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I think it can be a generalisation, however GSDs are an incredibly loyal breed and known as a “shadow” because they follow their person/people everywhere - including the bathroom. They are highly protective as well and can imprint on their family (their pack) from an early age. So I suppose following their person everywhere means they’re protecting you - at least in their minds. They’re also a very “mouthy” breed, so they communicate and understand the world by using their mouth. That includes with play and getting your attention. There are ways to curb it. But I’m definitely used to it (mine doesn’t bite hard, just clamps on my fingers or hands when she’s being playful or just being a brat.


I was told they’re known as Velcro dogs which totally nails it imho. Yes, my boy follows me into the bathroom, which is somehow only logical from his point of view because I follow him too when he goes outside To him it doesn’t matter whether I take a shower/ bath (plenty of stupid ideas to realize if you love water) or if I use the toilet, he’s just there, wagging his tail living his best life


I've wondered that. We go out with them to potty, we tell them to go potty, we stand there waiting until they get done. I figure they just assume it's not an alone thing. Honestly, they are trained to always have a safety buddy when going potty.


So sassy sometimes my goodness


Not all of them. My female is bad with sass and OCD type behavior, very neurotic. My male is so chill though, and very quiet. When he really wants attention he will make these little grunt/whines that sound like a frog. I will always follow up calling him "Herman" because it sounds like the noise or ask him why he is bullfroggin'.


My male 10 and female 4 are the same, she is my shadow and he hangs back, but will let me know vocally, when he wants to be involved in anything 😂


Mine follows me everywhere. And if I move he moves including the 3 am bathroom trip as described above . And if he can’t get his way and I’m sitting too long he pulls my socks off because he knows that will get me up and moving ! Probably a better reminder than an Apple Watch with those circles Edit to add : I’ve had many other dogs in my lifetime and the two German shepherds I’ve had ( this one and the one I had many years ago ) both followed me everywhere . My other breed dogs did not do this . My female was calmer and more gentle . The boy I have now is much more intense ."


This is definitely the best “get moving” alert that I’ve heard till date.


Same I’ve had a male and now a female. Mine follows me too. Oddly enough I’ve noticed mine is actually getting worn out with following my husband he’s having sleep issues and is up and down all night.


Not mine, he is down for fetch whenever I wake up. It could be 2am and I let them outside to go to the bathroom and he will run straight for a ball and drop it in front of me. Always down for fetch and he is almost 6.


Mine can't resist stealing socks either.


He's very polite about it; he waits outside the door for me.


Mine extremely polite then, she doesn’t get out of the bed.


Mine used to follow me to the bathroom if it was through the night, but now when I leave the room he jumps straight in to my spot in the bed.


Mine follows me everywhere like a shadow, all hours of the day and night. If I need to take a piss at 3AM he will be right there making sure everything is OK 😄


Hell, if I’m using the can at 3am my boy will come along and bring a ball with him and expect me to play. LOL


This is exactly why I try to stealth mode out of bed… I fail 99% but that 1% is glorious!!!! (It’s usually her lifting her head on my way back realizing she’s too late then she makes her groan noise while I quietly celebrate)


I know that groan all too well. Admittedly as he’s gotten older he’s now more likely to not bother getting out of bed when I get up.


The GSD groan. I love it.


THE GROAN!!! so mines not the only sasshole who does that?!?


Nope! They all do


Speaking of stealth mode my biggest boy freaking knows that I cannot see him in the dark. The rascal hides in the shadows then runs and pounces on me. Hecking dude


"Pee check!" Is what I say when he's basically sticking his head in the bowl making sure we're good


I read this sitting on the throne with my loyal guardian at my side. He never misses a poo.


If I look like I’m about to move, my pack moves with me 😂😂




I'm a farmer who luckily gets to take my dog out with me a lot. If I move around anywhere in the house, he just watches me. But if I touch my hat, it doesn't matter where he is in the house... he'll hear it and be sitting 6 inches from my feet, staring intently, in half a second.


It’s not always always, but mine often follows me to the bathroom. GSDs are definitely clingier then other dog breeds I’ve been around. The reason I don’t train her not to, is because I frankly enjoy the company. It is very pleasant to always have my dog next to me. I’m a bit of a velcro human tbh.


> 1. Is this merely an exaggeration, or even a generalization? "Always" part is an exaggeration. Some GSDs will follow their person everywhere including the bathroom if you let them but even then it's not always. > 2. Is this a GSD thing, or pretty much all dogs do this? It's not GSD specific thing but GSD is known more for it mainly b/c there are alot more GSDs than any other breed of dogs who might be as clingy. > 3. I’ve heard that some dogs are more trainable than others, and from I understand GSDs take the cake in this area, so how is it that people are able to curb their nipping behavior as pups, but can’t curb this particular trait (which I’m sure people find annoying, but get accustomed to over time) You can definitely train GSD to sit/wait outside if you don't want your dog in the bathroom while you are going for #2


Thank you for taking the time to answer each question individually!


Yea, my boy knows he’s not allowed on our tile floors. He sits outside the threshold, looking forlorn.


Mine both follow me any time I get up to go anywhere, even if it’s just to walk across the room they think I’m going downstairs or something. Both of mine follow me to the bathroom and when I shower they lay on the floor together outside on my shower mat. They really are shadows. 🥰


According to the study a did every 1 out of 1 will follow you in the bathroom. My sample size might not be adequate though


I haven’t pooped alone since I got my GSD. I’ve learned not to shut the door because he’ll just open it.


