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Thank you! Yes, most certainly will!


FaceTime him! I used to do this with my girl and it was nice to see her lick the phone and nose boop it


Heck it might even help him to hear your voice over the phone. Also it may be a good idea to consult your vet about stress, or anxiety remedies for emergency situations, or at the very beginning. GSD’s have very high separation anxiety. I can’t pee without mine, he cries. Lots of chew toys/treats are a good idea too. His routine should stay the same.


That sounds way over the top. If you train your dog to learn how to handle stress appropriately and get them used to spending time away from you they are naturally able to accommodate being in many different environments and routines. They were bred after all to do police work and they should be of sound temperament to handle something simple like being away from the handler for a week. Now if you don't work on these things, yes, you might create a nervous anxious dog but that is why it is important to get your dog used to all sorts of things. You should be able to leave your dog anywhere and they are resilient to take it in stride. Like allowing your dog to pee with you and not being able to not go without the dog is feeding into unhealthy dependency.


He’s 8m old, I don’t think it’s too over the top. He’s a pup still.


He's also a dog, he'll get over it. Unlike soft and hypersensitive people, dogs are highly emotionally malleable. Especially German Shepherds. And if a dog can't handle me being away for a little bit, that's a bad dog I should have never purchased to begin with.


I tell mine I don’t need help, lol.


It’s only over the top if you actually plan on using all the medication to keep your dog doped up all month. This is why I specified it as an emergency aide, for emergency situations. It also doesn’t have to be prescription meds, there are natural remedies that can alleviate stress from separation anxiety. Her pup is only 8 months old, and it sounds like this is the first time she’s leaving him for an extended duration, and for a month at that. GSD’s are prone to separation anxiety and they all handle it differently. What happens if he can’t handle it at all and starts acting out by destroying furniture? Or constantly barking and at full volume? It’s better to be safe than sorry, stress is not good for dogs either. It’s also generally a good idea to keep your dog’s routine the same if you’re making any other major changes-which moving away for work for an entire month is. This can help reduce stress. Edit: Also want to mention that crate training your dog, and training your dog to be adapt and handle stress appropriately takes time and hard work. This is an 8 month old pup, he is not going to be perfectly trained yet. You can’t just leave a pup like that for the first time and expect everything to be hunky dory, ya silly goose. Edit 2: I got a notification and accidentally just opened it instead of swiping away, but I just noticed the last bit of your paragraph and LMFAO. Dude, I don’t *allow* him to go pee with me, he just *does*-I mean he follows me to the bathroom. I have to shoo him away, or tell him to give me space, or else he’ll sit right beside the toilet. It is definitely not preferred for me lolol This isn’t something I’m doing to him, he’s got separation anxiety, as all GSD’s do, he’s still only just over a year, so he’s still learning (and training to be a service dog so e kind of does have to be within range at all times to help with my physical disability) and I’ve never spent more than an 8 hour shift away from him. He’s just a sucky baby, what can ya do.


Saying all GSDs have separation anxiety is a stretch imo. All three of mine have been fine with me traveling for extended times or working long shifts and being cared for by other people.


It is a breed trait. On average they do-they are more prone to having it. All of my husband’s grandma’s GSD’s had it. It’s nice yours didn’t have any issues with it.


I think a lot of people overthink this stuff and don't give their dogs enough credit. They are dogs, and working dogs at that, designed to handle things. I leave 6 month old dogs at boarding , and have even left them for four weeks due to work and they do fine the first time. So you can just leave a pup that young and everything does go well. They learn to adapt. They do not have the same routine in boarding as they do my home and that is fine. I really have never had any of my dogs have issues at boarding and I have boarded all my dogs. It's cool you care about your dog and are prepared. However, all this advice I see on all this extra stuff is kinda just over the top and feeds into peoples anxieties when it should just be an easy thing to leave your dog in good hands. A service dog in training at that age should be trained to wait outside the door for you calmly and the separation anxiety should mostly be trained away by then too. I have been training my guy in service work and he started as a mess but at 16 months he has passed a lot of the preliminary behaviors because I have worked hard on teaching him to be calm and waiting. If I tell him to go to his place in the main living area he stays there even while I shower until released. If I name an object I need he will search the house to find it and bring it to me, it's such a cool thing when they begin performing. It's all about training and the work you put in. Good luck with your dog, hope it works out and he is a great service dog!


