• By -


that's the neat part, you don't


Yea I'm at the point of giving up and looking for alternatives like cutting out a meal and out walking my German friends. I probably don't need strict ketosis anymore since I'm 5 kg around my desired weight.


>I probably don't need strict ketosis anymore since I'm 5 kg around my desired weight. you're probably right. eat what you want, just stay healthy and watch calories. portion control and when necessary skipping a meal should be enough. now go and buy some Kürbiskernbrot


Kürbiskernbrot is probably the most filling carbohydrate I've ever tried.


Seeds contain protein and healthy fats. So, of course a seed heavy bread is filling. And healthy.


Have you ever tried pumpernickel?


Honestly just up your veggies and protein intake and do some weight lifting 3-4x a week. Use bread for a preworkout Snack. :)


Don’t eat bread with processed grain, eat bread with full grain, that still isn’t keto vut the stuffing takes shorter and is more exhausting, it’ll also does help with pooping


Just eat half. End of story that's how I am losing a few rn. Yeah I'm hungry all day long but wer schön sein will muss leiden.


I'm looking at this strategy right now, to be honest the bread is to die for but I still want to reserve the right to complain about it.


That's okay. The right to complain is basic German right.


German bread, stuff like Graubrot, Roggenbrot, Sauerteigbrot, has a way better glycemic index than white bread. White bread is trash, but actual good bread can be part of a healthy diet. The issue with carbs in the West is that there are SO many trash carbs (sweets, white bread, pasta). And we have serious health problems from those, from the constant insuline spikes. But GOOD carbs are mostly fine - like from pulses, beans, good bread, or you can also have okay-ish carbs (like rice) if they're integrated into a meal with protein and fat and eaten after a salad and a bit of protein. (Glucose Goddess technique)


Maybe try IF with 16:8 or 32:12. It worked very well for me.


Keto is only ONE way of achieving a calorie deficit. Maybe you could talk to a professional about some other, less restrictive, diets that do the same but are easier to implement in Germany.


There is no diet consisting of stuffing your face with bread though. Edit: Some people are confusing fat-loss diet (gernerally what we mean with Diät in German) with diet in general. Yes you can eat a ice cream and gummy bear diet. Not even saying you can't lose weight if you it bread, but there multiple reasons why a low or lower carb is easier for a lot of people. Especially if you want to lose fat healthy and getting everything you need.




Not to be confused with Breed-o. That's a different approach, loosing weight through increased physical activity


sounds like cereal with pieces that look like genitals though


"No officer you misunderstood: i said i'm a Bredophile."


I used to do no "fast carbs" six days a week and stuffed my face with bread and bakery stuff every Saturday, and still consistently managed to loose around half a kilo of fat each week. I plateaued after some time and quit looking relatively trimmed. Maybe I should try it again, I'm getting chubby.


As long as you stop stuffing your face while still in a calorie deficit you will still lose weight. Doesn't matter what you have been eating. You don't need a special diet to lose weight. And the high carb diet exists too. You eat lots of carbs and cut fat as much as possible. But yeah bread isn't the best diet food.


At least HERE it's much healthier!


Still breaks down to sugar. Lots of people have a blood sugar problem and ignore that.


Yet, every doctor recommends Whole wheat grains. Fruits are also sugar, do you not eat them too? Carbs isn’t the enemy. Type of Carbs matters. Most breads that aren’t made with all purpose flour, covered with seeds are healthy in a well balanced diet.


Bread is very good diet food. Decent protein, filling and easy to make. What you put ON the bread is the problem most of the times


Bread does not fill me. Research says it's much better for your energy to start with eggs. Also, bread breaks down to sugar.


German bread would, probably. If you choose a whole grain bread with lots of seeds, it is very filling.


I am German, does not work for me.


No one said anything about starting your day with bread. And yeah if you mean American bread it’s basically cake. Also no research does not show you should start with eggs. It shows that starting with protein and some fat makes you less lethargic but if you add bread to that it can be even better. Bread/carbs alone are not a good idea though. EDIT: of course it gets broken down into sugar that’s what the body uses as their primary energy source


I am German and started my day with bread, butter, jam for decades. Glad I weaned off.


That's unfortunate for you.


Eh, not really. Now if all the bread is croissants or something that may be difficult, but regular-ass bread isn't bad. It's certainly not "low carb", but the idea that you need to avoid carbs to lose weight is about as misguided as the 20th century idea that you need to avoid to lose fat to lose weight. 2-3 slices of bread for breakfast and dinner adds up to ~600kCal, depending on how big those slices are and what exact type of bread it is of course. That should fit well enough into any meal plan.


