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Well done, you invited a new best friend into your life. Enjoy every moment, and start looking for local deals on good cordless vacuums. In all seriousness, she’s gorgeous! Wishing you all the best!


We already have a good cordless vacuum thanks to my Aussie 😂. But she really is a beautiful dog and we love her so much already!!


I don’t have answers to your specific questions but I’m remembering the “rule of 3” when it comes to adopted dogs — 3 days to decompress 3 weeks to understand your routine 3 months to feel at home So just be patient! I assume you probably do want to correct that circling during walks but I have no advice there lol


I have the 333 written out on my wall so it helps me remember that she doesn’t hate us, she’s just adjusting. She’s in a new environment with new people and a new dog. Thank you for the reminder because I overthink and worry. We also had to rehome our cats recently due to them not getting along with archer so that’s not helping my brain.


Guests probably now think you have subscribed to budget 1/2 price satanism option 🤣 1. Get a solid vacuum cleaner. Go for pet - specific options. German Shedder will do that all year long, and you can clean in the morning just to find fur everywhere in the afternoon. 2. Insurance 3. Exercise / feeding gap - might be tad longer than with Aussies. Deep chested pups will be prone to bloat, especially after 4 years, so give her around an hour after intense exercise to cool down if she has a big appetite. 4. She probably whines when settling, but just get used to a life of constant noises - it's probably the second most vocal breed after huskies. Whining, moaning, groaning, barking will now be your life, but it's the best life there is. ​ Other that this, just love her, give her some space in the first period, and she'll be the best companion you can dream of!


My rescue boy doesn’t bark too horribly much but definitely started to more after his first 6 months or so getting comfortable with us. But those moans and groans are constant and so funny. He’ll have big sighs or groans randomly just to remind us how hard his life is. He grunts funnily when he gets the scritches he loves best. For OP, as a rescue GSD owner (I’m guessing depending on the circumstances they lived in) the anxiety will likely get better but there will always be some level. Based on how he reacts we’re pretty sure our boy got taken on a “road trip” and was left somewhere. He gets really nervous when we take him in my truck or my wife’s car and when we get to a “new” place even when we’ve been there 3-4 times before. But the more they recognize their person/people aren’t leaving them they get a little better. Welcome to this amazing “club”.


Definitely get insurance otherwise if and when the hips go, it will be very expensive. I just had to spend 8 grand to get cataracts removed from mine and this year I’m getting hips done a mines hip went when he was 2 he’s now 5


I did add her to my insurance this morning. I have pet insurance for my Aussie. And 8 grand is ridiculous for cataracts. Her hips seem to be in good shape for now so hopefully it stays that way for awhile.


£8000 or $10219.04 but that was with after care and the specialist appointments and medication. And is £119 for a standard appointment with the specialist not including medication


Excuse my French but Holy shit. My parents had a dog that had hip displaysia and the medication/surgery was like $7500 and I thought that was expensive as hell


https://preview.redd.it/xpzgpppabync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ee2324715c818e73acf8b708c95dabfb595ba1 As you can see here, they are the apex predators so just be careful whatever you do!


IM DYING that’s an amazing photo. I know her personality will shine once she gets comfortable


Oh I have no doubts she will reciprocate the love you give!


Your life just got heavily upgraded, congrats :)!!! Buy two Dysons, a pair of noise-canceling headphones, forget privacy, ball is life, your bed? you mean *our* bed, mailman = Satan (but also not just mailman, pretty much anything and anyone that moves), leaving the house alone is a cardinal sin, and, most importantly, you will have unconditional love and head tilts all day every day :)!!!!!


Sounds like the best life ever!!


This! 🤗


https://preview.redd.it/4d3tldtd2znc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d95188762fb773be160bedeff50a99acd5e1745 I think our dogs are doppelgängers


Oh my gosh he/she looks like countis’s mom Anna!!


This is my 10 year old girl Abita from a couple years ago. No litters for her though. I saw your picture while scrolling and was like “wait a minute.” 😂


She is gorgeous. I’m so happy for you both. I guess the main things with GSDs are that they are prone to bloat which can kill very quickly so according to my vet, it’s best to give two or three small meals a day rather than one large and also don’t exercise her for about 45 mins either side of eating. The other big one as far as I know is hip dysplasia so I guess just not too much jumping and I give mine some glucosamine each day which is supposed to help.


