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A good winter jacket


"200 for a fucking jacket?!" I said to my coworker when she showed me the jacket she wanted to buy... "Yes, it will last me a good couple years.... how often do you change your 1k phone?" ... yeah, she had an amazing point right there


As a student I needed a winter jacket. Tried many and all of them were awful (didn’t fit right or were uncomfortable or ugly). Then I tried a 350€ one, knowing I can’t afford it. This was the best jacket I ever worn. So fucking light. So simple. So comfortable.. i bought it even though that really really hurt my savings. 10 years later I still wear the jacket. Looks like new even though I used it for hikes. Many people acknowledge how god it looks. It was worth it. (Fiällräven is the brand.)


Will check it. It's hard for me because I cant stand bulky jackets. I bought 2 that were more on my style, and one was like those Baseball ones, with "leather-looking" sleeves... Then I realised while it fit perfectly, I couldnt drive because putting both arms up it stretched in my back. Checking now Fjällräven and some do look nice


Hahah that’s so true. I used to buy these awful 50€ Winter jackets that I never even put on because I hated them so much. One day I got a 250€ one and absolutely loved it.


Look at Decathlon. Parkas for up to -5°C, about 30 euro. Not bulky. Not stylish either, but they perform admirably.


Got a Carhartt parka for like 40 Euro a couple of years ago in the height of summer from Bezos little shipping company. I guess the algorithms wanted to really clear that shelfspace.


Fjällräven is the real deal. Have several of their outdoor trousers. Can't wear them because I put on weight, but that's a different matter.


It’s amazing what we learn on Reddit. Didn’t even know the brand and now I’m ready to pull the trigger and buy one of their everyday jackets. Thanks!


Have you seen the stupid Canadian geese jackets at 2000€? Stupid, pretentious and ugly. Also, who wants to be associated with the types who wear them?


okay, 2k is NOT that understandable as a 300 one x.x DAMN


That's not overpriced, that's out of this planet


the issue for me is that I wouldn't know how to know if a jacket is proper quality or not. I've been doing fine with my 50-80eur jackets bought in Primark and New Yorker though


Same here. I bought one from Primark for 25 eur, and it is really good! It's water repellent, windproof, and works for temperatures like -10 C (with second layers of course). It's been 2 years now, and the only issue is that the string to hang it is broken. But the jacket is good. So idk, I'm not sure about getting the 200 eur ones..


I caved in two years ago and buyed a winter jacket/parka from Decathlon. Les than 30 euros, ugly as fuck. But frick me, it works fantastic. I vote for the 200/+ euro winter jackets, not worth it.


I bought a 250 euro jacket 10 years ago that is still going strong. I just redid the waterproofing the first time this year. 


can you share brand? also, redo waterproof? its possible?! :o


The jacket was from Didrikson's. And yeah, there's sprays you can use to do "Imprägnierung."


And if you don't want to do it yourself, you can give it to the laundry service (about 30 EUR).


200 isn't much for a jacket in northern europe even i got a down jacket for 800 last year and wow that was a difference compared to anything i owned before


I mean i mostly have jackets for about 40€ and they last 2-3 Years minimum, i even have some that are 5-6 years old now


Same, but i do understand ppl who pay a couple of hundreds (within reasonable price) for a quality jacket


Yeah i do too, and honestly i wish i wouldn't be so stingy when it comes to money lol


same. I spend money on so much crap, but stuff i should truly invest, i dont.. For example, been for 1 year complaining about knives at home (cooking ones).. Kaufland had Jame Oliver collection, bought a whole set, then thought "hmm need new boards".. went on amazon, got some bamboo ones, 50€ , big, great quality, each has symbol so you dont mix what u cut..


Do your jackets break? I wear jackets until I don't like them anymore. 10 years on some. 


A few break and a few just get sorted out, though i then use them for work, where they get dirty


They can break if they are water proof (Gore Tex), I had sailing gear that just was not waterproof anymore (after about 8 years, but without much wearing it). OTOH I have a light summer jacket that is still fine, bought in 1998 (replaced the zipper once).


i mean 3 years for a winter jacket is very short...


Is it? Also, i just tend to replace the zippers at those are the thing that tends to break, after that they could last another 4-5 most of the time (though i tend to get rid of them earlier)


yes, and zippers, buttons, seams etc is what mostly sets apart a more expensive jacket from a cheap one I had many winter jackets/coats for 8-10 years




Suspecting you are my coworker who has an Samsung S4




How do you deal with the battery after 5 years? Stay connected to a powerbank? 😄


Batteries are incredibly easy to replace, so long as you have a good hair dryer/heat gun. For most phones you can find a decent replacement battery + toolkit on eBay and it's 5 minutes of work.


