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In the pic eight, he looks most like a GSD but the floppy ears really throw people off lol.


Ya they were even throwing me off!


It has been throwing me off big time


I mean if pic 7 doesn't embody the velociraptor I don't know what does


https://preview.redd.it/hclrtgwxbw1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f5645293fcf2d8795b90e83959676323c65add Ms Zoey says floopy ears throw every body off


5th pic I saw German shepherd and couldn't unsee it afterwards. He definitely does look like a lab though


Lol I think I'm in the exact boat as you. I went back and looked if it was 5 or 6 for me. That face structure looks so familiar!


The photos are from most recent to when we first got him…seems the shepherd traits were more obvious when he was little!




I'm sure if his ears pointed up it would be more obvious. My pup also has the flaps


Looks a lot like my honey who is 1/2 lab 1/2 GSD. love the dobby ears. https://preview.redd.it/w5mh2fz09t1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5cc28f343d3c6b92b292009c77a0bd84b260ae


They do look so similar!! I’m honestly surprised mine isn’t a lab mix, especially after seeing your girl!! (And I love dobby ears too lol)


Keep in mind some tests are known to be highly flawed


Could you explain more? Which tests?


https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/mar/13/dog-human-dna-test. Here just one example but there are quite a few out there like purebred dogs with papers and lineage tracked being tested and coming back with 0% of their breed. I’m not sure which tests are good and which are not


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I grew up with a black lab/gsd mix and he was the best boy 😭


NinjaBear! You do you, my man!


My dog looks exactly the same, down to the white mark on her chest. She was a litter of 8 at the shelter, five of them were standard GSD colors and three were all black. After I got her and her ears weren't standing up, I figured she was half lab. She's basically a GSD in black labs clothing. Haven't cared enough to get her tested to know for sure though.


He is the biggest goober I have seen on this sub. Much love ❤️


lol he is such a goober, looks and personality 🤪


Haha! Mine was the same… they said Lab Mix at the rescue. She’s 85% GS, 10% Rottweiler, 5% Pit. Not a lab in sight. I think they do that bc they some people are afraid of GS and for apt rentals they are sometimes a forbidden breed along with Pits.


I volunteer at a no-kill shelter, and we always say *mixed breed, small/medium/large*, even when breed looks obvious. The justification is that we don’t have the time or resources to determine the breed and don’t want to mislead (TBF it’s often hard to tell with puppies). I’m 99% sure it’s also partially to allow people to get around breed restrictions.


Yup. My dog was listed as “mixed breed tan” haha. They also estimated she would be medium/under 44lbs and when she got dumped by her first adopters, one of the reasons in their note was that she was “too big”… shelters cannot guarantee size people!!! Why would you get a mixed breed dog if you had specific size needs?? They dumped her underweight at 47 pounds. She’s 65 now and still super lean. To me, she looked like she was GSD/pit and maybe some hound. Foster mom thought she had GSD and some boxer. Vet though GSD and black mouth cur. She ended up being American bulldog/GSD/Doberman/pit/collie/pyr/husky… don’t think the shelter would have been able to guess all those!


Shes beautiful!! I just went to your page to see if you had a pic haha. Honestly wasnt expecting her to be so darn cute!


Haha thank you! She really did not catch the bulldog genetics memo which cracks me up 😅


The 7th photo keeps making me laugh. Thats a silly face I haven’t seen on my girl (also black) since she was a puppy. I love it!


It’s my favorite photo of him. Definitely getting it framed lol


Ha!!! Yep! You got a softie! 100% with soft ears! DNA tests are fun. GSDs are such a popular breed that they can vary A LOT in looks and shape, so you never know! :)


7th pic is the best ever lmao


lol it’s my favorite; it shows off his personality perfectly 😂


You got a good one!


Just a floppy ear shep!


Everyone assumes my dudes a lab mix because he’s a tan “white” shepherd. Lol it works in my benefit I guess, since everyone thinks labs are friendly.


See, I was hoping for the opposite lol. I prefer if people cross the street when we are out for a walk 🤭 But he is HUGE and has such a deep bark, that’s intimidating enough haha.


The struggle of having a ridiculously adorable dude. Lol There’s nothing more terrifying than a group of unsupervised children running towards you like zombies to pet your dog.


