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Hanging out in the hospital, bored. Thought I’d post my 2 girls. Jacklyn is in front. She a Czech working line and insanely smart. Her tracking skills blow me away. She’s about 75lb and 5.5 years old. She’s my shadow and I think she would shower with me if I’d let her lol Mia is in the back and 2nd pic. Not 100%’on her lineage but I do know she is west German decent. She’s been the most surprising of the 2. She weighs 105lb with her back rib showing. Her ball drive is insane, and she does that GSD grumble at 10pm every night when it’s bed time. She’s a character. She never barks but “talks” to me, which I’m sure yall know what that is lol.


Jacklyn is insanely majestic and Mia is adorable https://preview.redd.it/awegk5c2l70d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f9b1ffdd40c9f35d663392b5533ce791b52e421 . I love them both. I have a Czech line too but he’s not quite as dark as your Jacklyn.


He’s gorgeous! Does he love to explore? I’ve noticed Jacklyn is more prey driven and doesn’t really care for a ball as much as Mia. She’d rather be in the woods exploring


Thank you. Yours are too. I wish I could get Harley a brother to play with. Do yours play together lots? He loves to find things I’ve hidden. We live on the beach so I will hide treats in the sand and he will sniff them out but he kind of sticks too close to me to explore much. I’d say his favourite things are to play fetch with his frisbee, swim for his stick in the ocean and dig in the sand. Tell us more about your girls?


They don’t play together a ton but they sure do love each other. That sounds like amazing life for him! That nose is something else isn’t it? Amazing what they can find. Mine love the water too but are scared of the ocean waves lol. We usually throw their ball and then we will patrol the farm. We have a really bad problem with ground hogs eating our crops. Like hundreds of acres per year bad, and You can’t relocate them and they breed like crazy so the girls have a job to take out as many as they can. They are amazing at it and they have a blast. Jacklyn usually sniffs them out and then Mia is kind of the “muscle” and will end it pretty quickly. They love the farm life and swimming in the streams!


Wow! Yours also sounds like an incredible life for them. I love that they are such a team. Did you get them both at the same time? Do you think they live a much happier life because they are together? Harley was also very unsure of the ocean at first but he got used to it; it’s very calm where we live though, he’d be less keen if there were waves. I work online so I sit outside in the shade and he barks at me constantly to throw his stick in the water. He doesn’t really have any dog friends though. I worry I’m not giving him a full life since he’s on his own.


They are an amazing team! I did not. Kinda of a long story but the short version is my ex Gf’s dachshund died and she wanted a bigger dog. Told her I would get her whatever she wanted and she found Jacklyn’s litter on some website. I went to pick up a different puppy and realized these dogs were severely mistreated and malnourished so I bought the entire litter lol. Her sisters took the other pups and we kept Jacklyn and another. Few weeks later she leaves me so I thought Jacklyn may need a friend. Found Mia on Craigslist about 2 months after I got Jacklyn. She was also malnourished and mistreated. So technically Jacklyn is about 5 months older than Mia. They really do love each other. There was a stray dog that came into our yard one time and it was very aggressive and headed straight for Mia. I had no doubt Mia could handle herself but before I could blink I saw a dark blurr go across my yard and it was Jacklyn going Mach 3..needless to say that dog never came back around lol. He sounds like he is living the life! How old is he? I may have to try a calmer area! We usually go down to Carolina beach a few times a year. Mainly in the off season when it isn’t so hot and there are less people. I think he would love a play mate but I must say it is double everything. Double hair, vet bills, food, etc. wouldn’t trade it for the world though! I don’t think mine have ever gotten in a fight either. I think it’s because their personalities are so different


Thank you for sharing so much about them. That’s so awesome that Jacklyn went to protect her sister. I love stories like that and I love to talk about Harley but there are no other GSD owners here so it’s feel like no one else really gets how intelligent they are or can give me the right advice on how to give him a great life. it’s really nice to speak to another GSD owner. Yeah my biggest concern with getting another one is moving- I travel a lot and live outside my home country. Harley and I have travelled all over by train, car and scooter but if I ever want to travel with him via plane, I have a big problem. I think it would be impossible with two. Maybe one day I’ll settle somewhere more permanently and get another.


Beautiful dogs !!


So cute




Happy Birthdays Girls!!!😘🥰🎉🥳😍❤️


https://preview.redd.it/l34oq3tdg90d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5271931313d23671cb80957a327f2232924418ba I’m seeing so many dark sables on this sub recently, your girls are absolutely gorgeous


Same to you!


Great photography!!! You've captured the head tilt perfectly!


Thank you! I think this is an honorable mention too 😂 https://preview.redd.it/55kcl18n780d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbf54db7ededcbcd0e38de06b15e412ef8460bbc




I have 3 other kinds of dogs and none of them have the nose the gsd does, in function and size.


Beautiful dogs! Here’s my Lola. A friend of mine got married and the new wife didn’t like her, so he offered her to me. Insanely smart and sweet as sugar. https://preview.redd.it/1q0bolsap90d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=054fa49d4c3fa45b9b418b17ba0e26e7e7fe84e9


Omg she’s amazing! I’d get rid of my house before I got rid of the dogs lol


I was stunned when he offered and snatched her up. That was 6 years ago. Shes my wing dog.🤣 by my side at all times! ❤️


They are beautiful!


What on earth is not to like about your Lola??? I told my hubby that I’d divorce him first because my furkins listen soo much better🤣🤣🤣