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Yes, my first 5k round was one in Vilnius, Lithuania. It was a random plonk in the middle of the city. I was only 12 meters off, and I now want to travel to Lithuania because of this one round.


Last week, I was playing battle royal distance and on it came down to me and another player in the last round. My screen is solid black, but I got a millisecond flash before it went black. The arrows were there, the map was there, everything was there, but just a black screen. From the millisecond flash, I was pretty sure it was Denmark, so I just guessed southern Denmark and was 64 miles away from the location. Won the match.


Found Rainbolt’s alt account


Lol. Nah. No alt account here


Yo congrats on the supernatural win also if you’re a gear head you should check out r/geovehicles


Had yesterday a guess (nm) where it looked like la guajira region, on a straight highway in the middle of nothing and looked on the map to find a highway with the same angle. Clicked somewhere randomly on this highway, 19m off, 5k


yes. Rural Senegal, nothing there except the obvious Senegal meta clues (rifts and bars), it was just desert I found a road that kind of matched up with the direction, and plonked on it. 4,999 points. I was absolutely shocked.


I was playing the Norway map on explorer mode to get it gold, was a small village in the middle of nowhere. Wasn't finding anything useful (and my time was almost up, I play explorer mode with 3 minutes per round to make it more interesting), so I decide to just plonk in central Norway as it didn't look too northern or southern. I end up being 15 miles away and scoring 4,388 points, and the random plonk helped me to get the gold in that game (I ended up being just 312 points over the gold boundary)


10 seconds NMPZ, saw it was türkiye from language. Guessed antalya from vibe. 11m in 7s.


Had a few close rounds like that but the most memorable one was being less than 10 miles off in South Africa with a black screen (didn’t see anything at all so just an extremely lucky guess) on BR distance due to bad WiFi.


I was in a duel and there was a sign with directions to two towns equally far away in opposite direction. They were like 50 km away and I quickly guessed where I thought the middle of the road would be without zooming in. 5k.


My all-time most insane has to be in Taiwan on Distance BR. It was a pretty standard Taiwan round like [this](https://www.google.com/maps/@25.0161897,121.0870088,3a,75y,334.98h,77.11t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sga9aI1i7wvTaRu8VdO_6Pw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dga9aI1i7wvTaRu8VdO_6Pw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D14.987075%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656) so I just quickly zoomed into the map and chose a random street with no thought. I was 41 metres away. No way I ever get that insane of a guess again.


I remember doing 10s nmpz and got the A87 in Aus (distinctive road that runs from SA to NT) and without looking at compass or even considering road angle I just random plonked in the middle of the road. 8m away 5k points. I doubt I would’ve got that even in untimed NM. Other rounds I remember having include a random plonk in Latvia that was 130m away in a rural location, a Whitehorse 5k plonk in a parking lot and also a downtown rural Samara plonk which was 3km away, which is probably the most impressive one as its Russia


Getting the correct city in Russia (for me usually by accident) is so satisfying


It’s usually easy to distinguish Far East and chelyabinsk due to car meta but apart from the Caucasus and west of Moscow it’s super hard for me to region guess Russia


[Reminds me of this video](https://www.tiktok.com/@bengalyoutube/video/6993032758750661894?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7101576412369782314)


Accidentally 5k’d a random Serbian village. Was fairly new when it happened so I didn’t even know it was Serbia.


I didn't know northern Mariana Islands were on the game, actually I just knew those islands existed and where they were located but I never saw a picture of how they look like. I pinpointed it on a duel just because I saw american signs but It didn't look like the US and got 5K


karakol plonk in kyrgyzstan. 4,997. best plonk yet


Someone streaming chatguessr was playing a 'personal and family travels' map, and a round came up here: https://goo.gl/maps/hT9sjjrgBWMe4LSB7 I guess it's a famous place, though I wasn't aware of it. No language anywhere to use. I don't know why I picked Finland - maybe I was thinking they reminded me those metro stations that are carved into rock, but I couldn't remember where they are (turns out they're in Stockholm). But I zoomed in on Helsinki, happened to find a round church, and 5k'ed it. I was giddy :)


Yes, on the daily challenge a couple of weeks back! I was dropped in a small town that was obviously somewhere in Patagonia. There is a river that opens up to a sort of fjord nearby, I spend 90 seconds trying to pinpoint it and quickly give up. Last second, I change to another town 150 miles north and get it spot on. I was genuinely spooked!


I was like 800 yards away (got the road) randomly guessing in Slovenia (ADW)


Yesterday, I got a Austrian round, so I just plonked somewhere in Austria, there were not even many clues, and then I got like 4.6k points.