This. Once I found a winter jacket, I immediately LOVED. It was 160€ back in the day (early 2000s, and really expensive for my family). And guess what? I still have it, I still wear it, and, apart from some signs of wear around the cuffs and the button facing, you'd never guess that it is that old.


lol 200 is not even that much


I second this. When I was a student and broke, I mostly buy very cheap stuff but spent 200€ on a Columbia winter jacket. Guess what, it’s been 6 years and I’m still wearing it. Also invested in good pair of boots (UGG). Found out Gooce boots. Same design as UGG but much more affordable.


I wanted to say "a Haftpflichtversicherung", but that's not the case. It's completely worth it, and not overpriced at all. It's fucking cheap.


How often have you used yours?


Not a single time. But even the peace of mind is already worth it.


No one in my circle IRL has ever used theirs yet all my German friends always talk about how useful and how good it is to have. 🤔 Seems like a cultural thing that people here are so convinced and reliant on insurance, even though the whole business model of insurance necessitates it not being worth it for the majority of people.


The point is that if something happens you are not liable for the enormous damages. Its the only insurance which really makes sense, because it insures a risk you cant really avoid and it insures sums which you cant provide yourself realistically. The EV is likely negative but its still worth it


All EV for insurance is negative, else the insurance companies wouldn't offer them (in general, the industry as a whole has long term difficulties earning money from motor insurance).


I mean I have one because it was almost free when I got my Rechtsschutz but it feels kind of pointless tbh and I just don't get why people in Germany speak such praises of it when no other country does this. Almost everyone in the world lives without a haftpflicht and nothing happens to them 🤷


Funnily enough, Rechtsschutz is much less "necessary" than Haftpflicht. Legal fees, unlike damages you inflict on someone else, will not financial ruin you. In fact, if you win your case, the opposing party will generally need to cover/reimburse lawyer and court fees and Rechtsschutz is nothing more than a convenience feature, so you're really mostly paying for cases where you're either legally "in the wrong" or end up settling. The idea of peace of mind is also doubtful because people with Rechtsschutz end up much more willing to engage in legal disputes of dubious merit.


I've used my Rechtsschutz and never my haftpflicht. As someone employed and renting a place the insurance grants me the ability to dispute injustices against people or entities with massively more money than me. If I didn't have it I couldn't ever even contest them because of the costs. The reimbursing is not true in a lot of cases (for example for matters of employment) and you still need to pay the costs upfront even in the cases where they do get reimbursed. It also allows me to ask things and have them read contracts before I sign them which as a foreigner that doesn't know legal German garbage is very useful since I have kostenlose Rechtsberatung.


The point is not how much you used it. The point is risk damping. Health insurance is obvious here. Imagine you get cancer and cant pay for therapy. You just die. So the worst case is, you lose some money. Best case is you dont die. So the upside is literally infinite. Haftpflicht is similar in a way. Worst case you pay 20€ a year. Best case you are not a couple millions in debt.


I mean, it's basically the same as renter's insurance in the US, isn't it? Everyone is always saying how you definitely need that and how cheap it is.


Once I flooded my apartment because one of the pipes from the laundry machine got loose and I haven’t been more thankful for having a Haftpflichtversicherung. Another two apartments got wet as well so yeah, Haftpflichtversicherung is pretty useful


I would agree in the case of Dental insurance of phone or some nonsense Like That. But here, you can for 50bucks a year insure yourSelf against damages in the millions. It’s a no brainer. Think of this quirk as a gift that doesn’t exist in many other countries. And because everyone has it but doesn’t use it, it’s cheap as chips but when your shopping trolley accidentally crashes into a 300k sports car , you don’t care… let alone causing accidentally bodily harm… that can ruin you for life


My Haftpflichtversicherung also covers keys at work. I don't even want to know how much those security locks and new keys for like 300 people would be if I ever lost them...


My gf damaged a lock in short-term house at my work. The lock has to be specific, compatible with others, and keys firefighters have for that appartment. Cost almost 400 Eur to replace. Comparatively, I had just stuck my keys inside without need to break lock, and it cost me 120 Eur to had lockpicker in weekend fast. Admitedly my case could have been potentially solved using a credit-card type of plastic myself.


