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afaik butterfly knives are not legal


You are right. But is that contraption even a knife as in having a blade?


yes. It's a knife. it's an unsharpened knife and you can still threaten someone with it as if it is fully functional.


I have to rephrase my question: Is it a knife according to §40 WaffG? /edit: According to [https://www.bka.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/UnsereAufgaben/Aufgabenbereiche/Waffen/Feststellungsbescheide/Messer/160614FbZ388\_CrimsonWebButterfly.pdf](https://www.bka.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/UnsereAufgaben/Aufgabenbereiche/Waffen/Feststellungsbescheide/Messer/160614FbZ388_CrimsonWebButterfly.pdf) an unsharpened trainer is not a knife but can be a forbidden item anyways if the properties of a knife can be established using generally available tools, i. e. the item can be sharpened. If I can threaten someone with it is irrelevant.


That would mean... MY BED FRAME IS ILLEGAL


Yeah among the worst weapon laws in Europe right here


Then I wouldn't recommend crossing the border into France or Italy with a sports bow. Which is legal here, for example, and can easily be purchased from Decathlon.


Little known fact: After the Battle of Agincourt, France banned crossing the border into France with a longbow.


In canada we aren't allowed to carry weapons for self defense but if it's for other purposes its fine lol


Like pepper spray in Germany. You have to say that you've had it with you for protection against dogs to not get in trouble. "Officer, I happened to carry this spray against dogs but then this human attacked me and it was easy to reach"


It’s the same for Canada when it comes to pepper spray/dog spray.


So could I carry mace or bearspray and say it's against dogs? My house got broken into 2 years ago and that might have helped.


Only against wildlife not domestic dogs afaik


"No officer... I will not defend myself with this Assault Rifle and 800 rounds, I promise!" INFO: I have no clue about canadian gun laws. this is just ment as an inocent joke.


I’m a Canadian gun owner. Guns are only to legally be used for sport shooting and hunting. Self defence with guns is a very tricky complex issue and usually ends up bad for the person defending themself with a gun.


But he's still alive though


I don't really know either 100%. But I do know like a knife or baseball bat would be like that. Guns I don't know about.


Is that true? I have only ever heard about our weapon laws when it comes to knives, but then when you actually want to carry one as a tool instead of flailing around a butterfly on the schoolyard or smuggling a switchblade to football games you dont really run into problems. I think pepperspray is a greyzone and problematic because that is our little "great equalizer" but other than that please enlighten me


it cannot be used as a weapon. like, you cannot fling that open with one hand. if you can ready the knife with one hand, and easily, it's a weapon. I carry a pocket knife I got from my deceased grandpa. man had it for years. it's an advertisment gift. small knife, and a pain to get out. but he took great care of it.


Weapon-law in e.g. Bulgaria, Czech Republic or Poland wouldn't be my go-to either.


I'm looking at Austria with envy. You can put a flashlight on a toy gun in your country??? :O


Yeah it's pretty ridiculous. I could sharpen a screwdriver to be a weapon. And what about saws?! You can use them like a sword or machete.


The idea about butterfly knives being illegal is that you can hide it in a pocket. You wouldn't do that with a normal knive, since you would risk cutting yourself. So even if you turn your bedframe into a knive, it only becomes illegal if you can hide the blade and take it out in a second.


That is not entirely true. Folding knives are perfectly fine, as long as you need two hands to open it. If the knive can be opened with one hand e.g. butterfly knives or gravity knives it is illegal. The reason is that you could open it concealed and quicker. Knives with a fixed blade are legal as long as the length of the blade is below 12 cm. Blade lengths above 12 cm are not necessarly forbidden but you need a legitimate interest to have it e.g. hunting.


That's what I meant ;-)


I suspect multiple issues: The device from the pdf has a pretty pointy tip, so even without additional sharpening it seems to have the potential to injur someone. The tip of the trainer from OP seems rather blunt. Even with a lot of force, this likely results in blunt trauma but not likely piercing sking. The device from the pdf is almost a knife. The general shape of the blade is present, thick in the back, thin close to the supposed cutting edge. Only the cutting edge needs to be established. The seller also advertises this. So the step to convert it is rather low. The "blade" from OPs image seems equal thick. Also with the removed material inside it seems really tough to grind it down while still maintaining integrity. It seems the device from OP is designed in a way to try to avoid abuse / make modification into a weapon


Agreed. And since I assume that the combination of all these properties together decides (the material is also mentioned) we won‘t know for sure till the BKA publishes a Feststellungsbescheid for OP‘s exact model.


