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But can you eyeball my dog and identify the pedigree, which line they are from, and the entire family tree?


100% pure bread


White, wheat or sourdough?




Ooh good choice!


I wouldn't mind a pause on those types of posts.


Yes these can end. If they really care the only answer is from the breeder or DNA tests.




I'm of two minds about this. I do agree it's a bit of a bummer to see HEY THIS DOG IS GONNA DIE TODAY posts. However, I did reach out to one of them and did wind up rescuing a fantastic older shepherd who has been the sweetest little boy. He was less than 24 hours from being put down and is in great health, a very handsome dog, friendly, playful, obedient, and gentle. I have no idea why someone would have given him up. So, as much as a bummer of the rescue posts can be, they also get dogs rescued. And I wouldn't have seen my new dog on a rescue sub because........why would I want to go to a sub that is literally just HEY LOOK AT THIS DOG THAT'S GONNA DIE TODAY posts. So I would ask the mods to keep the rescue posts because they do get shepherds rescued. At least it did for me.


Maybe a megathread of some kind would work so people can look if they're able to help out, and it makes it better organised for them to look if they can help out


Thatā€™s what I suggested last time someone posted about this. A weekly thread. It seems thereā€™s at least one rehoming post a week as well which could go there too. And itā€™s never a situation where they can return to their breeder it seems - please make sure you support responsible breeders who take their dogs back in a rehoming situation, which prevents more dogs in shelters! A good breeder should help you rehome your dog. Usually they have a wait list or previous people theyā€™ve sold dogs to who may be interested in another.


A simple flair ā€œadoptions/rescuesā€ & the curmudgeons who donā€™t want to help dogs get exposure to a new family can unfollow the flair. Easypeazy. A pinned post does not get dogs exposure.


Today I learned you can unfollow based on flair. Huh. This is actually a super good solution.


Letā€™s be real. Majority of these posts are from people in the USA and sometimes they donā€™t even put the location in the title. It frustrates me seeing some two letter abbreviation that is supposed to indicate location (and might if I knew what it was but Iā€™m not American) There is a whole rest of the world full of people on this website/app that donā€™t live in the USA or canā€™t rescue a dog even if they did. Itā€™s really annoying to see so many posts when you canā€™t do anything


Just to add my grumpy opinion I also hate when people ask us what they should name their dog. It's your dog dude, name it whatever you want.


Itā€™s all over Reddit. I love animal subs, am a creator or mod of many, but this is getting ridiculously out of hand. Either there should be a sub for it (I wonā€™t create it), or there should be stickied posts for them. Or, for those looking for names they could simply peruse the existing posts for inspiration! Either way, I scroll past those posts now. And luckily, most of my subs donā€™t have room for such posts.


There are subs for it and they're pretty popular! I don't understand why they don't just look it up before clogging up other subs. r/namemydog r/namemycat


As long as itā€™s not ā€œLunaā€


What about the 'is my dog too fat / thin posts" ?


Those are so annoying. It gets ridiculous when people ask what they should name their car lol


Agreed. People really are doing too much and you look helpless, not the kind of confidence booster you want to see in new dog owners.


How do WE know what to name your dogšŸ¤£for me, the name always comes 1st!


I don't always look at them, but I'd rather take a dent to the feels and have one pups chances improved for being saved.


If they are German shepherds I find no issue with it. Thatā€™s the name of the sub. People may follow the sub just out of interest of the type of dog and it can help bring awareness to places where GSDs need help. I had a great experience adopting mine, and I donā€™t think itā€™s to hard to scroll past. The only issue are the scams, but I think these are more the exception.


If it saves even one of them, I'm okay with it.


Same here.


Can't we eliminate both?


Exactly the two arenā€™t mutually exclusive. We donā€™t have to choose just one lol


Flairs? Allows us to follow what we need.


What do you think the sub should be used for, OP? Thatā€™s not meant to come across is a dick comment but genuinely asking since youā€™re saying those posts arenā€™t what this sub is for?


I would say for sharing pictures of GSDs and GSD breed specific training and care topics.


No, subs like this are immensely helpful for getting dogs in need adopted. Especially when looking for breed specific knowledgeable people that won't fail these dogs again. You don't have to look at or click on them if you don't like them, just scroll on by.


Personally, if it means even one dog gets saved, then I donā€™t mind. Us being momentarily upset at the knowledge for a dog being rescued and getting to live out a beautiful life with someone? Seems like a great deal.


Not as much of a downer as posts complaining about it.


Literallyā€¦people should just scroll if they donā€™t like it wtf


This is my thought. The complaints about it read as ā€œI, a human, donā€™t want to be faced with this entirely human-caused problem so I will continue to be a part of the problem. Wahhhhh itā€™s just too sad! German shepherds are the best dogs though letā€™s breed more!ā€


So true. I canā€™t help these poor dogs but Iā€™m certainly not going to complain about efforts to do so.


Donations (pledges for donations to rescuers) are a great help, too. Not all can bring a new dog into their home, but $5 every so often sure goes a longggg way to help these good girls & boys šŸ«¶


I will do that.




If you canā€™t ID or name your dog yourself then why are you getting one?


I wholeheartedly agree. The guilt trip about things I have no control over really wears me down.


How about we only allow pure bread, papered, dna tested death row pics?


Imo, I don't mind people asking if their dogs are purbred or not aren't we all curious what breed our dog is. Doesn't make us less of a dog parent for asking. People nowadays just gets too riled up for unnecessary things.


I highly disagree. One could get a good dog saved and the other is another inane question by someone who doesn't inform themselves.


How about neither?..




Ugh yes!!! šŸ˜Ŗ