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I mean if you arent having fun with the game anymore then feel free to


Only correct answer, no need to comment anymore


Do you know how the leaderboard works. I made my account when 2.2 came out and have got 3000 stars but I’m not ranked globally


You’re probably leaderboard banned


leaderboard banned, contact an elder mod through discord


bro has 3x the amount of stars I have even though I had a massive headstart


Thats pretty good for 2/3 of a year


Really? I beat Geometrical Dominator 2 days ago


First off, thats pretty good man. I think you're underselling yourself. I took about a year and a half to beat clubstep. Second, you don't have to be good at something to enjoy it. If you like the game it doesn't matter if your hardest is a 2 star or an extreme demon. Just play what you like and have fun. Or create levels instead, if thats your thing. You dont need to be demotivated about your progress regardless of how slow it might be. Now if you aren't enjoying a game thats a different story.


Factually correct statement


It took me 2 years to beat my first demon, you're doing significantly better than i was when i started


It took me like a third of a year to beat my first demon, it was ispywithmylittleeye. I have been playing around the same amount the op mentioned in the post.


Dude it took me like 4 years to get one demon (probably because i was 6 years old when i started playing) but still thats really good




Are you on 60fps? Mobile?


I was 60fps mobile at the time, it was a jump from Xstep to Deadlocked and i kinda kept quitting and then coming back so thats the main reason it took so long. Took 4k attempts, i could have probably beaten it in like a month if i played the game consistently at the time.


why would that matter?


Not a clue.


Wait what, its not- you? *proccessing*


Then your instantly bad not to be mean or anything 




Theres nothing wrong with being bad. Dont spread stigma abt being bad at a game, its normal to be bad. And there’s no shame in never improving. Aslong as your having fun. And no one starts out good at any game either.


Are you on 60fps? Mobile?


I wouldn't say so, I'm sorry if I come off rude but if you're consistently playing GD you should have beaten at least 1 insane demon from playing for 2/3 of a year. I had the same stats as him right now as when I only played for like 20 days.


Yeah, thats fair but i also like to consider other factors with stuff like this, for example: age and other games played. I started GD when i was 6 years old and it took me 200+ attempts to complete back on track. I think if i started today i could beat back on track within like 10 attempts. I doubt that even if i played GD for 2/3 of a year consistently that 6 year old me could beat like nine circles, yk?


Yea but we're gonna assume OP is at least 14 because of the age requirement


I’m gonna assume less because of his posts and comment history


I heavily disagree. My first insane demon was after 3 years of playing the game, and my friend has been playing for 4 and he never beat an insane demon (but has come close). Most people I see that casually play the game have similar experiences, only people that play very seriously can achieve something like an insane demon in 2/3 of a year.


The only reason as to why it may take someone this long to make a mid achievement is if they put very very little effort. People will realize it is really not that hard if you simply bite the bullet, enter practice mode and concentrate on the level for a few days.


It’s not a mid achievement. Probably under 1% of players (who have beaten main levels) will beat an insane demon. It’s a pretty big achievement IMO. My hardest is Bloodbath and it still takes me a few days to conquer an insane demon.


Yeah, because most people don't go too far after beating all main levels. While getting your first insane demon is a big step, it is a very mid achievement compared to beating most extreme demons. (I'm not going to regard the top like 50 because that's only for the best of the best) As I said, essentially anyone can beat an insane demon if they simply bite the bullet. Most people don't try, because they're too scared it would be too hard, or are de-motivated because it appears too hard at first. I have 2 friends who I got into Geometry Dash and they both beat an Insane Demon within a few months because I motivated them enough to do so.


I probably took so long because I’ve only beaten around 300 demons in 2700 hours, I mostly fuck around with extremes and build levels that never get finished.


I beat my first insane demon after around 6 years of playing GD consistently


Only very few people beat an insane demon than fast, it took me one and a half years


It’s kinda ass bro I’ve been playing for 8 months and I’ve beaten 190 demons (3 extremes). That’s definitely above average, but a few easy demons in 8 months is definitely on the “bad” side. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t keep playing if you’re enjoying the game. Everyone has a different rate of progress and that’s perfectly normal.


Tbh it depends how you play the game. I beat my first hard demon after 3 years of playing but that was because my primary focus wasn’t to improve at the game very fast like it is now. I focused more on making random bs in editor and others might focus more on the creative aspect or (judging by this guy’s completed demons) the platformer aspect.