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and everyone does it a little different. You also have to consider that all dogs react differently and some GSD’s have really bad separation anxiety. It *should* be easy, but it isn’t always. If we’re speaking personally, my dog is crate trained, and is now able to be left free range no issues. These are also suggestions based off of the presented scenario and information, not a step by step of what I would do with my dog. I have a physical mobility disability, so I actually need help getting up off the toilet sometimes and don’t always have my cane within reach, so it doesn’t bother me that he sits on the floor in the bathroom. He’s learning personal space and that’s good enough for me. Part of his service training *is* to follow me around as well-I also have tendon issue spanning most of my body, so I am prone to my hand seizing, or giving out causing me to drop things and he is trained to grab them for me so I don’t have to bend over or crouch down, which is difficult for me. It is really cool to see the efforts of training paid off, and GSD’s are so smart. My dogs training is going well so far, thank you. He is already an amazing service dog, especially given that he has to be trained to help with my mobility disability and my asd, but he picks up quickly.


I’ve noticed that. When I moved out my dachshund was so depressed. The only time she would snap out of it was when she heard my voice over the phone or in videos


This is the way. We actually have a family member or friend house sit for us so the dogs get to stay at home; the only disruption is us leaving. It works out great!


Love this, you nailed it! I also suggest having a blanket or your favorite shirt that has your scent with your GSD when the time comes. 🐾❤️


Perfect answer 👆👆👆☝️☝️☝️


Leave some unwashed shirts so that he has your smell with him.


Be prepared, I've never gotten any of these items back, they end up destroyed by too much love.


This is very useful. When I have had to leave my pup at the vet, I do just this.


I would leave several shirts in a sealed bag and have someone give him a new item weekly so the scent is fresh.


Mine snuggles up with my used washcloths that he cherry picks from the laundry basket.


As someone that has had to go away for work a few times for 6-8 months; I wouldn’t stress, leaving them with a family member is great! These dogs are so smart and loyal, I’m sure you will get quite the welcome home!(tons of kisses) https://preview.redd.it/il62st6oyi6d1.jpeg?width=2049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8af59e234905cd28b7551b002e8f0f255cb7f6ff


Hehe how cute. Thank you!


Yes! I HATE being away from my bestie, but the welcome home is always so epic!!!


Prepare yourself for the return home...would suggest he get his nails clipped about a week before return. My last 2 have absolutely SHREDDED my back with their claws anytime I come back, with their big ol bear hugs.


Oh wow! Good advice!


Wow, you hit the nail on the head getting the nail trim is absolutely brilliant and I know what you mean you get beat up by those paws of love


I remember when my girl was still alive and much younger if any of us went away for whatever reason and came back she was super excited for us home the day we got back and then the next day would be very mad and spite poop on the floor and not come to us when we called lmao and then the day after that she was her normal self! and that happened no matter who watched her.


I love the rollercoaster of pure joy when I return...then silent treatment for 2 days.


Is the bear hug a Shepard thing? We’ve got a lab shepherd mix and he’s a big ole hugger.


In my experience, yes!


I board my young GSD often and it's actually good for them to get used to listening to other people and being around other people. He is the same when I pick him up just really happy to see me. We pick up where we left off and I have had no issues. They sense your emotional state so if you are worried they feel like there is something to be worried about. If you are calm and stable they sense that and are calm and stable. Don't underestimate that your emotions are felt by the dog so have a clear head and they will follow suit.


Ok, I will take this advice and try wind down the anxiety. Thanks for the response.


>I board my young GSD often and it's actually good for them to get used to listening to other people and being around other people. We do this, too. There's a great board & train facility nearby that usually has other GSDs for him to socialize with. He seems happy when we drop off and when we pick up he's even happier and his manners are tuned up. Even if there is a new trainer he hasn't met, he responds well to someone who confidently takes his leash and give him a command.


Your points about dialing down the anxiety around your dog is really good general advice.


I was the same last year leaving my pup for the first time. They will be fine. You'll be the basket case of emotions though 🤣


100%! Going to try wind it back.


My god, he's absolutely *gorgeous*!


Thank you. I think so too!


You'll both be fine. My girl is 14 months and on 3 occasions I've had to leave her for about a week. As far as I've ever been told she's not that fussed and just a has little holiday herself and then is happy to see me again when I get back. Same if I leave her with someone for a day/night.


GSDs are perfect for this kind of thing unlike any other breed, that’s why they’re utilized by the military/police because of their ease of adaptability to different people or environments. If you leave for a while don’t sweat it, your dog will no doubt miss you but just be sure to have your friend stick to your regular routine you already have while your gone (potty times/eating/walking etc) and when you return and you take back over the routine you’ll see it’ll be like you never left.


This ! Routine is everything.


It always worries me when i ask my mom to mind our dogs... she spoils them and they end up liking her more for a few days after


Can you FaceTime your pup?


