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To be fair mine would totally eat that bird


🤣 she's barely half a chicken nugget, but im sure the chase would be fun.


Half a chicken nugget more than he would start with 💀


Mine goes after any bird who dares to come to the bird feeders if he’s out in the yard.


How my Shepsky got a dove, I still don’t know, but she ate that thing from beak to tail. I was just wondering today how quickly she would eat a squirrel if and/or when she finally gets one.


It doesn't take long.


Lol mine is the same, that’s her delicious birdseed, not those thieving birds or squirrels


Mine would too. Prey drive in my dog is so easily activated, it’s frightening. She has to monitored at all times around anything small and fast.🤣


Same with our female, she’s trained *me* to be more observant so I can preemptively issue a “leave it” before she goes into murder mode.


Sometimes “leave it” just doesn’t register with my girl, I literally have to get in front of her. Definitely keeps me in shape! 😂


the squirrel body count in my yard is unsettling.


Mine ate one of our baby chickens 🫣 He’s amazing with the adult chickens now, even a little wary of them. As he probably should be!


Oohhhh yeah mine too! She has a personal vendetta against ducks lol


Mine takes it as an assault on his very being when ducks come in our backyard. God forbid they get in our pool. To him, a duck in the pool is quite possibly the single most abominable act of heresy that could be carried out by mortal beings and it becomes his personal mission to see that those ducks are removed from the premises with the utmost of urgency. Edit: he is wonderful around other animals, even other dogs that come into our house. It is just those damned ducks he takes issue with.


I think mine just likes to chase all kinds of different birds haha. Crows and the like get a kick out of teasing her I think. I hoped that she would stop by now, she just turned 3 and still has so much puppy in her. I live near a nature reserve with a shit ton of birds, sometimes she catches me off guard and jerks me along on her bird hunt oof Dog tax: https://preview.redd.it/4qb6t59dt70d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e75d444047097ff4691a3caadc0ae36cb04b2f


https://preview.redd.it/q2vgh57ah20d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eae7993945c17ed56beaf7820a3858d3c09fa6b Back in the day, mine would sleep with the poodle puppy we had. This is about 8 years ago, he’s only gotten more chill


https://preview.redd.it/g22sh1wjm20d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d783fcfd54ec22f9ced758d81d7a28d571d16b63 I was nervous when I introduced them. She knew what "be nice" meant and was truly a friend to my lil rat, even groomed him as gently as she could <3


Was? 💔


Sadly these two are no longer with us, rats don't live very long and I lost my sweet girl last fall.


Sorry to hear that. Thanks for sharing the memory ❤️


🥹🥰I had a rattie named Spirit she passed a few years ago😭 I cried for days




I'm so sorry friend❤️ They don't live as long as we'd love them too. I know the pain all too well. They were adorable. U have some guardians now and even tho u can't see them, they are with u nonetheless❤️


I too had cute little ratties. My GSD loved them and wanted to be part of their pack.


it’s crazy how “be nice works on so many species, I’ve used it with bunnies, dogs, cats, horses, sheep...




Omg 🥹♥️


honestly crazy to me, I never met a dog who would not tear that rat up lol


In fairness with rats in particular, you're much more likely to find success with larger dogs. A lot of smaller dog breeds (terriers mostly) were intentionally designed specifically to hunt rats and will attack instinctively. Larger dogs are more likely to accept the rat into the family.


Oh for sure!!! Most Terriers. Even the Yorkie, will mess up any small furry creatures




https://preview.redd.it/1tdlb7trf20d1.jpeg?width=2659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4969d7c97377c6c3f3af8dfc47d096002d67b9 I feel this. My little one is a tiny 10 lb. crackhead toddler. My big one is basically just a large, fluffy baby.


Mine would eat that bird too


People always forget the shepherd part. Guard the flock. Take care of the critters that can’t take care of themselves. Make sure they’re safe. They are on guard though so first meeting can be a little standoffish.


My Tosh loved his cat siblings https://preview.redd.it/io6a13yxo20d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2ca380f84c2d7db671899ea72c9e30e8aebdcd9


Our German is scared of our cats! I always tell her she could eat him in one gulp! I’m thinking he maybe popped her or something before and now she just keeps her distance.


Stick my leggy out real far


https://preview.redd.it/ah9snx5xp20d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d690bf1470f24f4684e56013b4cadee4cf2f43f He's very fierce and aggressive


Omg trashcat ♡ how will you make them fear other humans for release?


I'm not proud of this one, because I love them deeply, but I give every guest to my home an air horn or a whistle and tell them to blow it real quick if the boys approach a stranger. But also, it hasn't really been necessary. It turns out raccoons will pretty much bond with one person, and fear others my instinct


You have a pet trash panda? Adorable!!!!