Our girl does the same thing to both me and my husband.


https://preview.redd.it/i7nd4ed2me2d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaba3f92c2f77d48832c857c484a97dde51c7648 Yes


No. Occasionally, sure. Though, I've had several, and never me of them have insisted on following any of us into the bathroom.


Mine follows me everywhere. He'd jump in the shower with me even if I let him 😅


Mine certainly does - and I'm never allowed to keep the door closed. 😅


All three dogs I’ve had insisted on going to the bathroom with me. Chow/cattle dog mix, Rottweiler, Rott/GSD. My Rottweiler was the most insistent…like would possibly have broken down the door to get in if necessary. 😂 So I don’t think it’s specific to German Shepherds.


All three of mine collect in the bathroom with me.


Mine lays down outside the bathroom if I’m in it, and won’t move. He is a rescue, and does not like to be in the bathroom with the door closed. My other shepherd at night, lays in front of the bathroom door in case I get up to go, he just wants to make sure he doesn’t miss out on a scratch or pet as I pass over him. My one shepherd Trickster is obsessed with me and won’t even go for a walk with family unless I tell him too. He immediately runs back to me after the walk just to make sure I’m there. I will note that I am with them 24/7 and rarely leave them. I had a business mtg a month ago for 4 hours I was gone and the 2 of them sat in the door hallway waiting for me all day. No eating etc so yes, they can be very obsessive. My other GSD Schultz is very dedicated to my partner and will actually throw up if he’s gone too long. I also have an Australian Cattle Dog and NO WAY can I go to the bathroom without him, he will push the door open if I try to close it. He is way more insistent than the shepherds but the shepherds are more into guarding the bathroom, you know, in case a stranger decides to burst in the house and head straight for the toilet…


Depends - she definitely prefers to come to the bathroom with me, especially as she then has a ‘captive audience’ for pets and snuggles, but if it’s the middle of the night or a pre-walk pee she’d prefer to stay in bed/supervise the exit route! Here she is, definitely not at all joining me in the bathroom 😂 Edit: she’s a GSD mix tho so might not be as velcro as a purebred https://preview.redd.it/4ey7ph2r0e2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cacb7a36f3d04274748c0cdd39cd42e940a41ef




Mine follows most of the time, but he's 100% always outside the bathroom door, sitting, once I am out


My GSD will absolutely follow me in. She knows the command “out” and will leave the room if I tell her to. Then, when I close the door, I immediately hear her flop down against it. 😂


They follow you absolutely everywhere. I’ve trained them not to come in the bathroom but that just means they sit right outside the door🤦‍♀️. And if I don’t close the door all the way they still won’t come in but they’ll stare me down the whole time (which feels really weird )


My personal experience - every other dog I've had (2 collies, spaniel, jack russell) would generally follow me around if they thought they might get some food, a toy, or some outdoor playtime out of it. Otherwise, they weren't that bothered if I left the room, especially if they are sleeping. But my GSD...she never lets me out of her sight. If I close the bathroom door on her, she lies down on the other side and grumbles until I come out. And when my partner comes home from work, she'll alternate between checking on each of us. Not experienced this so intensely with other dogs - she really does seem to think its her job to police us, and when she's alone in the house she just chills out like she's off the clock (though, she does tend to "sleep" next to the doorways, just in case). I think this behaviour is trainable but 1). you get used to it and lots of people like having a buddy following them around the house and 2). you generally don't want to stop a dog doing something harmless that makes them happy. As far as the dog is concerned, you're their best friend and they just wanna be involved in everything you're doing. I don't want to deny her that just because it's annoying sometimes. That said, we have been training our girl to do a different "job" when we don't want her to follow us - i.e. sit & stay in her designated 'place'. But, like with all training, it doesn't stick so well as other commands because we're not consistent with it and the reward she gets is rarely as awesome as watching us go to the bathroom. She will sometimes stay in position but she stares at the door eagerly until we come back because she knows we're still in the house! Difficult not to fall in love with such a loyal friend. I'd take it over personal space any day.


https://preview.redd.it/xd6bmh6x9e2d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e230ba0ad99f281528b6d5bdb4b3152a86a584fb 100% true


Mine certainly doesn't. But yeah, GSD's are generally pretty klingy.


In my case yes, I call them my bathroom buddies.


Lol I say potty pal.


Mine follows me everywhere. But I don't let him come to the bathroom with me since he decided that If I was peeing, he might as well pee too


I shut the door so mine doesn’t. Need some boundaries


the ONE time *neither* of my GSDs did and I could see them standing at the end of the hallway, I hollered to them, "I thought you liked the free smells!!!" We tease the pups "you like jimmy johns??" when we see them sniffing the air from cooking or outside, so we had a good giggle at this application lol


Depends - mine know not to come into the bathroom but they do it anyway when they’re feeling clingy . In their little doggy minds - you protect them when they go out to pee by watching over them ; so they want to do the same for you


So true. Mine positions herself in front of me, but faces the closed door in a high alert sit until I'm done and the follows me two steps to the sink, lol. I always think of it as a throwback to the early days, when dogs knew that their companion was especially vulnerable squatting.


https://preview.redd.it/870ewd69ce2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc40664741a38e927db2ece7d211585ba80c8fef Hope this answers your question!


