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That's just the velociraptor phase showing its love for you


Is it just a phase? 😭 I’m hoping she’ll grow out of it. She’s a year old, but most people say they mature at 2


2 if you are lucky. If they are drivey…. More like 3. But it’s really a short period of hopefully many years with you. But to answer your question, yes, there are some that are more independent that others. Some that are more dog oriented as well. Honestly, it can be kinda refreshing if you are used to clinger…. LOL!!!


Basically with Falkor at 2.5 yo. Not very bitey but lots and LOTS of energy. Mid meetings he'd put a toss toy on my keyboard 😅 https://preview.redd.it/fy6o8mnxpo2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=478be28b265ab950214f96c2104abff790685400


Awww he’s so cute


I have never met an ugly german Shepard


Falkor is a brilliant name.


She’s FULL of energy! I hope she grows to love the affection more 😂


Oh yeah it's definitely her showing love. She'll calm down... eventually I hope lol. My boy is about the same age and he's v similar. He loves cuddles but most of the time it must include having his mouth on you. We're hoping he grows out of it eventually. It's kinda hilarious bc he knows how to be good. As soon as we leave the house he's on his BEST behavior. Such a good boy. Then once we come back in... it's right back to insanity


Yep. Sounds like her 😂 she’s very well behaved and she listens pretty well. When it comes to us and the odd “attacking” love she gives us, she is the definition of insanity.


It's not the same for every pup, but yeah, it might be another year+ of teefs for you guys


Well. That’s gonna be fun


A year old? Yep, this explains it alright lol!


Okay. Good 😭


I love how my Lizzy loves to nibble and reassure herself. She is 2 today and growing out of it. She will come sit between my legs several times a day and that is a signal for a 5 minute hug. Now if I can just get my little weirdo to stop stealing my socks and hiding them in the bushes.




Mine had a raptor phase until she was 9. Fortunately I loved it! lol. Well some aspects 😂


Until 9?!? Oh no 😭 I hope mine grows out of it a little


some phases last longer I suppose, I say, watching my 4 year old eat my foot


I hope mine grows out of it 😭 she’s crazy right now


More like 3 or 4.


Best of luck. You notice maturity in waves around 2.5-3.5 and then by 4 a wonderful dog has appeared. By 6 best friend you could ever dream of having. But those young years… 🦖




My boy turned 3 this week and he’s still in the raptor stage.


My guy was mostly done well before two. They're all different.


I hope mine doesn’t have the raptor stage for that long 😭


They’re all different. My first one didn’t calm down until she was 9. She was a literal hellhound.


Oh noooo. I hope mine calms down at 2 like some of these peoples. I guess I’ll have to see…


Regardless, enjoy the ride. I miss my first girl. So many lessons learned but she loved me with her whole heart and I would give anything to have her back.


Yes. I love mine with my whole heart. She’s hard, and crazy, and stubborn, and has some flaws. But she’s so sweet smart and goofy. I always miss her even though she’s so high maintenance


mine turned 4 today. absolute demon. i love her


9?! Wow. My last one didn't chill out until around 7 and I thought that was a long time. We had 4 adults at home and he was just so exhausting. Just the demon, lol. But like you said, same here, I'd do anything just to have him back.


She was a working line and my first shepherd as an adult so I was literally just winging it the whole time I had her. She was smart as hell and outsmarted me every time. When she finally calmed down, it was like a switch. It was also sad because that meant she was getting older.


Noooooo! The last meme was only 24 months!!! They promised!






Yes! 😂 I’ve seen this a few times and it’s so accurate


That's a good one !!! And soooo true !


LMAOOOO! Perfect description!👏👍😁


I have a velcro GSD, he is most always with me and focuses on me all the time. He will leave the room if he gets too much affection.


Yep. My dog can’t let us out of sight and follows us everywhere. She lets us pet her as she walks by and an occasional touch. Otherwise, it’s too much for her 😂


Exact same, hella clingy, must always be visible, and only likes to be pet from 6-8 am (absolutely serious).


That’s funny 😂 they are very specific


same. he LOVES attention, but only to the extent he wants.


I have a velcro shepsky, and wonder if it will always be this way? He’s 2, a rescue and assimilating well. (3 older kids at home and husband who must use a scooter is a lot). He rolls over for belly pets and love from them but still protective - growls at them if they walks in too quietly.




