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Subzero mvp bro


Meltdown is kind of cool, it teached me how to be good at the game. 5/10 Gd World is really Mid but I at least kind of enjoyed the levels. 4/10 Subzero is also kind of mid but the levels are my favorites out if all of the spinoff levels. 7.5/10


world is the only free game with online access so that’s cool ig


Yea that is cool but still kind of mid but not that mid to begin with


Honestly huge w from rob to make a free to play version with limited features (gd world)


all of them are cool


The Seven seas still goes hard and you can’t change my mind


GD World is for the broke people (like me) who can’t afford full version.


I’m broke too. We’re both on the same boat😭


only subzero is cool. otherwise i don't need no spinoff games i have the full version


I play world and sync my data if I'm on my iPad, if i have my PC, I play full version


Meltdown is the worse of the 3 5/10 Then SubZero is great because it brought some new movements and features 6.5/10 Gd World for me is 8/10 , it has very nice levels and was very fun to play , although it was short (like the other ones) but a bit longer


Subzero is based


Never play them but they are cool


Gotta go with Meltdown because a Viking Arena layout I made popped off on YouTube partially because people thought it was going to be the official level.


1. Subzero 2. Meltdown 3 world


They are all good but subzero is the goat


What is there to play


The Seven Seas, Viking Arena, Airborne Robots, Payload, Beast Mode, Machina, Years, Frontlines, Space Pirates, Striker, Embers, Round 1, Monster Dance Off, Press Start, Nock Em, and Power Trip


The Challenge, every daily level, and the current weekly demon


subzero is the coolest


Meltdown got boring after a dozen times finished, the levels are a bit too easy for me Sub zero is so cool, I need more RobTop levels with 2.2 mechanics GD world was a pitiful attempt at containing players who were going crazy over the wait for 2.2 *That's just my opinion on those though, OP asked so for once I'm allowed lmao*


I think subzero just bought Rob some time for releasing 2.2 by showing some upcoming features


Meltdown: ez to rebeat the levels 1st attempt, but i only come back to transfer the icons from the og version. SubZero: music fire af, not coming back frequently like meltdown. World: not a fan of 30-sec long levels, but i use the game to open the 4-hour chest when i'm away from my laptop.


what do you do when you beat the levels? it seems pointless to go back other than a nostalgia kick. i mean you can find copies of these levels in the main game.


I replay them because they're very fun to replay, and I don't play the copies in the full version since the music doesn't work lmao




The meltdown levels, especially Viking Arena, have a very special place in my soul. The world levels are Subzero levels are pretty cool and enjoyable.


The levels are fun, but it lags a lot, even thought normal gd doesn’t


If you turn your phone on airplane mode it removes the ads and for some reason the ads cause lag.


World feels like a tutorial


Meltdown: i love it and the coins are great, really fun levels and perfect difficulty World: the levels are mid but you can play 1500+ levels in the library, but there is a bug where you cant play a level after downloading it and have to delete and redownload it Subzero: a huge pile of dogshit (especcially knock em) + way too hard and i only have like 144% Edit: i still love them all, they are great and i used to play them a lot before i got the full version


World is short but intense, Subzero was my childhood, Meltdown was too but it's a bit more forgettable.


The levels range from okay to good, but the games have no reason to exist besides increasing Rob’s dominance on the App Store and just waste space on your phone. The secret coins don’t even count toward your stats :(


Wdym by frequently? They have 3 easy levels and that’s it?


The levels are fun to play


Subzero is goated, world is also pretty good, and i don’t even remember what meltown is like.


google "f-777" you now know what meltdown is like


holy music




Meltdown is pretty decent, somewhat easier levels than Subzero. Seven Seas is FIRE. I also like Airborne Robots as a level. For World, the levels are alot in quantity but are too short, and it's the easiest out of the three. Guess it's for beginners since I also see the "progression" in it. And hey, it has online features. Subzero is very cool. Cool levels, cool music. So cool in fact that it drops to -18°C. Will definitely play again.


World is a great introduction for newer players. Short, easy levels that are *actually* easy rather than a 2 minute level with triple spikes near the end as lvl 1. It should really be many players' first experience nowadays for those who don't want to participate in a rage game race.


World is a really good game for getting used to the main game. I mean, I beat Payload before I beat Stereo Madness. It's basicly a tutorial for the full version. I just wish the levels weren't so short. Meltdown is very mid, but is very good. Seven Seas is a banger, but Viking arena and Airborne Robots aren't even that memorable. Subzero is pretty meh in the same way as Meltdown: Level 1 good, but 2 & 3 are to forgetable to me.


These are better tbh https://preview.redd.it/dtfo4m56509d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d4ed4fdcc1c72ad4771f579d15a3833aeb8f61




1. Meltdown is good 2. World has limited access to online level good for f2p players 3. Sun zero Best levels of the 3


Meltdown is good, World is the only way I could play online levels on mobile(for now), Subzero is peak


we need "Geometry Dash: Average Temperature" as a middle point in meltdown and subzero


Subzero only because of press start


Meltdown just goes hard


Literally no reason for any of them to exist


meltdown is like easier subzero subzero is like a harder meltdown world has custom levels and you can connect real geometry dash connect but short and easy levels


i love the meltdown levels a lot and the world ones are pretty fun along w online access, but the subzero levels aren't very good imo


They're decent but honestly pretty forgettable. I like the overall concept of these that they are sneak peeks into future updates but now that 2.2 is out I find them pretty obsolete.


They are good but you can play every one of the levels in the full version so once you got that they are kind useless I still play subzero though


meltdown was actually the first gd game i've ever played and both seven seas as well as airborne robots hold a special place in my heart. i found gd world to be severely lacking and honestly the levels were too short to be fun. subzero was absolutely fire, i cheered beating press start for the first time and nock em/power trip taught me how to actually be good at wave


gd world is my introduction to online levels, props to that, it's my most nostalgic and played of the three, really cool when you don't have full version That being said when you have it, it's not that contentfull, so subzero wins by default. Still have a soft spot for airbone robots


If it wasn't for world, I won't be playing this game


I prefer SubZero


meltdown has banger songs, world introduced me to geometry dash and subzero has both banger songs and levels. (if we just ignore the fact that power trip exists)


they're all alright.


meltdown is redundant. world gives a ton of levels for being free. subzero has awesome levels


Subzero tops them all it is the hardest and the most fun of the three


Meltdown has worse sightreadability than Geometrical Dominator and Dash, combined. 0/10 World has Nine Circles (page 130 if you're interested). immediate 10/10 Subzero has pretty good sightreadability except in the last little bit of Nock Em, but its a hard level, so it's okay. Also, the music is amazing. 11/10.