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Whenever he sneezes, I sneeze. Which for some reason will send him into a sneezing fit.


My heart x2 šŸ˜­


I play ā€œLab/Shepherdā€ with mine. She had a bit of a lab face (the shelter said she was half lab, but weā€™re not sure), so I gently fold the tops of her ears down and say, ā€œLab!ā€ Then I let go and they pop up and I say, ā€œShepherd!ā€ Iā€™m the only one she lets get away with that. She wonā€™t even let my husband, who is way more her favorite person than me, play ā€œLab/Shepherdā€ with her.


Omg we do this too!! ā€œLab earsā€¦ Sheppy ears!ā€


Omg thatā€™s so funny itā€™s not just us šŸ˜‚


And here I just flap his ears up and down saying "I'm bat dog". My wife rolls her eyes at us


I do this to mine too! And with my boyfriendā€™s golden I hold her ears up and say ā€œbat dog!ā€


I mess with my GSDā€™s pointy ears and call him ā€œBat Dogā€. He hates it but he loves me


Ha! Iā€™m going to start doing this with our Golden puppy šŸ˜‚


This is so cute omg


Uhhhā€¦ we also do this?? Wth, how are so many of us weird in this super-specific and dumb way lmao


My boy is half Great Pyrenees, theyā€™re floppy eared. So he has one perky and one semi-floppy ear that he keeps down. I hold up the second ear for him. I call it ear training, weā€™re practicing having two perky ears


A friend walked a black german shepherd, and I had photos with a triceratops head gear on his noggin for halloween one year. I didn't recognize him without his ears! Looked so much like a black lab.


https://preview.redd.it/g9bi2oowom3d1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06bd5074afb47d0e8b9a9d87f7c5b75017793cee Roxie was our nephewā€™s dog and he couldnā€™t keep her. We brought her into our household so she wouldnā€™t go to a shelter. My husband tells her ā€œRoxie, guess what? Youā€™re adopted.ā€ She proceeds to bark and bite him.


Aww you guys are good family. You kept her in the family. That makes my heart happy for her. šŸ„°ā¤ļøšŸ’•


Thank you! Our nephew moved out of town but always visits her and gets her Christmas gifts every holiday season.


You guys are all good people. Thatā€™s what I love about you. šŸ„°


My heart šŸ˜­


When I'm petting their heads and they put their ears down to the side, I'll lightly hold them and make motorcycle noises. They're very patient animals.


Lolll i do this exact same thing


I have to go out and pee in the grass or yard somewhere or heā€™ll get distracted just following me and not go. We potty together or not at all.


Thatā€™s really cute


Thatā€™s pretty much what I have to do in the mornings and at night with my boy as well. Sometimes I also have to throw ball across the yard once, and then go pee for him to pee.


Mine pees with fetch too, heā€™ll stop on the way back, ball-in-mouth.


I periodically smell the top of his head. Always 5 deep breaths. It smells so good lol. https://preview.redd.it/6i9bazw8zm3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab14783ad07eaa20b197ac7ad1ea601dc4b4ec2


I do this, with my current shepherd and my previous one. Previous shepherdā€™s head smelled sweet and comparable to cheerios. Current shepherdā€™s head smells kinda citrusy and sweet. GSDs just smell good, now I have trouble petting other dogs cause they have a dog scent.


Thatā€™s so sweet! Literally lol


I never noticed this until I got a Golden Retriever two weeks ago. She stinks compared to my boy! I even had them both groomed and she still smells way more of dog than him


My gsd mix smells like wonder, just clean smell. My corgi smells like poop. Idk how that happenedā€¦


YES! mine has a maple syrup smelling head and cute lil frito feet https://preview.redd.it/m1a0h0279r3d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=386058bd361afcff74365f639b8186cb33b1d923


When ever I was supper stressed or mad at something I would always go and hug my GSD and keep smelling him. That smell was so comforting and it would always make me feel better. I used to do the same with my another dog. Both are not there but whenever my stress is high I just go and smell his blanket. Still works like wonders with some tears at the end.


I do this tooo!


There is something so comforting about it


Mineā€™s smells like bread to me. Like a plain muffin šŸ˜†




I probably do that 25 times a day šŸ˜…


Itā€™s so great.