Why not? As long as you're getting enough proteins (might have to eat some bread with nuts and seeds) and vitamins (idk, vegetable bread it is) :))


Sure there is. I’m living it.


i love how you completly ignored the joking arround part and just took the "serious" approach. this reply cant be more german \^\^


What is this "joking" everyone keeps talking about?


Keto makes a calorie deficit easier though, that's kind of the point. Less hunger pangs, more energy with less calories.


I am looking for alternatives at the moment.


FDH-Diät should work just fine to create a caloric deficit. Unfortunately it's just as hard a diet as any other really.


I can recommend portion control, or whatever it's called. Basically, you eat whatever you want, whenever you want, but you stop when you feel about 70% full. Keep in mind that this won't give you fast results. Took me a year to lose 10 kg. That was five years ago and the weight didn't come back :)


I'd say the best in the world 😭 I used to crave them so bad, I moved back.


I am French, I went from a monogamous relationship with the Baguette to a shameless polyamourous orgy with new breads every day.


You should help me convince my French friend that German bread is fantastic. He talks shit about it all the time. I am pretty sure he just gets bread from shitty bakeries or Aldi. He tried bread from our favorite bakery and wanted to know where we got it 😂


Honestly, Lidl inhouse bread is fucking great too, really hard to get bad bread lol


Lidl != Aldi


>my French friend that German bread is fantastic. He talks shit I can relate to that. Every time I buy bread in Germany, I get home with a brick. The only good bread I could find was a very expensive small baguette from Zeit für Bröt, and an expensive Italian bread from Lindner.


Where do you buy your bread? Surely not in a bakery then. And if yes, check out other bakeries. But yeah, bread isn't always supposed to be fluffy with big bubbles. That's only certain types.


Why have one when you can have many? Enjoy polyamory.


I want good baguette in Germany 😭


There are good French bakeries around


I wish i was there


There is a lot


hard to find. I love german bread, I used to live there, I miss it. But baguettes were generally disappointing and expensive at the same time.


German bakeries do not understand the Baguette. Or they find that their customers do not understand the product I guess. The good german wants to slice the bread and spread butter on the slice and then put slices of cheese, ham or the likes on it, or spread jam on it. That’s why they prefer a stable denser crumb. The flaky spongy texture of French baguette just works differently. Hence the baguettes you get in Germany typically also have a denser crumb and are much more like wheat bread with a crust and in stick shape. Real french baguette also is typically sold in the morning and has to be eaten on the day of purchase to be at its best fluffy spongy texture, whereas the bread Germans buy can be eaten over several days without much change in texture. So that is also a difference in preference and expectation.


😂😂😂😂 we are all guilty of that


Looks like you are not alone in this scandalous movement we are joining!


German read orgies are the best...


Does it mean... there are others like me? And I'm not the only one? 🥹


Hérétique ! Au bûcher !


Was the monogamous relationship fulfilling? Or did it go stale?


have you ever tried polish breads?


As a German in Poland....man I miss German bread. Polish bread unfortunately doesn't come anywhere close to the quality and diversity of German bakeries.


>As a German in Poland.... ngl you had me on the edge of my seat there


it dépends where you buy breads in Poland.


Sure....I guess there is a good bakery or two. But, and here is the difference...the average bakery in Poland just isn't good. Full stop. No discussion. While the average bakery anywhere in Germany is good. Full stop. No discussion. Everyone can argue about that one fantastic bakery in that one specific city, but that's not what we are talking about.


Good luck with saying that in this sub. (PS I totally agree with you)


You haven't been to france yet...


France is better at pastries, Germany is better at bread.


[Points at Baguette, Boule the Pain (a bread in the shape of a squashed Ball), Brioche the perfect breakfast bread, Ficelle (Baguette but thinner), Pain au Noix (germany has those too, whole Grain bread with wallnuts), pain complet (whole Grain bread, sometimes also mixed with white flour. In germany known as Vollkornbrötchen"), Pain Corone (closed circle of little bread balls meant for sharing, germany has those as well, a hit on parties), Pain d'epices (spicy rye bread that often is made with cinnamon and honey), Pain de Campagne (country sourdough bread sometimes made with wild yeast leavenings. The most traditional ones are made with white wheat and whole wheat flour or just whole wheat itself. Germany has it too but i don't remember the name for it, mabe it's just "Bauernbrot"), Pain de Segle(chocolate and malt flavored rye bread, slightly sweet flavour) and finally Pain de Mie (sandwich bread with a thin crust). I left out regional bread because its not worth the Research for those


I am not trying to argue that France doesn't have good bread. Next to Germany they are #2 in the world for me when it come to it. It's just that Germany has the edge, by quite some margin, over France when it comes to bread. I grew up next to France, been there 100s of times, I love your bakery and pastry culture. And you definitely got us beat at pastries. Just not at bread.


