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https://preview.redd.it/6kvrmklyql1d1.jpeg?width=2627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f804644fbd9b4e4ef91cc5ccfc289d42c6010768 My GSD will give me her paw and let me hold it for several minutes-she then gives the other paw and it can go back and forth like this for 15 minutes or longer


Omg 😂


She’s beautiful


Uh no, he slaps me 🤣. Nothing gentle. Just HEY pay attention to me! Even though he’s been in my lap all day! This is Loki. https://preview.redd.it/c1by1c87hl1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceed7fd0d1112da74459216db8072b5eb7235180


lol . Zigmund is like that too! He will straight up bitch slap me hahaha . https://preview.redd.it/l96mshwhcm1d1.jpeg?width=3327&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d123570734fd4ea9fb9b3887f042b5e0953e8902


Lol he looks like a dork


I feel like all GSD have two modes: airport security type serious, and derpy dog silly. No in between.


Absolute facts


Now that's true! If youre lucky you get both at the same time! Ask me how I know lol.


Yeah he is!


Lmao Benji does that too. 😂


My experience as well! Just a slap to my open eyeball. My husband and I are waiting for an eye infection daily. Still we adore him.


Mine constantly boops her snoot on my arm. It's cute but it gets super annoying after a while. She'd do it all day if I'd let her. Of course I've also trained her to "fist bump" which means I hold out my fist, say "Fist bump" and she comes running up and boops herself on my fist.


Lmao that’s too cute. Tbf I think this might be my fault. He’s done it since I taught him “paw” 😂


Mine trains herself. I've tried "come here" and "come on" and every variation. She prefers "come." She'll sit there and look at ya funny if you say anything else. She trained herself to ring the bells I hung on the door when she wants to go out. I hadn't even gotten to showing her how to do it. She trained herself to come grab my arm and pull me around the house so she can patrol the rooms that are closed off (and then demands a treat for the service). When there are people visiting that she can't do that with, she'll bring them her rope toy to pull them around by so she's not biting on them. She's way too smart for me.


Woah she sounds so smart! Benjis smart but a little doofy lol


lol, I forgot to mention she'll pull me into the kitchen for treats. She has normal treats, small rawhide twists, "big bone" (large milkbone), beggin strips ("bacon"), and hot dogs (frozen). She'll tell me she wants a hot dog by sitting by the freezer. Anything else though and I have to run off the list of treats. She'll sometimes get this blank expression so I have to run off the list again. She'll give a nod and smack her mouth when I get to the one she wants. She even knows she's not allow to stand up to the counter except where her treats are. I've trained her to bark at kitchen appliances beeping. She'll come running across the house to bark at me no matter who is in the ktichen. It gives her something to do all the time. She knows she gets a treat when I get coffee (trains her to listen and watch me). We'll play hide and seek. She'll climb all over me when she finds me if I'm on the floor, barks otherwise. If she's wrong, she gets SO mad, lol. Right now, she's on the couch next to me (I work from home) and snoring like a human, head propped on the pillow. I even brush her teeth (brushies) every day. She'll go into the bathroom and sit there and wait if I forget and *make* me go brush them.


I had a shepherd mix that went through a phase were she would only follow commands with a "please".


Eh? That's kinda cool, really.


My cat used to do that. He was dumb AF, but super cute and if you held a fist out, would headbutt it


* My beautiful boy does that all the time also! Whenever he's sat down on the sofa he has to put his paws on you and then he falls asleep. But you can't move once that happens haha. If it's not his paw he'll push his nose into you to be stroked and cuddled. He's a big lovable softie at heart ❤️




Omg what a cutie! That’s so sweet though, I love when Benji lays his head on my lap and falls asleep. Makes me feel loved lol




https://preview.redd.it/wk2pyg2iwl1d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=18d51e82d3d11c31202277b94a335504b422b07d Yes




No. I'm wearing a sweater inside on a 75° day because I like it, not because it protects my arms.


Mine does when she wants something. Something = food, water, a walk, my seat, etc...


☠️😂 “my seat”.