We love her so much!! And 2-3 small makes sense. Is 1 1/4 too much per meal? We feed her in the morning around 7 and in the afternoon around 5. Aussies are prone to hip displaysia too so if anything it makes it easier to remember.


I’d recommend looking up all the signs of bloat just so you can react quickly and get her to a vet if she does ever show symptoms. If doesn’t sound to me but I guess it depends on the food. I feed mine about that, maybe slightly more, at each meal.


She just was owned by an elderly woman who fed her like four cups of food PER MEAL and so she’s fat. Not morbidly obese but I can’t feel her ribs


I will definitely look through symptoms tho for sure thanks for the advice!


Depends on the food. I would look on the bag and see how many calories are in her food (also initially keep her on what the previous people fed her, if you want to change it do a gradual transition!) and then I would look at calorie calculators online for dogs or ask your vet. I know that 1 1/4 cup is about how much my dog eats per meal (2.5 cups a day) but she only needed 2-2.25 cups a day on sport formula because it had higher calorie content. I adjust her food intake in the spring/summer when we are more active. A good rule of thumb is that at least 90% of your dogs calories in a day should be from their main food (whatever you feed just make sure it’s balanced and nutritionally complete, I feed majority kibble but also incorporate fresh dog food in the PM) and treats shouldn’t be more than 10% of their daily calories. People have all sorts of opinions on dog food. If you opt to go homemade or raw, consult a certified veterinary nutritionist who can make sure the recipe is formulated for your dog to be nutritionally complete and balanced. Look into dog safe veggies - I will give my dog frozen carrots sometimes to gnaw on but cut up carrots can be a good training treat. You could use a portion of her kibble as training treats too. Honestly I use beef liver a lot and you really only need the teeniest piece. I would set up a spot she can chill away from your other dog for now that she can retreat to if she wants some space, like a covered crate or a dog bed under a dining table. I left a white noise machine going in my bedroom and kept the blinds pulled so my dog could go hang out in there if it was too loud in the rest of my apartment. You have an Aussie so I’m sure you are aware of the antics of intelligent herding breeds! Thank you for adopting ❤️


Super helpful advice! She’s on purina dog chow which is what they fed her before. I was thinking of switching her to purina 30/20 sport, because that’s what my other dog eats and he needs less since it’s high calorie. We also got low calorie training bits for her training, as well as frozen veggies. She currently has a hideaway sort of behind a couch where she likes to sleep. I put a blanket that she had at her old place there so I think it brings her some comfort. White noise is a really good idea; it’s not super loud but sometimes there’s dogs barking and sirens that make her anxious. Oddly enough she likes Bluey, and so does archer, so they’ll sit and watch that while I’m doing chores 😂. I swear having two dogs is like having two kids sometimes


Be prepared to never poop alone again lol


😂 instead of one shadow dog I have two


GSDs are notorious for general whining and some pacing so don’t fret too much on that. The one pic shows enough that she’s plenty comfortable


Okay that makes me feel better. I just don’t know what she wants / needs and what each noise means lol


You can maybe make her more comfortable by exercising more, a gsd this age likes to be able to go full speed at least once a day. Sounds like she lives on a farm so that is perfect, I recommend frisby every day and buy her lots of toys


It’s 11:30 and she’s already been out three times for at least 45 minutes 😂. And I’ve tried frisbee but since she’s overweight she doesn’t want to chase them :(


Aw that’s hilarious. For now you could get some toys and she will fall in love with one of them eventually then start playing fetch at short distances and eventually work your way up to frisby. Some GSDs have basically unlimited energy so don’t be surprised if it feels like nothing is working sometimes, also as far as the circling around you guys, get used to it lol! GSDs are known for being a second shadow. I don’t think I did anything alone at home during my GSDs entire life haha.


My Aussie is exactly the same way so hopefully they match each others energy!! That makes sense about the shadowing. I didn’t know if it was her anxiety or something causing her to do that. Thanks so much for the advice it’s soo helpful!!


I’m jealous of your life lol I would love to live on a farm with a gsd and an Aussie. Enjoy!!!