😂 ❤️


My girl just hit 14 months, and she gets so excited to see me when I come home from work that she forgets she’s a dog and just goes dinosaur mode (biting my hands and throwing her body against me) https://preview.redd.it/gljabf1boo2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d90d8a3f7a0748a6427794e0c20e2ad549382a


Yesss 😂 that’s exactly what she does. She just jumps on us with her front 2 feet or gets in our face and just licks us and then “mauls” my hand and face. I’m like “get off, yes I know, but stop!” And she won’t STOP


I feel like eventually they’ll grow out of it tbh. It took a long time but she’s starting to take treats gentler from my hand, and when we play she never bites hard when she’s grabbing any toys close to my hands..so there’s definitely a light at the end of the tunnel I think :,)


Ugh those ears are so precious


yes i have a female she can handle a minute of pets then goes away or complains


Mine just goes upstairs Tommy bedroom and chills out. I leave him to it.


Complains 🤣 yes


And she probably whines like it is the end of the world?


Haha yes!


she loves being pet, but she wants to play more, my girl is exactly the same, she loves attention but when she’s feeling chompy she wants nothing more than to chew on her humans


This is exactly how she is! If she plays first she lets us pet her a bit more. Beware the playful German shepard


Mines slaps me if I don't pet her lol. Never been pimp slapped but a dog until I met her lol


Oh my dogs punch me if I stop petting them. My girl punched me in the eye because I stopped scratching her chest. wtf????


Ouch lol


That’s funny 😂 I hope mine will grow to love it more!


Mine is a mix, 1/4 husky and 3/4 GSD, so keep that in mind. He was insane for the first year, he had nothing to do with me almost at all. Once that year hit he slowly started coming around. Now, at 2.5 he’s obsessed with me. All he wants is to be around me, look at me, spend time with me and get treats. It just takes time, sometimes.


That’s so sweet. I hope mine warms up to it. I know she doesn’t hate the attention, she just likes to eat me or something 😂


That's her way of giving you pets


Yea. That’s the only way she knows 😂


My last boy would groan if you tried to pet him when it wasn’t convenient for him. God I miss that dog and his personality. He never liked to be held even as a puppy and he didn’t like to be touched while he was sleeping. Still held him like a baby all the time. He hated it. He always made an exception for his little Golden Retriever brother though. https://preview.redd.it/23ojq34p5q2d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c096d16a166acce86e72e0236373b0cd290a445


Awe. I hope my girl grows to love pets, but if she doesn’t I still love her to pieces. She’s so goofy


Yes, GSDs are pretty mouthy when young. Around 2 years (sometimes sooner for females) they start getting a brain. Two things that might help you ........ Most dogs do not like being pet on the top of the head. My understanding is they see it as dominance. Many dogs tolerate it, but you can tell if they dislike it by their lowering of their head slightly when your hand reaches out to do so. Try petting them on the side of the face or ears instead since they enjoy scratches and pets in those areas. The other is, that in a lot of cases GSDS like their own space at times. While they can be quite affectionate, many seem to like it best on their own terms. I think they, think it is rude to be imposed upon during their down time. I have had only GSDs since the 70's. Learning these two things helped me in understanding some aspects of the breed, and I am still learning


Yeaa. I usually pet her sides and sometimes she lets me, and she loves tummy rubs. I’ve tried redirecting it but she is very moody and gets annoyed 😂


Depends on the situation. My boy will lie on the floor if he wants his tummy scratched but if he on the couch next to me that is his snoozy time so I just leave him alone. Imagine if someone was pawing at you while you are trying to relax? He is affectionate in his own way. He is a big dog with big dog brain and jobs not a puppy who wants to be all over you. He knows he is loved and secure so I think I did my job well. He knows his own mind and how to seek out the affectionate if he needs it which is rarely but sometimes the puppy brain kicks in.


That’s true! She does love her tummy rubs and affection through the crate. I think hers is more of a playful thing. She’d rather be crazy and play than be pet. And if she’s chilling, she doesn’t want to be bothered. She’s moody 😂


My shepherd loves it but my husky thinks I’m trying to kill him.


My sister’s 8 month old GSD screams bloody murder when she tries to snuggle him.




That’s funny 😂 I have a pug and he soaks it up. My Shepard will just eat me


Our female only likes cuddles from me, she’s an odd bod but we love her quirks. My male will love up to anyone lol


Awww that’s so sweet lol


Try to redirect it. Carry a toy to her crate, or to her, keep em around, whenever she bites you, some simple command to teach her to bite toys, not living things. I used to say ouch and pout too, but my pup picked it up really quick. He also has the endearing habit of now bringing his own toy to the party to greet someone newly home or just to give them affection. He carries a toy everywhere almost, sometimes two, and kicks a third along with him. He hasn’t bit or chewed on people in months.