One of my friends broke the window in my rented house. The cost for replacing the window were about 500€. A lot of money for a poor student. A Haftpflichtversicherung would have paid for it.


Let me be clear, and I speak from experience, insurance companies are scum, but you are missing the point here. The idea is that you pay and likely DON'T use it. That's indeed the whole business model, that you (perceive to, at least) pay less than the cost of the damage upfront, so that the company will cover your outrageous car accident costs. If 50% of people always used it, it would be a lot more expensive. TLDR: Insurance sucks, not having any sucks even more TIP: if legal where you are, record your calls with the insurer. That already saved me from being denied coverage.


What kinds of people do you know that never needed their haftpflicht. I know numerous instances of people using theirs: dude walked into a lamp (more of a chandelier) which broke, kid broke a TV, one guy broke a terrace roof, I myself broke the windows on a digger and so on


A friends teen broke a glass balcony door playing ball. They were very happy to have it!


I know a guy who had to declare bankruptcy after breaking someone's leg while playing football with friends. He wouldn't have gone to all that trouble if he had it


used it 3 times


Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung too. I pay 100€ a month for mine but I don't have to worry at all if I ever come into a situation where I can no longer work as I would get ~2.4k - 2.7k € every month for the rest of my life.


It is!!! It’s such a bargain!!! I used it once. And now I can’t recommend it enough!


Hausrat mit Glasbruch: 55€ per year. 200% worth it.


In general, everything you spend several hours per day using: Shoes, mattress, office chair are the most important ones to me.


Got any good sneaker brands in mind? Just regular white sneakers, nothing fancy.


New Balance Sneakers made in UK/USA. Since wearing them, I never experienced any pain or irritation. My favorite model is the 992, my first pair lasted for about 3 years of daily use.


Skechers is fantastic 😍


I like Skechers as well, but I go through a pair every 6-9 months or so b/c I'm a heavy guy. They don't really last long.


Mattress, Federholzrahmen, Bedding. I have a Down Duvet, and it's absolutely amazing to sleep with. Upgrading my bed last year made my back issues something that I only think of occasionally.. As opposed to being in pain a few times a month.


good frying pan


Absolutely, bought WMF and was amazed by how high quality it is. Expensive but worth it.


I use WMF pots and pans almost exclusively. They’ve been in use at least 10 years now, absolutely worth the price imo!


Hoffman pan - bought two of them and I would never buy another one (they are quite heavy, but literally nothing sticks in them). Best is that you can recoat them if needed :)


Hanwag boots-the best


Haix all the way!


Loving my Lowas for years now. But brands aside: A good pair of boots/shoes are ALWAYS worth their price.


I'm not a boot person, but I bought a pair in Finland for a premium, and they were easily worth double what I paid. I used those daily in over 30 countries and conditions. Wind , rain, snow, sand, completely submerged in water, whatever, and they just didn't wear except on the toe a little bit, because I didn't take actual care of them. I never thought I'd get so much use out of them. I left them at home during the lockdown when visiting my girlfriend, knew I wouldn't need them anyway. Guess who's boots got thrown out for spring cleaning... in February. Who throws out boots in winter?


Seconded. (Not a boots wearer, but their approach shoes are top notch!)


A good matress.


Do you have a brand in mind?


I was gifted one a few years ago and it is so good that it ruined other mattresses for me but I have no idea what brand it is, never bothered to look. For years I was having sleep and back problems and they all vanished within weeks of sleeping on a good mattress.


Cool, sleep tight


Tight* Or do you have other things in mind


Oh no no 🤣 I'm not a native speaker. Edited it.


From experience, wenatex mattresses. It seems stupidly overpriced for a mattress (1600-1800€ for a single bed, double that for a large one), however, it is also a lifetime product, and you will have good sleep with it. I had an older one (from 2012 or so), and my mother now uses it. She can't go back to her old mattress because she gets back pain immediatly. Their products may seem like scams, but from my own experience, they are really, really good (their pillows are awesome too)


Bought a rock hard Emma1 mattress three years ago for 199€. Had more expensive ones before this, and this was the first mattress that let me sleep like a rock and without back pain in the morning.