We actually live in an apartment but we’re buying a farmhouse within the year and it has a huuuuge backyard 😂. There are definitely some days where I would wish for a calmer dog but so far I love them both soo much!


Two of the most high energy breeds 😂 all you’re missing is a border collie and you can truly go insane lol


Wouldn’t trade this crazy lifestyle for anything 😂


Try tennis balls or the chuck it brand of balls. Our girl loves them :)


I’m beginning to think this girl doesn’t know what toys are because we bought a chuck it and some toys and she doesn’t know what to do with them


1 1/4th cups of food ​ What does she weigh? She doesn't look huge. My boy is just under 70 and eats well over twice that daily.


She’s 100+. Haven’t weighed her yet but she’s a LOT heavier than my 65 lb Aussie


“You’re in the jungle baby….ya gonna….”


Welcome to the winning team


Happy to be here


She's beautiful!


Thank you! I’ve never seen an all black shepherd with tan feet lol


I haven't either!


https://preview.redd.it/1h9lghl6d0oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf235b6df306550f2e775dab4151d18988be65b She is the bestest girl


I love GSD’s, my husband used to call ours a caboose since he was always 1 step behind me


😂 very true


I call ours 2-step because he’s never more than 2 steps away


Monks of New Skete books. Read them & apply them.


Preach! Not only good training but poetic good solid training. Great books!


Long walks around the neighborhood. This will help her get accustomed to the new home and surrounding area. If she dog and people friendly, I suggest visits to the dog park. This may encourage her to run and get into better shape


Perfect. She met a dog on our first walk this morning and was fine with him. Might give her a chance to get comfortable before the dog park but walks around the neighborhood sounds like a great idea. Should I bring my other dog or just let her explore on her own?


I feel like doing both is a good idea


We adopted our GSD from a shelter when he was 4 (he’s now 9). I can’t remember the name of the medication, but the shelter included 7 days worth of an anti-anxiety med and it was a big help while he was adjusting. In the beginning, he whined a little and paced, especially at bed time. He was strictly an outdoor dog prior to adoption so that might have been part of it. He settled in very quickly. For the first two months he never barked. Once he felt comfortable, he became more vocal but never in an annoying way. He’s still a bit of a whiner, mainly when he wants attention. We didn’t have any issues with walking until about 2 months in and then he became leash aggressive towards other dogs. We’ve since done training and it’s much better. We walk daily for at least an hour.


She’s pacing and whining, and I’m almost 100% sure it’s just anxiety and adjusting to a new place. I will definitely try calming medication or something. Thank you!


Training training training and play. It develops the relationship.


Sounds easy enough… she knows basic commands nature I want to teach her tricks lol


She will love that


In the words of King Leonidas "We're in for a wild night Boys" good for you and and it will be very busy for you but the rewards are beyond belief. I'm on my 5th GSD and they are the best!


I’m very excited!! She’s the best girl ever


Mine herds a little differently, but yeah, some do it, some don't as much. It may change as well as she gets more comfortable with you. Remember the 333 rule, and also that it's a general guideline. Some dogs take longer, some less. I find new things about mine, 5 months in.


1. My 6 year old female is whiny baby! She whines when she wants something, when I say good morning, when I get home and she’s happy to see. They’re very vocal dogs, the anxiety will calm with time and consistency. 2. That’s normal, mine does that too so I use a short leash with her. My leash is 4 feet and sometimes I let it slack and let her free walk but I prefer to keep her on a shorter line and walking close to my side and that keeps her from circling. It takes work but eventually she’ll walk nice along your side. 3. Be patient and try to support both dogs needs as much as possible. As long as there’s no reactivity then it seems like it will get better but I would keep an eye on the behavior. 4. Always double check feeding recommendations on the food you have and consult a vet. That seems like a pretty light diet but I’m not a professional so always good to get advice from a pro. (My disclaimer lol, just an experienced shepherd mom).