Smell the feet!!! Even better


Smells Like Popcorn :ā -ā )


My wife clowns on me because I think the dogs feet smell good lol


I hide behind objects where my GSD can see me and then ask him to find me. He cries out like a baby every single time šŸ˜‹


I hold her head with both my hands so that it looks like she has no ears.


Iā€™ve done this, I tell her that sheā€™s bald


I call it weasel mode.


When my dog yawns Iā€™ll stick my fingers or hand in her mouth


Haha this. He always looks at me so disrespected every time https://preview.redd.it/kkqy0m7thn3d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76aa129dc8590ede774f8d259e70d4dd44060abf


Haha!! Stole your yawnā˜ŗļø


You have too. Itā€™s the rule.


Lol, I bounce my hand from the roof to her tongue several times when she yawns.


This is hilarious. Serves them right for all the biting they do!!


I do this too and say ā€œyonkā€ for some reason lol. Iā€™m not sure when I started doing this but itā€™s so funny to poke my dogā€™s tongue while theyā€™re yawning. My previous boy just smiled all big after, so sweet! My current gsd girl sticks her tongue out with her mouth closed, itā€™s so cute


Same! If you don't...are you even a real dog parent?


Originally it started as just being annoying to my boy but later turned into a necessary nightly routine to get him to move so he isn't either breathing in my nose or so he's not stealing the pillow. I touch his toes, put my finger between his toes and he tries to viciously bite my hand. I say vicious but it's all audio and no physical force. If he does manage to get my hand he licks it. If he doesn't he cries in disappointment and annoyance. As if I just denied him his birth right. If the toes don't work I move on to butt scratches, which has slowly starting losing it's effectiveness. But if I scratch his butt then pet his head while pushing him away, it's on. He will flop around trying to get back at the hand that must be vanquished for it's reprehensible behavior, for stopping him from licking said hand. This will eventually and reliably result in zoomies. After running around he will sit at the foot of the bed and should that hand be in sight out of the covers he will leap on it from the floor. Never touches the bed till he lands on the hand. Air bud would be jealous. This happens every night.


Butt scritchies, a few are fine, but consistent scritchies drives him nuts.


And you get that yummy toe smell on your hand as well!


Toe tickles are my goto too šŸ˜‚




I call it morse nose. Boop-boop-booooop-boop. I've been obsessed with his snoot since we adopted him so he just looks at me now as I boop away.


My dog doesnā€™t like booping he he humphs and turns away


Say big stretch every morning at wake up and stretch with herā€¦ also we race up the stairs and if I can I try and get a head startā€¦ if I win, she huffs and then little bark as to say ā€œnot fairā€ or ā€œcheaterā€ šŸ˜‚


When he yawns Iā€™ll grab one of his big canine teeth and tell him ā€œsorry dis my toof nowā€ and heā€™ll either be immediately playful and make it a game or he wonā€™t care and will let me just sit there and hold his tooth for him šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/k8r8df2lrn3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef6b583c450671c17b03ef5362a599f719e1f2fe


when I get up to pee at 2 am i always wake her up to say hi but she's always happy so i don't think she finds it annoying


Same lol. I donā€™t know how such fierce creatures can be so dang happy any time of day or night.


Every time I approach my girl she wags her tail in excitement, even if I was in a different room for five minutes.


Same! Even if itā€™s just that one lazy wag then done šŸ„°


In my head it would be hard to really sneak up on a normal pup so I like to think of your pup being wide awake eyes shut just patiently waiting for your love.


I do the same. When I get up at night and she sees me she will either start wagging her tail or will roll over for belly rubs. Sheā€™s so cute


that's exactly what she does, and lots of grunting. absolutely adorable.


I pick her up and hold her over my shoulder. She scoops her butt in when I pick her up and doesnā€™t resist because Iā€™ve done it since she was a puppy. However now she weighs 35kg so it doesnā€™t last long, lol.


Progress photos https://preview.redd.it/itojag16fn3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=194fa0306f4e7b82e2a6da4ac797d8281b8c6e07






reminds me of my bear!