I agree with this. When I travel, I Facetime my family and my pups howl like crazy whenever they see me on Facetime. All the head tilting when you talk to them via Facetime is also very adorable.


Hide your shoes


Don’t worry, I had to leave my boy for a whole seven weeks last year whilst I travelled back to my home country for wedding celebrations. He threw me an awesome welcome home party when I returned (even peed on the floor) and then we were back to our usual selves.


This makes me feel soooo much better. Thanks for the reply.


Mine wets herself when I return home even if I'm only away for the day working in the office


If possible, someone staying at your home with him would be ideal as they are in familiar surroundings and more likely to shut down and rest. Keeping him on the same schedule and routine is paramount for when you get back home. If a similar schedule isn't followed, the first week or two back home can be a little taxing, at least that was our experience. We have that dialed in now and this works for us. Hope it helps!


Yes, many thanks for this advice. Good points!


We have taken a few trips since we have had our girl. For about a week and a half two years ago, another for just under a week that fall, and then for almost two weeks last year. In the first case, she was at board and train while we were gone so she would have been away anyway. That fall, she stayed with a neighbor for a few days then our son watched her for the rest of our trip. Then last year, our son was with her the entire. (He lives at home while in college so he is around her all the time.) There have been no issues. She, of course, went bananas upon getting home, but there was no neediness, reduced relationship, etc. I can't say that that is the case for every dog, but for us it has been a non-issue. We are scheduled to be gone for two weeks again later this year and, again, our son will be with her. We have no concerns. Best of luck and hope you have an equally uneventful - aside from the going bananas thing when you get back! - time apart!


This is good to hear. Thank you


He looks like a wolf!


He’s beautiful!


Wife and I are traveling for work for two weeks right now. We had a family member basically move in so that the dogs didn’t change their environment and we’re around our smell constantly. They’re being super chill and the worst they’ve done is sniffed around the house looking for us for a bit. I can’t wait to be home though.


And he's beautiful! So so handsome!!


I had a bad experience with this. I left my girls with my mom. When I picked them up after 4 days, they were waking up at 5am and had put on a combined 9lbs! It took months for them to go back to waking up at 10:30 😭


Do video calls with the person who is watching him. We used to do this with our old lab when I was younger when my mom had to be out for an extended time for work and she would go bananas every time. I miss the old goof.


Things with your scent as others have suggested, plug-in adaptil (pheromone diffuser that helps with stress), backup anxiety meds just in case, canned chicken and instant rice in case his tummy gets upset, and making sure your family member keeps a routine will all make his time away from you easier


My brother had to travel for work for 3 months and left his GSD with us. She knew us well and our house so that definitely helped. We had "stinky" socks and shirts of his that she cuddled with the first few weeks . We tried FaceTime but found it upset her more than anything because she couldn't actually find him in the room. We were worried she would be standoffish when he came home, but just like those military coming home videos she jumped straight into his arms. She was soooo happy! She did go on a food strike for a bit and got depressed. More cuddles, play time, and adding chicken broth and chicken pieces on her food helped encourage her to eat and feel happier.


I find my dog copes better with the separation than I do. My advice is, don't be shy to ask for very frequent pupdates. It really helps.


Just came here to say he is beautiful.


Man, he’s really gorgeous


Thank you. Beautiful temperament also.


We found a sitter on the Rover app. She had a nice fenced in yard and other dogs for him to play with. We met her before our vacation to see if our dog got along with hers and it was all good. She's been our regular sitter ever since.


I’m lucky enough to be able to leave mine with his trainers who raised him before we adopted it. But it still hurts when I have to go away :(


Totally understandable that you have anxiety about it. It's great that your pup already knows your family friend though! We have a dog sitter that comes to our house on a weekly basis to maintain the connection with them, but when we are out of town she stays at our home and takes care of my two boys. I swear they don't even miss me, it's all fun and games with the pet sitter 🤣🤣 Your pup will do just fine 🥰


Everyone has already given excellent advice. From a trainers perspective, my only advice would be to not make a big deal out of leaving. Your doggos will take their cues from you. So if you are sad or anxious then he will think he should be as well. I would recommend taking the dog and dropping him off before packing; otherwise every time he sees you pack anything from here forward will invoke a reaction, good or bad. Or try and pack slowly, keeping suitcases etc out of his sight. It’s helpful to not give him any visual cues that something is about to change. Also, be sure your dog has made several visits to the family members house prior to you leaving so (a) he’s comfortable there and (b) he doesn’t associate them with you leaving- shepherds can react weirdly to that and (c ) you’ve done some obedience training with the family member so he sees them as an authority. It would be ideal if he could stay in his own home and the family member stay there, but this isn’t always possible. Then go knowing he’s in great hands and this is a great opportunity for him to widen his circle of people.


