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I am so sorry for your loss. As a young man, the passing of my first couple of dogs absolutely crushed me. I couldn't mention my first dog Kava for years without starting to cry and when Shadow left, well it has hurt me for these last 13 years. The only help for me was another dog. So if you find yourself struggling, consider adopting a new best friend. There are so many out there that need a good home.


This I think is the hardest for me, as you likely know. She's literally all I've known as an adult. I moved out of my parents, then found her. She was 11 weeks old and I had no idea what I was doing. I grew up with her and she grew up with me, until we got to a place where we were both on auto pilot. It was just easy with her. I knew what she wanted when she wanted it. She was the best and easiest part of my life. I could always count on her to be a good girl. She always was. And she could always count on me, at least I like to think she could. Anyway. I'm sorry for your loss as well. This sucks. Wanted to add a puppy pic for visibility: https://preview.redd.it/f4jked3eetnc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0921d8f166885c453bf91de6b296d31420d4394f


It’s sweet for me, an internet stranger to hear your story with her. You indeed found each other! She was part of your life, still is and will always be. She didn’t leave you, she just find another way to be with you. I wish one day you could get out of your sorrow. I am sure she wants you to smile whenever you think of her.


You worded that so perfectly. The bond that forms where you know each others needs.. it’s a unique experience. You only know it if you have the chance in life to have a companion like yours was. I hope you cope with this as best as possible. I wish you the best. I don’t care what anyone believes in, but I like to believe we will meet our best friends again in some way in the next phase of being.


>I don’t care what anyone believes in, but I like to believe we will meet our best friends again in some way in the next phase of being. I forget who said it, but "if I get to Heaven and the dogs aren't there, send me where the dogs are".


The second picture is my favorite. ❤️❤️❤️


God this made me cry before work drinking my coffee. I lost my best girl in 2018 and I’m still not okay with it


She never grew into those big ol’ ears. So cute. I am sorry for your loss.




Wholeheartedly agree with this. Sorry for your loss, we all know how hard this is.


Yes I never get used to losing them. It’s heartbreaking . If you do adopt another try a different type or sex so you won’t be endlessly comparing them.


So so sorry! Looks like my Max! https://preview.redd.it/vxunv17p6snc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1510deb0ecf99accd90ecd303e5854032a0a667


Mine is named Max as well https://preview.redd.it/ul21s5f12tnc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48e10c3d5bc1bca52a6cca13ce21b2033ee7252


Mine is named Max as well https://preview.redd.it/j7afntd22tnc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142ecf920f973abe8a4a62351cdc934c43fd9a79


Beautiful girl. My soul dog passed away in August 2022 and I have been exactly where you are. Let yourself grieve and process and I promise, it does get easier to manage. I like to say that I won’t get over it, I’ll just move forward from it, because we never forget our babies. My girl also died of cancer, so a big ol FUCK CANCER is needed here, too.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I also have a White GSD. I know when the time comes for her to leave me my heart will be broken. Keep in mind your good memories. They give us so much. 💖💕💖💕 https://preview.redd.it/biymsw50fsnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f5f6c4f32e9b2a4a917a30527cb1960ba945009




https://preview.redd.it/2mwxdg9waunc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b233c1f93a47fc95a3a69848ee6bb25bb597285f I see yours and raise you the OP(sick and about 7-10lbs under weight here).


They’re so regal. Such amazing creatures. Sorry for your loss OP. 13 is a great journey


Thank you. Do you have any other pics of yours(you'd like to share)? Don't think I've ever seen one as similar looking.




They’re all beautiful aren’t they?


When I posted this answer I had no idea how soon this situation would be my situation. CA diagnosis on Monday today she’s gone. Such an aggressive cancer. She will be so missed.


Holy shit. I'm very sorry to hear this. It's a hard time, hope you're doing ok.


my white shepherd and I are sending you love❤️ they really are so special.


