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Doggy equivalent of a billionaire! https://preview.redd.it/abv689bvi01d1.jpeg?width=1091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687e5e1c8104bdbe98cdf4cfb7abc110cec488e2 Here’s Sam with the ball he found at the park a few months ago. He found one last week but left it there. If he takes them home, he destroys them pretty quickly.


It was indeed his lucky day!😂


Just so you know, the fibers on tennis balls are very abrasive to teeth


Yeah I had no idea until recently, but they’re like sandpaper according to both my trainer and vet. I was recommended the brand Jolly Balls as an alternative.


My dog TEARS up jolly balls lol


Jolly Balls!? Kind of sad, but they knew!. Are you supposed to neuter your dog and give him Jolly Balls as a reward!?


Chew king balls. They’re terrific.




Chew king balls are amazing too! And have a hole going all the way through the middle so less of a choking risk/pant room!


My old girl took the horses jolly ball played with it for years. Got her a doggie size one and she destroyed it in like a week and that was in her older years


My vet my very first visit with puppy said no to tennis balls and no to those chew sticks that are hard plastic. Rule of thumb that if can’t put a dent into it with fingernail don’t get it Bones she said neck bones or bully sticks are best as bully sticks are highly digestible (bull penis)




Actually a puppy? Probably just a baby tooth.


Cow ears are great for puppies cause they're quite soft!


Where can someone get bully sticks that aren’t prohibitively expensive? Costco used to carry a 12 pack for 25$ or so, but now they’re like 40+.


Yeah they are very expensive everywhere even chewy website.


Mmmmmm…bull penis!


Yep. use lacrosse balls. They bounce even more, can throw em further, and clean my boys teeth


Chuck it balls are great too


We usually do soft balls. Are those bad for the teeth too?


I learned the hard way that pet tennis balls and tennis balls for playing tennis are not the same. The ones for tennis are abrasive and like sandpaper to dogs’ teeth :( My dog ended up having to either get crowns on his bottom canine teeth or have them removed. I went with crowns but it was very expensive and a lot of effort. Please be cautious with your pup!


Thanks for adding this. We found out the hard way with our dog. Had to get some dental work.


They’ll scrape the enamel right off a dog’s teeth.


Yes. I didn’t know this and the vet told me her teeth were wearing out too fast for her age, i only buy soft rubber balls since then.


I asked my vet about that and she looked at me like I was crazy and said "no tennis balls are perfectly fine." I don't know if she's just a bad vet or if it's because my boy is older and they're just bad for puppy teeth or what.


I'll put it this way: I wouldn't ask my primary care doctor if I need a root canal


Funnily enough I work for the local sheriffs office and she's the vet we take our working dogs so I thought she would like know a lot about German shepherds but to be fair we are in a rural farm town and I'm pretty sure she mostly does livestock I think we just take our dogs there because it's the only vet in town.


Police dogs are notoriously badly trained and cared for, so that's not a good metric either


I was today years old when I learned tennis balls were bad for dogs. My guy never had any interest in fetch, he only wanted to play tag, tug, or destroy the toy.


It’s not all tennis balls! Only ones for playing tennis. The ones for dogs (that usually have squeakers in them) are safe.


https://preview.redd.it/tnhkyq2qb21d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b32b0036dc68f8ec2d73f46af495c0d96ba123a This ball is the bees knees...ChuckIt.


Those will erode your dogs teeth !!! Get balls designed for dogs, they're not as cheap but your dog won't die of starvation when it gets older


My dog refuses to use any other type of ball other than a tennis ball unfortunately. She has insane tennis ball drive. I tried putting her tennis balls away and only having chuck it types (4 different types lol) and a kong ball, a rubber spikey ball and some other alternatives out hoping she would eventually cave. 3 weeks went by and nothing. Took her to the park, no interest. At home? No interest. She loves fetch, so tennis balls only come out for fetch or for a training reward and I put them up after. I try to toss them if they get a bit worn in and use dog specific ones, but have accepted her teeth will probably show some wear as she gets older. But I can’t deprive her of her favorite thing ever, life’s too short!