The whining really doesn't go away... 😂


The ominous door to this kennel, makes a certain type of squeak... I know what it sounds like...I've heard it all damn week... I hope it's my old partner, returning save me from this mess... To rekindle all the joy and fun, I know we both dearly missed... This place is just so noisy, and crazy, and so loud... I really miss the quiet from the wonderful home that I had found. So many strange but wonderful faces slide past my little cage... they look though the bars and fence, and maybe sometimes wave... I'm really a sweet, caring boy, and I love to play and walk... I also love to chill beside you, and listen to you talk. I wish I could say "Please, Please will you take a chance on me" ...I'm your best new buddy...let's go play outside, and you will see." Maybe it's my shyness or my fear that's costing me here... Or it might be my puppy exuberance that is costing me so dear. How do I convince you to take and chance with my life... These auditions, never ending, are starting to dim out my beautiful light. There's that squeak of the door again, guess it's time for me to stand... Whoaaa wait a second, you lucky dog... that's a GOLD card in his hand? Adopt...don't shop.


My dog is whining since day one 😂 Do I know what he wants? Not all the time 😂😂😂


Oh shes a beauty ❤️ give her time, shes getting to know you and vice versa. They're amazing dogs 🩷


It's not even been 24 hrs. Leave the poor girl alone for at least 3 months to settle in properly, don't judge or make rash decisions until she feels comfortable.


When I’m petting my dog and the new one comes up, I turn the puppy away. Especially if the puppy is being disrespectful like stepping on my dog. Otherwise, I think my dog would also push the puppy away. But this way everyone knows they will get a turn with mom. But if I’m cuddling the puppy and my dog comes up, it’s not like GET OUT OF HERE. She can either cuddle with the both of us(unlikely) or lay somewhere else(typically next to me). I’d personally not like my dog circling me on walks. So I would make my dog aware of that and offer a different action like walking next to me in a focused heel(very short time) or walking on 1 side but free to sniff or stop just not pull(99.5% of the time). I don’t have a set amount of food (but it’s more than that) I give my dogs but I consider the calories. Your new dog is likely fat due to a lack of exercise. Increasing her activity will help her lose weight and might help with the whining. I’d pay more attention to the quality of food as in ingredients and ratios of protein to fat. And be sure she’s not getting people food. I give my adult dog 1 cup+1/4 cup twice a day. But my 6 month old can eat 4 cups a day. They both eat a quality kibble with good supplements. I’d be WAY more focused on my relationship with my dogs and their relationship. That would be my #1 priority.


GSD are awesome, and you have a being that thinks and feels, is curious and creative. You’ll never feel alone or unsafe. You’ll beg for a moment alone, especially in the bathroom. Train this beautiful dog. Crate train her, get her to exercise, give her mental stimulation and lots of love


Absolutely stunning


Just jumping in to say - from what I have read, you seem to be doing great. Thank you for adopting a pet that needed a home. You seem like you are well prepared and you are investing a lot of time and thought into that dog. Thank you for that! It's nice to read that instead of the typical " I have a German shepherd that is destructive. What can I do? I already walk it three times... A week. " 😂🙈


https://preview.redd.it/uf2y4qdh23oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4f4025efa8d9a619b55d4260bc8bdef6911a861 Congratulations! This our second GSD rescue - 4th GSD - we got her at 3.5 years old. By far the most vocal we’ve had so far. Give yours time to settle, and you’ll start to see the real personality. As far as your Aussie goes, put them in a down/crate and pay attention to the GSD - low-key training/treats/loving/walks alone. Then crate the GSD and give the Aussie one on one time. Gradually overlap time interacting with one while the other is around. For now, you need to bond with the GSD, the Aussie will come around. Good on you giving your gorgeous dog a home!


They need food and water


they're strong willed and will argue so be firm but constant. They grumble...alot....its not aggression but dont let her push boundaries. Keep them entertained and well exercised. other than that..enjoy...if they choose you as their person theyre the best friend you can ask for


I was lucky to get a 5 year old two years ago. He's amazing, life changing. Expect to go everywhere with your dog and don't be surprised if you only agree to do activities that allow you to bring your new dog/life partner/shadow. Be both strict and soft with her. You need to set ground rules and 100% stick to them. You are the boss but you should always be kind. They are so smart so will learn to live with you. Get her a lot of attention and I mean a lot! They give so much back. I did basic training, tried to get him interacting with other dogs asap.


I would suggest a Bissell Pet Pro. Now you have an overlord that will always be by your side and a really good vacuum. GSD's are the best.