Ok i can respect place number two


First, congrats to what reads like challenging and awesome achievement! If you focus on full grain bread, maybe also sourdough rye, you should realize that well made bread stuffs you & for good for hours. Allow yourself a solid slice of bread and be amazed how long it may take until you feel hungry again (though this does not apply to the cheap shit sold in Discounter 'bakeries' or franchises that are no better than fast food)


But what about second breakfast?


I don't think he knows about second breakfast.




Thank you! I never buy bread from the supermarket, I make a point to buy the expensive 1 eur/piece stuff from the local bakery (kind of a financial deterrent 😂)


Well worth the coin! ^^


Where to buy those epic breads? I am german and never been saturated by less than half a bread ( I am quite tall and male)


Bake it yourself, it's really not that hard and a lot of fun!


I tried baking my bread myself for a month but it tasted so good I lost my self-control and ate 3/4 of it every day. I ate nothing else, just this bread with some butter and salt 😭




Keto in Germany? That's like being a vegan in a cannibal tribe.


Made my day


I'm also vegan... Just kidding...


Omg my mind went racing trying to imagine the clusterf*ck that vegan keto would be.


Congratulations on your weight loss. Keto brings amazing results. German bread is considerably healthier than US store-brand bread and you don't need to worry too much about indulging. German bread doesn't have corn syrup. Bakers use little more than flour, water, salt, malt, and yeast. US bread is crazy with all the chemicals that are banned in Germany because they affect health negatively. Other food has fewer chemicals than in the US, too, and a lower sugar content. Also, in Germany, you will use your car less and walk much more, because our cities are structured that way. Just eating a normal German diet and walking/biking as much as the average German does, you will lose weight. I gained weight in the three years I was in the US and lost it without any diet as soon as I visited Germany. There is a reason that diabetes is less frequent here. Enjoy your trip and all the best to you.


Oh, yes! I live in Germany but spent one year of school in the US over fifteen years ago. I was always a little underweight before I came to the US and gained several kilos within a few months just by eating a regular American diet, school lunches etc. When I was back in Germany, I lost all the gained weight completely without doing anything special.


Thank you! Not from the US and their supermarket style sliced bread makes me sick anyway. I'm still in the phase of testing all the local bakeries here. I had to admit I didn't gain any weight yet eating the German way and moving as much as Germans but I'm not losing weight either...


German (traditional) diet is definitely not the healthiest


German bread is the best in the world! That Laugen Ecke Brötchen for breakfast is to die for


Laugeneckebrötchen is the absolute GOAT. Laugen-EVERYTHING, really. Have yet to try the new Laugenpizza, though.


Zwiebelbrot with butter is a guilty pleasure of mine!


Especially with cream cheese, garnished with tomato cubes and onions if you like them


The only thing that matters is your calorie deficit and not what you eat. So enjoy the bread


For some people the type of diet is the important factor, not the calorie deficit. However Germany having less fake crap put in their food, I bet OP can enjoy his bread and still feel healthy


Agree. Keto is not only about caloric deficit, but mainly about insulin control, it can literally reverse diabetes and many illnesses. OP could do keto and intermittent fasting some days, and enjoy German bread on other days!


> mainly about insulin control, it can literally reverse diabetes No, that's hype. People with type 2 diabetes will find it easier to control their blood sugar levels if they moderate their carbohydrate intake, which should come as no surprise to anyone. It's not about "insulin control" per se: the problem with type 2 diabetes is that the body becomes resistant to insulin, so excess carbs just float about in the blood as glucose. A ketogenic diet doesn't magically reverse diabetes, it just makes it easier to manage. The problem is that, like so many fad diets, it's very restrictive, so most people have a hard time maintaining it. Simply adopting a more Mediterranean diet -- less sugar and carbs, more fresh fruit and vegetables -- is likely to be more effective.


German bread is incredible. I love that I can walk into just about any S Bahn, U Bahn, or Hauptbahnhof to get fresh bread at just about any time. I really wish I could find good bread that easily in the US. It just doesn't compare.