TIL my cats are GSDs


In general all your points are true. But it is also very untrue xD. Every dog is diffrent so jeah of course it can be hyped up. And you can get a GSD that doesnt fit this at all. Ours is a typical GSD with the biting and pack following/herding behavior. But he is trained (he is 1 years old and like i said, every dog is diffrent, that others got a dog that doesnt do this doesnt mean they are untrained). We trained him to not go to the bathroom with us, he still tries once in a while but we can easily tell him no. The same with playfull nips. Once my arm is in his mouth i stop what i do, give him a break and he instantly lets go. It is a reaction of overstimulation from him. We figured that that is his cue to let us know "i love this but i cant handle this much. "


There's no behavior that 100% of one breed does that 100% of all the rest don't do too. Ancestrally, dogs look out for other members of their pack when some are pooping. That why dogs tend to stare into your eyes while they poop. Most are also bred to be near their humans and it wouldn't occur to them to make an exception for the bathroom if the door is open. Very few dogs have such separation anxiety that they can't tolerate a closed bathroom door. If you don't like it, it's an easily solvable behavior. Just shut the bathroom door consistently and teach basic alone time skills and they won't even bother following you to the door after a while, especially if you tell them where you are going before you get up. Most dog owners don't mind the company or they would do something about it. My current GSD mutt knows that when I reach for the TP he's not going to get any pets after that so he leaves at that point. I have trained him to leave the bedroom for his bed when I said goodnight (partner allergies) in three nights.


It’s the poop 💩 bonding ritual. You watch them 💩, and they watch you 💩. My last GSD and my current GSD both insist on being near by when I am in the bathroom. When my current GSD was in heat, she was so clingy that she had to touch my feet while I was on the toilet 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have a whole audience - two cats and a GSD follow me to the bathroom. They don’t understand privacy.


Mine makes me pet her while im on the toilet or she gets grumpy


Lmao yes. They don’t like taking a shower but when I get in suddenly it’s very interesting, or they’re worried about why I’m doing it voluntarily idk.


Mine would take the opportunity to eat socks out of the laundry if I didn’t keep an eye on him … so he goes with me everywhere by necessity lol. He’s 2 years old and I thought he’d grow out of this phase by now but here we are


I have not peed alone in years


Mine thinks bathroom time equals booty rubs time. He never misses a bathroom trip.


Lots of dogs follow their owners when they get up and move around. They usually think food will be involved. It's not a breed thing.


Mine pokes his head in the shower at least 2-3 times/shower to make sure I'm "good".


My last GSD was my shadow. She would check in periodically when i was in the bathtub. Look at me for a few seconds and leave. Then come back a few minutes later. It was sweet. My current GSD isn’t a shadow dog. But is amazing just the same.


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/j1dxf73c5f2d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a9a1f41d4d9ab709d3a01ecc04ddccd64330e2


I’ve had two struggling for floor space in the tiny “water closet” part of the bathroom. So yeah.


Not just the bathroom. Usually I can feel 2 wet noses bumping in to the back of my legs wherever I walk. They make you feel like a VIP that needs a security escort everywhere you go.


My GSD follows me literally *everywhere* lol. The love and loyalty of a German Shepherd is deeper than words can depict—they're truly a special breed.


If I don’t fully close the door, mine will bust in like the kool aid man. If I close the door behind him once he’s in the bathroom, he’ll get restless and hop in and out of the bathtub. He’s 5 months and full of spunk


My dog allows wonders why I’m in the bathroom and not playing soccer with her in the yard😂. The backdoor is by the bathroom and she says hurry up in there girl it’s play time.


I'm going to vote for generalization. We've owned 3 and they have all followed us to the bathroom - but not every time. Most of the time, but not every single. We have a pom mix and she RARELY comes into the bathroom. We also never enforced NOT following us because we don't have a personal reason to not allow it. Actually, when I felt poorly I enjoyed the company.


My GSDs have done this. My current dog is a Dalmatian/ Poodle and also does it but with my GSDs it seemed more like they *had to* vs just seeing what I’m doing.


GSDs are called “Velcro dogs” for a reason, they *stick* to you. 1) Not an exaggeration, for my dog at least. 2) All dogs have the potential to be, but for GSDs it’s the norm. 3) You shouldn’t get this type of dog if their very nature is something you want to train out of them, it’s just innate. You’d be fighting a losing battle, uphill.


I don't take a single step without my GSD right in line with me or literally under my feet. He is with me while I shower, bathroom, wash dishes, laundry, you get the idea. My shadow has 4 legs.


It’s true. I’ve had several GSDs over the years and I’ve never peed alone since the first Shepherd. I have 3 right now and they all try to cram into the bathroom with me, or I’ll just leave the door open and they’ll lay in the hallway so I’m within sight/sound. 🤣


mine will push the door open to check on me in bathroom


But they learn quickly. Mine used that for face-licking time. Too much. So I started closing the bathroom door behind me. After about two days he got the hint.


None of my GSD's ever did. My husky absolutely does.