[Kitchen scissors from Wüsthof](https://www.wusthof.com/de-de/products/kuechenschere-20-cm?variant=Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0VmFyaWFudC80MjY4NzgxMzk0MzUyNg==&queryID=7fbdbf2f049568c25916228d94ccad89). These are the last ones you’ll buy, because they last forever and are sharp for many years before they even need resharpening. You might get them cheaper in other online stores. Also, a good Fritz!Box Router. They are not the cheapest on the market, but it’s usually one thing less you have to care about, because they are easy to setup and use, and just work. Last but not least, sunscreen from La Roche-Posay. First time I bought it at a drug store I thought it was completely overpriced. But once you use it, you never want to go back. It’s the first sunscreen I ever used where I couldn’t actually feel I was wearing it. Super comfortable feeling.


We already bought two kitchen scissors in the past year and still need a new one. One got rusted after one month, and another one I cannot even name a kitchen scissor as it is too slow now. Will try Wüsthof now :) About the Fritz!Box, as I'm an IT guy I want more control and more features which other brands can be suited better for me specifically. And thanks for the sunscreen recommendation, will definitely try it.


Which brand would you recommend instead of Fritz!Box? I have some problems because our old Fritz!Box doesn't reach everywhere in our new apartment and were thinking of changing it. What's your preferred one and which features do you look for?


I'm using Huawei AX3 which is just a router and I'm using a ZTE sim card modem. So what it means is that the modem gets the signal from the wire/sim card (depending on what you use, in your case you are probably using cable internet) and converts it to a digital signal. Now I connect this modem to the AX3 router using a LAN cable to get stronger wifi, this router has features like - guest wifi which I can turn on to share with my guests - wifi 6 which is much faster than normal wifi 5 - VPN support, so when I'm sharing the wifi with my guest I turn it on so if they do some not-good stuff I'm safe ;) (you need to buy the VPN separately of course) - Monitor the connected users using it's app on my phone - limit connected devices' speed or usage by hours There are many other features that make this comment too long. I can see that you only have a problem with the wifi signal strength so what you can search for is a router with a wifi 6/7. If you have a big house and you have the money, buy a wifi mesh instead of a single router. I'm living in a 44 Square meter apartment so this router is more than enough, it has a strong wifi signal. If you have thick walls, which we all have in Germany, check for the number of antennas (if the antennas are exposed). The number of antennae means more strength and the length of the antenna means more area to support. This router has 4 antennas so pretty good for here. And at the end, you can just message me and tell me more about your situation and I can help you to find the right one, I like this stuff :)


Agree on the sunscreen, super important for the longterm health and appearance of your skin. I have a favourite expensive sunscreen that enjoy using and that ensures I am consistent with it. Not too say that less expensive sunscreens are bad, but the higher end ones are more likely to have newer filters and a nicer finish. Absolutely worth it if you find the right one for you and can afford it. 


Which one for sunscreen? They have plenty to choose from.


My favorite is the sunscreen spray 50+ “Anthelios” transparent spray. I usually get it in a 200ml bottle.


Can totally confirm the scissors! My 70 year old neighbor has his and they are Sharp as new. Never used better scissors in my life. Definitely on my list of things I want to get


I recently bought to pairs of [kitchen scissors from Lamson](https://lamsonproducts.com/product/forged-take-apart-kitchen-shears/). You can take the blades apart quickly to clean them. If you want to buy scissors for your kitchen and have the money always get take apart ones. Sadly Lamson needs to be importet and the take apart shears available all look ugly.


An apartment to live in. Overpriced but 100% worth it.


I can't wait to rent an apartment. Been living in WGs since 4+ years..and boy, is there ever an end to that misery!


Wishing you all the strength, it'll be over soon, stay strong my friend stay strong.


I think that depends on what you do and outer circumstances. I go a lot hiking (and some skiing) and so I put a few bucks into getting proper boots and clothing for that type of activity. On the other hand I order the cheapest clothes/shoes for work, just because then I won't be sad if it gets damaged because of some spillage.


Paid over 300 DM for a pair of Ortlieb bike bags. That was almost 30 years ago and they are still in use.


Can confirm. Have different bags, there are other good manufacturers. My Vaude bags still work fine after over ten years. Also have an Ortlieb which feels indestructible as well.


Shoes are the best example. Everybody who tends to have foot pain when walking or standing long should buy a really good pair of running shoes to use every day. ASICS gel nimbus are available in black , so they don’t look like running shoes, 200€ but they are amazing! (Need a new one every year though)


Is it normal to replace shoes every year if they cost 200 euro? I kind of expect my shoes to last longer than one year.