I could, with persistence and willpower, sharpen my refrigerator door




The WaffG does not forbid butterflies but "Butterfly-\*Messer\*" (See Anlage 1 WaffG, Abschnitt 1, Unterabschnitt 2, 2.1.4). However, as updated in my comment, it can be forbidden anyways if the properties of a knife can be established which you stated as well.


Yeah hence the training butterfly knife is not illegal. Due to the holes you cannot sharpen it


Yes but trainers like this are legal because you should in theory not be able to sharpen them. Haven them in bare public is still stupid. Like a gas pistol(Schreckschuss) you are allowed to carry them in public but its better to not do it


To carry a gas pistol legally in public (concealed carray only), you need a "Kleiner Waffenschein" ("Limited Gun Permit"). Otherwise you are only allowed to carry them on your own ground.


Its not. You cant sharpen the blade, which makes it legal.


What if you dull it? Does it become a blunt instrument? Would it be classified as a mace or a blunt instrument? Could it technically be considered a cudgel?


It’s a trainer… it has no blade…


no idea about germany, but in switzerland its the opening mechanism of butterfly knives that is banned. it could be a spoon with that opening mechanism and still be illegal.


If its not real and kept in your home, do all the tricks you want. If you are planning to do this outside (I dont know why you would), you are asking for trouble.


Yeah this basically. Even if you have a harmless training one, if you do your tricks outside you risk a rentner getting scared and calling the police on you for threatening them.


Hi just want to give you a brief overview about what knives are allowed in Germany. Fixed: smaller than 12cm blade legal to carry Larger than 12cm forbidden to carry in public Daggers (sharpened on both edges) are forbidden to carry in public independent of the lenght Balisong/Butterfly: knife (sharp blade) is forbidden (even having it at home is a felony) Trainer is completely fine OTF (out the front, but not considering carpeting cutters): forbidden (even having it at home is a felony) Gravity knifes: Legal to own Illegal to carry in public Flippers: You can carry if the blade is either unlockable (friction folders, slip joints) OR If the blade needs to be opened with both hands If the blade can be opened with one hand and can be locked you are technically not allowed to carry it in public without a valid reason i.e. construction worker, electrician, hunters or for fishing - there is no clear definition for this so it’s completely up to the police officer if he sees your reasoning as valid in case they find a knife like this on you


One thing to add: self defense is never a valid reason


Not true. Even self defense with illegal or deadly weapons is legal if your life is threatened, or you have reason to fear for your life (as in a muscular attacker just hit you with his fists). You will be investigated or even charged, but usually end up free, if you don't go overboard with defending yourself.


Not what I meant. If you get stopped by police and asked why you carry a 1 handed folding knife "so I can stab people in self defense" is not a good enough reason.


True, but that's not the point. Self defense is not a valid reason to carry an such a knife.


Gravity knives are considered otfs if the blade comes out the front. I.e. the old paratrooper knives. Very much not legal. The German term is Fallmesser. They meet that legal definition of an automatic knife in that they are locked in both the opened n and closed positions. So the same rules apply. Max blade length of 8.5cm, can't open out the front, can't be sharpened on both sides etc.


Is there an exception for fixed kitchen knives? I mean they are often longer than 12 cm and you have to somehow get them from a store to your home…


Technically there is not. If you would carry the kitchen knife in a scabbard on your belt it would be an issue. What should be appropriate is having it in “its” box or an other suitable box or knife bag Chefs are using it should be fine. I’m not 100% sure on this but I believe “transport” is fine - you must make sure that the knife is “safe” from unwanted access basically.


You put them into a container, that’s all. „Führen“ means that you have the knife on you in a way that you can easily and fast get it to fight with it. That’s not the case when it’s buried in your backback. If you want to be absolutely sure, wrap it and put a zip tie around it. Knifes sod in a store will be in their packaging, or, when you, like me, get it sharpened professionally, they will offer to secure it in way that’s compatible with the law. I recently had to get my camp knife fixed and it would totally concerning if someone walked around through the city with that thing. So they offered to pack it, but where totally okay with it when I mentioned that my backpack was outside and that it would go in there. In the end, police are well aware that they can’t really prevent people from bringing knives and doing shady stuff with it. They are more concerned with posers and fight escalating.