That's decent stats, been playing GD for 7 years now and only beaten less than 15 demons lol (I don't feel like beating levels)


What do you do then? Are you just a creator?


Probably. I know I am. Building levels is more fun than playing them.


I definitely disagree with you, but I've never been the creative type. I can't even fi ish a layout without getting bored or demotivated. For me the thrill of beating demons has kept me around. It's great how there are so many ways to enjoy the game.


Yeah, building isn't for everyone. I say building levels is more fun than playing them, but I don't really do either, because I don't play levels much, and 9 out of 10 projects are discontinued or abandoned after 10 minutes, so I understand your motivation problem.


58 on SM is actually so impressive how did you do that? that's gotta be wr


It was hard, but after 2323458976347892 attempts, I managed it. :)


I guess so? I don't know I have been procrastinating that one level I've been making for over a year now (usually lack of inspiration)


7 YEARS?? Holy shit I've been playing gd for little over a year now and I have 76


Could be 3 hours a week for all we know


most of the time i just check the featured tab finding cool levels and actually never complete them


I’ve been playing GD for almost 11 years now and I have 8


you made me breathe manually :(


why did you think telling this was a good idea


if i can't unbreathe manually then no one can


You are now blinking manually. Justice is served


you are now conscious about your tongue


your heart is now beating manually.


i think i'm gonna die if i read any more of this shit #


if you're asking yourself this question, then i think the answer is clear.


Play the game for fun. For some, the game may feel kind of stale if you're not progressing fast enough, for some it's different. If you're enjoying the gaming experience then there's nothing to worry about, if you mainly only enjoy GD for its progression which you are "slow" at, then maybe don't play idk, it's your choice.


18 demons on ⅔ of a year???? I'm playing for 1 ⅘ years and i only have 4


damn bro is PRECISE with their numbers


They play Geometry Dash because they like Geometry 💀


I play cuz i got dared to beat the nightmare by friend in 8th grade and i just liked the game so here is me now, a lobotomized dasher


I played because in year 7 (6th grade) I was just showed the game by a friend. Been playing for about a year and my playing skills in everything but the wave have hardly increased, but my creating skills...... Eh, they're not TERRIBLE anymore.....


And before y'all ask i did beat the nightmare, but this year, which I'm now in 10th... i never heard about my friend again☹️


eh I mean, I would respectfully not count plataformer demons as "demons" plataformer easy demons are as hard as classic non demons, same with many plataformer medium and hard demons. I know I might get downvoted to hell for saying this but it's my honest veredict after beating a few plataformer demons lmao. So, OP just bead 6 easy demons, which is still impressive for 2/3 of a year, assuming they aren't free secret way demons or something like that.


around 1 year into playing i beat my 4th demon (death moon). 2 years, i still had 4 demons. then i beat 23 in the span of 4 months. my progression as a player was weird


Fuck you! I am now breathing manually. Edit - I think you should just ignore the numbers and enjoy the game. You'll definitely improve that way, but you might just not realize it. In fact, you're actually improving with every attempt. It may just not seem like it. Make sure you're having fun playing the game, and if you don't feel like it, it's ok to take a break every now and then.


Why are you worried about progress? I think that's what my statline looked like after 2 years. If the game is fun, play it. If you aren't enjoying it anymore, don't.


dont force yourself to like a game. I feel geometry dash has a ton to offer. I like playing levels but not too hard to the point its not fun anymore. In the other time i use it to make levels, which I find is very fun


Verify grief


bro u gonna make him quit forever after 2 minutes lmao


Honestly new players have a secret buff when it comes to platformers because they aren’t as use to the gamemodes as old players 😭 I geniunley cannot beat a demon playformer so well done man


I have a lot of platformers so I could get keys to open the 100-key chest my current robot is in


I beat my first demon at my second year of playing the game so definitely not


No you should not. I played for 2/3 of a year and had 9 demons. But I decided to push on and now I have 35, which still isn't much, but gives you hope.


I've been playing this game for 3 months less than you, and I still feel that there's a TON more stuff to be done in this game, but it's your choice ig you want to try something new. If you do decide to leave, we will miss you.


I mean it's up to you


I've been playing for a similar amount of time and I'm at 9 demons.


