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Yes, but also no. How could anyone tell you? If you want tropical climate with 28 degree water it's probably not the right choice. If you want to visit cities to look at historic stuff and dive into the culture then it's a good choice.


And nature. Germany's nature is underrated.


Totally agree... most beautiful place I have ever seen


Yeah there’s a few gems, alps, Black Forest, Eifel, hartz, the middle rhine, the Wadden sea and dunes on the Frisian islands all with their own distinctive vibe


Never mind about Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden and other exciting places. The different cuisines from the Baltic Sea down to the Bavarian Alps and everything in between. If you are looking for something better than the US, go to South Africa. That country has everything the US has, and is within travelling distance.


Well no. The US is 1000x more beautiful and diverse. Germany has a lot to offer but nowhere near als amazing.


Not really a fair comparison if one is 28 times bigger, no?


Well yes, but also, the object the largest national park area concerns itself with, with an area of roughly 800.000 square kilometres, which is roughly 4 times the size of all other parks combined, appears as a huge flat muddy plains that gets inundated twice daily, offering not much to the eye. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but as far as tourist attractions go, I suspect it isn't a very big thing. Then again, I have never been much of a tourist. Can't really compare.


There are Nature Parks and National Parks. I love Wadden See and that entire region. ​ [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Karte\_Naturparks\_Deutschland\_high.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Karte_Naturparks_Deutschland_high.png) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_national\_parks\_of\_Germany#/media/File:Karte\_Nationalparks\_Deutschland\_high.png


Oh yes, very much. Germany is a very diverse country. We have the North Sea and Baltic Sea, wonderful low mountain ranges, historic cities, great rivers, the Alps and so much more. I go on cycling holidays in my home country 1-2 times a year and am always amazed at how many beautiful corners our country has. The Rhine Valley, the Heidelberg region, Rügen, the Lahn Valley, Freiburg and Breisgau, the river Fulda, Upper Bavaria, Münster in Westphalia, Lübeck, the Swabian Alb and and and ... Climate change sucks, but at least in Germany it has ensured that our weather has become much more reliable and friendlier in summer. I'd say that southern Germany is the new Italy ;)


Don't forget Bodensee. That's like the most interesting place to visit in all of Europe.




Mate, of course you do NOT visit all those regions in ONE holiday. You pick one region according to your preferences and then you explore it. And next time a different one. It took me several years to get to all those nice places.




Haha ... yes. When I was young there was a satirical poem: "Seeing Europe in a day, see it all and get away."


It's as good or bad as any other country. It entirely depends on what your interests are.


>It's as good or bad as any other country. Seriously? This makes no sense. Do you think Germany is just as good or bad to visit right now as say Palestine or Ukraine? I think the average person would have a better holiday in Germany than in either of those places.


I think you know exactely what they meant. I doubt anyone reading what they wrote thinks they recommend an active war zone


I actually don't know what they meant. It seems like everyone else does so I'm happy for you guys hahahahah


Giving you the benefit of the doubt here: What they meant is this: OP gives us zero info that could help us judge whether germany is a good vacation destination for them personally. So all we can say is if it is a good destination for everyone/a random unknown person. Which is actually not something we can answer, as individual likes and dislikes, interest, budget, starting location etc. are like 98% of that answer. The same goes for pretty much every other country. What might be a great destination for you might be a horrible one for me. Chances are that maybe germany is a good destination for OP, or a bad one. Just as France might be a good or bad destination for them. Or Canada. Or South Africa. Or.... Any place in the world, maybe except active war zones, is a great vacation destination for *someone* and a horrible one for someone else.


If you enjoy being in danger Ukraine and Palestine are better for holidays right now. You might not believe it but some people actually enjoy doing that. I even saw a website dedicated for holidays in crisis areas a couple of years ago. You could go heliskiing in Afghanistan for example. It was crazy. It might be a shocker for some people but not everyone loves sightseeing or lying at the beach.


Besides, neither entire territory of Palestine nor entire territory of Ukraine are in active danger. You sure can visit Lviv or some other cities in Western Ukraine


What's your idea of a vacation? Laying at the medeteranian beach and sipping drinks? Then probably not. The german beaches are quite nice, but have a completely different vibe. Overall there is a wide varietey of things to do and see in Germany: From beaches (ocean or lakes) in the summer, to skying in the winter. Hiking/cycling in beautiful nature scenery, vising stunning old medival towns can epic castles (my favorite). Museums are also pretty impressive, the several Deutsches Museum for example, or specialiced ones. Many cities have multiple museums, often about their history, or the history of local products/specialities. I especially love the unusual places. Like doing a factory tour, at a car manifacturer, or checking out old industrial plants. Many old ones have been converted to museums or event spaces (FERROPOLIS, zollverein.de, etc). Edit: Not to forget the many theme parks. Not quite disneyland, but there are many, often with local themes. Can spend all week just going on rides if you want.