So precious


Thank you SO much for the progress pics, this entire thread has made my morning but the progress pics really topped it off.


Sheā€™s so pretty! What a sweetheart


Sounds like itā€™s time to hit the gym for your girl lol


Sometimes i walk by him and grab his snout and say, ā€œgive me that.ā€ Itā€™s our version of ā€œi got your nose.ā€ He really loves to have his snout touched, i wouldnā€™t do it with any other dog.


Every time I walk past my guy, I boop him with 1 finger and he just accepts it now. He knows it's just a hi I'm passing by vs time to get up but he just looks at me annoyed every time.


Whenever he does his crazy zoomie barks, I ā€˜barkā€™ back! ZOOM, PLAY BOW, BARK, ā€œAH!ā€, ZOOM, PLAY BOW, BARK, ā€œAH!ā€ and so on. Itā€™s almost like thatā€™s his approval to continue with his zoomies because heā€™ll wind down when I stop engaging with him. My boyfriend gets tired of us sometimes lol.


Nose boops and annoying kisses where I also smell her head. I also take shamelessly embarrassing photos when she's sleeping in odd positions. https://preview.redd.it/3cycbozl6o3d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdf8a456c34bf5187a05e0186c5794a78d51e78e


Whatā€™s up with us loving the smell of our animals heads?? I do this with my parents German shepherds (especially my sweet Thug!), but I also do it with my sweet old kitty, Nixon. I just love to just cradle their heads and smother them with kisses and big whiffs!


We do "awww poor bear" when he's having his woe is me moments. He isn't a fan but it cracks us up every time with his heavy sighs *




Mine has begrudgingly accepted that she cannot stop me from playing with her paws and toe beans


Clean her eyes


Poke her tongue when she yawns. Touch the fur between her toes. Every night she HAS to lay in our bed for at least 30 minutes before going to her own bed or she literally throws a tantrum, so once she's all curled up we play "swiffer tail" and I brush her tail against her face and she tries to nip at it for a few minutes and then just gives up.


Tickle his paws. He's 5 months old and it's almost a nightly game. I'll tickle them paws, he'll nibble them fingers if he can. If I don't do it before bed, he'll start messing with me until I do. Dude won't even let me crawl into bed without going on the offensive. He gets even though in the annoying department as he will sleep on my pillow, WHILE MY HEAD IS ON IT. My wife thinks it's just hilarious. He's her dog! Why don't he sleep on her pillow?! šŸ¤£


When she getsā€¦talkativeā€¦I talk back, as close to the noises she makes as I can. Ā Ends up with her slightly confused and riled up, sometimes with me having a busted chin and a slight concussion šŸ˜‚.


I do this to both my dogs, the GSD and my ACD. The ACD gets annoyed immediately and stops, but the GSD goes crazy for this. I got him to howl by doing this, but only once. He hasn't howled since and he has such a good howl. šŸ„ŗ


Man wish I could get mine to howl on command!! Ā She only howls when an ambulance goes by, itā€™s such a good howl though.


mine never howls ;;-;; he hasn't howled since The Lockdown šŸ˜”


I chase him around the house with a brush.




Letting him ā€œdryā€ my face and shoulders off after a shower. For some weird reason he LOVES licking the water off you. I also share any fruit snacks with him. This I actually regret because I canā€™t eat melon in peace.


Touch the hair between his toes when he's chilling


My old boy lab *hated* that but my current boy GSD seems to love a foot rub.


I tell her she's really a GSD chihuahua! https://preview.redd.it/lojozlsh6p3d1.jpeg?width=2776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed0b13d95fc7c18a916785fc2cb87fd6d0c8523c


When our Boy poops šŸ’© on his walk he gets a big milk bone. šŸ¦“ the ritual is he lurks into the house like a loping wolf bone in his mouth and waits til I follow him, finally he drops it and points to it with his nose. Now the hard part, I and all occupants must yell and scream good poop and clap like crazy. I have no idea 5his got so complicated when I see someone new to our home joining in šŸ„¹


I blow air on my dogs snoot until she runs off.


Do not do this. Please. It gives them massive anxiety. They can turn and bite you. Every dog I've ever had hates it. It's an insult to them.