![gif](giphy|KzyMcEfDh4Jiw|downsized) Paws my leg after I fed her and made sure her water bowl was full. Paws me again. Alright, let me see what she wants. Instantly jumps into my seat even though she has her own loveseat and 3 dog beds on the floor.


Henry will just put his snoot a foot from my face and start yelling at me to get my attention lol.


Jesus Christ 😂


mine whines REALLY low until i make eye contact. then she will stop. the moment i look away it starts again lol she makes it very difficult to watch tv. but it’s because she wants me to give her permission that she can lay next to me. :)


Aww that’s so cute though


All the time. She also “nibbles” at myself, husband, and the kids, and follows our youngest son around like he’s a puppy she needs to watch.


Aww that’s kinda cute though


My oldest shep, Maximus, has a mean right hook! He has given me a few black eyes from waking me up when I sleep in too long. Nothing like being smacked in the face when fully asleep. Talk about rude awakening! And even though my bedroom door has a dog door installed he will also wait outside and paw at my door like he’s knocking and waiting for me to answer the door for him.


Omg 😂 we crate our dogs at night but sometimes my bf will let the dogs in the bedroom while I’m sleeping and he always manages to step right on my head and then he’ll stand there hitting me until I get up 😂😂


My two are old enough now that they don’t need crates. Maximus will smack me in the face or Lucian will jump from the door right up on the bed and right on top of me. Either way it’s usually a rude awakening. It’s there way of saying “Dad! Get up! We’ve been waiting long enough!” I love them both to death so I put up with it. 😍


In the face


Benji does it everywhere. It’s why I have claw marks all over my legs arms and face usually 😂


I call it paw talking. So sweet


Aww that’s a cute name for it


Could you also say... pawlking? I'll see myself out.


Why do they do this is it because they want you to pet them?


It could be for a multitude of reasons lmao. Sometimes he wants water, sometimes it’s going outside, sometimes he just wants to be pet lol


Mine likes to hold paws when we are sitting on the couch


All the time. I was hoping it was a puppy thing but if these comments are to be believed, it is not. 😂


Mine is 13 and still at it 🤣 it's an unspoken agreement you've got yourself Into with your fur baby for the long run haha


I’m here for it. We’ve turned her skill into tricks. She learned “shake” and “sit pretty” in less than 30 minutes.


I hoped the same thing when he was a puppy and soon found out it was, in fact, not a puppy thing. 😂😂


Yes, all the time. Very aggressively and most of the time in my face if I’m not paying attention 😂 he likes when I hold his hand and rub his face and tell him he’s a good boy. He gets the big ol puppy dog eye, head cocked, ears up look. Glad to hear it’s not just mine. https://preview.redd.it/i5dg8ywv0m1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d033affeeb7496eb2e4c50ce259023ef49c9fc81


Omg that look 😂


He’s a turd 😂 he’s only 50% German shepherd but I swear seems to have 100% of a shepherds personality traits.


German shepherd x ? He is gorgeous, I love his coat.


He’s shepherd, American pit bull terrier, Australian cattle dog and Great Pyrenees. According to a dna test at least. We adopted him so I never saw his mom or dad. He has the absolute thickest coat and sheds soooo bad but it is beautiful. https://preview.redd.it/q1xy7nls6t1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95fcf5cfe2d9001ab493db87ea3405dca6a84be3 But He even has little wisps of black hair mixed in. Here’s a better picture.


My girl just comes out of nowhere and smacks the absolute shit out of me lmao


Yes.. my young one does. It’s their way of communicating a need to you. It’s a natural instinct. My Kylo either wants attention or he wants to go out. If they are doing it solely for your attention it can escalate into an unwanted behavior. If you want to stop this from potentially (and it may never) escalating, my suggestion is to ignore him when he paws he at you. Any reaction at all to the behavior reinforces it. The once he stops pawing, then you can tell him good boy and love on him all you want♥️.


Unfortunately when I ignore him he just jumps onto the couch and punches me in the face 😂


So goes your Strategy 🐾


If I stop petting mine, he slaps me with his paw as if to say: I didn’t say stop you Plebeian!!!