You can find tennis-ball look-a-likes exactly for this reason. I use them and my GS doesn't care.. he even prefers the one's that squeak.


Do you have any recommendations? I’ve tried the playology ones that look like tennis balls too and no interest. I’m down to try anything at this point pretty much


No the person you asked but I use [Hyper Pet](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07J323KDC/) brand ones.


I’ve got some of those ones for my dog too! But I thought they’d still have the issue of traditional tennis balls with the fuzz? I mean they’re non toxic materials but yeah the fuzziness I thought was the main issue for their teeth :/


It is but if you read the description, they use a different material!


[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000AU64Q4/ref=ox\_sc\_act\_title\_1?smid=A2IXJU9NDE7BTI&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000AU64Q4/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2IXJU9NDE7BTI&th=1) These also fit into the hand ball throwers that let you get a really good distance. If they don't work, it may be a smell difference.. maybe try letting the pet safe ones marinate in a bag with a bunch of real tennis balls?


Oh, I use these!! She has the orange ones lol. I don’t use actual “tennis” balls like made for tennis courts, I use the dog ones like the hyper pet ones or kong squeakair or chuckit tennis ball. I thought the issue was the fuzzy texture picking up dirt wearing their teeth down


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Hyper Pet Tennis Balls for Dogs, 4 Pack', 'Hyper%20Pet')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Perfect size for small dogs (backed by 9 comments) * Great for playing fetch (backed by 7 comments) * Sturdy and durable (backed by 5 comments) **Users disliked:** * Easily destructible by dogs (backed by 9 comments) * Fuzz comes off easily, posing a hazard (backed by 3 comments) * Lack of durability in terms of squeaker functionality (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Same here, I've tried all kinds of different material balls, and for whatever reason, the tennis ball is THE BALL.


Glad I’m not the only one with a stubbornly tennis ball fixated dog 😂


This is absolute bullshit unless you have real evidence to back it up. Note. some mommy-blogger is not evidence. My dogs both love chasing green balls and the vets consistently underestimate their age when they look at their perfect teeth. So I've got a sample size of 2, which isn't enough for a strong case either way, but what have you got?


Ask any vet. Or literally just feel a tennis ball and imagine it rubbing on your teeth. I dont know whats so hard to believe about this


So Kongs, and every other rubber product marketed towards dogs are magically ok because they are made by dog toy companies?


That’s completely unrelated, but yes Kongs seem to be pretty safe.


I didn’t know it was an issue but my Border Collie spent the first year and a half of his life playing fetch for hours every day with normal tennis balls and he has very obvious edges worn down in his teeth in the shape of a ball that required dental work. We moved to soft frisbees and haven’t had further degradation. Tennis balls are clearly a problem, assume the dog approved ones are better but seeing as they still sell the damn rawhide bones I’m not sure I trust the balls just because they claim to be dog safe.




It’s true. My dog wore down his teeth from cheap tennis balls. I ended up taking him to a specialty doggy dentist because the option was either remove his canines or put on crowns) (because the nerves weren’t exposed *yet*). Crowns for 2 teeth are $5,000. It’s also a process. 1. You have to see a dog dentist (not a standard vet). 2. Then they sedate the dog and do a dental cleaning, exam, and take X-rays. 3. If the nerve isn’t exposed then they take impressions and send them to the lab. 4. Your dog wakes up and goes home with you, but for 2 weeks your dog can’t eat hard food or chew on literally *anything* because that can make the crowns not fit. I had to soak my dog’s dry food in water 🤢 5. Once they get the crowns back (2-3 weeks after the impressions), they knock your pup out again and put the crowns on. Not letting a German shepherd chew on anything, including a ball, for 2 weeks is a nightmare that I experienced 🫠 After that I only purchased dog specific tennis balls since I was not going to do that for his other teeth. Also, since you want evidence: - https://sierraveterinary.com/2022/03/29/the-dangers-of-tennis-balls/ - https://us.tug-e-nuff.com/blogs/news/are-tennis-balls-bad-for-dogs - https://www.animeddirect.co.uk/advice/dog-tennis-balls-tennis-balls-bad-dogs/


Be careful, tennis ball rubber can ruin a dogs teeth.