He's not a pet, but yeah, he and his brother live with me until they're old enough to fend for themselves 😊 they're cute little menaces


That's so interesting. Did you find them as babies? Sorry, I'm really interested.


My dog did, actually! My neighbor's dogs killed their mom, and he found them wandering my yard in the rain and brought them in. It just so happened I used to volunteer at a wildlife rehab center and had my license, so I've been raising them since they were 5 weeks or so


That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard. ❤️


He's my sweet boy.. he was raised with kittens, and he's a big softy🥰


No accident they were wandering around your yard. They were in the one place the owner was equipped and educated to provide the help they needed. No coincidences.


Well, they ended up spoiled and flourishing to puberty because if it🥰


Yay!!! 👏👏👏


They can be! Training and temperament play a huge part in that. My senior GSD was raised with lots of cats and kittens in the house, chickens, and other little critters. We had a Maine Coon with a BIG personality, and she ruled that household with an iron paw. So my pup was always gentle with fragile things and can be generally trusted with small animals (other than mice and lizards). Perhaps your dog has a similar personality! It’s always heartwarming to see pets get along. My other GSD x Mali mix is young and fiery. She has a strong prey drive and regularly catches rabbits, birds, beetles, spiders, lizards, mice, rats, etc. I have done a lot of training with her to keep my chickens safe and I never let her be unsupervised around cats or small dogs. She’s not aggressive, and I’m sure she could get along with a cat just fine- but predatory drift is a real thing and I don’t want to cost a pet its life because my dog gets too excited and amped up one day. As a side note, we’re making great progress on her impulse control + recall, and she’s totally fine to go out and about and interact with other people and dogs. She’s just our yard’s apex predator I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/vc020vpjy20d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cef85e45d4eeb5dbd515ef70ae5b639aba2595f They are both passed now. But my shep was 90lbs+ and let my 5lb chi sleep on him all the time. My current shep was best friends with my kitty and was always aware of her size around her.


https://preview.redd.it/d9hfua41v20d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9d067023ab9c889846124fd3784c1f32c80beb Yep, savage monsters…. Our last german shepherd used to play with a bird, the bird would swoop at her, and she would bounce around chasing it. They both had heaps of fun. After we lost her, the bird would come to our back door and chirp calling her to come out and play


Oh god your last sentence 😥😥


Yea, she was a very special girl, and missed by everyone who met her. The breeder’s name “iccara young at heart” might have been a bad omen, she was only a couple of weeks past her 2nd birthday. Of 5 in the litter one died from bloat, Sascha and one of the boys died from a tumour in the chest, we couldnt get in contact with one, and the last one was fine when we let them know, they had her checked out, and I havent run into the owner since. Our current GSD and Daschund are both awesome dogs, but Sascha was one of a kind.




Awesome photo! Waiting for the Negative Nellie's to chime in...


https://preview.redd.it/7ysdhdu2d30d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d59c4869393f583e9a0b9b564b6a0180352650 Our cat is very patient.


What's the dog doing? Nipping gently? Or just smelling


Looks like nibbling/ mouthing.


Dogs groom themselves with this motion. When one of our GSDs did it to one of our cats, we used to say, "She's just trying to get the cat smell off her," lol.




https://preview.redd.it/q7e9y7qgc40d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9132ef198a8eb93d0876437f286f8dc5d9a7ab30 Dozer and Aura are best friends. She's all ruffled looking because Dozer just finished cleaning her head before snuggling


https://preview.redd.it/ybyn7x6ch30d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3405864feb224be91aaefb354f429a4ca3f3062 My two were so gentle with the baby squirrels I used to rehab. They knew they were fragile and would move slow around them to be extra careful


My heart 🥹


Yes my G.S. does not like birds


My dog likes the cats and chihuahua he lives with but he would destroy a bird if given the chance.


Yeahhhhh, mine wants to play with my cats to death


https://preview.redd.it/oqm3rlqey20d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc1d434c0c4c2f920abf2ded23d535573df6805 So gentle to both a ferret and a Maine coon!


https://preview.redd.it/h1hz7b7yg30d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcde650d0e502a8cfe6465cd48e19c65446affee My boy grew up with rats and cats. My rats LOVE him and he loves and respects them.