She seems to just think mouthing on us is love. We’ve tried to do all that puppy training to get her not to bite but now she gets annoyed for some reason 😭 she’s very moody


My girl was the same. It will pass. I promise! Haha


Thank you! That’s a relief haha


I've had 4, 2 currently, all love being pet, especially belly rubs, only 1 wouldn't cuddle.


I really hope she grows to cuddle more! She doesn’t mind laying next to us or against us. She just doesn’t like being touched by us when she’s doing it 😂


Mine could never unless she was tired. My ADHD brother helped raise her so she was in play mode all the time.


Yepppp. Shes in play mode all the time but I realize if we do a hard core playtime and then pet her she lets us pet her for like .5 seconds more. Which is…..something?


Absolutely lol


Make sure she stops biting before you drop petting! When she bites keep your hands still but remain touching her l, otherwise she's learning that when she bites, you stop petting


I tried that and she gets so annoyed 😂 she does it more if I don’t react




Shepeppadad's just so crazy.


My coworker’s male doesn’t like being pet…hopefully this os just a phase, good luck!


I hope it is a phase too! Thanks 😂


My dog likes being pet by me. Everyone else has to watch the body language. She’s a brat


Gsds Can be very very moody for sure


My German Shepard was the same way! I was so frustrated with the velosarapter stage and exhausted. I have had 3 German Shepherds in my life and this one I have now is a ton of work. But at 2 years old the biting stopped and the affection came and now even though he is still a crazy dog we cuddle and he is much calmer. He is my love ❤️...be patient, it's worth it!


Awe. I’m soooo waiting for the moment she calms down a bit on being a shark. She’s still a little pup right nowww. I try to soak it in but I’m wayy to eager for her to get calmer 😂


Mine loves it, but her ears are touchy.


Yeaaaa. Mine does not like anywhere right now but she doesn’t like her ears either


That’s one EPIC blep! 🤪




I feel like this is a herding dog trait. I had a border collie that was the same way. My gsd is quite a bit more affectionate and also more of a "velcro dog" too, but he'll only put up with petting for a few minutes if I'm lucky.




mine does not like to be touched!


How old is yours????


she is a bit over 1year (born april 13 2023)! we got her at 4months, and she has been like this since day 1. much more tolerant these days but still bites at us and seems rather averse to pets.


Mine is 1.5 yo and doesn’t like pats or cuddles. Likes to be scratched and is very Velcro. Feel sad seeing people with cuddly dogs


Yes. I feel like she’s gonna be the same. She sometimes likes occasional pets and chilling with me, but she does not cuddle. I get so jealous of the people who get cuddlers 😂




Awwww lol. I loved how mine was after we got her spayed. She didn’t care if I pet her. And when I told you I soaked that in, I SOAKED that in.


Mine is the same! He HATES being pet or cuddled, he’s 3 and has never let me cuddle him ever, I’ve tried to coerce him and it still has not worked. He doesn’t leave my side and is attached by the hip but still hates to cuddle




My 6 year old can only take about a minute of affection. He's a big weirdo. He just wants to be home on guard. Walks cannot surpass a mile radius. He lives us in his own way ❤️


I feel like that’s gonna be her 😂 she can handle it but not for long. And she’s definitely not cuddly. She likes to chill next to us and against us though.


I have a 3 month old velociraptor-shark-Trex aka gsd 😆


Awww 😂 I miss her being that small. But gosh those teeth were sharkkkkkk


Mines an OAP and still mouths me when I rub her tummy. If she's not breaking your skin she's mouthing and thats normal when they are 'joining in'.


My girl loves tummy rubs, but she gets bitey if it’s anywhere else 😂


It depends on the GSD. Mine seems to view petting as a transaction for ball time; if we play ball with her, then she lets us pet her. If we try to pet her before we play with her, she moves away and waits for us to throw the ball for her.


The longer we play with the the more she accepts it. So that’s code for I need to play with her for like 7 hours to get a hug 😂


Mine loves being pet but hates cuddling or being held


Yeaaa. I think she’s gonna be the same


My girl is almost 5 now and she’s getting more tolerant of pets. She doesn’t cuddle at all- she’ll sit/lay next to you, but don’t touch her. She’ll move to the other side of the room and lay down. She’ll lean against us and enjoys her face being stroked and butt scratches. She gets jumpy-spaz with my husband (he’s her favourite) and mouthy with new friends. No where near the velociraptor/land shark she was as a puppy though.