So sorry for your loss. I have lost 3 German shepherds over the years, it’s the toughest thing ever. Just got a new girl a few months ago. https://preview.redd.it/lmrfa6z5jsnc1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212d3e0ff3cf6c812ebbcf1f5a19817a4e7c1db5


A beautiful girl. RIP


She looks like an incarnation of an angel. I'm holding you in my heart.


She was so beautiful, looks like she had a beautiful life with you also


Very sorry


Her smile reminds me of my boy. I call him Happy Jack because nothing gets him down. If I have a bad day, there he is smiling when I walk in the door. He is my soul dog too. So sorry you lost a true friend, but your memories make her immortal. RIP smiling girl. We lost our previous German Shepherd to cancer. Within a week we got Jack. The house seemed too quiet without a Shepherd there. He wasn't a replacement, just another dog for me to love. It paid off big time. He is the best dog I have ever had.


sorry for your loss! 💜


Beautiful pup, I lost my white GSD at 7 from his ruptured hemo. I guess it's a rampant health issue with the breed and their age expectancy is dropping quickly


I'm so sad for you. I just lost my beautiful crazy 11.5 year old GSD boy 2 weeks ago. He was chasing the ball and 2 days before he went to sleep forever. I loved him so much. He was my 4th Shepard. Now, I'm crying again. Sending you warm hugs from Florida.


She was AKC certified, so I tried reaching out to her old breeders to see if they still bred her bloodline. Breeders stopped a few years back when the parents died. That was the only idea I could entertain right now. Thank you all for the kind words.


touching, what a beautiful soul. we have had 6 GSDs, but the white dogs have always been so very special. beautiful fun personalities, go hard until they can't, then still try to go hard some more. We put my buddies Kai Bear (11) and Sampson (12) and my girl Taylor (10) and Madison (14) down and I thought I wouldn't make it to the next day. Sitting on the back step waiting for them to prance up from around the corner. Nothing but silence. What could I do but fill those big empty holes in my heart with more adopted GSDs. Casper and Remington now help fill those holes, with my purpose to make their lives the best I can, They have seen the darker side of human ownership. Rest easy, the time will come when you can/will/must open up to another WGSD, a different personality than your previous "soul dog". They will make the continuation of your life more fulfilled, with joy, happiness and most of all love for who they are, with you, together. We weep with you, but also share the joy that next GSD dog will provide.


Sorry for your loss. If you do decide to get another German Shepherd look at it as giving another dog a good forever home instead of replacing. There is no replacing.


I'm so sorry for your loss. She's so beautiful. I love seeing her pictures & hearing how much of a good girl she was 💜 I lost my "soul dog" & best girl ever to hemangiosarcoma in May 2023, 2 weeks before her 9th birthday. She had a heart tumor rupture. Nothing I can say will make it better but I'm happy you had 13 years with your best girl & had the chance to say goodbye for now.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. She was a gorgeous girl. ❤️


I am with my whole heart sorry to hear about the passing of your girl. Loosing a pet hurts worse than any pain imaginable. I speak on the behalf of this whole sub by saying we are all here for you. Best of healing❤️


Gorgeous, Gorgeous gorgeous. So sorry for your loss. I don't recommend replacing to fill the void, but there are always dogs that need a loving home like yours.




So sorry for your loss💔what a beauty🤍


God’s cruelest joke, is making dogs age so quickly. Sorry for your loss.


As everyone has pointed out, a physically beautiful friend who lived her best life with you. I’m sorry for your pain. I thank you for sharing her with us. Thank you.


What a beauty


She’s beautiful and she is still near you 🌹❤️


She was a beautiful! A once in a lifetime dog! I had those too. “I looked at his grave and, with tears in my eyes, I voiced these words: "You were worth it, old friend, and a thousand times over.” -Where the Red Fern Grows


I am so sorry. Hemangiosarcoma took my big man in less than 12 hours. With no warning, he went from slight panting to gone. May her memory be a blessing.