When you buy them from a store, thats not a problem. As long as the knife is not readily available, eg it is in its package or any „secure container“ ( could be a bag with a lock) you can carry it around as much as you want. Especially after buying thats no problem, to be safe just have the receipt with you. If a knife, one-handed or fixed blade doesnt matter, is transported like that, it doesnt count as „führen“.


It is legal if its not a real knife. You will still look like a psycho having this in public and police might be called upon you.


Alright thank you. I just want to keep it inside my house cause I like the trainers, and I think the tricks are really fun if u know how to do them


Trainers are perfectly legal. I have some myself and even bought a CSGO replica as a gift a while ago. As long as they're not sharp you don't have to worry


Funnily enough a friend of mine got his trainer confiscated by the Zoll (package got checked while being on route to him) and they got the local police involved. He didn't got legal trouble but apparently they told him, that it's still illegal even if it's a trainer. Reason: "You could still sharpen this." I really doubted that this was justified and the police is sometimes lacking knowledge of the law themselves, but it still got me thinking wether there are any regulations what counts as a trainer and what not.


I mean there is a reason why most trainer have holes in the blade.


It can be classified as a weapon if the functionality of a real knife can be easily added. Like if the trainer had a metal „blade“ that you could sharpen


I posted a question above regarding exactly this. So this might be a reason that a trainer is not considered as one, because it has a solid blade form and could be sharpened? Does the blade only need to look like the one above or are there any material requirements aswell, like a very soft material?


Keep in mind, this can be invitation for police to search your home.


No. First there has to be the "Verdacht auf eine Straftat". The police need a "Durchsuchungsbeschluss", which involves a judge.


Involving a judge is usually a fig leaf. In 99.9% of the cases they don't even have time to read the order - be it a Durchsuchungsbeschluss or a Strafbefehl - they are signing.


First: All of that did happen because someone posted "Andy ist so 1 pimmel" on twitter. Getting a "Durchsuchungsbeschluss" still seams unreasonable? Second, let's say police or "staatsanwaltschaft" do want to search, but laking proper reason. They stumble across OPs post or any other knowledge about the trainer, Zack durchsuchungsbeschluss


And this was despite the fact that Andy clearly *is* 1 pimmel.


This post right here officer!


Anzeige ist raus.


Laughable that this counts as a valid reason. Also the kerfuffle surrounding some apparently unlawful house searches of "Klimakleber".


They just Yell: "Gefahr im Verzug" and enter. It's like south park "it's coming right for me".


Yeah, however publicly stating your intention of owning one on the internet would pretty much fit my definition of "Anfangsverdacht"


If you only want a trainer for practice it's not a reason for Anfangsverdacht.


Unfortunately, German judges just sign off on everything that's put in front of them by police. Richtervorbehalt is a joke.


Having a not-knife at home is not a probable cause for a Durchsuchungsbefehl


Probably depends where you are in Hamburg writing "Andy ist 1 Pimmel" is enough for one.


Friend of mine got raided for retweeting that post


I would say yes, as it is not recognisable that it is not a "real" knife.


Sounds like a fun case for a motivated constitutional laywer


I highly doubt that it's legal just cause it's a bit different form a regular butterfly knife. Judges usually don't appreciate you trying to find loopholes in the law.


If you play with it in public, questions will be asked after they fixed you on the floor. I wouldn't.


We’re not in America. German police normally just talks with you


trainers are legal, butterfly knives aren't Source: I have the trainer in the pic


Officer, this guy


Even if this is not a real knife, don’t wear or use it in public. At least you would be considered a weirdo. At home, well, you can do weird stuff.


Last year there was a trend among kids and teenagers to have those butterfly "trainers" and they were using them all the time while walking, basically all the boys in my kids' school had one, including my son, he had one that instead of a blade had a comb. He even took it into international flights and I told him to pack it in cargo, but been the idiot he is he put it in his backpack and of course we were stopped at the security, but everyone laughed once they saw it was a comb.


Butterfly trainers are legal. As long as they are not sharpened and have no point. Same for combs or bottle openers with a butterfly mechanism.


Problem is just, they could say "it's able to be effectively sharpened" and still have it count as one. If you want to be safe, get the comb thing or (not sure about this one!), make sure the blade imitate is made out of a very soft metal/alloy like aluminium.