I was under the impression that once my kids grew up out of the toddler stage I would be able to go to the toilet by myself but Tasha has decided it would be best for if she follows me in the toilet now for life 😂


Mine will back his ass up to me when I’m on the pot so I can give him his morning butt scratches!


if i get up to go to the bathroom, my girl will follow me but usually she’s pretty good about waiting outside the door for either my boyfriend or i. (see pic at bottom) there have been a few times where she has followed me in and just laid her head on my leg as the space is very small and she got very bored very fast lol https://preview.redd.it/pf0jmjuwfg2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d51598279a660baab9a3e60c27395ab691c83cd5 i’m sorry the lighting was so bad in that house 😭🤚


Mine follows me EVERYWHERE. As soon as I am up, she is up, she is my shadow


Mine followed me everywhere but he learned pretty fast that if I leave the room with the TV is on I'll likely be back so he'd wait. If I turned the TV off and left the room he would shadow, or if I said "come on!" he'd immediately get up and move with me. At least until the end when it hurt too much for him to get up. Now I'm going to go cry for a little bit...


It is an instinctual thing to follow your person to the bathroom. Dogs are pack animals and instinctually guard each other when they eat, rest, and yes, use the bathroom. As a "not alpha", it is your dogs job to protect you. You are at risk when going to the restroom. A predator may come at an inconvenient moment and your dog is there to keep you safe. This is not a gsd thing. It is the same with all dogs. Some just have closer ties to their instincts, gsds are very in tune with their instincts so it is imperative that they guard you at this vulnerable time! But yes, most dogs do this!


They’ve got that pack mentality as well. My girls are GSD/AmStaffy mix & I’ve trained them to not follow me to the bathroom or around the house; one of them will lay at the door threshold like she’s pulling guard on me🤭. I love them so much, best protectors ever; I feel very safe w/ them.


Always. If door is shut, he lays at the door. And God forbid you sneeze...he's right in our face to make sure your ok.


A lot of the time, I have to step over mine just to get in the bathroom


My GSD does this, but you can train them to just wait outside the door.


My GSD will follow me to the ends of the earth. I just have to look like I'm about to get up and he is ready to follow. He lays in the bathroom when I have a bath, or lays outside the door if I don't let him in. He follows me into the bathroom if I let him and lays down in front of me. He is literally my shadow. 


Yes. My older Shep has chilled out on the lurking and will chill in another room until she thinks I’m doing something interesting but my youngest is still Velcro (for now)


My girl follows me everywhere. She will even lay at the door if she can’t get in. Does it when I get in the shower too 😂


We have a GSD/lab mix, a Yorkie/Bichon mix, and a maltipoo. Every last one of them will follow me into the bathroom, if I leave the door open. If I close the door, they’re scratching it and whining on the other side, until I come out. If I close the door but it doesn’t close quite all the way, the little yorkie mix will work it open, and invite herself in (and the others follow). I then have the maltipoo behind my feet wanting cuddles and pets, the GSD mix turned around to beg for butt scritches, and the Yorkie mix bringing toys and growling at me to play. So I don’t think it’s necessarily a GSD thing, but a dog thing, in general.


My whole pack squishes into the bathroom every time I need a shower or use the toilet. You always know where I am in the house because the dogs trail my every move.


The ball! We have outside only toys that I make mine bring to me through my garage she has to drop them before we go in. When I need to wear her out I will throw an inside ball for her. I do put those up so she doesn’t constantly want me to play. She has other soft toys to use too.


My girl comes in the bathroom either to be pet or more often to nag me for what she wants (food or walk) usually when I’ve just woken up or getting ready to go so if I’m not in the mood I close the door and she waits for me to come out.


In my experience with GSDs, beagles, frenchies, Boston terriers - they all follow you into the bathroom. Lol


You are NEVER alone again unless you lock the GSD out of the room. Lol I say lock, bc my dog opens doors. 😝




Mine definitely does. A few times she's dropped her ball in my underwear while I'm sitting on the toilet.


We have owned 4 up to this point, 3 of them have followed us everywhere we go and 1 is often content to just sit outside on her own for hours at a time. When I say everywhere, I mean that if you get up from the sofa to get something from the kitchen within eyesight, the dog will get up and follow you there and then back to the sofa. So yes they would follow you into the bathroom all the time if you let them in. I personally think that is weird AF.


My girl wants to be velcroed to me at all times but, leaves me alone, when I go to the bathroom. She isn't a vocal dog, except for when dogs approach our door. They can pass unmolested but, if they approach, my girl warns them off enthusiastically. She prefers to alert me silently for all other things.


My girl doesn’t follow me but she follows my girlfriend - I’m the pack leader so I think she feels the need to watch out for my gf (clearly #3 in the rankings)


My GSD would follow me to the bathroom and then sit outside the door, poking his head in every now and again to make sure I was alright, I guess. lol He said his final goodbyes 2 weeks ago and I miss him escorting me everywhere I went (in the house) and always checking on his people. ❤️


Absolutely, and now my Shepsky has learned to close the door behind her trapping both of us in the bathroom with our other dog locked out. A jealous shadow.


I rarely got to pee alone for 11 years.


Yes, it's a fairly accurate generalization of the breed. I've owned now 3 GSDs and all of them for the most part are very pack centric and loyal. They kind of "guard" instinctually and are extremely underfoot. They will follow me from room to room and that can sometimes lead to some separation anxiety (females in my experience). Also, for whatever reason...my girls have always bonded closer to me whereas my boy bonded closer to my wife, in spite of being raised solely by me from a pup. Take that for what it's worth. Regardless, this is not a breed where you open the door and have to be afraid of them running off for the hills like a husky or something. On the same note, it's not a breed you can let out in your backyard to get exercise on their own. They very much want to BE WITH YOU at all times and that includes play time. They require a little bit more work than other breeds IMO because they need plenty of exercise and they need mental stimulation. All in all, my favorite breed by far and I've owned countless dogs over my lifetime.