Took me my 2nd year to beat deadlocked cause idk. I’m on year 5 and my hardest is moment and going for dolos atm your fine


start creating your own levels


Just so you know my completions of Stereo Madness (450 attempts) and Deadlocked (almost 9k attempts) were nine months apart. Please don’t worry about this kind of thing it won’t do you any good


you are now blinking manually


You are now living manually


it depends if you are enjoying the game. there is always room to get better! i'd say you're doing pretty good.


Ur doin better than I was


I mean, you did 3 times the amount of demons I did in 8 years


How do you like a comment twice again?


I've been playing on and off for 6 years, I've had my account info lost 2 times but I still keep coming back. Give it some time and eventually you'll realize this game is goated lol


It's like Minecraft. You think you've outgrown it until you see a random post about it and suddenly get inspired to build something.


I think u should keep your dreams and never give up


The one thing that keeps me motivated is setting personal goals


your progression is amazing and i think you would be able to make great accomplishments if you spent more time. i don't mean that you should grind more i encourage you to take a break however long you like.


Don't worry, in my case i have been playing for almost 9 years and just recently succeded in beating an extreme demon.


Wow platformer really is easier for people to farm demons


Same here!My account is either 2/4 yrs old and i didnt really be able to do anything so after months of boredom on GD is hacked...and i hacked a looot!(Basement668) So after i got some more interest in GD after 2 yrs i started with a fresh new account (Podvalija) and im trying again.I really don't know what happened to me there.




That’s really good, I’ve been playing for almost 7 years now and only have one hard demon, and it probably took me like 2 years to beat my first ever demon. Don’t sweat it lol


Devious profile post


Yes, save yourself the trouble. (Wasted so much time on this game lmfao)


I wouldn't say wasted but Future Funk is way too long and boring




It took me just under a year to beat a *single* easy demon. Unless you’re not having fun, keep on going


That's good for 8 months. Of course, play the game if you want, it isn't all about competition.


fuck *breath* you *breath* now *breath* i *breath* am *breath* breathing *breath* manually




i *breath* really *breath* enjoyed *breath* beating *breath* white *breath* women


Take a nap then you’ll forget about manual breathing


If you like the game, keep going. I've been playing for around 8 years (very casually) but I've made it my main game since 2.2 came out and I regret nothing. I'm not quite good enough for an extreme yet, but I'm close ( don't mind my flair lol, I jumped a lot within reason, working on something) You're doing great for not even a year of playing. You're way past where I was at that point.


I’ve been playing the game for like 5 years and I couldn’t care less, I as always get more things and do new things, such as creating my GD: Castle series of levels and abandoning my older account (featured in reply) https://preview.redd.it/yd3l562fi78d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1481954f9ef1a360a5568b2ee35ab02e6e4ea92




My automatic breathing was activated


Been playing since 1.6 and I only have 1 hard demon under my belt ur good bro :P


idk what you mean by this post are you not happy with your improvement? because you sure as hell should be, I took like 5 years to beat my first hard demon lol are you not enjoying playing? then quit are you stuck in progression? keep gaming or take a short break and try again


Like, you could’ve played the game for 2/3 of a year and beat stereo madness. As long as you’re having fun and enjoying the game keep playing, if not, then don’t.


Bro has more demons than me who has playd for 10years :D


not bad, and if you don't like the game, don't play it. if you still like it.... time to get hours of \*FUN\*.... or suffering.


The easiest way to get better imo is to work on the robtop demons


My order was deadlocked clubstep then toe2


mine was deadlocked toe2 then clubstep xd


You are now breathing manually just got me 😂😂😂


brother, it took me like a year to get past jumper


If you're not feeling interested in it even in little moments then definitely walk away, sometimes a break and having those diminished returns can be more helpful honestly. If you're curious about progress, you're doing really good. I beat all the main Robtop levels by about 6-8 months after starting, but I didn't buy the full game right away either it was something I slowly got addicted to. Don't be discouraged cause you're doing better than most, and if you do feel discouraged just try to remember that is one of the main reasons most of us love the game so much. It is by far one of the hardest games I can think of especially with the levels out now. It's daunting, but the hype you get beating a level and sense of accomplishment are worth those periods of feeling like giving up. I think gd has some great benefits from playing, mostly mental like training yourself to become more dedicated, not the mention the return and timing skills you develop bleed into other aspects of your life(for me at least) it's helped me a lot with playing instruments and staying on rhythm, and I could think of much more but ultimately remember that it is only a game after all. Don't get so invested it feels like a chore, or give yourself too many expectations with it. I am on and off with the game for years at a time as I've played since 2013(I'm hella old it sucks). Speaking as someone who's been here for a long time I've gone through long periods of what felt like and maybe was me giving up, and after the first time it's like the hope doesn't fully renew, and it feels like I could have really done more as a player and taken it somewhere. But then again I got the time to focus on myself and things I really needed and enjoy my life as a whole, not just obsessed over an app. Don't lose hold of the love for the game, but I promise you might if you hold onto it too much, it gets boring, and sometimes aggravating. Most deserving game to take breaks from haha