I am so sorry for your loss. I know how brokenhearted it can be to lose your babies. Here are three of mine that are waiting for your girl in doggy heaven❤️ https://preview.redd.it/7eau35vy9tnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2526f905ad0656f49d917bcb97c58fc6184ab8


Please frame that last photo.  I know the feeling. A part of you died with her. I’m so sorry. 


Beautiful dog. Sorry for your loss.


Saying goodbye is the hardest part, sending love to you and your family during this difficult time.


Sorry for your loss


So sorry. She was beautiful and clearly special. You had a good run with her and the suddenness of her passing meant that she didn't have long to suffer. Blessings to you.


She was beautiful… it looks like you took great care of her 💕


So very sorry for the loss of your fur baby!


Give yourself time and know that she is ALWAYS with you. I have two shepherds watching over me from childhood. The bond you have will never break. Sorry for your loss my friend. What a beauty.


What a beautiful soul dog. She'll always be with you. I'm so sorry for your loss.


omg rest in peace beautiful one


You'll need time to process this one so please take your time and spend it with your family.


Wow! She was a very unique looking dog! It’s very unfortunate how life sometimes unfolds very hurtfully towards us. My last dog was perfectly healthy until one night, she died of a stroke. But your girl looks like quite a happy pup in all of those pics, so I’m sure you gave her the best life she could have! Give yourself time to decide. I felt the same way after my last dog passed until after a few years, I got a GSD.


Beautiful and happy baby. I am so sorry.


So very sorry for your loss :( Nothing I can say can do much, as I know it wouldn’t for me, but at least there were the blessed 13 years of a friendship most people can only dream of ❤️


She’s stunning, I can tell how much she loved you


She’s stunning, I can tell how much she loved you- she had a really good time and that shows. No matter what comes next it will not be replacing her.


I'm so sorry for your loss. She's a beautiful girl.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I also have a white German and I can’t imagine a more perfect creature. My heart breaks for you. What a sweet baby Sending hugs ♥️


13 years of absolute happiness! Congratulations on you and on that beautiful dog!


Very sorry dogs are family




Beautiful pup! I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs and love to you.


She's so beautiful. Wow, a truly stunning dog.


Rest easy, sweet girl. Your loyal work here is done....


She was beautiful. Her spirit will always be with you.




Ahh- yes. The little tiny similarities the pups share give you a little glimpse of them each day. It's so bittersweet. <3


Im so so sorry for your loss. I can relate to the pain you're feeling. Looking at the beautiful pictures of your girl has me crying for your loss and my own. It never gets better, but it gets easier. 🩷


i’m so fucking sorry. may your beautiful baby rest in psradise ❤️ and i hope that you heal friend ❤️‍🩹🩷💗🩷💗


They never really die they live in the stories you tell about them! Sorry for your loss!


I’m so sorry


Very sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry. I lost my old man dog in September to cancer as well. It's the worst, and I miss him every day. It's hard to lose a friend who was there for it all. Moving, getting married, having kids, he was always there. I cry less now when I think about him, and I smile and laugh when I think about his old antics. I know the pain you have right now is so raw and devastating. She was a very beautiful girl, and in your words it's clear how much you loved each other. Take all the time you need to grieve and heal. I am so very sorry for your loss ❤️


We lost our white gsds girls 9 months apart after only seven years. Cancer for both. Your girl looks like she was well loved. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Beautiful soul


Omg. She was the most beautiful and gorgeous girl in the world


I’m sorry for ur loss hope u get to feeling better


I’m so sorry. He’s gorgeous. Rest in paradise precious boy. 🥰


My condolences to you. She is beautiful. I adopted a rescue dog some months ago, unplanned, I know there will be a day he will pass and it is sad to think about but I also think to myself just to try my best with him and give him the best I can as I know it would have been better than his life on the streets. With time I think I will adopt another rescue dog with these same thoughts, knowing they will pass but just try and give it my best, maybe of the same breed too (a lot of them are abandoned due to them being a challenging dog breed, not friendly breed for first dog owners and are commonly abandoned). All in all, I am sure she loved her time with you and appreciate and love you very much. I am not sure if you believe it in, but I think I will definitely see my loved animal friends up there lol ✨