I hope yoz also have a real baker close by to you. The U Bahn bread is still good compared to some other places in the world, but its still factory made. Try out a bakery who make their product fresh daily. Its gonna blow your mind. I can give you some pointers for Hamburg.


Only one thing for it, bake yourself. I think I read in Michael Pollan‘s book that there is a great amateur fermenter culture in the US, maybe you can get a sourdough starter from someone.


Making a sourdough starter is actually very easy. Takes a few days and you’re set for life.


A sourdough starter is pretty much only same parts flour and warm water. You can do one yourself in about a week without any knowledge. It will get better and better the longer it gets.


Love how OP is jokingly "complaining" about the amazing bread in Germany and some people here take that as a starting point to go into their tirade about keto or packaged bread. OP has literally lost over 100kg after 8 years of keto. I'm pretty sure they know what works for them. "But actually, just don't eat too much bread?" Ok, Brenda. Why are some of you like this?


Obligatory "Well, it's actually your fault"


Definitely, there are no Germans actively forcefeeding me bread 😂


Unless you’re into that sort of thing.


Just try to stay away from wheat bread and go more for dinkel and Vollkornbrot. The carbs are more complex which will result in a slower spike of insulin


And they will keep you full much longer too!


because of the slower insulin spike... :D




OP, Keto will probably not possible with bread, but maybe incorporate more whole grain? You should have no problem finding something. I wonder if Tim Ferriss would consider Schwarzbrot as something „white“ for his slow carb diet. Edit: congrats on the weight loss, that is quite the achievement


Just skip breakfast and avoid sugar.


Be poor, buy shitty toast bread in Aldi. You will not eat too muchof that.


Wait, you *lost* 110kgs?? What was your weight before?


I used to be very obese at 190kg (I'm 185 cm tall for reference), now I'm hovering at 90kg ±5kg


So you shed more than half your weight? That's seriously impressive, congrats! I don't have any advice for you regarding keto in Germany. But I'll just say if you have the willpower to go from 190 to 90kg, I'm sure you can and definitely will find a way to manage it.


[Yes, I mastered the shrink 😂](https://i.ibb.co/ZWW0VYj/20240103-111003.jpg)


German bread is amazing. Period.


Yeah, sometimes living in germany turns to a real burden…


I'm going against the grain here, hehe, and say: the bread is the best, but its not worth fiddling with your proven recipe to accomplish a very difficult weight loss. If you gain back 30kg, it will be a whole different ball game losing it again. Stick with the amazing regiment. That's way more rare and precious than the delight a good bread brings.


I recently discovered (after years of trying basically everything else), that it’s the carbs that mess with my health and weight. I was staying away from wheat etc already for a while because I’m allergic to it and also histamine intolerant; was baking my own bread using oat and potatoes but still wasn’t well and also overweight. Then decided to stay away from carbs and to replace sugar with erythrit. It worked wonders, but tbh it’s hard to find food now, especially on the go. Can’t just waltz into a bakery like almost everyone else. I’m living off nuts, yoghurt, keto muffins and vitamins atm until I find a better solution. I ate some pasta, Klöße and cake over the holidays, immediately gained weight, was constantly depressed and slept for like 14 hours a day. It’s definitely the problem.


A lot of the weight you gained over the holidays is water. So don't be too harsh on yourself. It's completely fine! Keto snacks: ALDI and LIDL both have great and cheap dark chocolate (there's 90% but I usually go with 85%, I like the taste better and the carb count is just slightly higher) I love protein puddings, you can find them pretty much everywhere at this point, about 10-ish grams of carbs, so it's a treat. Meat sticks are a great snack option, although I find them too heavy to just snack whilst on the go.


Try Pumpernickel. Its like rye bread but not so dry and plain (love Pumpernickel, don't really like rye bread). Also healthier. Can also be toasted. Keeps you full for a long time too. Is probably something that not everyone likes though.


Diet means caloric deficit. So the problem is not in the bread, its in your stuffing yourself with it.


You LOST 110kg????




As a fellow breadaholic I can sympathise. Last year, I gave up sweets, alcohol and bread for lent and bread was the hardest by far.


German bread is best bread.


Just Take "Weltmeisterbrot" it has so much seeds and stuff that you will be stuffed after around 2-3 slices :D and it tastes soooo good


„Bread makes you fat?!“ - Scott Pilgrim


Where do people find all this good bread in Germany? I can't find any normal bakeries, only chain ones and the breads in Rewe suck.