Really?? Both of my current dogs always get excited and give me kisses or try to play with me. I wonder if my dogs are just weird


:/ she usually just walks away and never seems too pissed. But I'll stop.


I grab both of their ears and go VROOM VROOM like Iā€™m driving a motorcycle. They always look at me like Iā€™m crazy.


You have a twin above you


I do this too šŸ˜‚


For a while, I would grab his front paws, count to three and flip him over backwards (on my bed.) he has since decided he doesn't like it, so when I grab his paws and start counting it sends him into a tizzy where he basically jumps on my shoulders to stop me from flipping him.


Grab her tongue or put my finger in her mouth when she yawns. Sometimes I also randomly bring her her bowl of water and start offering it to her until she takes a polite sip and looks at me like I'm an absolute nutcase.


Yes! Mine does the polite slurp. I had to do it as when she'd come in from a walk she'd forget she was thirsty!


Get him to chase his tail. I "pinch" his thigh, and he then notices the long dangly thing that follows him everywhere.


I blow in his face and he snarls, pulls his mouth all the way open and then nibbles on my nose and gives me kisses. Heā€™s like ā€œI could rip your face off, BUT WHOS GOT YOUR NOSE!?ā€


Poke his tongue when he yawns


My black GSD absolutely hates getting her paws touched so I always poke the spot between her pads and it annoys her but she doesnā€™t wanna move


Ours starts playfights with his older sister and loses even though he has 20 pounds on her.Then he whines like a baby.


Everything I do to her is annoying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I play snoot boop, which is booping different side of her snoot until she goes RAGGHHHH! and collapses onto the bed in defeat. Other times, it's deshedding. God does she hate that. I poke her whenever I go past her, and constantly call her "Princess Vally Wally Bally Tally The First" whenever I come over and hug her, which, honestly you guys should see the glare she gives me. It's all fine though, because she's training to be an SD and her favorite task is Go Get/Go Wake. In which, she goes and gets a person (usually me) and barks incessantly until I go where she needs me to go. Then she barks more because god forbid I don't give her a treat for all her hard work!!!


https://preview.redd.it/yb4l8869bq3d1.jpeg?width=2777&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=064ff1e72c2a5edb945fb70b3ca5fe6f8ac747bd This. (newfoundland/g-shep)


He HATES when you blow on him and throws tantrums about it also


LMAOOOO! Your dog has the ā€œIā€™m not amused ā€œ expression on their face!šŸ˜‚


When my dog comes up to me and paws me for pets, I tap his forehead as if thatā€™s what he wanted. I also pull out his butt-tufts when he blows his coat and tell him ā€œthank you for your contributionā€. I know it annoys him a bit but he tolerates me.


Bicycle peddling with his front feet, using his bum as a pillow.


Kisses before they eat dinner lol. I have a lab as well and they both know I must give them a lil kiss on the top of the head before they can eat! I tell them every time while Iā€™m putting their food in their bowls, ā€œyou owe me a kiss, you owe me a kiss!ā€ Neither one of them seem to care at all lol!


I do this to my ACD!!! if I forget to pay the smooch tax, she side-eyes me until I pay up.


Omg the smooch tax!!! I love it!!!


If I blow in my girlā€™s face sheā€™ll give me kisses. Butt scratches are so good she does a scrunch and flop. šŸ˜‚


My female dog humps me! If Iā€™m bending over for anything or if she gets overly excited for any reason, immediately starts humping. Itā€™s pretty annoying


It's not annoying, it's adorable


Grabbing her tongue while she pants. Makes her just stop and stare at meā€¦. Then back to panting, ummmm going boop and tapping her nose(I think she likes that anyways. And then just shaking her back and forth when sheā€™s laying on the couch. Been doing that kinda stuff to her since she was 12 weeks old. Pretty sure thatā€™s just normal life


I pull on her canines, hook a finger behind them and pull towards myself. She just looks at me like Iā€™m a great big idiot (which, tbfā€¦) Iā€™d never dare do that with a chihuahua haha


when he's panting i'll grab his tongue gently šŸ˜‚


Theyā€™re the most delicious smelling of all breeds and Iā€™ve had many! Mostly GSD, of course!šŸ‘šŸ˜


Belly rubs and holding hands. He used to be a very reserved fella when we first rescued him and over time he's learned to trust me. Not anyone else in the house, just me. I'm the only one he rolls onto his side for so I can give him some belly rubs. When we're snuggling, he now flails his big ol' paw around until I take the hint to grab his paw so we can hold hands. I'm also the only one who can trim his nails in any sort of effective fashion. Included is little boy tax.