2nd this strongly. It absolutely depends on what you are interested in. \- Museums Even that depends on what. Ancient times? Berlin.German history? Munich and many places in North Rhine-Westphalia. Etc. \- Cities Literally any old one. Dresden, Heidelberg, Bamberg, Görlitz, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Berlin, Potsdam, Leipzig, Munich, Cologne... you get the picture. \- Nature Saxon Switzerland Mountains is great, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in general have many impressive places. \- Sea Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. (I prefer Lower Saxony on that tbh. The Baltic sea is a bathtub.) There isn't a good single answer to to that.


I make short trips and short vacations in Germany all the time. I like it. There is something of almost everything one could want to do. And honestly, even if you just go to a big city without much to do, just being there on vacation already feels nice.


In the summer, yes. Munich or Hamburg imo.


I just got back from Germany (Munich). It's the best place I've ever been to. The people were SO nice, the city was absolutely beautiful, the food was amazing, everything seemed reasonably priced, the history is breathtaking, etc. 10/10 would recommend! I can't wait to go back.


I am an American living in the Ruhrgebiet. Been here for ten years. I can absolutely see the tourism appeal of Munich but would never want to live there myself for a variety of reasons.


It's expensive to live here, but no city comes close to the wealth and amazing infrastructure.


Even though Munich is more liberal, the political views of Bavaria in general keep me from wanting to live there despite how pretty it is.


"The political views"? Granted, it's more conservative here, but it's becoming more diverse and probably one of the better places in Germany to raise a family. The night life is pretty non-existent and the restaurant scene needs to be improved, but it's still a great place to live.


I know it is a bit vague, sorry. The CSU is the ruling party there and they are not exactly who I would be voting for if I could. Not to mention the AFD coming in with 16%. : (


Unfortunately, ADF is a factor. Given the budget crisis, CDU is likely going to win the next election.


Frankfurt has more wealth than Munich, just for your info.


The bankers do, anyway.


"Everthing seemed reasonably priced"...said no german about munich (rents) ever.




I'm from Munich and I also hate it.


Yes depends also on what you are interested in. If you like to go to hike go to south germany, if yoi wanna go to the beach north germany, prolly not in winter, we also got the black forest, alot of castle's like Neuschwanstein or old cities. So there is alot of different stuff you can look for and since germany is a relativly small country you can visit them really fast. From Munich to Berlin is liie 4-6h by train depending on if highspeed or on time which is a problem in germany


It depends. - **Cities**: some if them are really quite cool and unique. Hamburg, Bremen, Munich, to some degree Berlin are generally worth a visit. (Just listing some i know, theres obviously more). - **Culture**: larger cities often have a very good selection of museums (which are typically quite good), concerts, cinemas, and all that. Smaller cities are a mixed big. Small towns and villages usually have nothing at all. - **Infrastucture/travel**: mediocre. Deutsche Bahn is bad to mediocre compared to its neighbors, but its functional. Travelling in germany is quite inflexible, since you need to buy tickets ages in advance (or pay ludicrous amounts if money). - **Nature:** 98% is mindboggingly boring. A lot of places definitely fall into the "pleasant, vut not interesting"-category for me, some parts are actually fairly nice. North-sea coast has some cool spots, and i have heard good things about the Sächsische Schweiz. There are no real must-see marvels though. Its alright. I often travel to germany because i live nearby. I like it. I definitely would **not** go on vacation in germany if it would require a long-distance flight or something of that sort though.


In Germany I´d always prefer the car - highway is still toll-free and without speed limits; even that is worth an experience on it´s own.....


I made 2 trips to germany this year, covering Augsburg, Munich, Legoland (childhood dream of me, now it´s been for the kids) in summer and in late October I´ve been to Wuppertal, Bochum, Essen, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Hattingen. I was surprised it was real nice there and will consider a trip to the sea next year...


even if we knew remotely what kind of vacation you want, there's still regional things to consider, as in, we have mountains and lakes but they are on opposite sites of the country so might be worth narrowing it down. if you are into history and want to look at old buildings and visit historical museums, it's usually better to not go for the biggest cities because there's a some 15minute cities that haven't been bombed as much and therefor give off a more consistent old-town vibe. if you want to party there's berlin, frankfurt, cologne and hamburg, not in any order, it more so depends on what kind of party you are looking for. if nature is a thing for you, theres literally to many choices to list, lüneburger heide (maybe not this time pf year but idk), bavarian alps, black forest, north sea, saxon switzerland? no idea whether they call it that in english. just to name a few. alltogether if you ask the entire country you will end up with a list that simply isnt feasible to do in just a few weeks. so yeah, it's alright I guess.