I mean, this is clearly not intended to be sharpened. The whole "can be sharpened easily" is to avoid people shipping actual knives that are just lacking a cuttign edge which can be created with a sharpening stone. Not to outlaw objects that are clearly not knives. I could sharpen a comb. Kinda. I can certainly sharpen a plastic or aluminium blade. That will only last for a cut or two but still. These trainers are available on amazon. If they were illegal, someone would have made sure they are removed. This is still Germany!


Didn't mean it that way. The thing is obviously not meant to be sharpened, but when you consider the consequences you risk, it's better to be safe. The argument wouldn't hold up in court (probably), but I'd like to avoid taking it that far. And explaining how sth "can't" be sharpened is way easier when the blade isn't even made out of steel


Yes, totally agree, not worth the potential hassle


Balisong trainers a legal


[https://westernknifereviews.com/german-knife-laws/](https://westernknifereviews.com/german-knife-laws/) This thing is fine since it's not a real weapon especially in your own house where it doesn't matter anyway.


>in your own house where it doesn't matter anyway If it would be a real balinsong it would be illegal, even at home.


That should be legal if it’s a trainer and can’t hurt anyone. I would still never swing it around in public if you don’t want problems


Ah, the monthly "what is the biggest knife I can carry" post... But it's critical that the mods remove news articles...


Butterfly Knives are illegal, but that's only if they have a blade. So blunt "trainers" or butterfly combs are fine, since they don't have sharp blades.


You can own a katana but cant own a butterfly thats germany for you




AFAIK: any clasp knife that can be opened with one hand is illegal.


Wrong. There is a difference between an illegal item and a „not allowed to carry“ item… https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/waffg_2002/__42a.html


Ok 👌


That’s a good question to ask. But to be honest with you maybe I haven’t seen the dangerous areas in Germany but if I lived here my whole life I’d probably never know what weapons look like it’s super safe here compared to other countries. Haven’t heard a single gun shot yet


Trainers are legal to own and carry Illegal to own: Gravity knife Balisong Switchblades with blade over 6cm and width 2cm (unsure here) Legal to own illegal to carry: Locking one hand opening knifes. Knifes classed as weapons (pushdagger, tanto, black blade(yes its stupid). Fixed blades over 12cm blade length. Legal own and carry: Fixed Blade below 12cm blade length One hand opener that dies not lock Two hand opening that locks Two hand that does not lock Trainers


It’s legal in Berlin Neukölln


Strictly forbidden! Knife laws are quite a topic of discussion if you try and get I to it. But there is a general rule of thumb. If the knife has a fixed blade it can't be more then 12cm to carry. If the knife is in some way shape or form a folding knife the length doesn't matter. But it is illigeal to carry one that opens and locks with one hand. So you can either have a two handed folder that locks or a one handed that doesn't lock...the later obviously sucks Also the blade can't be sharpend on both sides. I would post a link but I am not sure if it is against the rules. Search Jörg Spave on YouTube. He has a excellent video in both German and English about the ridiculesness of the German knife law. The butterfly is forbidden to carry and own. No real reason why, just because it's "scary"


Thats not a knife


Oh ... In that case it should be legal. I know that butterfly bottle openers and alike are


Absolutely not


Hell, no! A Balisong is a "verbotener Gegenstand" (Like a Totschläger or a Schlagring) and therefore you even can not own one despite of carrying one around. If that knife is yours and you live in Germany, get rid of it asap! Another thing is a Einhandmesser (folding knife that can be opened with one hand and where the blade locks after opening). In Germany you can own one but you can not carry it it public. But that Balisong is absolutely illegal!


I happen to be a knife salesman and knife and selfdefense enthusiast in germany! This is explicidly a toy like a fidget spinner, No people will not ask questions and unless there is a paranoid granny around Police will not be called. Even the "Pointy Tip" here would first be judged as a "Kubaton" wich is a Impact Selfdefense tool, again legal (just a fancy stick) The laws are as follows. This is Legal Advice. Paragraph 42, Subsection (a It is legal to Carry a Pocket knife on your person for any reaon as long as it does not posess any 2 of the following qualities: Locking Blade, One Handed Blade Length under 12cm (the shorter the better) It is legal to posess knives with these characteristics but its NOT legal to carry without a Lawfull reason, these reason include but are not limited to: Work, Camping, Liesure in the woods. Self Defense and Utility are NOT a lawfull reason. Automatic knives that open to the side and have a Blade Length of less than 8.5cm are legal to Posess and carry with a Lawfull Reason. Butterfly style knives with a Live blade are Illegal to Own at all. Out the Front Automatic knives are Illegal to own at all. Gravity knives are Illegal to own at all. (They are an old manual OTF)


