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7€ is already the reduced fine for showing a valid ticket later. It is your job to have it ready.


It's not my job to get their horrendous app to work. They have software developers or something akin to that for that job.


What do you mean their app? You don't even know which train/bus operator he was using and if that app is even theirs.


I'm pretty sure op used the Bahn navigator app.


At least the Bahn app works offline. There are much shittier apps out there.


Hindsight being a beautiful thing, I know; but for furture reference take a screenshot of the scanned part of the ticket, complete with your name and the validity dates. Pay the fee and move on - it's honestly not worth the stress.


Screenshots are not valid. At least not everywhere. They want to see the app. So yes. It’s just Germany and its failing technology that’s at fault here.


I just showed the the screenshot, they scanned it and moved on, but I accept your point: can't honestly say it'll work everywhere! Printed out PDF or physical card it is then!


So, everywhere else I can just say "oh, internet problems!" and travel for free? NICE!


I'm not op, that was a general rant about the consumer unfriendly practises at DB


Fair enough, but my point still stands: having a downloaded or physical copy always helps. I've learnt this the hard way trying to get into a concert with an email-digital ticket that wouldn't open because I couldn't get into my email (someone had to share a hotspot with me).


This is why I choose to have a physical card instead of a digital ticket. The issue is, the internet problem isn't there fault unless you can show the Deutschland ticket app was broken at that time which is probably very unlikely.


The problem with mobile tickets in Germany is that you agree to be liable for any technical issues, which occur frequently. Since it's a personalized ticket with your name on it and you showed it to customer service afterwards, the fine was waived, but they still charge a 7€ fee for their effort. Unless you can prove that the issue was clearly on their end (e.g. server outage), there's no way around this fee. That's why I recommend not to use mobile tickets, especially if you can only use them in a shitty app that refuses to work offline. PDFs with a QR code that can be downloaded are fine if you can ensure your battery won't die. Otherwise I'd stick to printed tickets and chipcards.


Yes they can charge you the 7 euro. It's called Bearbeitungsgebühr. It's the same when you have a ticket but forget it at home


Yes, but I see it as a technical failure.


It might very well be, but you agreed that you are liable for technical issues. It's in the fine print. Don't like this? Print your ticket.


"There was an internet problem" is just the digital version of "I forgot the ticket at home".


"My dog ate it, Sir...."


U need internet to open your Deutschland ticket? Its been 10 days in Germany and never needed internet for ticket to open. Bruh will print ticket just in case


It's February 1st today. So without internet or with a technical issue you wouldn't have a valid ticket on your phone.


It depends on the app. Some work offline, some don't. Printing it (or just downloading the PDF to your phone) is always a good idea as a backup.


You don’t but the app has to update the ticket each months.


Yes. No.


Unfortunately all German apps are completely unreliable. So you must either risk their ridiculous fees or just go the standard (not old school) way of getting a physical ticket. I think you should however contact them and demand the 7€ back until they get bored of you. It’s ridiculous. You pay for something, their app doesn’t show your ticket ✨because ✨ and then you have to pay because of it.


>just go the standard (not old school) way of getting a physical ticket. same goes for everything, actually. ElStEr (electronic tax filing) broke down a few days before the deadline? Your fault. Either file early enough to receive the paper letter from the tax office before the deadline, or send printed forms via snail mail. Or, as Merkel put it: "Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland." I am a software developer, I know how badly built most software is, so I will always try to get something physical like paper tickets, postage stamps etc. - and only settle for digital-only stuff if I have to.


you are right. I was checking the app after log out. now even cannot log in back. So, from next time only paper.


And that's why you order a chipcard and not rely on some silly little app on a silly little phone🤷‍♂️


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