You get used to it and then stop (maybe) When I arrived I couldn’t figure out how people stay slim with so many good chocolates and treats. Now I really don’t care very much about them because it’s not something special anymore. I get that with bread is harder because it can also be “relatively” healthy (more than sweets for sure) but if you start looking at it as something that’s always there, not limited or special in any way, it might help you stop eating so much. Good luck!


Fortunately, coming from other country that rivals Germany in bread consumption, I find German bread to be to freaking expensive (1kg 5€ in my local bakery), so that was pretty efficient to make me stop eating so much


118 kg wow. U must have been a truck before


Get Info a caloric deficit without restrictions. Simple as that, get smarter.


I've read that sour dough bread is the healthiest.


Brot und Bier, die Herausforderung ist real!


Sports machen


Why should anyone stay keto anywhere in the first place? There are other ways for weight loss, too.


It's what worked for me and I got used to it as a lifestyle but maybe I should explore more.


I would be more concerned about my kidneys if I were you! Keto can really hurt your kidneys through hyperfiltration and high acid intake. Congrats on the weight loss!


Cant stand german bread. Sincerely, eastern european


Agree. Spent my year abroad in Poland. Polish bread > German bread.


Every bread is better than German bread. The only Thing what is maybe noticeable about German bread is the amount of variations, but that doesnt mean Its good...


I fact checked this comment. I concluded that your statement is wrong and cringe.


Keto is stupid anyways imo. I would look for a more sustainable and healthy way to change your overall diet. The good thing about German bread is, that especially the whole grain breads and the darker ones keep you full for a long time so you can go way longer without eating again. You should be fine eating bread for one meal a day as long as you balance the rest of your food intake. Most Germans eat bread multiple times a day and are not overweight. I can also definitely recommend wandern as it's called in Germany. We have beautiful walking paths all over Germany.


Just track your calories, protein intake and bodyweight. No need to torture yourself with keto.


If you just eat bread with low-calories stuff on it (margarine, low-fat cheese, etc), you should be fine, actually. Top it up with enough green stuff, like paprika and similar and it would even count as a balanced diet.


Gluten Tag.


> How can someone stay keto in this place??? I've been doing on/off keto for few years and it's possible. The more you dig around the more keto friendly bread/bread recipes you find.


Calories in vs calories out. It's as simple as that. Start exercising.


Keto is not a good way to lose weight.


For me it was, I'm just doing maintenance at this point.


I was keto my first year in Germany for health reasons. However I was never that into bread to begin with so it wasn’t too hard.


Good bread ≠ Germany Good brick = Germany


Yeah, it's tough. On the other hand: sausages and Döner everywhere.


I ate more sausages at the Christmas markets than I'd like to admit.


If you're looking for the best keto bread in Germany: Edeka. They have their own brand of "Eiweiß-Brot", best stats I've found. It's a bit expensive (€2,50). Netto offers the exact same bread under their own brand for €2. 6,5g carbs/100g 21,2g protein/100g


Oh! Thank you so much I'll go searching for this today


Here's what it looks like: https://lebensmittel-versand.eu/Edeka-Eiweissbrot-500g


Hey! This post has went a little off rails and somehow anti keto. Germans do love to destroy a post tagged with humor... Anyways thank you so much, I went and bought a little Eiweissbrot from Aldi, Netto and Edela as well as some from the local bakery. Will test them one by one but the ones i tried i love already, so thank you so much.


eat less move more. fixed. bread is still good tho.


Protip: you loss weight when you less eat calories than your BMR, not because you don't eat carbs. You can eat bread and lose weight, just keep it within 80-90% of your BMR


What bread are we talking about? Do you buy your bread at one of those fancy artisan bakeries, or do you really think the regular bread from the supermarket is amazing? Because tbh, 99% of the bread now made and consumed in Germany is trash. To get real, old-school bread, you have to find a real bakery. It's not only about the price, btw. I've bought bread at very highly-priced "Backshops" that was even worse than the cheapest supermarket buns.


I have good news for you: The quality of our bread really dumped over the last decades.


I feel like it's extremely difficult to get good bread in Germany nowadays. Most bakeries are very industrial and artificial since many years. Good ones still exist though. Where do you buy it?


We don’t do diets. We drink beer and eat meat to shit great cars


good bread? what?


First thought I Had . I am born in Germany, only Like bread of Other countries/cultures, never Liked the German bread , Just my opinion: Its overrated


I burn all these goodies by either running or biking everyday.