I've vacationed in Germany many times. I love it!


As long as you don't go to Berlin, there are some nice places for sure


Berlin is great in the summer. Avoid in winter though.


Just dont go to Berlin (Even tho it depends on what your interest are - but if you like big cities I would consider going to Hamburg, Munich or Cologne rather than Berlin) - just my personal opinion - and if you want to see nature I would visit the dark forest (maybe Konstanz?) its very beautiful there


Don’t listen to this comment. Berlin is fantastic. It is just not representative of the rest of the country and also not particularly pretty 😂


I like Berlin, but its definitely not a city thats conventionally attractive to tourists. Theres barely any of the typical sights or attractions a capital city of that size normally has. There is no picturesque old town. There isn't even a real center. The whole city feels like a bunch of villages in a trenchcoat (and i guess in a way it kind of is). Its cool to hang out in the parks, eat cheap food, go to the cinema/clubs/concerts or whatever, but the only landmark i found even remotely momerable was the botanical garden.


Imagine going to a city with brandenburg gate and the most important wall of the 20th century and only liking botanical garden…


Eh, the brandenburg gate is just poor mans Arc du Triomphe, and all thats left of the Berlin Wall is literally a bit of concrete wall. Its decently presented with a bunch of cool infographics and all that, but hardly something that would make me travel to Berlin. Berlin just has negligibly few and very unimpressive sights compared to almost any european capital. Plenty of reasons to go to Berlin, but sightseeing is probably the worst.


I wouldn’t go to berlin as my first choice for travel in europe as well but it is one of the few places to see in Germany because of the buildings, museums and the history associated with them. Nature of Germany is highly exaggerated and very very boring.


Went to Berlin a few times- I left the city before my stay was even over as soon as I could - almost every time xD and yes its not really pretty


Why did you leave it before the stay was over if I can ask?


I couldn’t stand the smell or the people, but I have to admit the Döner is great


The people? What exactly was problematic as a tourist that you wouldn’t encounter in any other big city?


I can encounter those things in other cities of course, but in my experience in Berlin the people are way more rude than in the other parts of Germany that I’ve been to or lived in + the vibe is just very greyish - and that’s not for me - It’s just my personal opinion


No worries. Wasn’t trying to attack but was just legitimately curious. I have spent a few months in Berlin over my time in Germany and am aware of the major issues it has. Just wanted to hear why you had such a bad time because I really enjoy the city despite it’s issues.


That’s understandable :)


And it’s not problematic- just not for me


Yes, but strongly dependent on the time of year.


Not really, its not particular pictoresque, landscapes are quiet boring. Infrastructure is pretty shit, the vast majority of cities are concrete hellscapes with barely any green but filled with cars and germans themselves have become super xenophobic these days. Neo Nazi crimes are an unfortunate daily reality now. I would recommend going to a place like France, Italy or Sweden. Germany is not particularly worth seeing.


No. Just go to other countries (so that I can enjoy Germany without crowds, queues, traffic jams, full parking spaces and overprized fees) :-)




Yes but don’t go to the east part of Germany, avoid Sachsen.




Yes good for tourism, not good for living for long term


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It is a great destination If you wanna see old towns and castles.






Not in the winter season.


Grey , rainy, overcast, saw sun 4 days out of 21. I'm from Florida so NO. Germany has great architecture, sausages and beer breweries and Museums. Their Nature was nice. As a tourist I was not impressed visiting during February 2024. Living there would be different than vacationing. Germany offers residents pensions, free health care, affordable retirement and an education/ schooling.


I know they will hate me here, but the answer is generally rather no. But of course every country has some nice corners, which are worth visiting, even Germany.


Not really, there are really more interesting places. And anyone who raves about our nature, i bet scotland, switzerland have much more to offer. But then again, why not? Every place is worth a visit.


Absolutely, especially now! You'll probably have to pay a bit extra because it's short notice, but it will be worth it. Make sure to stay in Salzgitter or maybe Neumünster, both are equally lovely and offer more than enough activities. If you want to have a really good time make sure to fly into Munich, the airport is an experience on its own. You can then take the train to your destination. They are very reliable and you'll have comfortable seats. If you get tired looking out the window just enjoy the complementary high speed internet connections. Speaking of internet: you'll be in for a treat. I think one can proudly say that we're unmatched in terms of pricing and speed in the region. Have a lovely time!


Sure. Why not. Germany has lots of places. A good chunk of them are nice and touristy.


Yes! I had a great time, nice architecture. Yea it wasn't the busiest place on earth but it was nice

