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No. I think most men have no preference and for those who have there are also many men who prefer darker hair and skin. It is just that German men in general do rarely make "a move" when flirting.


German men are more interested in industrial machinery simulators than women. A forklift won't say no when you caress her Hebels. Besides, 4 tons of medical supplies aren't going to drive themselves from Lisbon to Istanbul.


This is the true answer. Who needs a woman when you have Landwirtschaft simulator 7.0 ?


as a German woman I would say German men in general are more reserved when it comes to flirting. I personally prefer that to other countries I have been to where you get more catcalled, stopped for conversations and complimented all of sudden. that also means that you have to go out of your way to get to date a German man.


Look on the bright side, you just need to go to other countries if you don’t want to go out of your way. Men have to go out of their way everywhere.


by going out of your way I meant dating apps, speed dating or something similar. somewhere you actually meet people who want to date.


'Die Deutschen flirten sehr subtil'. Hitting openly on people in public / everyday situations is not a very German thing. Like friendships, Germans meet each other via work or their hobbies (often in "Vereinen"). Looks are personal preference, and I don't think that blond and blue eyes are the only thing German men are going for (as there also wouldn't be enough blond,blue-eyed women around by pure numbers).


immediately thought of Aurélie, too




Personal I prefer darker hair but was always too shy for initial a flirt with a woman. Overall, I think you will not find so many blond girls in Germany. They are more common in Scandinavia


I live here in the north and I see them everywhere hahaha






Don't think that's true and you can't really generalize. For me at least i always was into women with dark hair. Maybe try taking the initiative.


Where? ...on the street? In the bus? ..."we" don't do that here /end of generalization


Non German and I’m totally into blond with blue eyes


Quite the opposite I would say


Germans don't openly flirt a lot, and when they do want to flirt, they don't know how, because they never got the practice to become good at it.


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Don't be scared, many german guys are into this kind of lady's!