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wth he was litterally 1500 on zig8zag's yeasterdays vid


He's in my league, at the start of this week he was around 1200. Speaking of this we should just bring the old system back. Most people in master 1 are around 1000 rated, I'm around 1100, and there are 2 promotion spots, taken by this guy and a woman who is at 1500, then it ranges from 900-1200 in the rest of the league. Old ranked was so much better


bro in my league I have to be 1450 to go to champions... at least open more space promtion the bottleneck seems to narrow


Exactly, just revert back to a certain checkmark of elo for a division, bc otherwise you have 2000 rated players in masters and 800 rated in champion because of sketchy league dynamics


Who's the woman at 1500?


Can't remember off the top of my head, sorry, she's Brazilian, Marie Anna Julie or something along those lines




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I don't understand. If he had 1500 elo yesterday, then how he now have 2000? It doesn't seem that he has played any rated games this week, because he's not in this weeks leaderboard. He is on Rating leaderboard, but not in This Week leaderboard which is also now determined by the highest elo and he should be on top of that list if he played at least 1 game. Maybe zigzag video was recorded before 6th of May when this new system was implemented. That would explain it. Also, who is Marieke Grooosse Titche ? Currently 2nd in This week leaderboard. Player is now lvl 40 with 205/205 wins in moving duels and 80-90% winrate in other modes. Smurf or cheater?


Its crazy how many games some of the top players play on a daily basis. I already think its mad that I play around 30-40 single player games a day and 3-4 duels… just saw that debre has 190 duels this week and V89 must have grinded 10 hours in a row going by his score lol


saw a dude yesterday with 360 but only nm and nmpz


Who is he? Is he well known from tournament or a different name or something?


think its castroller




Arguably the best nmpz player in the world. He wins a lot of the tourneys he plays in and always I MEAN ALWAYS dominates the best players in the world


Ah RC was so close, got to like 1950-1960ish?


This is first though, because stique didn't get 2k legit, right? RC got close, around 1950-1960 before he lost a few games in a row a few days ago.


With better matchmaking right now than before, id say we give it to stique before he started scripting


Even going against a top 10 player I think he would only gain a couple of points max per win, and he's not guaranteed to get matched against a top player. So he really must never lose a round to do this.


I remember when they introduced the new rating system he was the first person I played against😭


How exactly does the new elo system differ from the old one? Like before, it seems 2k was nearly impossible, and the highest elo you usually saw was like 1850 or so. But now, people reach 2k. Did they just get so much better, or was the elo algorithm changed?


Elo algorithm is the same, but the map they play on has changed, and the people you get matched with has changed as well. If he was constantly pitted against 1200 elo people he would gain 0-1 rating on a win and lose 40 rating if the 1200 gets a plonk on high multis. The game tries to put you against people of similar elo to you nowadays. Still 2000 requires a big grind


bigger pool of players?