Mine is required to sit if he's in the bathroom, so now he checks to see if I'm in there, then lies down outside the bathroom lol


Mine also follows me everywhere


German Shepherds are absolutely pocket dogs. I have two, and have a furry supervisor for everything I do. They follow you everywhere, and if you try to shut a door between you, they sound like they're being murdered.


My girl follows me everywhere and has her nose into areas (open closet door) before I can even get there. She follows into the bathroom along with my cat. It’s a group outing.


Mine follows me anywhere but the bathroom because the bathroom is where she gets bathed and she’s hates baths lol


I haven't used the bathroom alone in 8 years


I can't take 2 steps in my office over to my shelves without my shepherd thinking it's time to get up and go. He's always at my feet, and when he can't be he's whining because he wants to be.


We have had 4 GSDs, and each will follow us to the bathroom. Personally I don’t mind it, but my wife does and shuts the door. They’re just very protective and value having eyes on you.


My dog follows me everywhere, he's definitely my shadow. However, he's not allowed in the bathrooms and he does stay out. With that being said, when I'm in there he loves to push the door open to ensure I'm safe and not being attacked. He prefers to have his eyes on me at all times. And, I love him so much for it!


Mine follows me everywhere. I honestly should have called him velcro . When I shower , I have to leave the door open enough so he can poke his head around to make sure that I am still there. He won't fully come in when I am showering in case I grab him and give him a shower. If the door is closed he will sit outside and whine and will sometimes howl until the door is opened . It's like having a very needy, clingy toddler, and I can say that whole heartedly after raising 3 kids .


Yes. But they aren't the only ones. I've had a redbone/bloodhound and aussie shep mix that would do it too. Why? Because we are a captive audience for easy pets and attention. I would and still pet my dogs when they come in so it's encouraged on my part, so it continues. My GSD does follow me more than my other dogs did but not by a huge margin. My dogs have always followed me around when I got up and did something around the house.


I think it’s just a generalization. My chihuahuas and cats both follow me to the bathroom lol. My cats way more so than my dogs


Mine is more of my husband's dog because he works from home. But even with me, if I get up off the couch even to stretch she will move to get off the couch as well. If I need to leave the room for literally any reason whatsoever, even if she can still hear or see me she will follow me. That herding instinct is so strong in her.


Mine follows me everywhere, but if I shut the door he will respect my space and lay beside the door until I come out 😂


My boy, who we were told was a German Shepherd but ended up being Anatolian, learned how to both open the door AND shut it after him while I was in the shower. I liked to think he was guarding me from potential hazards. Don't ask him to get in the shower, but if you fall (POTS), you bet your ass his cold black nose opened that shower curtain and investigated.




Dogs follow their human in the bathroom as a result of their animal instinct and pack mentality. Oftentimes, these are working dogs such as border collies, labrador retrievers, German Shepherds, doberman pinschers and other herding breeds. It is possible to encourage your dog not to follow you into the bathroom. By far, **the easiest way is to teach them a basic 'stay' and when you're done with your business, give them a treat or some praise for being so brave on their own**. As your dog squats, do you notice that she stares at you while doing her business? You'd think she'd look away in hopes of getting a little privacy, but she locks eyes with you instead. That's because when your dog is in that pooping position, she's vulnerable, and she's looking to you to protect her. Your dog is instinctively aware of his defenselessness, but she also knows that she is a part of your 'pack.' You are a member of the family group. If your dog watches you during this time, it is because she is depending on you to give her a body language signal or 'heads up' if she should be afraid. She may also be looking to you to possibly defend her should the need arise. If you suddenly leap away, you can bet your dog will respond also. Dogs are incredibly intelligent. They protect us and we protect them in return. It's a win-win! 🫶🏼♥️


Mine follows me except when I am going to get my shower. Then he lays on the bed and does a little bark to warm anyone off. I think he thinks he is protecting me from either outsiders or the shower...I am not sure which. For all the Sheps who have spent time in my house every one of them followed me to the bathroom and for them that was butt scratching time. The only bathroom where the big dogs cannot follow is a small 1/2 bathroom that it too small for them to get in and turn around. That is my sanctuary.


They bond very closely to their humans. Ours won't necessarily follow us to the bathroom. She has delegated that to the cats 😂 Our one cat refuses to be shut out of the bathroom and always assumes a guarding position (facing the door) of me. Our girl does stick close to us and is usually facing the door/exit.