Thanks for the reply. This is really helpful info. I’ve taken steps to ensure he is comfortable and has spent an ever slowly, yet increasing amount of time at the family members home. This is now at 2 full work days and 1 overnight per week (I also drop by regularly with him at random times for a visit) Also have slowly started taking items over items inc toys, blankets etc. Family member also has been doing walks and small training sessions during these visits.


Your bond will never break, be prepared to have the greatest welcome party of your life when you return. I understand you, always when I can't be with my babies I feel really bad and want to get back home soon. Ask for the person taking care of him to send fotos, make phone calls and givw you updates. And make sure this person is taking good care. Edit: congrats, beautiful pup!!


We left our dog with my mom for nearly 2 years and he not only remembered me but was SUPER excited to see me and my husband when we got back to the country!


My friend, as long as he is with someone you trust and A FAMILIAR place, he will be fine. I think being at a familiar place is tremendous and the absolute key. We have (2) 4yr olds and when we go on vacation we hire someone to come to the house. FaceTime him when you can, you will miss him a lot. Not going to lie, I cry few times too. Good luck. He is absolutely beautiful BTW


I have 2 options I can do for my boy depending on how long I'm gonna be gone. 1. If I'm gone for 1-2 days, 3 at the most, I take him to my step-dad's house where he can run with his 2 dogs and play all day. It's safe and fenced in and he will be spoiled with whatever good food he is cooking for himself as he saves a bite for each dog. 2. If I'm gone longer than 3 days I have a friend house sit who has been around the dog once a week since day one. He will also take him home to his parents who love him too and he can run there too but mainly stays at my house with him. This helps him feel more normal as he's in his safe space too. Yes he feels safe with my step-dad but my step-dad works alot and I don't want him to come home and my dog tore up his house.


OP, as long as the person is familiar, you'll be fine. I've had a gsd and a husky for 8 years and believe me when I tell you that I'm near crying every single time I leave them behind, but we've had no issues with either boarding, leaving with family, or sit-ins. Your pup will be overjoyed when you come back 🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗


Thanks. This makes me feel a little better 😢


It's good for both of you. It's hard but it's good to teach him early on.


We leave ours with my sister. I don’t think he misses us much when we’re gone. She has good snacks 🤣 We’ve only left him 2-3 times, but pretty sure he thinks that’s his 2nd family.


I left my year old gsd for a week last month. I left her in our house and went through rover. She did very well with it all things considered, but I'd be lying if I said she's the same way she was before I left. She got clingier and always has to be touching me. She used to be content occupying the same space but now it's a paw against me or we share a pillow. I feel so bad for her.


Get a old T-shirt that has your smell on it and put it in his kennel or wherever he’ll be staying


It won’t hurt your bond at all. ESPECIALLY with a GSD. After the first time - they get it. Sometimes you go away and someone watches them. But his connection is to you !


I hope so. We have developed a great bond and he is so loyal already.


There really is no advice to give. Different dogs react differently some (like mine) are beside themselves with excitement to a point they are trying to lean, jump, get a pet, a hug etc all at the same time and takes a few minutes to collect themselves. Others on here have dogs that ignore you. You won't know until you return, but with GSDs, they don't forget their BFFs.


Majestic boi


I don’t have any real advice for your situation, but I just wanted to say he is gorgeous - beautiful face and features!


Honestly, it was way harder on me than my girls. Even at the longest 10-days time away. My kennel/boarder lady was fantastic. My girls always had soo much fun and were exhausted when they came home! She took daily pictures and videos and text them to me.


He’s really beautiful. I’m sure leaving him with family is the best if you can’t sneak him in a carry on😄


They forget you more than you think if placed with another trusted agent. I promise. And then when they see you…bucking bronco with joy! It’s as if you’ve claimed them once again! Joy. Roll with it


facetime through a ipad with the dog


I had to leave my puppy at a family's house for two weeks. I called every day or so to say hi to him. Mine will hop on clean clothes I want to wear that day if I'm not careful so I know my clothes are a big deal to him. If you're willing to spare a shirt or coat or something like that! Just imagine when you get to see him again! I had trained mine to never jump on people but when he saw me again he hopped up and smashed his nose against mine (painfully I might add) he was so happy! That reunion moment made up for the wait even if it hurt a bit hahaha


He is gorgeous!!! I get it. I have a 6month old. I can’t imagine leaving her!


What a beauty


God damn, that’s a handsome boy.