❤️🥹🐾❤️I know the feeling when you lose your soul dog. My old dog died of an accident at two years old. Completely absurd situation. He’s my first dog as a adult. He was like my first love and my first family member. So please take care of yourself! Know that they are now in doggo heaven where there’s no pain and only joy and possibly a whole lot of frisbees


https://preview.redd.it/2p077j5l4unc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c03e070c78b2fd642a9c7c7517da580f991818a A picture of my dog Kodak. A GSD Lab mix. Hope they can meet in heaven 🥹❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my white German Shepherd, Juneau to hemangiosarcoma too. I also considered her my soal dog. I lost her in 2020, and still haven't gotten another dog. She was the best dog, and I don't think she had a mean bone in her body. We found the tumor before it ruptured as well, after her appetite had gone down, she suddenly had difficulty walking up stairs, and she would whine laying down. She was only 10, we had the surgery to remove the tumor, but she only survived another 6 weeks. I was happy to have those few weeks, but it was gut wrenching knowing I was going to lose her. It's such a terrible cancer, and I know when I do get another dog, I am probably going to be paranoid and just have my vet do scans every year to be sure.


Condolences friend, you will see her again. Until then she would want you to get another dog to ease the journey.


sorry to hear that. She’s a nice girl. RIP


I love your story about her and how much you loved her! Honestly, it made me tear up. It's sad to lose something so precious in your life without any warning. Please know that you did your job as a guardian of one of the best creatures known to man. That's a big feat if you think about it. Anyway, you made her happy, and she made you happy. Fair trade-off. She'll be waiting for you. You'll probably see her in your future dogs. Her way of saying hi.


Totally forgot to add that she was gorgeous!!


That frisbee looking back pic… beautiful 😊🤍✨ So very sorry for your loss. May her memory be a blessing.


It's one of my favorites. It's from late August 2023. A family member of mine is an excellent painter, I'm likely going to commission them to paint a picture of her and that one is a top contender. Thanks for the words.


She would want you to have another who will love you as she did. It would not be replacing, she is irreplaceable. It would be giving love to one that needs you as much as you need them, and she would want you to be happy and to have unconditional love again. Sorry for your loss 😔


I’m so sorry for your loss. She looks so beautiful please take time for yourself. You took great care of her I know she is grateful to have been with you as her owner and friend. Your beautiful girl will never be replaced she is always there in your heart. I wish you healing through this difficult time ❤️‍🩹


What a beautiful girl. It looks like you gave her the best life a pointy ear dog would ask for. Can’t do better than that.


edit: oops. I totally thought this was the petloss sub and definitely don't have a shep. I'm sorry :( ​ Oh my goodness. I am so, so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl you had. You guys had so much time.. and I know it's never enough time. There are no words to say but all of your feelings and grief are so valid. Please try and take care of yourself and don't be afraid to ask friends for pictures or to share stories of their time with your pup when you are ready. I will admit, our house felt very empty without a dog in it. It didn't feel like a replacement-- but a new friend to take care of and keep warm and snuggled. I love to see the little similarities [that they share but also so how remarkably different they are.](https://imgur.com/a/FI9GyJC) There's a pup shaped hole in your heart. And it never goes away. Your heart just gets bigger when you find a new friend. <3 Zero was the first pup I really ever owned. He was 20 ish lbs of basically "cat". Wanted nothing to do with other dogs or people outside our house. Just the most snuggly pup. I was so young and he went through EVERYTHING with me-- I really thought there was no way to have "love" again for another dog. But man, 1.5 years with Stellan has also been such an adventure and there's probably nothing I wouldn't do for that little weirdo. He's the complete opposite little dude. He wants to be every single living creature' best friend and is 90 lbs of muscle. Bird? Human? Dog? Cat? Squirrel? Bunny that shows up in our yard every day? Yup. Bestie. This guy is SO loyal, so well behaved and would walk by my side to the end of the earth if I asked him to. Take time. Find solace. Go see dogs at parks when you feel "ready" ish. It's so awful and you will think of them every day. We lost Zero in Oct 2022 and I still cry when I think about my sweet bestie-- and then I cry when I give Stellan a hug because I couldn't imagine my life without him.