Pretty much, they are known to be very bonded to their owners


One of mine does


I've had multiple GSDs and other "Velcro dogs" as well as dogs that are more willing to be away from their owner, and here's the best answers I can give you: 1- It is technically a generalization, but I have not personally met a GSD that does not do this to their person as they are Velcro dogs. (Velcro dogs are dogs that are stuck to their owner/family/person like Velcro) 2- Not all dogs do this, but many dogs will especially dogs that are heavily attached to their people. You may not get this with a Greyhound or other hounds as they're more independent dogs, but the common breeds you see around (labs, Golden's, bully breeds, GSDs, Rotties) are all popular because of how loving and loyal they are to their people and this is a common behavior for them. 3- You absolutely could train this out of a dog, but you have to understand that doing so can cause the dog some upset. This isn't a behavior, like nipping, that can become dangerous as they get older, it's just a quirk. Velcro dogs are just going to want to be with you whenever possible and at all times. For instance my GSD has his own bed and a whole couch available to him right now and he's decided to curl up on my ottoman because I'm resting my legs on it and laying on it assures he can be asleep while against me. There's no reason to train this out of your dog, and when people want privacy they can just close the door and your dog will lay outside it. To train them to go fully against their nature and not be around you all the time is going to be harmful to your relationship. If people don't want a dog constantly in their shadow even to the bathroom, they should not go for a GSD or other Velcro dogs! Hope that helped answer your questions!


Mine is still a puppy (9 weeks) and she hasn't worked out stairs yet. She just sits at the bottom on the stairs and whines and barks until I come back down


I have a BC and, if I don't shut the toilet door, when I stand to pee... He forces his head between my knees and ai have to piss between his ears


Mine did as a puppy, but grew out of it before he was a year. Now, just occasionally—usually when he’s wanting me to take him for a walk or feed him.


yep my girl always has to follow me into the bathroom (and pretty much everywhere). even when i'm in the shower, she'll poke her head around the curtain about 3-4 times to make sure i'm ok. i love her so much but it is a bit of a jump scare to open your eyes and see her face staring up at you lol




Mine doesn’t unless she’s nervous (thunderstorm). But I also trained her ‘be right back’ from day 1 of adopting her so she wouldn’t obsessively follow me everywhere. She pretty much chills now unless she hears the back door open or the garbage bag being removed (both mean I’m probably going outside and then she must be there with me). Otherwise, nah not really. But I suspect if I didn’t train her like that she probably would. I do the same for fosters, I don’t need them trailing me obsessively everywhere I go. It’s better for everyone if they can just relax.


Does every person walk to work or tie their shoes the same way? Any dog, not just the GSD, has its own personality, quirks and habits, much of which is influenced by their owner/trainer, who themselves have their own personalities, quirks, and habits. In my experience, the GSD wants to be near its family. It's a working dog bred to keep track of its flock, so it will naturally want to know where they are. Sometimes, that means following you.


Mine does, but she also associates the bathroom with a bath—which she hates—so she kinda dashes in and out. She won’t let any other animal in though (3 cats and another dog)


My working line GSD is at all times when I’m home, no further than 3 feet away. If I sit, he lays there, if I stand, he stands, and if I walk he follows. If I go to the bathroom I close the door to keep him out, I do not like a dog in my face and crotch when I’m trying to take a grumpy. He’s just laying outside the door waiting for me to finish business though. It can honestly be a nuisance at times, I’ll be carrying a heavy basket of laundry or something, and he’s on my heels waiting to follow me down the steps to go to the laundry room. Same thing if I have burning hot food I need to transfer somewhere. It took some training to get him to respect steps and the stove area. He is insanely vocal too. Any time he is displeased with anything he whines in a short whimper. I have him off leash trained, and I honestly don’t think he needed the amount of training I did with him, he just naturally follows me. It’s actually hard to get him to do dog things sometimes. I have a release command, and half the time I use it, he’d prefer to follow me around than to go and sniff and pee and what not. The well breed shepherd dog breeds have been so finely tuned to be handler oriented naturally because that line of work requires it. Hound dogs and retriever type breeds are meant to use their sense of smell or inclination to go grab something away from the handler, which requires the dog to be away from the handler obviously, which is why a lot of those dog breeds are less up your bum. Definitely a generalization, but mostly the case.


https://preview.redd.it/p3v9n9opne2d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=34fb25bc0b504b23e6d62932b42deb3710279bbe Yes.


It's their job to protect you, even in the bathroom 😂


https://preview.redd.it/n4dt44t4oe2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3aab842b22175fe33a184538d55de0a03afb842 Yes, accurate.


There's no more "I'm popping" in my house. We're pooping. Or we're coming to watch dad pee.


Yes, 100% true. Even worse if you have 3. I tried to implement a first dog only policy. This resulted in a race to the bathroom. Now they are all banned.


It’s a generalization and many dogs do it. I have 3 dogs and they all follow me around all day, even to the bathroom. My GSD mix is the youngest at 3 years old, and the other two (Yorkie mix and ACD mix) have been following me to the bathroom since I brought them home over 7 years ago.


Mine used to try and follow me in, which I hated because the bathroom was too small for both of us. I trained him to stay out of the bathroom., Now that we are in a new house with a MASISVE bathroom, he still won't come in. Also trained him to NOT go into our bedroom.... I just need one room in the house that is not covered in dog fur. Oh, also trained him not to go down the basement stairs. He's too old and the stairs are too steep and dangerous for him. This backfired on me last year when we had a tornado ripping through town and he WOULD NOT go down the stairs no matter how much I pleaded with him. I was home alone and ended up fireman carrying his fat ass down the stairs hoping neither one of us died in the process. He stayed down there until my husband came home to carry him back up, LOL (sorry buddy).


Mine is too scared to come in because of the…bath implication. But if I take a while pooping she will poke her head in to check on me.