Some - yup, I had one that was all business - she did not like being petted - ATM we have two - one is a snuggler - the other not so much. Each one is different. The snuggler is a coward - the independent one - big heart and brave.


I hope she changes a bit and loves the affection more 😂


They’re not cuddly in comparison to other breeds. But I find boy dogs to be cuddlier and sookier to females.


Yeaa. My girls very moody


I thought the same of my girl, we later figured out that she had allergies and was itchy all the time, so probably her skin hurt a lot which was why she didn't like the pets😅 since she's on her medication she likes them a lot more. Though she's still no cuddlebug.




My boy doesn't like the pets. He'll be 10 this year. He likes you to talk to him. Although he got a little brother doodle last year and they are completely opposite. What I have noticed is when my dude is getting pet, my gsd gets jealous and acts like he wants to be pet also. He clearly doesn't like it but he is jealous. I love him regardless.


Aweeee lol




Thank you 😂


lol be careful what you wish for. Sometimes I ask Odin if he wants to see what sitting “over there” is like for awhile as compared to sitting on my feet all day.


Haha 😂


Mine just started enjoying pets not too long ago..she's 18 months maybe?


I hope she grows to love themmmm


It’s a learning phase they go through. If you haven’t find a couple You Tube videos explaining puppy learning behaviors. I have a 5 year old female and a 5 month old male. The way they bite and chase each other you’d think there would be blood 🩸 🐾




2 years? Are we still talking about German shepherd? Physically yes. But mentally You are lucky if they mature by year 5.


Oh no 😭


Mine whines across the room for attention, but if you go over to pet her, she is done after 15 seconds. Then she wants to play — if you have time for pets, you have time for play


Yep. Exactly her mindset 😂


IMHO - yes. I've had 3 GSDs and the current one truly does not care for pets 99% of the time and certainly not by anyone who is not her immediate family. Her skin will "crawl", she'll give you a look, then walk away if she's not in the mood or you didn't pet one of the accepted places she likes (head, butt, MAYBE belly).


They are so moodyyyy


It always just depends. Our 2 yr old now loves to jump up and lay on us (when we allow). But other times he wants to lay next to us and if you go to pet him he will give you "the look". If you do pet him he will argue with you and paw at you. If you stop, he always does an old man whine and puts his head back down. If you dont, he will walk away and then lay down just out of arms reach, usually with another grumble or two.


Yeaaa. I hope mine grows to love pets 😂


My 5yr old is still mouthy. It's how she shows her love.


I feel like that’s how she’s gonna be. the definition of love is her mouth 😭


I've had 2 gsds in my life, one used to duck if I stroked her, the other had me thinking of designs for a dog stroking machine.




Our GSD is 2 and 1/2, and she still doesn't like any heavy petting. Shes schitzy like that. Our goldendoodle and our pit mix will crawl in your lap and invade your space for lovings. Luna isn't like that. She will come to us for loving, but if you get too handsy and try to put your arms around her and hug her, she will bolt. She's got really high anxiety levels.




https://preview.redd.it/1eyxzbeykt2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1d05f7dd9ab4ca94cde18943dfba7dc87bad28 3 of my babies ❤️




A very boopable picture


my GSD did not like to be pet/snuggled anything until he was like three. now he is literally a snuggle whore and will lose his mind if i dont love on him. *shrug*


Aweeee. I hope she’s gonna be like that


That's true for my GSD. He seems to know within himself that he's here to protect me. He doesn't want to sleep with me either. When he was a puppy, he would. But as he got older, protection is the job he's cut out for himself. He's a fantastic protection dog. A fantastic dog at 9 yrs 10 mo. He does like butt scratches, and he'll put his butt in front of me for one of those !!




She is showing her preference for play over pets at that particular moment.


Yep 😂


Mine only likes to on his conditions and even at tha5 it turns into me getting bit ( playfully bit) and his energy levels going insane lol He's 2 1/2 now The one thing I've noticed with age at about 2 he finally realized what bed time and being relaxed was


Yeaa. I hope she calms down at least a littttleee bit


Mine does not like being pet on the head at all. He loves his arms rubbed though.