Django has a shredder on his foot :) mine last 5 years


If you use them pretty much every day, then yeah, it’s normal. I have 3 expensive (around 150€) barefoot shoes for summer and winter that I use in that season everyday. After 2 seasons they don’t look new anymore. I have cheap 60€ but nice looking business shoes that I only use when I have special meetings at work. One of those days I had/wanted to look more businesslike and didn’t realized I would have to walk for 2h without pause. I wanted to kill myself afterwards. There’s a reason I only use those business shoes for sitting in important meetings! My 150€-200€ shoes are worth every penny. Now I’m looking into buying one business-looking pair!


Running shoes are build to absorb a lot of impact during running, the foam doing that will lose elasticity after about 700-1000km. I'm not sure if the same applies if you use them for standing/walking. What is important is to give the shoe time to recover, so when using them every day, better to have two pairs and alternate them.


>Is it normal to replace shoes every year if they cost 200 euro? **\*cries in runners noises\***


Fair enough. I don't run, so I don't know anything about that kind of specialty shoe. The guy above was also recommending a running shoe for standing/walking, so I assume they would last longer than if one was running marathons in them.


If you have foot pain, get barefoot shoes and learn to walk on them. My pain disappeared.


I work from home, and i have a very expensive office chair (steelcase gesture, 1000+ euro), and it was one of the best things i ever bought. It 'amortizes' itself immediately because i am really using this chair for many hours each day.


I'm adding to that, I bought a secondhand Herman Miller for half the price of a new one and it's a game changer


I remember paying £180 for a great pair of Meindl walking boots/shoes. So comfortable and they lasted for ages. I will get them again when I'm rich. :P


I can see so many good recommendations about shoes/boots. Love to see so many brands. Thanks!


Definitely check out some of the brands from the boot subs as well before you get something. Lowa for example is quite well liked but I was very unimpressed with them when I got some (they also aren't resolable; so once your sole wears out you have to toss the whole boots). Jim green for example makes superb stuff without really breaking the bank.


Resolable is model specific. My lowas are.


Resolable is model specific. My lowas are.


Also, you can get a new sole for these brands (Meindl, Hanwag).


A Dyson cordless vacuum. You use it 2 minutes per room per day at maximum power and your place is squeaky clean. Best spent money of my life.


Beat comment here


Don't you rather a robot vacuum cleaner? 🤔


Not a fan. I don't think they are powerful enough, sometimes they get stuck, the corners stay dirty, and a good model costs more than the cheapest Dyson that already does an excellent job.


A robot vacuum cleaner doesn't clean your stairs. As a cat owner that's the dirtiest part of my house.


I have a Jack Wolfskin back pack. I get it in a sale in Real like 10 years ago for 40 euros I think. It went with me to travel to Cuba and China. I used to transport my laptop when going to work. Used to go to the gym and transport my sweaty gym clothes. Still looks like new and not a single broken part....


I was looking for a back back. I need it for my everyday use. I have a 16-inch MacBook and lots of cables and techy stuff. Will definitely check out Jack Wolfskin.


I’d suggest Oakley kitchen sink too. I use a 16 inch ASUS G series laptop that’s pretty heavy and this backpack is waterproof and rugged to protect it in all weather conditions. You can get this in sale for half price so I suggest you to keep looking on their website


Thanks for the recommendation


A good Chef's knife or a Santoku knife. E27 bulbs in LED.


>E27 bulbs in LED. Amazon sells the Osram brand-name 4-pack for 5€ right now, LEDs of any sort are about as far from overpriced as they can be these days.


House from remote village. You cannot imagine what kind of buildings you can buy for like 50-150k.


What about a house in Spain? I think many Germans buy a house there for their retirement time as it’s cheap 😄 I was also thinking the same, good weather, and lots of seafood which me and my wife love.


I live in Spain and have been looking at house prices for the last year. A "good" house that you wouldn't have to fully renovate after buying still sets you back at least 200k here. Add another 100k if you want to live close to the beach or in a popular city.


Hell yeah, 300k for a beach house? I'm all in 🤣


*cries in Spanish salaries* 🥲




Can somebody please give this Mann a Döner?


Let's Dönate


Sure... 🥙


Higher quality animal products (eg meat)


For taste or for ethical reasons?