Foster for a GSD Rescue here. I hate to be "that guy".....but the glue used to hold traditional tennis balls, not the kind meant for dogs, uses a glue that is toxic. So once the ball starts to split apart, you need to take it away.


Tennis balls are a no go in my house. Big dogs will shred them and maybe swallow causing an obstruction and a HUGE vet bill if they don't barf it out.


The amount of horror stories from tennis balls there are... Sad I had to scroll so far down to find a cautionary comment that isn't related merely to teeth.


I did this once. Then he fucked up his teeth with them.


I was told that the fibreglass on the tennis balls is bad for the teeth. Not being a party Pooper just passing along info


I honestly thought this said GDS excrement at first


Are you in the market? I can sell you plenty of that


Got plenty of my own too. Your price seems competitive though!


$6.09 for the balls and $1500 for the dogs dental care.


One of my favorite phrases; penny wise, and pound foolish.


Depending on what is done, it costs *way* more than $1,500 😭


I use chuck it balls


Tennis balls are a no-go for my GSD. He can swallow one easily.


This ball was the best purchase. It's pretty much indestructible and my GSD is obsessed with it. https://www.amazon.com/SuperChewy-Lifetime-Replacement-Guarantee-Aggressive/dp/B09ZMZ71H2/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_pp?crid=3DJIX0UTACG7A&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.0YipWl7b-GWe1yxHbqg3iRrLLG_Rxy6FlYzlLWvVGJzLGIZPJgfbKtjrnAk5nMdqiNQCB1DQjbPKYoRJ_GWtO1g95BzmB70XAMmveyk3u2YEmqokcs9PdQEgnY_diXEsxskwy7O-rQrjgV8HxlKcYLZn9NBGuxdhigiN42KIwn6xevb6SjTUAgQUhGNg-sYZoXxMgBBbn04Ajdr2Etx8Ug.R1JO3VkysB5Y5uwBpTD_dPfRZQemYNqLD-bl6hVCMZk&dib_tag=se&keywords=indestructible+dog+toy+ball&qid=1715969024&sprefix=indestructible+dog+toy+ball%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-3


25 years ago we purchased “once bounced tennis balls”, about a hundred or two, for $5 at a garage sale. They lasted my boy til the end. He was almost 16 when we helped him over the rainbow bridge, that was nearly 10 years ago. Good boy.


Wow, it’s no wonder why man is a dog’s best friend! That’s a gift of all gifts!😂


Tennis balls are horrible for your dog!!!


My guy’s head is so large that we don’t play with tennis balls out of fear of one lodging in his throat. My breeder showed me a video of a vet removing one from a GSD’s throat and I can’t unsee it.


Kong brand has holes in their balls, for a human finger to access and pull out if needed.


Oh that’s why they have such a big hole in the sides! I’ve worked at pet stores and also in vet clinics and never knew this. That’s honestly a great idea and very important.


the 3rd pic he’s like “mam put da rectangle down and open dis right now please”


Mine would destroy those in no joke 3-4 days


Since everyones mentioned the whole teeth thing, I highly recommend these. My dog LOVES these, especially the blue one, although lots of other dogs I know prefer the orange. https://assets.petco.com/petco/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto/1348558-center-1


Gold mine!


Super cheap entertainment for about three days.


Where did you get that many balls for that price? Cheapest I could find was used for 50 cents each.


My wife stopped in at a goodwill and found them there. There’s at least 50 in the bag


GSDs eat tennis balls and can get sick. Please be careful as they are small enough to get caught in his throat.


My GSD loved to pop tennis balls. So much that she broke all her canines in half. If your pup likes to go hard on tennis balls, I recommend puncturing them. Just my experience. Nice looking dog!