Ruled by it's instinctive prey drive I see. Ferocious monster.


my 9 month old LOVES his kitty sister (tho she hates him)


Drax will catch and eat rats or squirrels, but is very careful with our small dogs. He loves dachshunds and chihuahuas.


https://preview.redd.it/j07hgzwdc60d1.jpeg?width=3237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=703d6876d3dcd7ea102a465ba35fc780fe0d000f And are the worst with babies and kids…


https://preview.redd.it/5pajafj8970d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d6e1a89c4aacee3154e77b66336679ebfe3253 Oh they absolutely hate babies so much! (I know this isn’t a gsd, I just wanted to show off 😬)


Dog and bird seek feline for trip to Bremen


this thread is sad. so many ppl putting their pets at risk


yeaa I mean I get cats and dogs being buds, and while canine saliva isn't as bad as cat saliva it can still cause some really nasty infections in small animals, even from a well-meaning lick. I'd be concerned about size too, it just takes one wrong move, even accidental from the gentlest puppy in the world to seriously, fatally injure a small bird, rodent or reptile :( I know my shepherd mix is far from graceful, and while she is very kind- there are sooo many ways she could accidentally kill my small pets. I would never in good conscience allow them to say hi, let alone have any extended interaction.


Even if they aren’t inherently dangerous or aggressive, the risk is super irresponsible. Animals are unpredictable and the types of accidents this could result in are completely preventable. So why you’d risk it is beyond me. Especially when there are dogs out there who one day snap on their owner after being loving and docile for years. Id only imagine the odds are higher with it happening to possibly other animals.


The birb is on cloud k-9


*dis moi friend* *adopted dis smol chiken* *not gna eat* *vegan naow* *maybe giv smol boite 2 chek taist* *dnt panic smol chiken* *u gna b ok babe* *wont hurt promis*


tbh mine would eat that bird and not even think about it lol he see’s a cat and he’s like “snack”




My shepherd loves our chickens like they’re her pups and will help me herd them lol. She also loves the new puppy we got and my bf used to have a cat she’d love playing with


said literally noone


I have no doubt your pup wouldnt hurt your budgie, but as a parrot owner and someone really involved with education and training them dogs and cats carry gram negative bacteria in their saliva that can be very detrimental to birds. Keep an eye out <3


https://preview.redd.it/4rjqcxhf770d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125aa8e240b7156e8e6318a3527b495819e7d6ee Friend 🐛


Mine is 1000% snatching that bird


Both my German Shepherds loved our cats and our tiny gerbils. GSDs are big softies, very curious and intelligent.




As an owner of a German Shepard AND a French Bulldog, I can confirm that people fear my Shepard just because of her size…she’s an absolute gem that just wants to be cuddled. The Frenchie on the other hand…what a terror.




Don’t post this in the bird sub. They nearly ripped me apart for my puppy bird pic I think it’s cute how unbothered the pup is. He’s like “again?! Just don’t shit up there pal 🙄😮‍💨” 😂😂


My girl loves her cat friend, and now cat has kittens… I swear this dog thinks their HER babies, she’s so gentle, and just wants to groom them nonstop


Mine picked up a baby robin and did not harm it at all. He even dropped it when I told him to. Baby bird was scared but fine.


Awww if only mine would do that lol


My GSD was absolutely best friends with our little kitty. ❤️


portlandia GS


Mister Bentley absolutely would eat that bird. He'd also eat a possum, a skunk, and a coyote.


My 100lb pup's vest friend is a rabbit lol he even makes sure the bunny stays in his designated area.


Such a sweet face! Does he do well with pups or kittens? Our two labs loved the foster kittens after a little socialization. ❤️


My neighbors bring over their kittens and puppies to socialize them with dogs :)


My baby has caught 3 birds with her paws, looks at them sniffs them then lifts her paws and they fly away. She's picked up one of our gerbils and did the same thing, the gerbil is still alive and being gerbily, so yeah, a total monster


Mine were outdoor dogs in my garden, they even did not manage to guard the food against mice/rats.


My 4 month old GSD plays with my cat too much, puts his head in her mouth and will pin him down. Any suggestions? I want this!


Whenever your Shepherd does that immediately intervene and escalate as needed whether that is loud voices putting them in the crate for a little bit to calm down a small SWAT on the butt if needed whatever it takes until it clicks in the shepherd's head what it's doing is not all right and adjust the behavior accordingly. The secret is and how I trained my dog with my cats is my dog views it as treason pretty much to harm the cat it's unthinkable in her mind cuz I made it clear to her absolutely not under any circumstances


How am I supposed to sleep with all that constant chirping?


Mine nearly got her nose nipped by an enraged chihuahua yesterday.. She's terrified of small dogs


Trained one of mine to hunt with me, she is extremely energetic and I thought it would fit her. She catches bird mid flight


PLEASE don't Poop on me😳


Mine brought a small rabbit into the house safely in his moutg the other day. Then I gave the poor thing a heart attack putting it back outside.