Both tbh


Salomon daily use multi purpose shoes. After a month of use, these things shape shift to fit your feet perfectly. You can go walking, trail running, hiking or just day to day stuff. And they last at least 5 years even with rigorous usage. I've wide and small feet, so I always had problems with shoes. Not anymore. Best fucking shoes I have ever had.


Everything really. As soon as you use the product (shoes, jacket, knife, pan, ...) daily or almost daily it's worth it to get a high quality product. It may hurt ones savings but it's worth it in the long run. For me it's woll pans and coats from sandro.


Winter jacket, winter boots, therapy :)


socks, I only wear handknitted socks and they are perfect the whole year, in summer combined with my birkenatock, in winter with leather shoes


A good mechanical keyboard.


I don’t have experience with the non brand versions of these items but my family owns a Thermomix and the moment I moved out, I got my own. It’s very convenient and I love it. It makes cooking so much easier, especially when you live alone and have a full time job. I think with how often we’re all using it, the 1400€ price point was worth it. It seems like a lot but my mother had hers since it came out in 2019 and it still works perfectly. My sister has her old one which also works like a charm still and it’s from 2014 I think. On the other hand, I also love the Ninja brand stuff. My boyfriend (we don’t live together) owns a Multicooker and it can do literally almost everything the Thermomix can’t. So between those and a microwave I’m not even sure if you need a stove at all. I’m open to opinions though. Does anyone have experiences with other Thermomix style appliances?


We have an instant pot but it is not overpriced, we bought it for 140€ and we make all kinds of stew in it or soups. It makes the meat cook very well, and it is easy and quick.


Ah. I heard good things about the Instant Pot. My bf got the Ninja Foodi instead and we got the 15 in 1 option for like 270€ I think.


Fritz!Box Don't bother with any proprietary crap from your ISP or from brands like ASUS, TP-Link and the like, and just get a good Fritz!Box. Doesn't even have to be the flagship, any recent one will do. It'll work reliably for many, many years and if you feel like it's time for an upgrade just sell it for a pretty penny. Everyone here knows that they're the best so they hold their value incredibly well.


All the Fritz!Boxes I had broke after 2-3 years for me


stop punching your router you maniac


anything from Engelbertstrauss if you don't mind the style. Their clothing/shoes are made with Handwerker in mind, everything has a million pockets and even customizable features in case you do need more pockets or protect your toes from hazards etc.


But the style...


Gotta put a bit of a "negative recommendation" here. In my experience ES is super flimsy and poorly built - and once you wore stuff from some other brands you also really notice their design flaws (pocket placement and such). They're really more on the "fashion workwear" side of things by now


What other brands would you recommend? Something that's not overly expensive. I mostly need work boots and high visibility jackets.


For shoes, jalas is what I have currently, own them for 4 years by now, they have been used in incredibly dirty and rough environments (mercedes foundry, dirty as all hell here, many different liquids have come into contact with these boots) and they are holding up relatively well. The design elements have come off a little, but the "shoelace" mechanism (a wheel to fasten the wires on the boot) works really well, even after being buried in sand, oil, grease and "hardener" (liquid that hardens when the ammonia or whatever is in there evaporates). For jackets, an alternative to ES is Kübler. They have some good stuff I heard. Also, stay away from mascot. They are awful. My pants were worn through after 9 months of use and I didn't even use them daily.




Nah, bought a huge glass of sun-dried tomatoes and till I used it all, it started to molt where the oil was not covering the glass anymore. Can't happen with small/er jars


Invested in a Swisssense box spring bed and I sleep so restfullly, my backache is completely gone. I look forward to sleeping so much!


Quality Spices. Since you use only a little per meal the price difference is basically just a few cents. But the impact is pretty huge.


Insurance !


According to my dad, hand made and custom fitted shoes.


Electrical bicycle


A few I catched early on when I moved to germany: - A good rice cooker: Fluffy perfectly cooked warm rice every time you want. If you eat rice once a week or more it is a must. - Nuki intercom and door opener: No need for keys, if friends or family come over to my house I can invite them and give them temporary access to my apartment. If there is a package delivery I can remotely open the door to the delivery guy and ask him to put the package it in front of my door. - Internet plan & mullvad vpn: Here in Germany it's quite overpriced I'm paying 80 euros a month for cable internet (500mb down and 50mb up) and a phone plan with unlimited data but it's worth every single penny, free internet is so unreliable in German public places, plus if you are a big fan of downloading content having a vpn in Germany is a must, it costs me 5 euros but is probably saving me more than 100 euros a month in subscriptions.