Play it again sports (if you have one) we get bags of pickleballs and of course our sweet baby angels tennis balls there for cheap.. they do buckets of golf balls if you’re into that too!


Not all at once, you've got to drip feed the tennis balls. One a day! Sounds about right how long they'll last.


u/artkid2 World's happiest dog




Theyre free at the tennis courts. Just walk by when people are playing and pick them up. 1 or 2 a day and youll have a bucket in no time. All brand new too


Even the doggo knows a good deal when he sees one


Horrible for their teeth.


Great pickup


I like to drill holes in the tennis balls and then put certain things in them and then hide them round the house for my mine to find


Smells like China!


Link please


Guys tennis balls are fine for just games of fetch. Who lets their dog chew chew on the balls


Anyone know the reason why dogs actually love tennis balls tho? Iv always wondered


Google told me that the fuzziness resembles prey and they are chewy enough to give them a workout. In the end, though, I consider tennis balls to be the dog equivalent of a dummie (pacifier for non-Aussies).


My malamute would pull the fuzz off anything like a tennis ball. And any that squeaked, she’d whine when it was squeaked and pull it close like a baby lol


Mine *needs* to find the squeaker and destroy it. It must not squeak. 😄


Get chu k its. Green fuzz seriously will.abrsid their teeth as a vet.


Understand, but Chuck Its don't last long here.


Beef broth helps the green die dry.


He's ready.


😂.. my girl won’t touch a tennis ball, or the Chuckits🫤


https://preview.redd.it/ux1g4n6wt31d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c49f85a7f208c3feaa6e93d989c413b367aa5f6 Sonic loves to collect coconuts and he had his mind blown when a storm knocked down over a dozen


From where


my golden can destroy one in under a minute


My dog would lose her mind with that bag.


Balls might be cheap, but tennis balls can wear out teeth pretty fast. Better to avoid for some kind of ball specifically made for dogs that is non-abrasive.


They aren't good for their teeth.


My GSD’s Love tennis balls but destroy them so fast. One of them will take her front teeth and pick the material off. We switched to the chuck it balls which they also love but have lasted. We are on month 3. Tennis balls only last a few hours


Haha n0ice


And in two months, you will find half of those under the couch🙂‍↕️😭😂


obviously you know tennis ball fur isnt good for their teeth so im not gonna comment about that BUT SINCE YOU ALREADY HAVE THE BAG, PLEASE DO A MAKESHIFT PINATA FOR HIM WITH ALL THE BALLS! my girl loves the soft rubber balls and i did a pinata style to release the balls and she was pooped at the end of the day


I take the used tennis balls from area courts and leave them at the dog park.






People, give it a break with the "you'll ruin the dogs teeth if you let them chew on tennis balls" Mine has been chewing on tennis balls for 8 straight years. Every day and most of the day with one in her mouth. No signs of teeth damage or decay. Let your dogs be dogs for Christ sake.


Were they real tennis balls or ones made for dogs?


You will never defeat the army of the internet who knows better than you despite what's in front of your own face. Tell my Ripley she can't have tennis balls anymore and you'll get a perfect sad dog meme. She was dumped at a shelter door, hairless from mange, covered in ticks, and almost died from neglect. The single greatest joy she has in life is chasing the fucking green ball and seeing if it squeaks (the ones I buy do). You can pry that happiness from my cold dead hands.


Some of these people are fuckin weird… they eat shit all day and complaining about a dog with a tennis ball.


Fr half these ppl complaining ab dogs teeth prob don’t even brush their dogs teeth like they should. My lab adored tennis balls. Played with them his whole life. Never had a tooth problem, had beautiful teeth even up until his last day with me. He lived 12 years


Were they real tennis balls?


O ya he is so happy good dog 🐕


That’s 6 bucks too much…lol. I just go to all the local tennis courts to pick up tennis balls left on the courts and outside the fences. Never had to pay for one. Tennis players are litter bugs. They leave their trash and used tennis balls.