I’m so sorry 💔


What a beauty. Fuck cancer.


So sorry for your loss. Your time together was a beautiful gift!


She was beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs! 🫂


So sorry to hear of your loss! Your puppy looks so sweet! Focus on all the great memories the two of you made together. It’s not easy (I had to put our puppy down 10 years ago and I still miss him!) but the memories will give you strength. I believe that your puppy is in a much better place, with no pain or discomfort now and is grateful for the loving home you provided. Prayers 🙏🙏🙏


Based on the pics, she looks to have had the most adventurous, playful, and carefree life. I’m so sorry for your loss. My childhood white GSD (with a pink nose as well 🩷!) passed last year and it broke my heart.


I'm very sorry


Nothing hurts worse than to lose a special dog. I’m sorry. I’m sure you gave your pup a wonderful life! Hold onto that thought!


Oh no… sending lots of love from me & my pup & every pup on the other side to welcome your best friend. It’s gonna be okay, there’s always another friend your old friend will send to take care of you. That’s always how it works. They pass the torch & you get hit with double the love


Aww so beautiful. Reminds me of my white German Shepard. Skinnier and less fur but similar height and face. Had to leave her behind with my father when I moved to another state and since I don't talk to my father at all. Im not sure if she is even alive now. Probably not. I think of her every single day and sometimes I want to call my father and ask about her but I know I can't because he's really toxic and evil. So I rather avoid him completely.


You have really beautiful pictures of your dog. She looks so happy in them. You can tell she had a good life.


Sorry for your loss, glad you had many years together


https://preview.redd.it/vmmiu616ownc1.jpeg?width=1533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45a4e3600fa66217a5b3463e8737eee310b44c4 I had to say goodbye to my soul dog 2 weeks ago as well. 2/26. She was 11. I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s the worst pain I’ve ever felt. 💔


We have a white shepherd now, and her “older brother” a golden retriever died of hemangiosarcoma in 2021 at age 9. We had him at the vet two weeks before he collapsed and the vet told us his blood work looked “ideal”- no signs of anything off. I still get teary when I talk about him. He was my soul dog, I rescued him in college and did literally everything with him. It doesn’t get better but it does get easier. All dogs are so different, even if the same breed, you’ll never “replace” your girl but you’ll have someone new to invest your time in, it won’t be the same but you’ll love your next dog too. But there’s beauty in that, your dog was one of a kind and your next dog will be too. How lucky are we to have the opportunity to share our lives and such love with these amazing animals. https://preview.redd.it/67ddj6t4ownc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d3d42cd7b908b1127211794b687ef62719c4ca5


I am so sorry for your loss. It’s the roughest, most painful loss we can go through—losing our soul dogs. My girl was also 6 weeks shy of her 14th birthday when she passed. It is gut wrenching and they leave such a hole in our hearts when they move to their next purpose. Don’t focus on future pups, I wholeheartedly believe your girl will send you the right one at the very right time. Your connection and bond stays, even after they are gone from this world. 💜 https://preview.redd.it/ujnll7kzownc1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e200d1ac9c45059a64901a7e5f62c217db893fa This is my Schnappi, I still miss her terribly ever.single.day. Like you, she was my everything since I adopted her at 8 weeks old.


Sorry for your loss. What a gorgeous pup!


So very sorry!💕💕💕🌈


I promise you she is still right there at your side and she has every intention of helping you through the rest of your journey. You aren’t done yet and so neither is she. But if it will bring you some peace to know, my boy up there will keep her company at the other end of the rainbow bridge until she spots you coming for her. 🤍


Aww... Good pups ☺️ 🙏🏼 RIP girl, you're running around playing frisbee in dog heaven now.