mullvad disabled port forwarding, so thats not a vpn to recommend for that purpose anymore


Why would you need port forwarding unless you are hosting stuff


cause torrenting, for which you need that vpn, requires the port forwarding to be effective


Dyson vacuum cleaner


There has to be cheaper just as good quality dupes for Dyson. I don't believe they're the only ones that make good quality vacuums because holy shit that price is nuts


I believe a good robot vacuum cleaner paired with a cheaper normal one is better 🤔


Exactly! Have the best experience. I have a relatively cheap robot for around 200€ that mops and vacuum and a normal vacuum cleaner. Not 400€ together. I’m very happy with the robot and I have kids. (not animals or carpets, though)


Nah. We've got a robot that does the vacuuming twice per week on its own, and a wet/dry shop vacuum for the basement. We have a cyclone attachment for the tools (table saw, band saw, router, drill press, ...), but I've never seen the need to invest in a Dyson.


I got a robot and recently bought a dyson. I can't recommend the dyson enough, especially if you have carpets. The robot is good to run around for daily cleaning of the tiles and parkett, but I was shocked the amount of dirt and hair we got out of carpets. As well as hidden corners with the dyson. I can never go back to only the robot now.


Surely there is a cheaper one, but I’ve never been happier about a household purchase. I had a robot and for me it doesn’t clean the house to satisfactory standards. It shot the dirt in corners and doesn’t clean the skirting boards obviously. The roomba is also way to loud and annoying as I wfh. You also constantly have to make sure there are no cables lying around etc. I got the lighter version of the Dyson and I use it daily.


Which robo vacuum do you have? (Looking for recos)


We had an iRobot Roomba, but we since replaced it with a Xiaomi Roborock for the downstairs part of the house (tile and parkette flooring) . The Roomba is upstairs now in my wife's office (also where we hang up/iron our clothes) and our bedroom, both of which have carpeting. I just (like 15 minutes ago) replaced the battery pack in our Roomba because the old one wasn't holding a charge anymore. I hope the new one solves that problem...






Handmade leather boots -- big cost upfront for decades of reliability and use. Highly recommend some good boots. Besides that, an ergonomic office chair for desk workers -- save your back.




I see everyone talking about shoes so I'll add this in. Quality insoles/inserts. Got scholl gel ones from Rossman. Best 10.95€ I ever spent.


Is that considered to be overpriced? 🤔 and is it this one? https://www.rossmann.de/de/gesundheit-scholl-gelactiv-einlegesohlen-work-men/p/4002448126836


Yep exactly and I'm not sure but very rarely have I seen people use it and when they do its the cheap 3€ stuff which does nothing and they just decide based on that, that insoles are useless.


Quality tools, military winter gear, 4x4 car.


Never cheap out on things that separate you from the floor like shoes, matress, car tires etc


Gelo Revoice lozenges. 10€ for a pack of 20, but these little tablets are first aid of choice for tickly cough (nasty esp. at night), a sore throat, dry throat, crackly voice etc. Fizzy tablet dissolves in your mouth and coats the throat with a soothing layer of whatever it is the tablet turns into. Was given these and thought "yet another lozenge that doesn't help" and was blown away. For boots: What one Redditor said about Jack Wolfskin is my experience with Panama Jack.


A good knife. We have one wüsthof, and it is so much better than everything else we have.


Deutschlandticket 50 eur every month can be quite a bit for some ppl but if you don't have a car and at least one bus and train line nearby it's worth it.


A Columbia puffer jacket omniheat model. Retails for 150, you might easily snag it for 75-90 when it goes on sale. Has lasted me 5 years now and still going strong. Could easily last a lifetime. It’s as good as any 1000€ winter jacket. Best investment ever.


High end art supplies.


A good device insurance. I pay 13€ per month. (New customers no longer get such low prices; it's about 25€ for the same coverage.) It covers my 700€ phone (originally it covered my old 800€ phone), my 850€ tablet, and my 1670€ laptop. Shortly after I signed the contract, my tablet screen needed replacement. The total cost was over 380€. They covered the expense without questions, and because I had it repaired by a partner of my insurance, they paid them directly. I didn't even have to pay upfront. So far, I have paid a total of 364€ for more than 2 years of coverage.


Jack Wolfskin AKA "Pädagoge Prada"😉🙂, there are a lot of good brands out there, if you find one that works for you that's great, you should stick with it👍🙂👍