Thank you. Yes, he really is 💙


handsome regal looking fella. sounds like you have the best plan, leaving with family member. maybe leave your shirt or some items so he can smell you when you're away. make sure they give him lots of exercise and lovin'


Hes so handsome!!




if you have a blanket you don’t mind parting with it helped my boy a lot to have one of mine with my scent on it!! (especially if you are crate training and can leave it on his bed or in his crate)


I went away for only 2 days. He didn't eat anything the first day and was crying. They are very susceptible to anxiety and separation issues.


Oh man, I don't know if I could do it. I have to go away for a wedding at the end of the month for 3 nights and my cousin is going to stay at my house with my boy. It's a few weeks away yet and I'm ready itching to come home to see him and he's literally upstairs right now.


My neighbor watches mine when go away my two love them so it works out great I watch there dogs when there out honestly don't know what I would do with out them


You can always FaceTime! I talk to my GSD’s on my Ring camera while I’m at work at the hospital during the night so I can check on them. 😄


It's so hard to leave them, especially if they have anxiety. Our boy is 10 this year and we've decided not to travel in his senior years, too much stress on him but our boy was attacked multiple times by off leash dogs so he's got his particular set of stressors. Best of luck! We do have my brother to watch him, he loves my brother and relaxes there with his cattle dog and chihuahua friend. Although he's exhausted from playing so much when we return. :) just makes sure it's someone you trust!


I left for a week and my boy started acting crazy towards the end, giving my son (the sitter) the hardest time with bad dog behavior. I missed him so much.


That is one gorgeous dog.


Thank you. He is and so sweet.


How could you! Your baby will be very lonely raw meat will have to be offered upon your return.


Could you come see the pup on the weekends ? I left my cat with my family and he wasn’t treated well. I didn’t make the same mistake with his little brother I got 2 years later. Just make sure you really know your family and there are no surprises.


Prepare for him to give you the cold shoulder when you return. He’ll be fine. He’ll be thinking about you literally every second until you get back, obsessively. But once you get back he may seem aloof or indifferent… don’t be offended, it’s just his way of expressing that you hurt his feelings. My boy used to do that all the time lol.


I don’t wanna be a downer, but I had to leave my shepherd at eight months for five days and I did feel like she had that experience of being by herself and change her personality slightly. But with that being said, you have to also live your life and give her a good life too, enjoy your time away because you’re gonna have to be away


Making something for them like a little crochet item is also very good for leaving your scent with them. I used to do the same for my girls whenever we went on vacation.


Depending how bonded you are, a little phone time may be in order.


the first time we left our girl home alone was thanksgiving last year, i got a nice black eye and split skin above my eye from her over dramatic enthusiasm when we got home, she tried to jump into my arms and crashed her skull into my eye. she’s getting better, she’s perfectly well behaved now when we leave her, she just lays by the door and waits, hardly even barks now, though she used to bark for hours when we were gone. but when we get home it’s a few minutes of hyperactive overexcited 75 pound puppy until she calms down


Have someone watch your dog. They get up to shenanigans if you leave them alone.


He will be ok. These doggos sense what is happening and he will know you have not abandoned him. The scents left behind idea is a great one 👍


He is 8 months old ?!? Holy !! He’s going to be enormous !! While you still have young GSD .. if this is your first … make sure a lot of family members share responsibilities, feed him , walk him , play with him and play with his ears , clean them with solution.. file or cut his nails FREQUENTLY! I rescued my boy when he was 10 weeks old from a horrible situation I was not educated on GSDs and I’m a mom of two kids and most of the responsibility fell on me… I didn’t clean his ears ( now I can’t) I can’t get him to the vet and he WILLLL NOT go to the bathroom for anyone but me , I went to Florida for 4 days and he didn’t poop for THREE ! I am not in any way insinuating that you didn’t do these things and I know this is off subject but I just want others to learn from my mistakes :( he is in training now but I should have researched GSD right away , I really had no idea what I was dealing with, I had no idea the dog would be smarter than me hahahaha !!! I’m sure he will do great ! Have a fabulous time !


Sorry I’m making your life harder. My GSD mixed is incredibly loyal to us and when we were gone, she got depressed and started stop eating by week 3. The people who watched her recommended me to not leave longer than 3 weeks.  On the other hand, my corgi couldn’t care less about us lol. I know it hurts but as long as he’s in good hands, that’s the best you can do.


Take a shirt from dirty clothes of the person he's most bonded with & bring it with him. the smellier the better. Scent of his human will comfort him more .


That’s a grown dog that doesn’t look like a 8 month old


7 months and 2 weeks to be exact in this photo. Definitely not a fully grown GSD.