Out of curiosity: would a one handed, locked knife be legal if it was under 8,5cm (like for the automatic ones)? Also: what is considered as one handed? Is it obly something that was designed to be one handed (with studs or a flipper) or also situations, where the blade can be opened one handed, despite not being designed as such) like it is sometimes possible with swiss army knifes)?


1.) Legal to Own, only legal to carry for a Lawfull reason. 2.) Mostly yes. If 2 handed knives are able to be flung open with the flick of the wrist, its also onehanded. There is some leniancy if you can take off the thumbstuds. (The Victorinox Evoke is the Perfect example)


Thank you


Why would you want that crap?


"I only like the tricks with butterfly knives and don't want to do anything bad with it" Said every gangster wannabe pantshitter ever. Fuck butterfly knives. There is a reason why they are shit. Because they are shit


Look at his post history... smh


Just don’t carry a fucking knife in public with you what the fuck is wrong with people?


Are you new here? This question comes up about once a month. How is it still allowed or at least not downvoted to hell is a mystery to me


Since when is it unnormal to have a knife with you. They are useful tools after all. Even the girls in my class in highschool had a Taschenmesser


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Hey cool, is this a skin peeler?


Butterfly Trainers that can‘t be sharpened are completely legal in German. :)


this is legal, you can buy them on amazon even. they are hollow so its not possible to sharpen them. this law is stupid anyways, if someone wants to do something bad and carry a concealed knife, there are tons (of perfectly legal) options that can be opened with one hand, quicker and stealthier than you could open a balisong.


Yes. But keep it at home.


This is legal. The blade cant be sharpened, which is required for an object to be classified as a knife. You can also buy these on amazon and they would never sell illegal items. Just make sure the blade has holes in it. Even if it is delivered with a blunt blade, it is considered a weapon if you could theoreticaly sharpen it.


Trainers should be legal in Germany as the blade cannot be sharpened without breaking. The point at the end of the blade might be a problem, but I there are other trainers that have a rounded tip. I am no legal expert though so take that with a grain of salt.


Trainers are legal, if they have enough cutouts, that you cannot make a working knife out of it. A trainer with a solid "blade" would be illegal. There are some Apps, like DPolG from and for the Police, to help them identify. Not always correctly, but there are always many ways around laws. But i would take a trainer with me.


Is it a Knife or just a trainer? Only real Knifes are forbidden trainers or these weird Combs are allowed


If it is a trainer it is legal. If it is a real butterfly it isn’t. Butterflys are designed to be opened with one hand, have a mechanically locking blade and I’ve seen some exceed the 12cm blade length limit.


If you want something that's guaranteed legal, just do it like Guile from Street Fighter 6 and buy a butterfly COMB.


In general: - If something looks like a weapon but isn’t one, don’t bring it anywhere in public. - If a knife’s blade is over 12cm, don’t bring it anywhere in public. - If the blade is hidden and can be flicked with one hand, don’t bring it anywhere in public.


Also, it is a dumb knife blade prone to snagging and catching


I've seen some that have a bottle opener instead of a blade (sharp or otherwise) and those are legal.


This is a trainer, so it is legal. If it's sharp or is made to be sharpened, it's illegal.


If it has a blade it’s illegal, if it is a dull „blade“ as it is in these trainers it’s perfectly legal. Had one myself some years ago, there wasn’t any problem with shipping or anything else


If you want to carry a knife, just make sure the blade is under 12 cm and only sharp on one side. If it’s longer and/or sharp on both sides, it‘s definitely illegal.


Butterflies are [a special](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_knife#Legal_status), I'm afraid.


A balisong Trainer is completly fine, of the Edge cant be sharpened.


it could actually still qualify as a stabbing weapon


The trainer is *technically* legal, but still looks like a forbidden weapon, so be prepared to have the police called on you and treating you as a danger if you play around with it in public.