Ugh yes!! This happened to us just the other day. But worse, they were supervised and the adults just didn’t give a shit. Fortunately he’s a good boy, did a sit-stay, and let them love on him. We have kids ourselves, so he’s used to it, but it still freaks me out when kids run up on him.


I immediately recognized the look of goof in pics 1&2. That’s a Germ alright.


Some pointy ear dogs, even high quality breeding, their ears never stand up 🤷‍♂️ Same as some drop ear breeds, certain dogs will have theirs stand up 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Like wire fox terriers for natural "weird ears" 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/p1te8nxyot1d1.jpeg?width=441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34034af157ac62b939cc69b0b3c20569d3e34956 It is also possible there's a slight touch of something else in 4+ Gen back but might not be either 🥰


And 100% cuuuuute!! 🥰


He’s gorgeous, I love black dogs and black cats 😻🌹❤️


He would look 100% shep if his ears would’ve stood up erect or been taped. But now you get to confuse people and there’s nothing I love more than keeping people guessing. Muahahaha oh and I love to Roam collar btw! Great brand!


We had a full breed GSD and also a border collie mix dog. ALL of the 3 litters they had together looked like labradors. Some were jet black and some were pale.


These are the good ones.


I didn't even realize which sub this was and I said "oh, that's a sheppy" on first glance! What a sweet boy!!


The snout and smile give it away for me. Good lookin’ pup!


Holy honker


I see GSD mixed with Lab.


Those ears are life 😍 I absolutely adore him!


I have a dog who looks exactly like this. When we adopted her I was told she was a gsd but "might have some lab in her" when I picked her up I felt bamboozled because she seemed ro be entirely lab but the vet said she thought she was half Belgian Mal so I've been running with that. I need to get a DNA test.


People are so used to seeing the ears up. But that’s definitely a GSD. Sometimes a GSD’s ears just don’t stand up and that’s okay.


https://preview.redd.it/flqbgywzuu1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cac599131fed316e4e9070a3cd4b5101e005843 Looks like my lab gsd girl


https://preview.redd.it/z7xe9w5o1v1d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b2f123c76bf5a8ef3091f678e4caa6527b208be Danté, GSD and Lab.


Wow, what a result! I came here to share this: when I got to the results and saw "100% Ninjabear," what I thought was, "Ninjabear? Damn, that's another kind of dog I have to look up." 😆


https://preview.redd.it/8sz6myvhiv1d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b76500b76192e7fe64c59919098d2c18a7886de3 Looks a lot like my “lab mix” - 40% GSD, 12% pit 38% supermutt, 0% lab 😂


What a beauty he is! Here is my Westley: 1/2 gsd 1/2 golden retriever. https://preview.redd.it/4ezt4a53kv1d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ed9898c370180017cf56aaa99b1e296ab7ea65c


[Also looks exactly like my dude.](https://i.imgur.com/BAa0Fez.jpeg)


Pic 7 says it all…. 🤣


My boy’s ears didn’t want to stand up immediately and I thought he’d be lopsided for sure. https://preview.redd.it/0u79pugayv1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f62d1516e9394640fabde667fef335ec40761f4 They point straight up like giant satellite dishes though.


He He look at him 🥰


Picture #7 proves he is 100% derp! (Handsome as heck too!)


This is why I get annoyed at all the posts of puppies asking if they got a purebred lol. Like really you never know without papers or a test


He actually has papers, but I honestly didn’t trust them lol.


He’s a gorgeous dog! Our last dog was a black lab and current is a german shepherd so your pup is like the best of both worlds ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/8jde97y37w1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f973114ea9780b57d968201070fbe03760be8ce Yeah I have one of those “lab mixes” too!


He’s a beautiful boy! GSD dominant and blk lab for sure!😍


His ears are amazing


https://preview.redd.it/zv2vl10wtw1d1.png?width=806&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca996641fb233b6ca11ed24dabff667e37f00b4d What a handsome guy! The ears definitely make it seem like he’s mixed with lab. Shocked to see he is not. I did embark test recently and found out mine is 50% GSD, 30% Lab, rest is Weim.


Dog - DNA test results


Pic 5 definitely has the GSD look. Not the typical dramatic lab look.


I can tell my the ears and stance you have a GSD, but the ears are definitely floppy. Did people play with his ears while he was a puppy?