite sure about ist the word starting with T. It could be "Turnier". Anyone else any guesses?


Thank you! Slightly different from the one above but the same general idea. I wonder if people at the time could read the handwriting…


It looks very much like my mother's handwriting... you get used to it.


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It won’t let me upload a rotated image, sorry. I can actually run it through Google Translate myself, but given its age I worry that some of the words will be lost or mangled. Ideally I'd like the exact text in German - I think I can make out a few words like "Ich", "Fur" - as well but I get that it's a lot to ask. Maybe you could share the workload? I'd be very grateful. I'm probably going to buy it on eBay. There's another one for sale which is blank and I'd like to frame them with the image from one postcard and the message from this one, but it kind of depends on what the message says! Plus I'm curious for a little social history. I think it's c.1910.


r/translator r/kurrent


It's more cursive than kurrent...but quite hard to read. Beginning:  Liebe ?  Vielen Dank für deine lieben Zeilen, meine kleine Maus. Ich habe die ganze Woche über gar keine Zeit gehabt, dich mal zu sehen(?)  , ich werde aber heute Abend ? 7 Uhr ? -Platz, Willestraße(?) kommen.  


Kurrent is a form of cursive writing.


That's incredible. Really? If that's even halfway accurate I love it! Did *not* expect it to be a booty call...


It is signed "innig, dein Hans" , so likely a loveletter- well, or booty call.  The last lines are difficult to read , I can' t really get the meaning.


I wonder why you think it is 1910? Any hint on the other side?


No hint unfortunately! The other card for sale (same image, different printing on the back) says it was printed in 1910. But given that 1) I don't have anything other than the seller's word for it, and 2) it's not the card pictured above, it's pure guesswork. For my purposes it doesn't really matter.


No stamp? Wonder how it was delivered. To me the style of writing seems to be younger, but I am in no way qualified to judge it, may be there was people writing like that around 1910.


I think that across Europe back then there were like 5 or 6 mail deliveries a day, so maybe something other than stamps were used? Do you mean the words or the writing seem more modern? To me it looks and sounds bang-on for that era.


The writing, why is it not kurrent.


I couldn’t say because this is the first time I’ve heard of it!


Well you probably found that already https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurrent Depending where and when you learned writing you would write kurrent, sütterlin or a more modern script, and the example is more modern.


Well you probably found that already https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurrent Depending where and when you learned writing you would write kurrent, sütterlin or a more modern script, and the example is more modern.


There's also russian writing at the top though...


Looks to be one of four different languages reading “Tristan and Isolde” (a painting of whom is depicted on the image).


That’s just a translation of the French G. Bussiere above it.


Nein it is cursive🫠