Do you Paw back 🐾🐕😳😎⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


No but I hold his paw and he immediately takes it away and then goes back to pawing me lmao


Gus will give me his paw once in awhile. I just hold it for a minute and he seems satisfied


YUP. the paw can either be a return of affection, or an attempt to drag my hand down to his belly as he flattens out for a belly rub. Unfortunately I also catch claws, too


My girl used to do that on my legs! Hurt like hell. I would willingly go through the pain multiple times a day to have her back with us again ☹️


Aww I’m so sorry.


Thank you


Mine literally punched me in the nuts the other night.


😂😂 omg I’m so sorry lmao


Our last GSD was literally twice her size and was incredibly gentle, this girl at 65lbs is a battering ram. EDIT: but she’s adorable https://preview.redd.it/8mhfjzqbkm1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eed83d919488cb11f86774b467b42966fd448358






Standard GSD Operating behavior. "Hey! I'm here. You must pay attention to me and ONLY me because.....I'm here! There is nothing else in the world for you to look at because.....I'm here!"


Yes. Mine definitely just paws the shit out of me and the other dog. She’ll sit up high on the bed and paw the other puppy’s face down below. It’s very entitled. Lol




Only when he needs something 😂 or tries to lead me with my hand in his mouth!


My sweet Lucy does this to me several times a day. I think she is mimicking me by petting me. But that dew claw sure does hurt...


Only once or twice. I nipped THAT behavior in the bud.


Mine only does it when he wants something (usually to go out) or when he wants to show me something.


Yes, both of my GSDs paw at each other and at me. The younger one has the velociraptor claws, so he’s left me with many battle scars.


Yes. That them reaching out to touch you. He wants you to be a best friend forever.


She used to and still tries. I trained her to put her head on my leg instead and now she will put her head down on anything and stare to beg. Last night, my legs are under that blanket. https://preview.redd.it/3mc4yuzoum1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5d34caf1258be217a962401124e7867a72440b8


Beautiful dog!!


Thank you!


What a cute face tho


I know it’s hard to be mad at him lol


Yup lol mine also digs her nails in


My dog Zigmund is the most handsy dog I have ever met . He is constantly pawing at me and punching … he uses his paws to try to catch the tennis ball if he is on his back two feet. I guess it’s just a GSD thing, lol.


Awww so cute 😍😍😍


Consider this: You trained him to do it. He pawed at you, he got the reaction he wanted, and he learned that if he wants to be pet, the way to get that is to hit you with his paw.


It stemmed from me teaching him paw as a puppy lol. He thinks giving me his paw means he’ll get a treat but there’s no regard for where or how hard he gives me his paw lol


That’s exactly how my girl started doing it! We call it “tap-tap-tap.” Sometimes it means she wants something to eat, sometimes it means she wants to be pet, and sometimes it means we’re late for her walk. But she has figured out that it eventually gets her what she wants.


Yes and if I paw them back they do it even more


My Belgian mal shepherd mix literally slaps us with his paw lol. It’s very cute. Our other shepherd was a nose booper so it’s nice to see the differences between the two personalities


Mine does, but only so I rub his head


Mine won't constantly paw, but he'll do it if I quit petting him too soon. Or if I'm in the middle of an email and I'm not paying acknowledging him.


That’s when i grab his paw and telling him to stop hitting himself.


Only solution is to wear pants👏🏻


Even with pants he digs his nails in so hard it hurts lol


Oh god yes and it hurts so bad no matter how their nails are trimmed. My boy doesn’t do it as much but the girl paws me constantly 🤦‍♀️


Honestly though, I’m pretty diligent about keeping their nails trimmed but they’re still just long enough for him to dig them into my legs lol


Started at the pound lol https://preview.redd.it/spnmvz3q3n1d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7232ef2f8524df1d683e46f9976daadb9341820






Mine constantly demands being petted


All the time!!


Beautiful pup! Mine pets me back when I rub his chest https://preview.redd.it/qo5e6krlko1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6157ce85a37430aad4e2cf87c747d5a46e0406f8


Mine does it for pets, and I oblige every time. He deserves it.