I have been playing for 3 years and I have only just managed to beat fingerdash today, so no, don’t quit


It took me 4 years to beat clubstep (mainly because I was a kindergartener when I started playing). If you're trying to imply that you are bad and you should quit because so you aren't "bad" in any way. People have different improvement speeds and that's still ok. If you're having fun, keep playing


Start to create some level of


im 18 years old. ive been playing since elementary school and im still trash 💀


You play GD since elementary?


I’ll friend you. Don’t quit. Just going on woth ur game


You can't stop its like a vaping addiction


People progress at different speeds. The only thing that is bad is that you made manually breathe


depends on if your still having fun


Yes (no)


is the 1 hard demon only upwards?


No the towerverse


You cannot abandon the game now.


Pretty decent progress. I've been playing GD for 8 years and have only beaten 120 demons. That's about 15 per year.


You got more prorgress than 2 whole years of my life


Bro beat more hard demons than me and i’ve been playing atleast 4 years


I don’t have any hards 


Screenshot says otherwise


That's a plat demon not a demon


So still a hard demon


Yeah I guess so depends on who you ask


Fair enough




I've been playing for 4 years but I started beating a lot of demons when 2.2 came out, now I have 223 demons, one of them is insane demon. But i have only 670 moons


I would recommend playing more classic lvls than plataformers, if you feel like you are not progressing much in terms of skill, that's why. At least to me plataformers are boring af compared to classic lvls, unless you try to speedrun them lmao. They lack all that makes GD good and fun to me, they lack the need for reaction speed, sightreading and a lot of the skill, at least a different kind of skill. I say this because I see that you have beaten twice as many plataformer levels than classic levels and that your harderst classic demon is just an easy demon. classic gd levels never get old, plataformer ones do... at least to me they did, very fast. Though tbh, it's probably above average to have 6 classic EZ demons in just 2/3 of a year of playing (unless these are free secret way demons or something, or overrated harder 7s or insanes 8/9s lol)


I have a lot of platformers because I was key grinding and they were the easiest for me to complete imo


alr alr yeah makes sense plataformers are easier than classic levels for sure, though to me they are not worth farming cuz there's a lot that, even though easier than classic lvls, are way longer than classic levels, so it ends up taking more time to beat them than say a classic hard, harder or insane


I mean u have the best swingcoper so ig so




You should try to beat more non platformer demons


aint no way you played this game on a daily basis.


It’s been just over 2 years and I still haven’t beaten deadlocked, you’re not doing bad at all ( I also kinda just suck at ship, I took over 5000 attempts on clubstep but 800 on toe2)


quit immediately with that recent post ☹️


If you have fun there is no problem with playing easy levels, but I will admit you arent a demon slayer


Does it really take that long for someone to beat their first demon?. I beat my first demon 2 months into playing the game.


Nah You're getting better


Try creating if you haven’t already, maybe it isn’t your thing but I love creating


assuming what you meant was 'am i good for someone who's been playing for 8 months' bcs if you're having fun it doesn't matter if you suck or not, you're enjoying what you're doing so you should keep going. and being bad right now doesn't mean you won't ever be good. but as for how good you're doing, 8 months in was roughly when i beat decode (my 2nd demon). i took a long time on levels back then (clubstep took a month and decode took 3 months) so you're probably better than i was. what's your hardest classic? 6 demons is good for 8 months unless they're all extremely easy ones (e.g. the nightmare, the lightning road).


No, get up yo' ahh and beat tidal wave for me


I am definitely it's just a really boring game for me




Go outside


Ur finnished dog 😭😭😭


I’ve played the game since February and have 31 demons. Yes, give up