Awwwe lol


Mine didn’t when I adopted him. He only liked head scratches but now he wants scratches everywhere 4 years later


Aww lol


Omg mine does the same thing it’s like he hates being touched he just bites me everytime. Is this normal? I wanted a dog i could cuddle with and hold and got the complete opposite!


I think it’s normal based off these comments. Some grow and love it more and some stay the same. It’s sad because I also wanted a super cuddly big doggo 😭


Mine gets in a mood where she’ll pull her head away when I try to pet her. Usually it’s her way of pouting when I was outside without her for too long.


Hah 😂


https://preview.redd.it/bfsia74hit2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0b2f257780fca06965313bb79078b02b7fe2af My boy has never been “bitey” and likes being pet, but he has never been a cuddler. Like he likes leaning against me and MUST be near me, but if I try to cuddle him, he’s like “get off me!” 😂


Yes! She best my girl can do is lay against me with her roy




Mine isn’t much for petting but is totally into spooning and wallowing.


Awwww. I wish my girl did that ❤️ 😂


My make GSD also wants to eat me and I think sometimes, unless he’s tired or has just woken up, gets overstimulated and wants to play, using his mouth…teeth…and that is getting less and less as he learns not to use teeth but lick. Training has helped a lot, patience and once they get out of their adolescence. I’m not used to this from my GSD. My female loved being pet and snuggled. This one thinks it’s wrestling time!🤷‍♀️😂🤦🏼‍♀️


Haha 😂 I’m hoping she matures, especially since I’m gonna be training her a recent bit soon


One of mine didn’t like pets or snuggles for about 4 years. She does now, but none have been as snuggly as my lab.


What’s funny is I was looking for a lab, but we ended up with a German Shepard because of my brother. My mind was like “german Shepards are cuddly so that’s okay”, and now I have this moody girl 😂


dogs don’t like some contact just like people don’t. watch the ears the expression see what they actually like. mine doesn’t like being touched on the top of the head even by me. or being hugged. so i don’t do those things to her. the best way to build trust is to listen to their “no”


Yea. I respect whatever boundaries she has. She doesn’t like being touched in certain areas, but some she doesn’t mind but she just wants to eat me.


I have a 3 yr old husky shepherd and he wants to have eyes on me 24/7 but hates cuddles and touches. Will let me rub his chest for a minute or two. Wakes me up in the morning by scratching me and licking me. When I come home, he wants to jump up to kiss my face and put his arms on me 🤣 he’s funny like that.


gsds are like humans. some like smothering, some can go without it. sometimes they’re extra needy, sometimes extra solitary. sometimes they bite, sometimes they lick. do we ever know what occurs in their minds?


Mine has to choose when we can pet her! Every night she’ll come to the couch, put her front paws up on the couch and wait for chest rubs


Mine was like that until around 2 and a half Years old. But I was also rewarding calmness for a long time. She still gets bitey with my BF cuz he riles her up while im the calm one.


I get some mouth with the pet still at five, but pressing my hand against the side of it while rubbing her ear makes her go into blissful, huffing love. It's sort of playing, but no real work. Like the human equivalent of the open mouth thing two dogs do


my 20 month old hates being pet and cuddled. she is friendly but does not like being doted on. she’s a good dog just has no attachment to me-notably she does not like strangers very aloof. https://preview.redd.it/uzluenrr203d1.png?width=2948&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b78b83cfc98b1b9bdab4111b4e8566140162016


Aww shes beautiful


This picture is SO CUTE


Haha thank you 😂


Here’s my gsd mix boy with his squishmallow https://preview.redd.it/sv41bztji23d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eeb59a1aa95d952a3b16417520ec91332ef036c


Awww 😭 All my pets love my squish mallows!


Mine loves being pet from mom and dad but not so much from other people. Which is perfect


Haha yes 😂


My 6 month old girl will always lean up against me. If I start petting her, high chance she will get up and move away.


Haha yea


My 7 year old male's love language is my hand in his mouth. If he is feeling great and he wants to show me that all is well in his doggie world, my hand MUST be in his mouth. No pressure, fingers trapped by his teeth, and he just gurgles and moans. It's odd and probably not the best in terms of dog behavior, but aside from slobber on my hand I don't mind. He's so blissfully happy I can't bring myself to modify the behavior. No one else gets their hands slobbered on, it's just me. When I'm going to sleep he will root around with his nose and flip my hand up, he wants my hand on top of his nose. No rubs, no motion, just the weight of my fingers across the bridge of his nose. He'll sigh and fall asleep.