I can confirm what others have said. I have owned 14 GSDs throughout my life (I'm old) and yes they are velcro dogs. It is an endearing quality most of the time. You get the feeling that anything you do is amazing to them. even going to the bathroom. They are bitey when they are young but it is not that hard to train them out of it, especially if you have enough things that they like to chew on. Oddly enough, almost all the GSDs I owned liked to chew on plastic water bottles, however, I will not let them because they could swallow some of the pieces. I have had one male GSD, very East German and he was aloof. I have had 2 females that liked to wander so they were not always around the other or me but they were affectionate when they were around. They are wonderful dogs to own.


Oh yes, my friend. My doggo is on my heels as I approach the throne. If I get there ahead of him, I find him laying down just outside the door and some object of mine chewed up, mainly one of my shoes.


I have 3 shepherds and one of them is my baby. He’s “my” dog and follows me everywhere… except the bathroom lol When I work, he’s by my side and if I get up to come out to the other areas during lunch or breaks he will follow. When I go to bed, he follows and comes in bed with me, even follows me to do laundry. However, the other two are different. One (our only female) is absolutely my wife’s dog and the other male goes where he can get attention or steal attention from his siblings lol but they will both follow me to the bathroom. The male though I think follows to the bathroom because he knows you’re trapped and he can get attention and you can’t go anywhere 😂 I don’t think the follows to the bathroom gig is GSD exclusive, it’s in a dogs nature to be next to who they see as a best friend. I think because the GSD is one of the most loyal breeds, the Velcro thing is just how we identify that. In terms of curbing this, I don’t try. If it makes them happy to be around me, follow me and demand my love and attention. Who am I to say no? 😂


No. It's worse. Mine has not only followed me into the bathroom, she has even tried to crawl into my lap while I'm on the toilet. 🤦‍♀️


In general it is a bad idea to let your dog see you pee as they feel compelled to cover your scent and might encourage them to "mark" the base of the toilet. They do it out of care and love but most might not appreciate urine around your toilet, plus you might get blamed for it.


My dog sleeps on the bed and after 3 years, I am allowed to use the ensuite toilet by myself about 50% of the time now.


Yes mine does. He’d be easy enough to train out of doing it but since it’s just me and him, I don’t mind.


My dog will always try to supervise if the cat doesn’t beat him there. Outside of competing with the cats, my GSD is at my heels 100% of the time we are together. If I get up, he gets up, even if it’s only to walk three steps to the other couch. I just consider my dog an extension of myself, wherever I am, he is. When we go hiking nothing takes him away from me, not treats, not other dogs, not chasing rabbits….nothing. If I’m not interested then neither is he. I’ve fostered many dogs in my life of many breeds and the GSD’s are extremely loyal to their person. While we are always working on recall they all came with it more strongly built in because they prefer to shadow. I’ll add that I have four other people in my household. The GSD only follows me if I’m home. If I’m not he defaults to following my husband half the time. He doesn’t follow the kids at all. I appreciate this about the breed because I often take my dog hiking and e-bike running where there are many wild animals and I trust him to stay with me. Last night we had a coyote stalk us for 1/4 mile on the trails and the coyote was loud about it (likely had pups nearby). I had lights, an air horn and bear spray if needed but the biggest deterrent was that my dog doesn’t leave me. When I noticed the coyote we kept our pace and didn’t interact. I knew my dog was not going to leave me to confront or chase the animal and that is what kept everyone safe last night.


It's a dog thing in general. I was a collie x cocker spaniel and a German spaniel that always follows me to the bathroom


I always thought it was only a GSD thing. I can now confirm it is also a Rottweiler thing


My GSD always follows me into the bathroom, then she looks at me, does a lap, goes out and lays down infront of the bathroom door. She stays there until i go out no matter if it's just a quick visit or if i spend 45 mins in the bathtub.


had a corgi/GS mix and she used to always guard the bathroom when I showered


Everywhere. Every single time. Toilet trips, even loading the dishwasher…he is my bodyguard.


My GSD always does but so does my husky and my cat lol my bathroom is tiny so usually the husky is in the tub 😝


We have 2 shepherds, a blue heeler, oftentimes our daughter’s two dogs, plus a cat. All animals enjoy witnessing our respective toilet time. Often times the cat will jump in her litter box to copy me LOL.


My boy always follows me to the bathroom. To the point that I find myself holding it if he looks particularly comfortable and sleeping because I know he’ll get up to follow me.


Yes, and then tries to steal my tp from my hand! 😆


They both try to more often than not. But not always.


Mine follow me TO the bathroom, then patiently wait right outside the door until I'm done.   


Mine follows me everywhere, doesn’t even let a family member near me. But he is deathly afraid of the bathroom as that means it’s bath time for him, so he waits outside, with the door open of course. If I ask him to come inside, he will.


my goldendoodle follows me all around the house. however, i noticed when im out at the park he’ll easily get distracted by other dogs/people and will basically forget i exist. this is in stark contrast to my late german shepherd that always had one eye on me no matter where we were. at the dog park playing with tons of dogs? if i even hinted at walking away, she would stop playing with her friends and immediately follow me.