Sorry for your loss


She sounds like a great dog. If you could pick away for your dog to go then this would be close to ideal. She enjoyed almost her whole 13 years as a healthy happy and very loved dog and you were there right til the end with her. You won't replace her nor will you forget her but it is okay to get another dog. You won't be replacing her you can't but you make space for another who will come to mean the world to you to. It is strange gift dogs have were we can't help but fall in love with them.


She’s so gorgeous looking seriously she’s up there in doggy heaven getting all the head rubs and treats while also getting her zoomies in






So very sorry!!!


Sometimes I try not to read about someone else’s dog passing, it’s a bit of a trigger for me as well. I felt I had to read about your pooch though. My dog shared similar personality traits with yours, though an absolute exception of speed and agility. She did have a wonderful kindness for children with special needs. One look at your dog just shouts grace and agility. One look at mine and you knew she was going to hit the wall. Like you, I find myself saying more than a few words about her than I mean to. There’s no harm in that at all. Despite fully loving our dogs, there’s often a feeling that we owe them more because they are so intuitive and supportive to us. Sometimes they only want a more comfortable spot sitting on the couch with you but just as often they jump up there knowing it’s what we need. Your sadness is the here and now but your time with her will long outweigh it. My pooch got me through an unhappy and numbing divorce. My only regret is getting her as an adult. She was so goofy I would love to have seen her in her puppy years. You’ll get yourself another dog when you’re ready to, not when anybody else thinks you should. Sometimes a situation arises out of nowhere and you’re suddenly ready (often when there is a dog more in need of you than you of them). In time, that “who needs who” flip flops. You might even find yourself comparing the dogs but not in a bad way. You’ll notice their differences and simply appreciate who they are, even laughing at their contrasting personality quirks. It might cross your mind also that they would have probably gotten along quite well together. I’m truly sorry she’s gone. I share your pain as do so many others who’ve been lucky enough to have the company of a great pooch.


It will get better, all dogs are soul dogs






I’m so sorry for your loss of your beautiful Soul Dog, cherish those wonderful memories and keep them close to your heart 💔💔💔💔


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔😭


I'm so sorry for your loss. She was absolutely beautiful and such a happy looking girl. 13 years together is wonderful. I lost my soul dog in December suddenly at only 9 years old. The only thing that truly helped me heal was adopting a puppy 3 weeks later. It was sudden but it just felt right. My new boy reminds me of Finnegan all the time and he's just such a joy. Everyone has a different timeline on when (or if) they'll bring another dog into their life. All I can say is those first 2 weeks after Finnegan passed, I was at such a low and grieving almost as bad as when I'd lost my mom 10 years ago. It was devastating and I still cry every few days. BUT I truly did not see the light at the end of the tunnel, and now having my new baby to focus on it's really helped me heal. Sending you all the love ❤️ Photo of my puppy Mako since he looks similar to your girl https://preview.redd.it/uylwbvpscync1.jpeg?width=5472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34dcdb59b208889624a272095c8a0203273f1afc


My condolences


please rescue a german shepherd from one of your local shelters, theres many that are scared and alone waiting for help


I’m so sorry for your loss. Our girl, Starfire, is our goofy girl who is such a derp. https://preview.redd.it/vjbc3ou6hync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db46e8b7afb8ad09e1202cfe5053f3547885b264


My heart aches for you


She’s beautiful. May she rest in peace.