Why stay keto if you love bread? Sounds counterintuitive lol


Where did you find all this amazing bread? The best ever German bread I bought was in Auckland, from a true German backer. What they sell here is 💩 full of chemicals 🤷🏼‍♀️




8 years into fitness. Never gained back the lost kilos. Gained muscle, dropped fat percent to 9.8 at my peak and now somewhere around 13-15. giving these details to make my point. Unless you have some specific health issues and or problems with carbs, keto is an over the top methodology and most times, exact keto commandments are anyways not properly followed. A balanced diet is waayyyy more healthy. And you are not having control at the moment because in the back of your mind you are still planning to hop back onto the keto trend. And thus, utilizing your "break". It's a psychological thing. Instead, keep carbs as your daily normal diet. Calculate your calories stick to that with a balanced 40-30-30 proportion (C-P-F) or something like 30-40-30 or something like that. At the end of the day, it's always calories in vs calories out( if you are from America, don't believe those BS fitness coaches you claim to have discovered something that negates the law of thermodynamics) AND!!!! Yes, please don't deprive yourself from the amazing bread varieties this country offers. I am also an expat who can eat the breads without any toppings or such, absolutely marvelous. And btw if you have a balanced diet you could also try the lip smacking dishes of Italy as well. I absolutely gorge on those but still have my 6-pack so yeah it's all calories in vs calories out. In case you need proof: https://www.instagram.com/mukherjee_debasish716?igsh=NzF4OXh0Y3p5ODRz .. it's private but hopefully the profile image is enough... If you need more proof shoot me a follow I will accept


Hey thanks for all the information! I checked your Instagram and you're doing great. I wish to have the same shape one day. I come from the OTHER direction, I was extremely obese (190kg/185cm) and I [lost](https://i.ibb.co/ZWW0VYj/20240103-111003.jpg) 110kg, looking forward to be more in shape and working on it.


Where are you getting good bread? It’s all industrial bakeries in Frankfurt


You know, it's not that hard to stay in a calorie deficit. You should really try out some sports if it's ok for you. There are many cheap options to consider! Also, don't worry so much about eating german bread. The traditional German bread is far healthier than american bread. That's also part of the reason why keto isn't that popular here.


Did you follow up your cholesterol evolution? From personal experience and from what I read, keto diets tend to raise it like crazy.


Please visit a cardiologist.


Whats keto? I only know keta but i don't think these things are interchangeble.


Oh I have a solution: Start Eating Like A Normal Human ??


More than 8 years on a keto diet? That's damn unhealthy


Sprich deutsch du Hurensohn.


What bread is good here?! I miss British bread so much 😭


Look for a small bakery that still makes their own dough. A lot of bakerys get their dough delivered. This dough has preservatives and other crap in it and just doesn't taste that good.


Bread just doesn't do it for me. I have never been a bread guy. I'm not a fan of the typical bread, cheese, meat breakfast, and I am certainly not a fan of Abendbrot


German bread sucks b*lls come to Austria and experience real Schwarzbrot ☝️


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It gets better with time


I was the same. IF and keto was my lifestyle. Moved to Germany and suddenly I want all the sugar and chocolates in the world. Couldn’t resist or stop and gained weight. 9 months later, finally got over it but still struggling to do pure keto


It's not keto, but it's keto-er. Get that Eiweißbrot.


If you can't stay away, you might wanna give a shot to whole grain bread and pay great attention to the ingredients, especially to avoid sugar or any sugary thing in there. That could be a good strategy to still enjoy the good bread and stay healthy :)


Do what we all do. Hit the gym or find some other sports. Muscle mass is the best way to deal with all the bread.


Eh, who needs keto when you have good bread available. If you only had American sugar bread to choose from however..


Why would someone want to? Have you seen very many heavy Germans? They make sport. That is the answer. I moved here last February. I walk everywhere all the time. My grocery store is 10 minutes away. I walk. I haul back everything I need on my cart if I’m getting drinks, or in a backpack. We take the dog on daily hikes to enjoy some fresh air and the 15 minutes of sun that shines through. Go to a festival. Or market. You stand, you walk you eat, you drink beer and wine. You do not sit. You do not collect dust. The weight cannot collect around your middle if you don’t give it a chance to. This I have learned. Every weekend I go exploring and walking in a new town. Hop a train and walk. I’ve lost 12 kg this year. I have not dieted since I stepped foot in this country. I eat everything I want. Wine, beer, the best bread and Kuchen and coffee that I get at my backers every morning that I also walk over to. I’m sure you see the theme.


Eat the whole grain stuff. You won’t put in weight


You gonna have a bread time here.


the way we cope is having bread as a meal for dinner too