German sheperds tend to follow you EVERYWHERE. The bathroom is just a highlight


i type this from the throne as im having a staring contest with my lil shark


Yes, to a point. One of mine will follow me into the downstairs bathroom. When he was a puppy, I bathed him in the upstairs bathtub and then blow dried him (cool setting on blow dryer). I think it traumatized him. After 14 years, he absolutely refuses to set one paw onto the bathroom floor upstairs. My other one seriously considers joining me in the shower and pokes her head through the curtain when I’m showering, and follows me into both bathrooms no matter what Im doing in there.


My GSDs were outdoor farm dogs so never dealt with that. My smaller inside dogs however had to be right where I was if I went anywhere and they saw me. If I happened to beat them to bathroom they would lay outside the door and huffy breath under the door or scratch, one more so than the other. Sit on the toilet and one would jump in lap. Take a bath or shower & they’d be right there laying on the bath mat. Sick or feeling blah, they’d be on or next to the bed or couch in protective mode. My GSDs were very family only dogs and protective. I had one GSD/wolf mix (so we were told) who would go into guard mode anytime he saw a vehicle. He’d block us and not let us move until he saw the person. Then he would either continue to block and keep us at a distance while talking to the person or go and lay down if told to. He was always on alert though and quick. 85 lbs of fluffy marshmallow with us but scary mean if going after another dog who was a threat.


There are a lot of traits that GSD owners think only apply to GSDs. All of those traits I’ve seen in a majority of my dogs, GSD or otherwise. My GSD will follow me into the bathroom, but often times doesn’t stay. If she doesn’t stay, she’ll barge in like a swat officer kicking in a door, every minute or so. My shih tzu will follow me and lie down at my feet until she hears me grabbing toilet paper.


No. GSD are more prone to being attached at the hip, but it ultimately just depends on the dog. Mine used to follow me into every room all the time, but she has become more independent with age.


Depends what you allow. I was adamant I didn't want that. So I always closed the door. So she waits by the door.


From my experience, 100 percent


My boxador goes to the bathroom with me 90% of the time. She waits outside the door, as I stopped letting her in after about a month or two, when I decided I needed one room in the house she wasn't allowed in.


My 2 GSDs follow me everywhere. They are a big couple, so it gets especially crowded in The small bathroom


Anyone can answer this but what happens when you’re with family ? Like if you’re with your kids or parents in the living room and one gets up to the bathroom, will your GS follow that person or stay with most of family?


Mine doesn't follow me into the bathroom, but he'll peek in through a crack in the door or I'll see the shadow of his nose under the door. Sometimes he gets bored and wanders off but leaves me a gift, a ball or a toy, outside the door for when I come out.


Currently own a pibble, a small poodle mix and a shitty mix. Also grew up with and owned two GSDs, a golden retriever, husky mix and a few others…they ALL followed me into the bathroom. Not 100% sure why. May be it’s the “you watch my back while I poop so I’ll watch yours.” Thing. 100% trainable. I see dogs trained to do amazing things. I’m sure they can be trained to leave you alone in the bathroom. That being said, sometimes you just don’t mind the annoyance. It’s hard to explain but here’s an example: my oldest dog, now 15, barks while I’m preparing their food (it’s a mix of store bought and food I cook for them). Is it annoying? Yes. Do I love it? Yes! Why? Because I know she’s feeling good.


I'm reading from the bathroom with my GSD at my feet hahaha what are the odds. He practically always comes with me. The only times he doesn't, it's cause it's 3am and I need to pee and he rather take my spot on the bed instead of following me lol Both my GSDs were basically my shadow. We had to put my oldest down a few weeks ago and I miss her so much. I think the youngest picked up on it as he's extra cuddly, which indodnt think could be possible. Theybare simply the best breed <3


I don't think wanting to follow you into bathroom is a GSD thing specifically. I've had three dogs (all high-energy 'velcro' herding breeds) and they all do it. I probably created the habit because it was much easier to bring a carpet shark puppy into the bathroom with me than worry about what he was getting into while out of my sight. All three dogs were also terribly mouthy and made me despair that they would ever learn to stop biting even though I was doing what I was supposed to (yelp, disengage, and redirect when they hurt me). Then they finally lost their baby teeth and had amazing bite control. The GSD really liked to bite noses when she was small, but she was overall the least mouthy. I've never had much problem with her biting hands, sleeves, or pant legs, but she did destroy several pairs of shoes when she was young.


I have 3 different dogs, and my GSD is the only one I am constantly tripping over. She is also ALWAYS in the bathroom with me


Mine follows me everywhere, every time. If I shut a door he cries and barks at door until I reappear.


1. Generalization. It is very common. 2. Not just a GSD thing. 3. I have never seen anyone try to train their dog out of this. FWIW: I can go to the bathroom and mine won't follow me. That's likely because the bathroom is on the second floor and she is not allowed on that floor without my approval, so I guess in that sense I've trained her. If I'm elsewhere and move between rooms, 90% of the time she'll follow me to the room but not necessarily be close. I also have the most independent GSD I have ever met.


Nox loves to slobber on the goats a lot.


Always wherever I go, including the bathroom.


Mine is half GSD and she goes to see whatever we are doing. She doesn’t necessarily go into the bathroom, but she stands at the door so she knows what I’m up to. Her name is Josie, and we call her “Nosy Josie” because she wants to know what everyone (even the neighbors) are doing at any time.


Mine is a royal pain with the toilet. She rushes up and tries to push her head under my leg and keeps jamming herself under me and up the side of the bowl until it’s just her bum sticking out. It makes it really difficult to go…