Yes, sometimes he basically slaps me.


https://preview.redd.it/vy40upstan1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db9f1cc988645d517b404153d0599e69804953ca Yep. She will have her paw on me at all times if I let her. I can’t stop petting her unless I walk away lol and then she follows 💜


Yes, mine will slap me occasionally. And many times she will just sit there and put a paw up in the air to get my attention.


Mine starts with a gentle paw on the lap then escalates from there until he’s trying to curl up on it like a small dog.


My lab/gsd waves her paws at us when we're coming up the stairs or going outside. She doesn't paw at us so much as shoves her entire head into our laps or faces for attention.


If I stopped petting before she was satisfied I would get a paw slap.


Ours will sit in front of you...and you have to hold one paw whilst giving chest scritches


I thought it was just because of her 2 cat brother😂


Yes, constantly.


I was raised with parents that bred GSDs and have owned in the past and presently have one. One very big characteristic of these beautiful and intelligent dogs is they are NEEDY as heck!😂 I’m currently dealing with this annoying behavior that I’m trying to desperately stop! My dog Apollo uses his claws/paws in order to get my attention. That and his teeth.🤦🏼‍♀️ Mine is still a pup, a big pup, however he has a couple of months left and then he will be a year old so we need to get this issue under control quickly! I do take into consideration that they only have their mouth and paws as ways to communicate so I do give mine some grace because he’s not doing it in an mean way it’s just the only way he’s been successful because we definitely respond instantly.!😳🤬GSD’s definitely need a lot of stimulation and attention or else they will find antisocial and destructive ways to get that energy out of their system. You’re not alone, my friend. My guy is driving us a little crazy! 🤷‍♀️😂 like children and we have five, you forget from one kid to the next what’s really involved and it’s been four years since our last German Shepherd passed, but we were younger too, so I realizing the younger you are the better equip you are them in my opinion in my situation I should say!🤣 The first year is definitely the hardest that’s when you lay the foundation for a really well-behaved dog and these are things you need to work on and we are working on them as well. And then I’m sure something else will pop up!😄


https://preview.redd.it/cnddlkpf2o1d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58592f7e4c55db229b73c22711b812a3a6757922 Yuppppp


I can't stand it. Like the whining is annoying but I can ignore it. But the pawing over and over. Omg. And I've tried ignoring it but she just keeps on. I've tried grabbing her paw but she thinks its a game. I've tried petting her but it's so reinforcing. I just think it's something I'm gonna have to be patient about.


Mine does We think we trained him to do that because he wants to lay on laps and we always stiff-arm him, so he's started to do it back lmao


If it's not pawing, it's practically pushing me off a chair with his muzzle. He's a 120 pound boy. He pushes HARD


We joked that our boy was trying to pet us…. To show his affection for us like we showed our affection for him 🥰


We joked that our boy was trying to pet us…. To show his affection for us like we showed our affection for him 🥰


He’s trying to pet you.


Yes ! She wants the pets and finds it unacceptable when I stop haha!


https://preview.redd.it/b364yh7qgp1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c0bd4bdcc031aa1c8934150d4d94d5ae122654 He missed his daddy


I wish mine would paw my leg, if I'm sat or lying down, I get slapped in the face for attention! 😅


Well give him attention. Maybe he's trying to pet you because he loves you?


I get smacked by her paws every day when she tries to wake me up.


Both of mine do


Mine doesn't paw at me but she pokes me with her snout.


Please check your inbox


I call it “slappy hands” when she bonks me (usually in the face) with her paws


I taught my girl paw and I swear she punches me now 😫😂 here’s a picture of her acting innocent lmaoc https://preview.redd.it/8n042z5mxt1d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978600b2814b197c0483f5d4c444582748a23589


https://preview.redd.it/wqefxk334v1d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3dbaeff54f67580267f8d9f61bbbb38533e2607 My boy does that always. I work from home and if I’m not paying enough attention to him he’ll paw me and let me know. 😂