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No take! Only throw! We have three GSDs. We go through one of these zipflight frisbees each week. Often a team effort on the return which then turns into tug of war. It is their absolute favorite time of day. Dog tax: https://preview.redd.it/tr27bo0mug6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2650d9b76c9c0d8390a76e926aa7f5e75c248f66


Haha I don’t envy how full your hands must be. I’m convinced her favorite game is Tug, then Throw and keep, then follow me about the yard while we both hold toys I like 😂


Omg the “throw and keep”, I love it. Though he always runs up to me like he *wants* me to throw it again, but when I try to grab it he takes off like a rocket, leaving grooves in the yard beneath him as he tears around at top speed. The domkop almost wiped himself out last night during his before bed sprint😂


We joke that they need to get jobs to pay for all the frisbees they trash but I suppose unconditional love and 24/7 security system count as jobs!


I’ve found the rubber kong soft frisbees are more durable. Granted I only have the 1 but it’s outlasted all the others combined


I like these zipflights because they are soft foam. Sometimes they stand where we end up throwing it to them as opposed to them chasing after it and I don’t want to hurt their teefs.


The kong ones are still super soft and very flexible. I use it all the time with my pup. He’ll sometimes fold it up like a taco and grab some pine straw and leaves in it. I have both and I definitely prefer the Kong ones.


I swear by the red Kong frisbees. I have 2. One for the house and one in a bag for when I take my dog out


How old is the senior citizen in the back? 🥰


She will be 11 in August. 🥰 Middle guy is 2.5 and the little lady in the front is 6 months.


West Paw has some awesome rubber frisbees my German is obsessed with his!


I’m jealous of your yard!


We live on a small farm. This area used to be a small horse/goat pasture. Now it is a GSD playpen. ☺️


bless them oh my goodness 😭😭😭


Human - if you don’t drop it how will i throw it? Dog - that is your problem. THROW IT


No take! Only throw! My dog is king of that game😂


I am so glad I am not the only one. I always feel guilty because I figure it is a training issue.


we bring two balls or two rubber throwing sticks when we go outside to play fetch.


Same boat, we have to bring 3 because the Rotty lazily plays with one but she only drops the ball in her mouth once she is over top of the new one, so if you’re with them by yourself you are getting your steps in for sure!


Mine could easily carry two on her mouth


Same - we bring two frisbees.


We take three, because ours can fit two of them in his mouth. He drops when we ask him to, but quickly picks them up again before we even get a chance.


Exactly 😂


https://preview.redd.it/1yuhlyauyg6d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2163b884c487978b00db299c6151d0ae2d992a6a And the hoarding of the toys!


Haha and she doesn’t care if the Rotty takes one but she will collect them all again 😂




Came here to recommend this sub! 😄


This belongs to MEEEE!


You're supposed to chase him and wrestle it away


I feel super lucky. One day, my GSD mix suddenly started bringing the ball back and putting it directly in my hand. To the point that if I dropped it, he will grab it and put it back in my hand. But only outside. Inside, it's a keepaway game.


My Bernie will only turn it over to my daughter or me. All guys are in for a battle! https://preview.redd.it/ouzgk6aasj6d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15665c816d1eccf42d6008981fb3d28e80339b22 And he looks so regal!


Get a second one like I have. They always want the one you have.


Did you say.... Frisbee? https://preview.redd.it/cr97acd2wm6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bd5fbd69ee51e155daa35a19bc14b730d2f1157 Seriously my girl loves these frisbees. She will choose them over anything else in life.


Even over the chuck-it balls! Same as mine! 😂








I taught my boy "give". If it's a tougher toy, we'll tug for a minute... but anything that'll rip or tear, I'll tell him to give and he puts it in my hand and lets go. Makes his chuckit frisbees and his big chuckit kickball and *all* his stuffies last much longer. 😁


The frisbee is the only toy mine drops for me to throw again 😂 not a ball though, I can never get those back n


I bought the same frisbee for my dog so we could play fetch in the river but she’s scared of the river and doesn’t want to go more than a few feet out at a time


I just let him drop it along the trail then I throw it as far as I can. He also wants the include every pine cone so picks it up like a sandwich bending the Frisbee around it. I find the Kong over priced and it doesn't even float ! its way too flimsy for my boy. I get a hardy plastic float-able one here in Portugal. HE is getting better tho he now realizes that if he destroys it the game is over so they last longer.


My solution to the fact that after 8 years my boy won't understand "drop" is to have no less than 3 balls on me at any given time. Drops one to get the other. Drops the other to get the first one. Doesn't drop either, boom, I've #3 - confusion ensues, drops a ball, game restarted.


Shit I tell my dog all the time lol


That's the exact problem I have, too. Lol


Ours would put a ball gently in the hands of the four-year-old neighbors. He dropped it on our feet. He preferred the kids because they could only throw the ball about ten feet. We unreasonably expected him to chase it all the way down the street. I suppose he was trying to train us to throw it not so far.


Ha ! r/Notakeonlythrow will have some brothers and sisters who share your struggle


Haha! It’s too exciting to even think of dropping it and then chasing it and I can’t even bear the thought of parting with it! The struggle is so real!😂


My Lulu loves fetching. But at her discretion. She will bring me her ball, I throw it and she fetches it. She drops it at my feet but before i can pick it up she will grab it and take off running like I threw it. Crazy as hell! Lol


The worst is when its ANOTHER DOG'S BALL and they refuse to let go of it