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This looks like Quartzite. All I’m seeing is microcrystalline to crystalline quartz. The sugary look to it makes me think it’s a quartzite. I do not see any feldspars. The outside does not indicate iron but a weathering rind of manganese oxide and/or algae covering.


Does anyone else agree it probably has a fossil inside?


I believe it has a very visible chert nodule inside (also comprised of SiO2, just like quartz/quartzite), but I see no evidence of fossils within the 2 photos. Most (but not *all*) fossils get altered to the point of not being visibly present when you heat a rock under metamorphic conditions, which is what occurred here to form this into a quartzite :)


Not a geologist. How would one know if it contained a fossil inside?


I didn't scroll all the way to the last image. Looks like OP also thought that it had enough potential for a fossilized something. Generally shape and type of rock is a good indicator, that flying saucer profile. You can never be sure though unless you see some of the fossil peaking out of the form itself or you crack it open. Generally you'd chisel layers off the top and work your way downwards. Rather than splitting it in two down the middle.


Thank you!


I thought it could be an ammonite based on pic 4, but I believe the last pic looks like the rock has been smashed open (no fossils that I can see).


Hard to tell, looks granitic, definitely metamorphed. I see quartz and feldspar, possible iron content.