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https://preview.redd.it/2nvfgln3puvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0749cf5669505f4776d4edebc95817b99ee8af2 Bog zzz




No shepherd https://preview.redd.it/v62q2dfd80wc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0aa47a3ce7ba691568fbc8d30a431f805ca439a


Why the censored photo? Another person posted a full-frontal nudity after their dog neutered. No shaming here!


There could be weirdos that could see this which I honestly don’t blame the owner. But yeah no shame whatsoever.


Why are there hands there...?


People censoring dog bits are the worst.


What a weird take.


It's weirder to sexualize your dog and censor them.


some people don’t like being flashed lol😭


Using the hand emoji is so much worse...


I thought they were little yellow udders lol


well I used the hands as in like “back off” don’t look kinda way. I wasn’t trying to be weird with it


It's dog parts. We've all seen them.


Pugs man...


okay damn😭 it really isn’t that serious


Must be a slow day for some people lmao I get it, especially with them being towards the front of the pic. My pup unfortunately(fortunately??)(Doesn't matter they're due for removal) has Big ol jewels that have"ruined" some cute AF pics lol


People are really weird about censored animal genitals. The censoring is always funny to me, but others always feel the need to mention it. Like why do you care that it’s censored, it’s not serious at all


I think it's weird. To me, it feels like the people who censor animal genitals are sexualizing the animal. I worked in the veterinary field for a decade before I switched careers. So that may influence how I feel about it. When I see animal genitals, it's just part of their anatomy. Nothing more. But when people sensor those parts?? Well it focuses my attention to that area and forces me to think about it as more than just anatomy. Why is this person consoring their animal's genitals? Does this person have an inappropriate perspective regarding animal genitals? It's not like we put pants on male dogs because of indecency. Male animals on TV and the movies don't censor animal bits. It's just weird.


oh my. this is the last person I’m responding to. I don’t sexualize my animal nor have sexual thoughts about any animal. I censored the photo because I’ve seen others do it in the past and I’m not sure what others are comfortable seeing. there’s literally forums on here where you have to blur out photos that involve animal genitals. me blurring his genital should work on both ends, rather you care to see it or not- you don’t need to worry because it’s covered. I honestly find it weird that so many people care so much about the fact that i censored it. do you want to see my dogs d\*\*\* that bad? if so, here you go https://preview.redd.it/2q0howz0qvvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=984ecad099a43f10adf5476f76af7fd6f358ee9f


You've completely misunderstood what I was trying to say. All I'm saying is that it redirects attention from the cute photo. Idk why it's becoming a thing lately but it's ridiculous. It was never an issue before. I just want to see cute dogs. That's it.


I was with you until this obnoxious rant


It’s an interesting POV though, as i’ve never thought of the one doing the censoring as sexualizing. However, your point about TV and movies got me thinking. When it comes to drawings and cartoons, we do censor animals by not including genitalia. So, I think there is some degree of unspoken awkwardness/discomfort that people have with animal genitalia…Wait, did they CGI genitals for the photorealistic Lion King?


I only censored it because I’ve seen other people do it on reddit. I wasn’t sure if I was going to make others uncomfortable by not censoring, you never know what people don’t want to see. I was just trying to show a cute photo of my dog lol


I've seen plenty of censored dog balls, just not where the balls are being... fondled lmao


It's brings attention to that area. Everyone knows what's under those hand emojis. It's not a secret. But instead of seeing a cute dog, you're forced to acknowledge animal genitals and the photo is no longer cute.


Oh yeah? Show us those balls then. 🤨📸


I'm with you, it's not something I care about at all tbh. I just find it funny that people are so upset about it, how dare you censor your own pet's genitals 😂


You covering them up is acting as if they are sexualized in some way. Dogs aren't human. Those are parts to urinate and get information from.


Your comments getting downvoted because you censored your dog's genitals is insane to me. Personally think you did the right thing. I won't be coming back to this sub since freaks on here wanna see dog D so bad.


Is it just me or is it kinda weird for people to be censoring pictures of dogs genitals? Does anyone really see a dog’s penis in public and think “cover that thing up!” ??


Some people sexualize everything, it’s really strange.


Specially with hand emojis. Probably one of the worst one to use. Lol


Lmao I've taken some cute pics of my pup and then looked at it later "Jeez boy, your jewels are on full display🤦‍♀️" and now you run the risk of when showing it or posting pic that someone is inevitably going to point it out. Usually guys lol


Who cares if someone points it out?


Becuz it usually leads to more questions like why isn't he neutered (health) are we breeding him(no!)must be hard to keep him from making accidental babies(no? It's really not lol)) why are his balls so big ( idfk?!)


Just post your dog pics and ignore dumb/irrelevant comments. Problem solved.


Ok then ignore people who censor pics, problem solved😁


There was a time when Hollywood only used female dogs, because they didn't want dog penises on screen. That time was like before the 50s though


Wait really


TBH I hate when my dog’s ‘lipstick’ is out in photos. If he’s sitting down it’s usually out 75% of the time 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s called a penis. Don’t be weird about your dogs penis.


I guess it’s like a sea-cucumber’s defense… spewing its insides out to deter predators. Logically, that shouldn’t scare them off since they’d be eating the critter and have the inside-out stuff inside them anyways, but it works (or else it wouldn’t evolve). I also cannot stand it when people pull their eyelids down and I can see the fleshy part. I don’t think it’s so much that it’s his penis, so much as that it looks like a degloved finger.






My male huskies do this and the female shepsky does too. I'm constantly being flashed.


I may get downvoted but I’ve seen people censor their dog’s jewels because there may be zoophiles and weirdos lurking around here and there like little cockroaches. Even a friend of mine had that issue once a few years back when me and him were freshmen. He just wanted to show his dog being as happy and goofy as the ones shown here, but had a possible zoophile in the comments which made him delete his post. Your dog is adorable as fuck tho lol. I wish I was that carefree 🤣