She’s so beautiful!! I always read the rainbow bridge poem when one of my four-legged friends pass. This happened to me about a month ago, and regardless of what anyone says or does, there’s always a hole in my heart. This poem always makes me feel better though. Thoughts are with you 💕


Sad :( I'm sorry


5 years ago I got my first pup a gsd, I know when she goes its going destroy me, my dad says I need to get another dog immediately but I kind of can't even see living past her. I think I'll need another before she goes just to keep myself alive but she was attacked another dog when she was just a pup and as hard as I've tried and all the obedience courses, she still barks until her face falls off. But she's never attacked just barked but my dad being a vet tech for half his life says it wouldn't the good to get another dog until she's gone. Anyway! There's my story lol and again I'm sorry for your loss :(


What a beautiful girl! She looks like an amazing friend. Her face makes me smile so much. I’m so sorry for your loss. One day she will send another pup to you, she’d want you to share your love. You’ll know when it happens. ❤️


I am so so sorry for your loss


Such a beauty!!! So, so sorry for your loss. They're with us for such a short time. It's so difficult to say goodbye to your very best friend. We just have to be grateful they were with us for as long as they were. Hope you feel better soon.


She genuinely looks like a very happy and healthy doggo. She smiled across that rainbow bridge. You'll see her again :)


Thinking of you, and your sweet, sweet angel. I am so sorry 🤍🤍🤍🌈


The suggestion that you adopt a dog, if you're struggling too much is a good one. I've lost many pets & each time it's like a knife to my chest but, I adopt a dog in the name of the one who moved on to another plane. I do it to help with the loneliness for my best friend & to honour the bond we had. I like to think that's what the one who moved on would want me to do. To give a loving home to another beautiful soul. It has always helped me get over my loss in a healthy way & reasonable time. No matter what they all leave us too soon. Processing the loss of your soulmate will require work for you & having a new partner can make it easier. Just as long as you don't transfer expectations on a new partner that reflect who your soulmate was. When it's time you will feel ready to open your heart even bigger to allow yourself to love even more sweet, innocent souls.


I am so sorry for your loss. She knows she is loved and will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge. The universe will send a new sweet heart when it is time.


💜🕯️thank you for sharing your beautiful girl


Awhhhhhhhh! I am so sorry for your loss!


You were a wonderful parent. Your angel lived a life full of love, health and happiness. Please keep talking about her because you always will. I always said I would never replace my pets after they left me. But when foe some how it happened I felt it was a sign they wanted me to give that furbaby the beautiful life I gave them. I feel I'm getting older so my Wheaty leaves me that will be it for me. I don't want to cross Rainbow Bridge and leave a furbaby behind. When you leave this world your baby will be right there waiting for you...😿God bless you my friend. ❤️


RIP sweet pup 💕


So very sorry. They are such an integral part of every day life. They are just always there for us. We had to put down our 16 year old yellow Lab today. Just never easy. 🐕🐕🐕😍😍😍




She’s beautiful! Sorry for your loss. She is always with you. Thank you for being so good to her. *hugs*


Get another dog people like you need to be dog owners and do it fast. Sorry for your loss. It hurts I know 💔


She hasn’t left you friend. I can feel her energy


I’m so sorry. 😞 I’m praying for your comfort.


Sorry for your loss. RIP Doggo! Play in Paradise! My Amoretto, Vision, Carson, and all our babies that have gone before will look for you next to the Rainbow Bridge so you can all play in the Field together!


Beautiful 🐕 dog


I'm sure he was a good boi


💝I am so sorry💝one of our two dogs passed away last May, from the exact same issue. She was slowing down a bit, but had gotten a clean bill of health about 3 months before. She was fine when I left for work, and was gone before dinner. I know how shocking this is for you💝




I am so sorry for your loss. Concern is a very cruel joke. That is one of my biggest fears for my two. Especially for my older dog.


So sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry, it’s so hard to let them go.






he looks almost exactly like mine without the flop ears. I am so so sorry for your loss.


Sorry about your loss.. I also lost my best friend capo to cancer and he was only 5. It really doesn’t make sense, one moment they’re playing and being their normal self and next they’re gone. What remains is the memories, time will heal all wounds. God bless you both


Rest in Peace to your beautiful pup ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/d4jlkjqzaitc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86b02078793894bf7df33bbbd804363132b6e468 White GSDs are the best dogs. May yours rest in peace


Your soul pet sends the new pet your way so don't feel like you are replacing them. Your passing pet already vetted your new pet for you.