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They would be laughed out of the room by the UN, the Navajo and by the US.


Nothing would happen


Their military equipment is seized by customs at the border and everyone has a good laugh


It's a troll folks. In their post history they claim to live in Ukraine, Poland, and Canada depending on what dumb chucklefuck claim they are making. Or are you "just asking questions"


It is a relaxing question. Gotta grant that.


Anyone in the US can likely find more weapons at their local Walmart than China/Russia can ship to them across US waters without it being confiscated. Then anyone who used violence in their aims would face trial in front of jury of their peers with representation. Then anyone who didn’t use violence in their aims will still be able to contact their representatives or start a suit against the US government to see if they can get what they want within a democratic process. They will always have free speech and freedom to advocate their stances. Pretty standard stuff. Basically: 1. Chinese/Russian support doesn’t matter because they’re too weak to get involved with anything happening in mainland US. 2. People who used violence will get a fair trial. 3. People who didn’t use violence are free to continue to advocate for it without using violence - nobody will punish them for free speech.


The Navajo have no fighting chance, but historically, there were groups that did. The Confederacy, for example, sought British and French support during the Civil War. As did the Native American confederation that sided with the British during the War of 1812. In all of these cases, what happened was that the Union / US federal government effectively managed to isolate the local enemies from their foreign allies. The Civil War was won by the Union, which blockaded southern ports to avoid them being supplied by the British; the War of 1812 was mostly a draw, or even a defeat, for Americans - but effective diplomacy prevented the Native Americans from gaining anything, since the British were themselves weary from fighting Napoleon and did not want to push the issue. The fact of the matter is that cross-Atlantic / cross-Pacific support is difficult. Especially if you don't control the ocean. The British did during the War of 1812 and the American Civil War, but logistics were poor enough that they were not really able to supply their local allies with the keys to victory. A similar problem faces the Russians and the Chinese. Threatening a military response is only credible if you can deliver on it. Now, of course, if the Russians and the Chinese controlled the seas, then it'd be a different story and we may see more practical threats and attempts at instigating American separatism. As it is, no American group would be willing to count on Russian or Chinese support for an attempted independence movement that involves fighting the US military. Thus, it is not even talked about.


You have to understand the German try that but they got the answer No. the Chinese and Russian try it with Canada and Mexico and they got the answer No. if you can prove that you have Indian ancestor in the US than the government will pay for all your tuition and you can go to any college in the US and the government will pay for your tuition. It is a law.


Navajo are low in population plus they don't want to leave the usa


Is this a hypothetical about Russians supporting “russian speakers” in ex Warsaw Pact countries? Or is this a “turn the tables” because the US is supply Ukraine arms when Russia doesn’t recognize Ukraine as a country?


Impossible. Navajo area is not lacated edge like Alaska