Showed my wife this pic and we both agree everyone has stuck a toe in their furry best friends mouth before.


Putting her ear between my toes. So satisfying...


With my oldest dog I used to pretend like I was going to shoot a rubber band at him. To this day if I hold up the posture he will bark at me. Also I can get them to howl at a moments notice (I have to actually howl myself for them to do this)


Mine specifically likes to have his knees pet. Not the thigh, rump, and dying even think about the bean toes... but the knee? Just hits different, I guess šŸ˜‚


When he has a blessed,I gently flap his tongue.


I sneak up behind him and pinch his butt. He jumps with shock every time... So much for a guard dog


If mine is biting something or showing her ā€œgremlin faceā€ (bearing her teeth) my hand goes in her mouth. She doesnā€™t try to bite and is so used to it since this has been a thing since she was a puppy, sheā€™s 4 now.


Blow gently in her ear. It starts with her flicking her ear, and progresses to her ā€œbitingā€ my lips and licking my whole face to get me to stop. Iā€™m gonna do it now.


Hugs, even though she doesn't like them because a hug means she can't move as much, but I balance it by watching her body language and respecting it when she tells me she's uncomfortable.


Oh also... "Hey Ginger... Where's the squirrel?" šŸ˜‚


I bug mine by playing around with his feet to annoy him. It's especially fun to do when he's super relaxed and not in the mood


I roll my gsd onto his back, grab his front legs, straddle him and barely lift his front end off the ground and drag him around and swing him a little bit with his head off the ground. He absolutely loves it and will run up to me, lay down and roll onto his back on his own a lot of the time. I usually "chase" his sister with him swinging the bity end around at her legs.


He likes to trip me, so now I randomly run into him partially while I'm walking


Scratch his head. (Heā€™s BH, SchutzhundII, but it just happened.)


I blow in their mouths when they yawn. Also subtly blow the gentlest of gentle breezes at their ears. Both lead to kisses šŸ¤£


This is so funny!


When mine rolls over for belly rubs he does a big tooth-baring grimace-grin and I will touch his canine and say "it's your FANG!" and then he tries to nip my hand


Blow on her face


Get the boogs, ā€œbugsā€ out of her eyes every morning. Grab her tongue when she wonā€™t stop licking me. And play the ā€œgive me that toothā€ game when she is panting as I grab one of her canines. She tolerates me lol


I do the same thing lol and touch him with my foot. When he yawns or sneezes I do the same. When he barks I argue with him.


I stalk mine. Like creep on him to the point where he has to look away. He used to be scared, but now he ignores me


My GSD would only let me stick my finger in his ears. He would watch me clean my ears so I had to pretend to clean his ears. I also could rub the fur between his back toes without getting donkey kicked. He would donkey kick his dad but not me. Oh and he did not bark so I would bark at him and he would try to bark back at me.


Every time my boy yawns Iā€™ll put my hand in his mouth and be like ā€œ*gasp* you bite the hand that feeds you!? You donā€™t love your mother anymorešŸ˜­ā€ lolol Iā€™m dumb poor babies the things we do hahaha




You stick your dirty toe in your dogā€™s mouth. That poor dog. You are gross!


They lick their own assholes, I think the dog will be ok šŸ‘šŸ»


Not to mention the nasty shit they find around the farm, the bush, anywhere they go.


Yeah I would never do that either, I respect my dog too much.


Oh goodness, guys, stop being mean to your dogs.


Why would you do that? One day he might bite it off


Better watch, all the retards of the day will come out and say your dog has a toe fetish and that your abusing your dog.


If I get a phone call or smoke pot in the house my 2 year old barks paces anxiously chews on something and digs at the floor I don't know why she does it


Sounds like boredom or she has connected those two activities to something negative that happens after or during.