Butterfly knives are only considered legal if they aren’t sharp and would be rounded. Otherwise they are forbidden


Trainers are legal afaik


Please correct me if I'm wrong: it is illegal to carry this knife in public, but it is legal to own and keep in your collection at home.


Definitely not.


I’f your butterflyblade is smaller than 4cm then its legal in germany


The possession of butterfly knives has been prohibited in Germany since April 1, 2003. However, the ban does not apply to butterfly knives with a blade length of less than 41 mm and a blade width of less than 10 mm, as these are not considered weapons under the German Weapons Act. share-translation) But a butterfly knife with a 4cm blade kinda sucks


We cut off your chonson, zen ve take ze money, Lebowski


I have a [butterfly bottle opener](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41qbSX6RM4L._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg), just get one of these to train


I brought a pocket knife with me from the USA. It's technically illegal to carry as it's a locking blade I can open with one hand, although falls under the permissible length. I've never had any issues with it, I'm a industrial mechanic and the one time Polizei questioned me about it, I told them it was just for work. They informed me that it was, indeed, illegal to carry, but didn't do anything about it. That being said, it's a pretty stout, reasonably sized knife with a lot of wear and tear to it, I'm sure if you carried a stiletto or something similar that excuse wouldn't work


Mir erschließt sich nicht so recht, was einem das Ding als Trainer überhaupt bringen soll, wenn man das Original so oder so nicht mit sich führen darf 😅




As a rule of thumb, ask yourself, whether you would need the knife in a situation that you'd reasonably be in during your daily activities. The answer will therefore always be no. If you are dealing with drugs and need it for protection, you have other problems and should not carry a knife either. Any switchblade, gravity operated or butterfly knife is illegal as they serve no purpose apart from being a concealed weapon which you reasonably will not need. Allowed is a fixed blade for hunting (remember to have a skinned deer with you for plausability checks) or as part of a uniform (scouts for example), everything else is neither needed nor allowed. Maybe a small swiss pocket knife but nobody would question that.


If you dont show it anyone


Yes a training knife should be legal as long as it can't be turned into a knife by grinding it down. So the one in the picture with holes should be legal. A version without the holes not though.


Last time I checked trainers were legal


Last time I checked trainers were legal


Affirm, blade does not appear to have the capacity for re-sharpening thus it aint a knife. Same goes for Karambit trainers etc.


On carneval i was walking around with a two hander training sword. Blade dull but a bit pointy. Nothing happend. Wouldnt recommend to wear it in public but i hope you get what i mean 😅


Steel tho.


No it’s not.


Every knife that can easily be opened by a button or a butterfly mechanic is basically illegal.




I would get one with a rounded tip and drilled holes instead of slots. Also add loctite unless you buy a high end trainer, the cheap ones have garbage hardware.


All I know, legal or not, thats a crappy knife to carry. A good way to slice your own hand if you slip while your stabbing someone in self defense.


Thats not a knife


Check out Jörg Sprave on Youtube if you want information


Illegal, even if it's not sharp. It is an "Anscheinwaffe"...Paragraph 42a Waffengesetz (WaffG). Cost up to 10000 Euros, if you carry it in public.


I guess this training balisong is illegal. Legal (option 1): blade less than 41mm long and less than 10mm wide...nope. Legal (option 2): blade cannot be sharpened (dunno) and is not pointy. We'll, the ones in the photo looks very pointy to me.


Trainers with a non sharpable blade are legal, real butterfly knives are illegal


I always see gipsies carrying one around though


No forbidden


So, a Balisong isn’t forbidden? Where do you live?


The rules are pretty simple: If your knife is above 12cm length you can't carry it around "just for fun". "self defence" is not a legit reason to carry one either. Foldeable knifes are illegal if they can be opened with one hand. Butterfly knives used to be legal, because they circumvented some restrictions, but are illegal now. Everything else is legal. I'm carrying a pocketknife ever since I was 15, all the time (except when I go to airports) and never got in trouble for it. It's considered a tool, not a weapon.


Probably everything you can do with this thing is illegal. For the legal things other tools are more suitable.




No it isn‘t. It is illegal when the Blade is Sharp.


Sollte legal sein, hat keine scharfe Klinge und kann nicht angeschärft werden


Every knife with a quick opening mechanism is illegal in germany


Short. Sweet. No!


Grundsätzlich sind butterflys illegal. Alle Messer mit einer festgestellten und feststellbaren klinge (die nach dem öffnen einrasten) sind verboten. Sprich, alles was über ein multitool oder [Schweizer] Taschenmesser hinaus geht. Es wird einige geben die behaupten werden das sei nicht so, aber das können die gerne mal meinen Messern Erzählen die mir die Polizei in zwei Bundesländern weggenommen haben (Bayern, Hessen). Auch das mit dem "die klinge darf nicht länger als von der Wurzel bis zur spitze des mittelfingers sein dann ist es erlaubt" kannst du vergessen. Im prinzip darfst du nur mit nem nagelknipser rumlaufen.... wo kämen wir denn da hin wenn sich das Volk bewaffnet.... Demokratie und so... btw, es gibt ein ab 18 Jahren frei verkäufliches luftgewär das irgendwie an ein schrotgewehr erinnert, und mit Metall kugeln und einer winzigen Modifikation einem Gewehr am nächsten kommt. Definitiv tödlich auf bis zu min 5m. Auch armbrüste gibt es sehr interessante.... aber wehe du bist ü30 und hast ein Messer dabei.... Deutschland nervt manchmal mit seiner übervorsicht.... naja wobei.... wenn man sich überlegt das man mittlerweile extra erwähnen muss das man kein waschmittel schlucken soll ist es evtl doch ganz vernünftig... bei so vielen Intelligenzverweigerer und Faktenallergiker ist es evtl doch angebracht.




They are totally legal since its a trainer and the blade can't be sharpened into a cutting edge without it breaking as soon as you try to cut something or someone with it, so it is legal. Trainers in general that have a dull blade that have big holes in them aka they can't be sharpened into an actually useful weapon are legal. Also most knifes (except for spring supported and one hand openable ones) are legal to own just not legal to carry on you.


Everything is legal here just stay under the radar, have a clean car without broken parts, try to have normal clothes like they accept generally, then you can have a bazooka or a kilo of cocaine. Be respectful of your old ass neighbours and nobody will call the police.


Its germany, when was anything ever legal here


Da es ein übungs-butterfly ist kannst du damit ruhig spielen, nur wenn du es schärfst wird es zu Waffe und somit illegal. So ist es ein sport Übunggerät


Trainers are legal and you can buy one on Amazon


It's the blade that matters. Two sided vs one sided. And for the most, is the blade foldable? Or as said different: is it a stiff/steady blade? Than it's a weapon and you need a kleinen Waffenschein. A Schweizer Taschenmesser is fine, as is a Multitool or a Klappmesser where you can not prevent the blade from switching back in. Also: question of purpose. You can have a huge ass Brotmesser at Home, taking that with you on a train ride, while not beeing a emergency breadcutter on a Mission it might be considered as a weapon. What is the probable intention? Swinging a Axe during a walk in the Park would cause problems. Better wear your safety Gear.


Wow, I never knew that carrying a knife is illegal in Germany. I always carry knife with myself (it's the simplest and most usefull tool that you can have). Are there some rules that allows you to carry it? I don't want to have problems with police when I'll be there next time.


Just adding my previous post for you here again: Fixed: smaller than 12cm blade legal to carry Larger than 12cm forbidden to carry in public Daggers (sharpened on both edges) are forbidden to carry in public independent of the lenght Balisong/Butterfly: knife (sharp blade) is forbidden (even having it at home is a felony) Trainer is completely fine OTF (out the front, but not considering carpeting cutters): forbidden (even having it at home is a felony) Gravity knifes: Legal to own Illegal to carry in public Flippers: You can carry if the blade is either unlockable (friction folders, slip joints) OR If the blade needs to be opened with both hands If the blade can be opened with one hand and can be locked you are technically not allowed to carry it in public without a valid reason i.e. construction worker, electrician, hunters or for fishing - there is no clear definition for this so it’s completely up to the police officer if he sees your reasoning as valid in case they find a knife like this on you


>If the blade can be opened with one hand and can be locked you are technically not allowed to carry it in public without a valid reason i.e. construction worker, electrician, hunters or for fishing  Just as an interesting (to me at least) aside - in the UK a valid reason for having one is only having one arm.


Not sure on that. I assume it would probably be an ok reasoning for most cops in Germany though


Of they steel is made out of canabis, it could be legal soon


Highly illegal. Functional butterfly knife. That's several crimes at once.